first part of mips port
authorcacao <none@none>
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 09:12:34 +0000 (09:12 +0000)
committercacao <none@none>
Fri, 13 Nov 1998 09:12:34 +0000 (09:12 +0000)
mips/calling.doc [new file with mode: 0644]
mips/disass.c [new file with mode: 0644]
mips/ngen.c [new file with mode: 0644]
mips/ngen.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/mips/calling.doc b/mips/calling.doc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..95d3ce3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+/* calling.doc *****************************************************************
+       Copyright (c) 1997 A. Krall, R. Grafl, M. Gschwind, M. Probst
+       See file COPYRIGHT for information on usage and disclaimer of warranties
+       A short description of MIPS calling conventions and register usage.
+       Authors: Andreas  Krall      EMAIL:
+       Last Change: 1998/11/05
+Short documentation of the Java calling conventions for the MIPS.
+Die Aufrufskonventionen halten sich weitgehende an die Konventionen
+f"ur normale C-Funktionen, allerdings mit einigen zus"atzlichen
+R28 ..... enth"alt bei einem Methodenaufruf auf jeden Fall den Zeiger 
+          auf die zugeh"orige 'methodinfo'-Struktur, die gegebenenfalls an
+          den JIT-Compiler weitergegeben werden muss. 
+          Wenn von Java-Methoden aus direkt C-Funktionen aufgerufen werden,
+          (f"ur die nat"urlich auch keine 'methodinfo'-Struktur existiert),
+          dann hat dieses Register keinen definierten Wert (Alle von der
+          JavaVM verwendeten Funktionen, z. B. 'builtin_new', etc. werden
+          so aufgerufen)
+Die restlichen Register folgen den normalen Konventionen, aber ich gebe
+hier noch einmal eine kurze "Ubersicht:
+integer registers:
+R0 ........ always contains zero
+R1 ........ code generator temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+R2 ........ method result value for types INT, LONG and ADDRESS
+R3 ........ code generator temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+R4 -R11 ... argument registers 0 - 7 (contain the first six method arguments
+            of type INT, LONG and ADDRESS. Argument registers are destroyed
+            by called method)
+R12-R15 ... temporary registers (destroyed by called method)
+R16-R23 ... saved registers (left unchanged by called method)
+R24 ....... pointer to 'methodinfo' structure. This register has to be set
+            correctly, because it is needed in the case the jit is invoked.
+            Also used as code generator temporary register. It is destroyed
+            by called method)
+R25 (pv) .. procedure vector, points to the first instruction of the called
+            method. This vector is used for addressing the entries in the
+            data segment. The ov of the caller is recomputed from the ra.
+            Therefore it is necessary that a return is always done using ra.
+R26-R27 ... reserved register (reserved for kernel)
+R28 ....... saved registers (left unchanged by called method)
+R29 (sp) .. stack pointer. The stack grows from high to low.
+R30 ....... saved register (left unchanged by called method)
+R31 (ra) .. return address (left unchanged by called method)
+floating point registers:
+F0 ........ method result value for types FLOAT and DOUBLE
+F1-F3 ..... code generator temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+F4 -F11 ... temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+F12-F19 ... argument registers 0 - 7 (contain the first 8 method arguments
+            of type FLOAT and DOUBLE. Argument registers are destroyed
+            by called method)
+F20-F23 ... temporary registers (destroyed by called method)
+F24 ....... saved register (left unchanged by called method)
+F25 ....... temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+F26 ....... saved register (left unchanged by called method)
+F27 ....... temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+F28 ....... saved register (left unchanged by called method)
+F29 ....... temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+F30 ....... saved register (left unchanged by called method)
+F31 ....... temporary register (destroyed by called method)
+Bei mehr als sechs Parametern reicht der Platz in den Registern nicht mehr
+aus, daf"ur werden alle Parameter ab dem Siebenten am Stack "ubergeben,
+und zwar nach folgendem Muster:
+                  | .....                                          |
+                                 --------------------------------------------------
+                  |  Parameter 9  ( 64 bit, egal bei welchem Typ)  |
+                  --------------------------------------------------
+                                 |  Parameter 8  ( 64 bit, egal bei welchem Typ   |
+                  --------------------------------------------------
+   R30 (sp) --->  |  Parameter 7  ( 64 bit, egal bei welchem Typ)  |
+                  --------------------------------------------------
+Der Stackpointer zeigt dabei auf die Untergrenze des Parameterbereichs.
