scanner: hoffentlich passen meinen annahmen ueber das ps/2 modul
authorBernhard Urban <>
Sat, 15 May 2010 16:22:26 +0000 (18:22 +0200)
committerBernhard Urban <>
Sat, 15 May 2010 16:22:26 +0000 (18:22 +0200)
src/ [new file with mode: 0644]
src/beh_scanner_tb.vhd [new file with mode: 0644]
src/scanner.test [new file with mode: 0644]
src/scanner.vhd [new file with mode: 0644]

index c2e715f28bd1cf5702591e0c262abab6d9f5c064..07878be0572cb7350821809b84283cc2d100b10a 100644 (file)
@@ -620,6 +620,9 @@ behandelt??)
 \item aussagekr\"aftigere Fehlermeldungen.
 \item ALU: signal \emph{opM} fuer restberechnung
 \item Parser: Signale der ALU bleiben intern.
+\item Scanner: fehler in der state-maschine: ein extriger uebergang von
+\emph{read} auf \emph{\"ubernehmen} ist n\"otig um leerzeichen \"ubernehmen zu
index 47e4fb175b09bb80811c2ad0f3608b7842af28eb..19d3e3640a90dc797abfda087d86c195b5ef12dc 100644 (file)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ WORK := work
 # o source files der module
 # o reihenfolge ist wichtig
 # o keine testbechnes hier angeben
-SRCFILES := alu parser
+SRCFILES := alu parser scanner
 # o files der packages
 # o keine testbechnes hier angeben
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2f52a4c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#alias fuer simulation neustarten
+alias rr "restart -f"
+#signale hinzufuegen
+add wave inst/*
+wave zoomout 500.0
+#simulation starten und 100ms lang laufen lassen (wird durch assert abgebrochen)
+run -all
+#ganz nach links scrollen
+wave seetime 0
diff --git a/src/beh_scanner_tb.vhd b/src/beh_scanner_tb.vhd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..71007f1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use work.gen_pkg.all;
+entity beh_scanner_tb is
+end entity beh_scanner_tb;
+architecture sim of beh_scanner_tb is
+       -- system
+       signal sys_clk, sys_res_n : std_logic;
+       -- ps/2
+       signal new_data : std_logic;
+       signal data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+       -- history
+       signal s_char : hbyte;
+       signal s_take, s_done, s_backspace : std_logic;
+       -- parser
+       signal do_it : std_logic;
+       signal finished : std_logic;
+       signal stop : boolean := false;
+       inst : entity work.scanner(beh)
+       port map
+       (
+               sys_clk => sys_clk,
+               sys_res_n => sys_res_n,
+               -- ps/2
+               new_data => new_data,
+               data => data,
+               -- history
+               s_char => s_char,
+               s_take => s_take,
+               s_done => s_done,
+               s_backspace => s_backspace,
+               -- Parser
+               do_it => do_it,
+               finished => finished
+       );
+       process
+       begin
+               sys_clk <= '0';
+               wait for 15 ns;
+               sys_clk <= '1';
+               wait for 15 ns;
+               if stop = true then
+                       wait;
+               end if;
+       end process;
+       process
+               function valid_char (x : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); last : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return boolean is
+                               variable y : boolean;
+               begin
+                       case x is
+                               -- nur gueltig wenn davor ein numpad-mod byte gekommen ist
+                               -- 0 - 4
+                               when x"30" | x"31" | x"32" | x"33" | x"34" => y := last = x"e0";
+                               -- 5 - 9
+                               when x"35" | x"36" | x"37" | x"38" | x"39" => y := last = x"e0";
+                               -- *, +, -, /
+                               when x"2a" | x"2b" | x"2d" | x"2f" => y := last = x"e0";
+                               -- immer gueltig
+                               when x"20" => y := true; -- ' '
+                               when x"1c" => y := true; -- enter
+                               when x"0e" => y := true; -- backspace
+                               -- alle anderen zeichen sind immer ungueltig
+                               when others => y := false;
+                       end case;
+                       -- assert(false) report "x: " & integer'image(to_integer(unsigned(x))) & ", last: " & integer'image(to_integer(unsigned(last))) & ", result: " & boolean'image(y);
+                       return y;
+               end function;
+               -- textio stuff
+               use std.textio.all;
+               file f : text open read_mode is "../../src/scanner.test";
+               variable l : line;
+               variable input : hstring;
+               variable expectedresult : hstring;
+               variable realresult : hstring;
+               variable checkall : boolean := true;
+               variable run_tc, run_inner : boolean := true;
+               variable i, j, k, y : natural;
+               variable last : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+       begin
+               -- init & reset
+               sys_res_n <= '0';
+               new_data <= '0';
+               data <= (others => '0');
+               s_done <= '0';
+               finished <= '0';
+               icwait(sys_clk, 5);
+               sys_res_n <= '1';
+               i := 1;
+               f_loop : while not endfile(f) loop
+                       data <= (others => '0');
+                       realresult := (others => nul);
+                       f1_loop : while not endfile(f) loop
+                               readline (f, l);
+                               input := (others => nul);
+                               if (l'length <= 71) then
+                                       input(1 to l'length) := l.all;
+                                       if (input(1) = '#') then
+                                               next f1_loop;
+                                       else
+                                               exit f1_loop;
+                                       end if;
+                               else
+                                       report "fehler in scanner.test: eingabe zu lange in testfall " & natural'image(i);
