display/history: robuster, trotzdem funktioniert es noch nicht so wie ich moechte
[hwmod.git] / src / display.vhd
1 library ieee;
2 use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
3 use ieee.numeric_std.all;
4 use work.gen_pkg.all;
5 use work.textmode_vga_component_pkg.all;
6 use work.textmode_vga_pkg.all;
7 use work.textmode_vga_platform_dependent_pkg.all;
9 entity display is
10         port (
11                 sys_clk : in std_logic;
12                 sys_res_n : in std_logic;
13                 -- History
14                 d_new_eingabe : in std_logic;
15                 d_new_result : in std_logic;
16                 d_zeile : out hzeile;
17                 d_spalte : out hspalte;
18                 d_get : out std_logic;
19                 d_done : in std_logic;
20                 d_char : in hbyte;
21                 -- VGA
22                 command : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
23                 command_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
24                 free : in std_logic
25         );
26 end entity display;
28 architecture beh of display is
30         S_CR1, S_NL1, S_PUTCH1, S_PUTCH2, S_WAIT, S_NOP1);
31         signal state_int, state_next : DISPLAY_STATE;
32         signal d_zeile_int, d_zeile_next : hzeile;
33         signal d_spalte_int, d_spalte_next : hspalte;
34         signal d_get_int, d_get_next : std_logic;
35         signal command_int, command_next : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
36         signal command_data_int, command_data_next : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
37 begin
38         d_zeile <= d_zeile_int;
39         d_spalte <= d_spalte_int;
40         d_get <= d_get_int;
41         command <= command_int;
42         command_data <= command_data_int;
44         process(sys_clk, sys_res_n)
45         begin
46                 if sys_res_n = '0' then
47                         -- internal
48                         state_int <= SIDLE;
49                         -- out
50                         d_zeile_int <= (others => '0');
51                         d_spalte_int <= (others => '0');
52                         d_get_int <= '0';
53                         command_int <= COMMAND_NOP;
54                         command_data_int <= (others => '0');
55                 elsif rising_edge(sys_clk) then
56                         -- internal
57                         state_int <= state_next;
58                         -- out
59                         d_zeile_int <= d_zeile_next;
60                         d_spalte_int <= d_spalte_next;
61                         d_get_int <= d_get_next;
62                         command_int <= command_next;
63                         command_data_int <= command_data_next;
64                 end if;
65         end process;
67         -- next state
68         process(state_int, d_new_result, d_new_eingabe, d_done, free, d_spalte_int,
69                 d_char)
70         begin
71                 state_next <= state_int;
73                 case state_int is
74                         when SIDLE =>
75                                 if d_new_eingabe = '1' then
76                                         state_next <= S_NEW_INPUT;
77                                 end if;
78                                 if d_new_result = '1' then
79                                         state_next <= S_NEW_RESULT;
80                                 end if;
81                         when S_NEW_RESULT =>
82                                 state_next <= S_CR1;
83                         when S_NEW_INPUT =>
84                                 state_next <= S_COUNTUP;
85                         when S_CR1 =>
86                                 if free = '0' then
87                                         state_next <= S_NL1;
88                                 end if;
89                         when S_NL1 =>
90                                 if free = '0' then
91                                         state_next <= S_COUNTUP;
92                                 end if;
93                         when S_COUNTUP =>
94                                 state_next <= S_GETCH;
95                         when S_GETCH =>
96                                 if free = '1' and d_done = '1' and d_new_result = '0' and d_new_eingabe = '0' then
97                                         state_next <= S_PUTCH1;
98                                 end if;
99                         when S_PUTCH1 =>
100                                 state_next <= S_PUTCH2;
101                         when S_PUTCH2 =>
102                                 if free = '0' or (free = '1' and d_char = x"00") then
103                                         state_next <= S_WAIT;
104                                 end if;
105                         when S_WAIT =>
106                                 if free = '1' and d_done = '0' then
107                                         state_next <= S_NOP1;
108                                 end if;
109                         when S_NOP1 =>
110                                 if free = '1' then
111                                         state_next <= SIDLE;
112                                         --if unsigned(d_spalte_int) = 71 then
113                                         --      state_next <= SIDLE;
114                                         --else
115                                         --      state_next <= S_COUNTUP;
116                                         --end if;
117                                 end if;
118                 end case;
119         end process;
121         -- out
122         process(state_int, d_zeile_int, d_spalte_int, d_get_int, command_int,
123                 command_data_int, d_char)
124         begin
125                 d_zeile_next <= d_zeile_int;
126                 d_spalte_next <= d_spalte_int;
127                 d_get_next <= '0';
128                 command_next <= command_int;
129                 command_data_next <= command_data_int;
131                 case state_int is
132                         when SIDLE =>
133                                 null;
134                         when S_NEW_INPUT =>
135                                 null;
136                         when S_NEW_RESULT =>
137                                 d_spalte_next <= (others => '0');
138                                 case d_zeile_int is
139                                         when "11111" => d_zeile_next <= "00000";
140                                         when others => d_zeile_next <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(d_zeile_int) + 1);
141                                 end case;
142                         when S_CR1 =>
143                                 command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR;
144                                 command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"0d"; -- carrige return
145                         when S_NL1 =>
146                                 command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR;
147                                 command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"0a"; -- newline
148                         when S_COUNTUP =>
149                                 d_get_next <= '1';
150                                 d_spalte_next <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(d_spalte_int) + 1);
151                         when S_GETCH =>
152                                 d_get_next <= '1';
153                         when S_PUTCH1 =>
154                                 if d_char /= x"00" then
155                                         command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR;
156                                         command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & std_logic_vector(d_char);
157                                 end if;
158                         when S_PUTCH2 => null;
159                         when S_WAIT | S_NOP1 =>
160                                 command_next <= COMMAND_NOP;
161                                 command_data_next <= x"00000000";
162                 end case;
163         end process;
164 end architecture beh;