+Jede Methode muss (wenn es keine Leaf-Methode ist, auf jeden Fall) gewisse
+Registerinhalte am Stack sichern.
+Eventuell werden auch noch lokale Werte, die nicht mehr in Registern
+Platz finden, ebenfalls am Stack aufbewahrt, und die Parameter"ubergabe
+bei mehr als 6 Parametern ben"otigt ebenfalls Platz am Stack.
+Ein vollst"andiger Stackframe hat also dieses Aussehen (jeder Eintrag
+im Stackframe ist unabh"angig vom Typ auf jedem Fall 64 bit lang, die
+Gr"ossenangaben der Bereiche sind in solchen Einheiten von 64 Bit 
+            ---------------------------------------------
+            |  parameter n (passed from caller)         |
+            ---------------------------------------------      
+            |  parameter n-1                            |
+            ---------------------------------------------
+            | ...                                       |
+            ---------------------------------------------
+            |  parameter 7                              |
+old SP ---> ============================================= --- parentargs_base
+            |  saved RA                                 |
+            ---------------------------------------------     savedregs_num
+            |  others saved registers                   |
+            ============================================= --- maxmemuse + 1
+            |  optional monitor_exit argument           |
+            ============================================= --- maxmemuse
+            |  area for spilled registers               |
+            =============================================
+            |  ....                                     |
+            ---------------------------------------------
+            |  parameter 8                              |
+            ---------------------------------------------
+            |  parameter 7 (passed to called method)    |
+new SP ---> =============================================
diff --git a/mips/disass.c b/mips/disass.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..88e6b1d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+/* disass.c ********************************************************************
+       Copyright (c) 1997 A. Krall, R. Grafl, M. Gschwind, M. Probst
+       See file COPYRIGHT for information on usage and disclaimer of warranties
+       A very primitive disassembler for MIPS machine code for easy debugging.
+       Authors: Andreas  Krall      EMAIL:
+       Last Change: 1998/11/12
+/*  The disassembler uses four tables for decoding the instructions. The first
+       table (ops) is used to classify the instructions based on the op code and
+       contains the instruction names for instructions which don't used the
+       function codes. This table is indexed by the op code (6 bit, 64 entries).
+       The other tables are either indexed by the function code or some special
+       format and branch codes.