+                                       next f_loop;
+                               end if;
+                       end loop f1_loop;
+                       f2_loop : while not endfile(f) loop
+                               readline (f, l);
+                               expectedresult := (others => nul);
+                               if (l'length <= 71) then
+                                       expectedresult(1 to l'length) := l.all;
+                                       if (expectedresult(1) = '#') then
+                                               next f2_loop;
+                                       else
+                                               y := l'length;
+                                               exit f2_loop;
+                                       end if;
+                               else
+                                       report "fehler in scanner.test: eingabe zu lange in testfall " & natural'image(i);
+                                       next f_loop;
+                               end if;
+                       end loop f2_loop;
+                       report "testcase(" & natural'image(i) & ").input: " & input;
+                       report "testcase(" & natural'image(i) & ").expectedresult: " & expectedresult;
+                       i := i + 1;
+                       icwait(sys_clk, 5);
+                       run_tc := true;
+                       j := 0; k := 1;
+                       mainl : while run_tc loop
+                               last := data;
+                               icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                               j := j + 1;
+                               new_data <= '1';
+                               case input(j) is
+                                       when '$' => data <= x"1c"; -- $ (enter)
+                                       when '!' => data <= x"0e"; -- ! (backspace)
+                                       when '.' => data <= x"e0"; -- . (modifier fuer Numpad)
+                                       when others => data <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(character'pos(input(j)),8));
+                               end case;
+                               icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                               new_data <= '0';
+                               -- ack'en skippen, falls es ein "spezielles" zeichen ist (steht
+                               -- in abhaengigkeit zum vorherigen zeichen)
+                               if(not valid_char(data, last)) then
+                                       next mainl;
+                               end if;
+                               -- wuenschswert waere das hier:
+                               -- > wait on s_backspace, s_take, do_it;
+                               -- geht aber leider nicht, weil sich die signale vllt schon
+                               -- geaendert haben
+                               run_inner := true;
+                               main_inner : while run_inner loop
+                                       icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                                       run_inner := false;
+                                       if s_backspace = '1' then
+                                               if k > 1 then
+                                                       realresult(k) := nul;
+                                                       k := k - 1;
+                                                       realresult(k) := nul;
+                                               end if;
+                                               icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                                               s_done <= '1';
+                                               wait on s_take; -- = '0'
+                                               icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                                               s_done <= '0';
+                                       elsif do_it = '1' then
+                                               -- dauert normalweiser noch laenger (parser braucht
+                                               -- relativ lange)
+                                               icwait(sys_clk, 7);
+                                               finished <= '1';
+                                               wait on do_it; -- = '0'
+                                               icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                                               finished <= '0';
+                                               run_tc := false;
+                                       elsif s_take = '1' then
+                                               realresult(k) := character'val(to_integer(unsigned(s_char)));
+                                               k := k + 1;
+                                               icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                                               s_done <= '1';
+                                               wait on s_take; -- = '0'
+                                               icwait(sys_clk, 1);
+                                               s_done <= '0';
+                                       else
+                                               -- assert(false) report "scanner_tb: kann passieren. wenn tb haengt, dann hier auskommentieren";
+                                               run_inner := true;
+                                       end if;
+                               end loop;
+                       end loop;
+                       report "realresult                : " & realresult;
+                       if realresult /= expectedresult then
+                               checkall := false;
+                       end if;
+                       report "==================";
+               end loop f_loop;
+               if checkall then
+                       report "alle testfaelle des Scanners waren erfolgreich!";
+               else
+                       report "nicht alle testfaelle des Scanners waren erfolgreich!";