+#define ITYPE_UNDEF  0          /* undefined instructions (illegal opcode)    */
+#define ITYPE_JMP    1          /* jump instructions                          */
+#define ITYPE_IMM    2          /* immediate instructions                     */
+#define ITYPE_MEM    3          /* memory instructions                        */
+#define ITYPE_BRA    4          /* branch instructions                        */
+#define ITYPE_RIMM   5          /* special/branch instructions                */
+#define ITYPE_OP     6          /* integer instructions                       */
+#define ITYPE_TRAP   7          /* trap instructions                          */
+#define ITYPE_DIVMUL 8          /* integer divide/multiply instructions       */
+#define ITYPE_MTOJR  9          /* move to and jump register instructions     */
+#define ITYPE_MFROM 10          /* move from instructions                     */
+#define ITYPE_SYS   11          /* operating system instructions              */
+#define ITYPE_FOP   12          /* floating point instructions                */
+#define ITYPE_FOP2  13          /* 2 operand floating point instructions      */
+#define ITYPE_FCMP  14          /* floating point compare instructions        */
+/* instruction decode table for 6 bit op codes                                */
+static struct {char *name; int itype;} ops[] = {
+       /* 0x00 */  {"SPECIAL ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x01 */  {"REGIMM  ",  ITYPE_RIMM},
+       /* 0x02 */  {"J       ",   ITYPE_JMP},
+       /* 0x03 */  {"JAL     ",   ITYPE_JMP},
+       /* 0x04 */  {"BEQ     ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x05 */  {"BNE     ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x06 */  {"BLEZ    ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x07 */  {"BGTZ    ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x08 */  {"ADDI    ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x09 */  {"ADDIU   ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0a */  {"SLTI    ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0b */  {"SLTIU   ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0c */  {"ANDI    ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0d */  {"ORI     ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0e */  {"XORI    ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0f */  {"LUI     ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x10 */  {"COP0    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x11 */  {"COP1    ",   ITYPE_FOP},
+       /* 0x12 */  {"COP2    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x13 */  {"",         ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x14 */  {"BEQL    ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x15 */  {"BNEL    ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x16 */  {"BLEZL   ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x17 */  {"BGTZL   ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x18 */  {"DADDI   ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x19 */  {"DADDIU  ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x1a */  {"LDL     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x1b */  {"LDR     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x1c */  {"",         ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1d */  {"",         ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1e */  {"",         ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1f */  {"",         ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x20 */  {"LB      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x21 */  {"LH      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x22 */  {"LWL     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x23 */  {"LW      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x24 */  {"LBU     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x25 */  {"LHU     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x26 */  {"LWR     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x27 */  {"LWU     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x28 */  {"SB      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x29 */  {"SH      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x2a */  {"SWL     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x2b */  {"SW      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x2c */  {"SDL     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x2d */  {"SDR     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x2e */  {"SWR     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x2f */  {"CACHE   ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x30 */  {"LL      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x31 */  {"LWC1    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x32 */  {"LWC2    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x33 */  {"",         ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x34 */  {"LLD     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x35 */  {"LDC1    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x36 */  {"LDC2    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x37 */  {"LD      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x38 */  {"SC      ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x39 */  {"SWC1    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x3a */  {"SWC2    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x3b */  {"",         ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x3c */  {"SLD     ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x3d */  {"SDC1    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x3e */  {"SDC2    ",   ITYPE_MEM},
+       /* 0x3f */  {"SD      ",   ITYPE_MEM}
+/* instruction decode table for 6 bit special function codes                  */
+static struct {char *name; int ftype;} regops[] = {
+       /* 0x00 */  {"SLL     ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x01 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x02 */  {"SRL     ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x03 */  {"SRA     ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x04 */  {"SLLV    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x05 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x06 */  {"SRLV    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x07 */  {"SRAV    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x08 */  {"JR      ", ITYPE_MTOJR},
+       /* 0x09 */  {"JALR    ",   ITYPE_JMP},
+       /* 0x0a */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x0b */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x0c */  {"SYSCALL ",   ITYPE_SYS},
+       /* 0x0d */  {"BREAK   ",   ITYPE_SYS},
+       /* 0x0e */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x0f */  {"SYNC    ",   ITYPE_SYS},
+       /* 0x10 */  {"MFHI    ", ITYPE_MFROM},
+       /* 0x11 */  {"MTHI    ", ITYPE_MTOJR},
+       /* 0x12 */  {"MFLO    ", ITYPE_MFROM},
+       /* 0x13 */  {"MTLO    ", ITYPE_MTOJR},
+       /* 0x14 */  {"DSLLV   ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x15 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x16 */  {"DSLRV   ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x17 */  {"DSRAV   ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x18 */  {"MULT    ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x19 */  {"MULTU   ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x1a */  {"DIV     ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x1b */  {"DIVU    ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x1c */  {"DMULT   ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x1d */  {"DMULTU  ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x1e */  {"DDIV    ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x1f */  {"DDIVU   ",ITYPE_DIVMUL},
+       /* 0x20 */  {"ADD     ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x21 */  {"ADDU    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x22 */  {"SUB     ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x23 */  {"SUBU    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x24 */  {"AND     ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x25 */  {"OR      ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x26 */  {"XOR     ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x27 */  {"NOR     ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x28 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x29 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x2a */  {"SLT     ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x2b */  {"SLTU    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x2c */  {"DADD    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x2d */  {"DADDU   ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x2e */  {"DSUB    ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x2f */  {"DSUBU   ",    ITYPE_OP},
+       /* 0x30 */  {"TGE     ",  ITYPE_TRAP},
+       /* 0x31 */  {"TGEU    ",  ITYPE_TRAP},
+       /* 0x32 */  {"TLT     ",  ITYPE_TRAP},
+       /* 0x33 */  {"TLTU    ",  ITYPE_TRAP},
+       /* 0x34 */  {"TEQ     ",  ITYPE_TRAP},
+       /* 0x35 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x36 */  {"TNE     ",  ITYPE_TRAP},
+       /* 0x37 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x38 */  {"DSLL    ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x39 */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x3a */  {"DSLR    ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x3b */  {"DSRA    ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x3c */  {"DSLL32  ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x3d */  {""        , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x3e */  {"DSLR32  ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x3f */  {"DSRA32  ",   ITYPE_IMM}
+/* instruction decode table for 5 bit reg immediate function codes            */
+static struct {char *name; int ftype;} regimms[] = {
+       /* 0x00 */  {"BLTZ   ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x01 */  {"BGEZ   ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x02 */  {"BLTZL  ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x03 */  {"BGEZL  ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x04 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x05 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x06 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x07 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x08 */  {"TGEI   ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x09 */  {"DGEIU  ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0a */  {"TLTI   ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0b */  {"TLTIU  ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0c */  {"TEQI   ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0d */  {""       , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x0e */  {"TNEI   ",   ITYPE_IMM},
+       /* 0x0f */  {""       , ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x10 */  {"BLTZAL ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x11 */  {"BGEZAL ",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x12 */  {"BLTZALL",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x13 */  {"BGEZALL",   ITYPE_BRA},
+       /* 0x14 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x15 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x16 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x17 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x18 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x19 */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1a */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1b */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1c */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1d */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1e */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1f */  {"",        ITYPE_UNDEF}
+/* instruction decode table for 6 bit floating point op codes                 */
+static struct {char *name; char *fill; int ftype;} fops[] = {
+       /* 0x00 */  {"ADD", "   ",   ITYPE_FOP},
+       /* 0x01 */  {"SUB", "   ",   ITYPE_FOP},
+       /* 0x02 */  {"MUL", "   ",   ITYPE_FOP},
+       /* 0x03 */  {"DIV", "   ",   ITYPE_FOP},
+       /* 0x04 */  {"SQRT", "  ",   ITYPE_FOP},