+               end if;
+               stop <= true;
+               wait;
+       end process;
+end architecture sim;
diff --git a/src/scanner.test b/src/scanner.test
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8a5035a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# readme: folgende spezialzeichen werden zum testen verwendet
+# $ ... Enter
+# ! ... Backspace
+# . ... 0xe0 (modifier fuer Numpad)
+# testfall 1:
+# t2:
+# t3:
+.2 .* .$
+2 * 2456
+# t4:
+.2 ./         .2.4.+         $
+2 /         24+         
+# t5:
+. !!.1$
+# t6:
+# t7:
+# t8: (beachte dass der . vor den operatoren fehlt)
+.2+-*/!! !! !!!!!.1$
diff --git a/src/scanner.vhd b/src/scanner.vhd
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b4fd57a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+library ieee;
+use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
+use ieee.numeric_std.all;
+use work.gen_pkg.all;
+entity scanner is
+       port
+       (
+               sys_clk : in std_logic;
+               sys_res_n : in std_logic;
+               -- PS/2
+               new_data : in std_logic;
+               data : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
+               -- History
+               s_char : out hbyte;
+               s_take : out std_logic;
+               s_done : in std_logic;
+               s_backspace : out std_logic;
+               -- Parser
+               do_it : out std_logic;
+               finished : in std_logic
+       );
+end entity scanner;
+architecture beh of scanner is
+       signal state_int, state_next : SCANNER_STATE;
+       signal s_char_int, s_char_next : hbyte;
+       signal s_take_int, s_take_next : std_logic;
+       signal s_backspace_int, s_backspace_next : std_logic;
+       signal do_it_int, do_it_next : std_logic;
+       s_char <= s_char_int;
+       s_take <= s_take_int;
+       s_backspace <= s_backspace_int;
+       do_it <= do_it_int;
+       process(sys_clk, sys_res_n)
+       begin
+               if sys_res_n = '0' then
+                       -- internal
+                       state_int <= SIDLE;
+                       -- out
+                       s_char_int <= (others => '0');
+                       s_take_int <= '0';
+                       s_backspace_int <= '0';
+                       do_it_int <= '0';
+               elsif rising_edge(sys_clk) then
+                       -- internal
+                       state_int <= state_next;
+                       -- out
+                       s_char_int <= s_char_next;
+                       s_take_int <= s_take_next;
+                       s_backspace_int <= s_backspace_next;
+                       do_it_int <= do_it_next;
+               end if;
+       end process;
+       -- next state
+       process(state_int, new_data, data, finished, s_done)
+               function valid_char (x : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)) return boolean is
+                       variable y : boolean;
+               begin
+                       case x is
+                               -- 0 - 4
+                               when x"30" | x"31" | x"32" | x"33" | x"34" => y := true;
+                               -- 5 - 9
+                               when x"35" | x"36" | x"37" | x"38" | x"39" => y := true;
+                               -- *, +, -, /
+                               when x"2a" | x"2b" | x"2d" | x"2f" => y := true;
+                               when others => y := false;
+                       end case;
+                       return y;
+               end function;
+       begin
+               state_next <= state_int;
+               case state_int is
+                       when SIDLE =>
+                               if new_data = '1' and finished = '0' and s_done = '0' then
+                                       state_next <= SREAD;
+                               end if;
+                       when SREAD =>
+                               case data is
+                                       when x"e0" => state_next <= SMOD;
+                                       when x"0e" => state_next <= SDEL;
+                                       when x"1c" => state_next <= SENTER;
+                                       when x"20" => state_next <= STAKE;
+                                       when others => state_next <= SIDLE;
+                               end case;
+                       when SMOD =>
+                               if new_data = '1' then
+                                       if valid_char(data) then
+                                               state_next <= STAKE;
+                                       else
+                                               state_next <= SIDLE;
+                                       end if;
+                               end if;
+                       when STAKE | SDEL=>
+                               if s_done = '1' then
+                                       state_next <= SIDLE;
+                               end if;
+                       when SENTER =>
+                               if finished = '1' then
+                                       state_next <= SIDLE;
+                               end if;
+               end case;
+       end process;
+       -- out
+       process(state_int)
+       begin
+               s_char_next <= (others => '0');
+               s_take_next <= '0';
+               s_backspace_next <= '0';
+               do_it_next <= '0';
+               case state_int is
+                       when SIDLE =>
+                               null;
+                       when SREAD =>
+                               null;
+                       when SMOD =>
+                               null;
+                       when STAKE =>
+                               s_take_next <= '1';
+                               s_char_next <= hbyte(data);
+                       when SDEL =>
+                               s_take_next <= '1';
+                               s_backspace_next <= '1';
+                       when SENTER =>
+                               do_it_next <= '1';
+               end case;
+       end process;
+end architecture beh;