+       /* 0x05 */  {"ABS", "   ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x06 */  {"MOV", "   ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x07 */  {"NEG", "   ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x08 */  {"ROUNDL", "",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x09 */  {"TRUNCL", "",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x0a */  {"CEILL", " ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x0b */  {"FLOORL", "",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x0c */  {"ROUND", " ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x0d */  {"TRUNC", " ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x0e */  {"CEIL", "  ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x0f */  {"FLOOR", " ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x10 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x11 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x12 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x13 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x14 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x15 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x16 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x17 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x18 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x19 */  {"RECIP", " ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x1a */  {"RSQRT", " ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x1b */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1c */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1d */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1e */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x1f */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x20 */  {"CVTS", "  ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x21 */  {"CVTD", "  ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x22 */  {"CVTX", "  ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x23 */  {"CVTQ", "  ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x24 */  {"CVTW", "  ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x25 */  {"CVTL", "  ",  ITYPE_FOP2},
+       /* 0x26 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x27 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x28 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x29 */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x2a */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x2b */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x2c */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x2d */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x2e */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x2f */  {"",       "", ITYPE_UNDEF},
+       /* 0x30 */  {"C.F", "   ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x31 */  {"C.UN", "  ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x32 */  {"C.EQ", "  ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x33 */  {"C.UEQ", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x34 */  {"C.OLT", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x35 */  {"C.ULT", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x36 */  {"C.OLE", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x37 */  {"C.ULE", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x38 */  {"C.SF", "  ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x39 */  {"C.NGLE", "",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x3a */  {"C.SEQ", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x3b */  {"C.NGL", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x3c */  {"C.LT", "  ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x3d */  {"C.NGE", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x3e */  {"C.LE", "  ",  ITYPE_FCMP},
+       /* 0x3f */  {"C.NGT", " ",  ITYPE_FCMP}
+/* format decode table for 3 bit floating point format codes                  */
+static char *fmt[] = {
+       /* 0x00 */  ".S",
+       /* 0x01 */  ".D",
+       /* 0x02 */  ".X",
+       /* 0x03 */  ".Q",
+       /* 0x04 */  ".W",
+       /* 0x05 */  ".L",
+       /* 0x06 */  ".?",
+       /* 0x07 */  ".?"
+/* format decode table for 2 bit floating point branch codes                  */
+static char *fbra[] = {
+       /* 0x00 */  "BC1F    ",
+       /* 0x01 */  "BC1T    ",
+       /* 0x02 */  "BC1FL   ",
+       /* 0x03 */  "BC1TL   "
+/* function disassinstr ********************************************************
+       outputs a disassembler listing of one machine code instruction on 'stdout'
+       c:   instructions machine code
+       pos: instructions address relative to method start
+static void disassinstr(int c, int pos)
+       int op;                     /* 6 bit op code                              */
+       int opfun;                  /* 6 bit function code                        */
+       int rs, rt, rd;             /* 5 bit integer register specifiers          */
+       int fs, ft, fd;             /* 5 bit floating point register specifiers   */
+       int shift;                  /* 5 bit unsigned shift amount                */
+       op    = (c >> 26) & 0x3f;   /* 6 bit op code                              */
+       opfun = (c >>  0) & 0x3f;   /* 6 bit function code                        */
+       rs    = (c >> 21) & 0x1f;   /* 5 bit source register specifier            */
+       rt    = (c >> 16) & 0x1f;   /* 5 bit source/destination register specifier*/
+       rd    = (c >> 11) & 0x1f;   /* 5 bit destination register specifier       */
+       shift = (c >>  6) & 0x1f;   /* 5 bit unsigned shift amount                */
+       printf ("%6x: %#8x  ", pos, c);
+       switch (ops[op].itype) {
+               case ITYPE_JMP:                      /* 26 bit unsigned jump offset   */
+                       printf ("%s %#7x\n", ops[op].name, (c & 0x3ffffff) << 2); 
+                       break;
+               case ITYPE_IMM:                      /* 16 bit signed immediate value */
+                       printf ("%s $%d,$%d,%d\n", ops[op].name, rt, rs, (c << 16) >> 16); 
+                       break;
+               case ITYPE_MEM:                      /* 16 bit signed memory offset   */
+                       printf ("%s $%d,%d($%d)\n", ops[op].name, rt, (c << 16) >> 16, rs); 
+                       break;
+               case ITYPE_BRA:                      /* 16 bit signed branch offset   */
+                       printf("%s $%d,$%d,%x\n", ops[op].name, rs, rt, 
+                                                 pos + 4 + ((c << 16) >> 14));
+                       break;
+               case ITYPE_RIMM:
+                       if (regimms[rt].ftype == ITYPE_IMM)
+                               printf("%s $%d,#%d\n", regimms[rt].name, rs, (c << 16) >> 16);
+                       else if (regimms[rt].ftype == ITYPE_BRA)
+                               printf("%s $%d,%x\n", regimms[rt].name, rs,
+                                                                  pos + 4 + ((c << 16) >> 14));
+                       else
+                               printf("REGIMM %#2x,$%d,%d\n", rt, rs, (c << 16) >> 16);                
+                       break;
+               case ITYPE_OP:
+                       if (opfun == 0x25 && rs == rt) {
+                               if (rs == 0 && rd == 0)
+                                       printf("NOP\n");
+                               else if (rs == 0)
+                                       printf("CLR      $%d\n", rd);
+                               else
+                                       printf("MOV      $%d,$%d\n", rs, rd);
+                               return;
+                               }
+                       switch (regops[opfun].ftype) {
+                               case ITYPE_OP:
+                                       printf("%s $%d,$%d,$%d\n", regops[opfun].name, rd, rs, rt);
+                                       break;
+                               case ITYPE_IMM:  /* immediate instruction */
+                                       printf("%s $%d,$%d,#%d\n",
+                                              regops[opfun].name, rd, rt, shift);
+                                       break;
+                               case ITYPE_TRAP:
+                                       printf("%s $%d,$%d,#%d\n",
+                                               regops[opfun].name, rs, rt, (c << 16) >> 22);
+                                       break;
+                               case ITYPE_DIVMUL: /* div/mul instruction */
+                                       printf("%s $%d,$%d\n", regops[opfun].name, rs, rt);
+                                       break;
+                               case ITYPE_JMP:
+                                       printf("%s $%d,$%d\n", regops[opfun].name, rd, rs);
+                                       break;
+                               case ITYPE_MTOJR:
+                                       printf("%s $%d\n", regops[opfun].name, rs);
+                                       break;
+                               case ITYPE_MFROM:
+                                       printf("%s $%d\n", regops[opfun].name, rd);
+                                       break;
+                               case ITYPE_SYS:
+                                       printf("%s\n", regops[opfun].name);
+                               default:
+                                       printf("SPECIAL  (%#2x) $%d,$%d,$%d\n", opfun, rd, rs, rt);
+                               }               
+                       break;
+               case ITYPE_FOP:
+                       fs    = (c >> 11) & 0x1f;   /* 5 bit source register              */
+                       ft    = (c >> 16) & 0x1f;   /* 5 bit source/destination register  */
+                       fd    = (c >>  6) & 0x1f;   /* 5 bit destination register         */
+                       if (rs == 8) {              /* floating point branch              */
+                               printf("%s %x\n", fbra[ft&3], pos + 4 + ((c << 16) >> 14));
+                               break;
+                               }
+                       if (rs == 1) {              /* double move from                   */
+                               printf("MFC1     $%d,$f%d\n", rt, fs);          
+                               break;
+                               }
+                       if (rs == 5) {              /* double move to                     */
+                               printf("MTC1     ,$%d,$f%d\n", rt, fs);         
+                               break;
+                               }
+                       rs    = rs & 7;             /* truncate to 3 bit format specifier */
+                       if (fops[opfun].ftype == ITYPE_FOP)
+                               printf("%s%s%s $%d,$%d,$%d\n", fops[opfun].name, fmt[rs],
+                                                              fops[opfun].fill, fd, fs, ft);
+                       else if (fops[opfun].ftype == ITYPE_FOP2)
+                               printf("%s%s%s $%d,$%d\n", fops[opfun].name, fmt[rs],
+                                                          fops[opfun].fill, fd, fs);
+                       else if (fops[opfun].ftype == ITYPE_FOP2)
+                               printf("%s%s%s $%d,$%d\n", fops[opfun].name, fmt[rs],
+                                                          fops[opfun].fill, fs, ft);
+                       else
+                               printf("COP1     (%#2x) $%d,$%d,$%d\n", opfun, fd, fs, ft);             
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       printf("UNDEF    %#2x(%#2x) $%d,$%d,$%d\n", op, opfun, rd, rs, rt);             
+               }
+/* function disassemble ********************************************************
+       outputs a disassembler listing of some machine code on 'stdout'
+       code: pointer to first instruction
+       len:  code size (number of instructions * 4)
+static void disassemble(int *code, int len)
+       int p;
+       printf ("  --- disassembler listing ---\n");    
+       for (p = 0; p < len; p += 4, code++)
+               disassinstr(*code, p); 
+ * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
+ * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
+ * Emacs will automagically detect them.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: c
+ * indent-tabs-mode: t
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * End:
+ */
diff --git a/mips/ngen.c b/mips/ngen.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ea2f50d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,3604 @@
+/* mips/ngen.c *****************************************************************
+       Copyright (c) 1997 A. Krall, R. Grafl, M. Gschwind, M. Probst
+       See file COPYRIGHT for information on usage and disclaimer of warranties
+       Contains the codegenerator for an MIPS (R4000 or higher) processor.
+       This module generates MIPS machine code for a sequence of intermediate
+       code commands (ICMDs).
+       Authors: Andreas  Krall      EMAIL:
+       Last Change: 1998/11/118
+/* *****************************************************************************
+Datatypes and Register Allocations:
+On 64-bit-machines (like the MIPS) all operands are stored in the
+registers in a 64-bit form, even when the correspondig JavaVM  operands
+only need 32 bits. This is done by a canonical representation:
+32-bit integers are allways stored as sign-extended 64-bit values (this
+approach is directly supported by the MIPS architecture and is very easy
+to implement).
+32-bit-floats are stored in a 64-bit double precision register by simply
+expanding the exponent and mantissa with zeroes. (also supported by the
+The calling conventions and the layout of the stack is  explained in detail
+in the documention file: calling.doc
+/* additional functions and macros to generate code ***************************/
+#define BlockPtrOfPC(pc)        block+block_index[pc]
+#define COUNT_SPILLS count_spills++
+/* gen_nullptr_check(objreg) */
+#define gen_nullptr_check(objreg) \
+       if (checknull) {\
+       M_BEQZ((objreg), 0);\
+       mcode_addxnullrefs(mcodeptr);\
+       }
+#define gen_nullptr_check(objreg)
+/* MCODECHECK(icnt) */
+#define MCODECHECK(icnt) \
+       if((mcodeptr+(icnt))>mcodeend)mcodeptr=mcode_increase((u1*)mcodeptr)
+     generates an integer-move from register a to b.
+     if a and b are the same int-register, no code will be generated.
+#define M_INTMOVE(a,b) if(a!=b){M_MOV(a,b);}
+    generates a floating-point-move from register a to b.
+    if a and b are the same float-register, no code will be generated
+#define M_FLTMOVE(a,b) if(a!=b){M_FMOV(a,b);}
+/* var_to_reg_xxx:
+    this function generates code to fetch data from a pseudo-register
+    into a real register. 
+    If the pseudo-register has actually been assigned to a real 
+    register, no code will be emitted, since following operations
+    can use this register directly.
+    v: pseudoregister to be fetched from
+    tempregnum: temporary register to be used if v is actually spilled to ram
+    return: the register number, where the operand can be found after 
+            fetching (this wil be either tempregnum or the register
+            number allready given to v)
+#define var_to_reg_int(regnr,v,tempnr) { \
+       if ((v)->flags & INMEMORY) \
+               {COUNT_SPILLS;M_LLD(tempnr,REG_SP,8*(v)->regoff);regnr=tempnr;} \
+       else regnr=(v)->regoff; \
+#define var_to_reg_flt(regnr,v,tempnr) { \
+       if ((v)->flags & INMEMORY) \
+               {COUNT_SPILLS;M_DLD(tempnr,REG_SP,8*(v)->regoff);regnr=tempnr;} \
+       else regnr=(v)->regoff; \
+/* reg_of_var:
+    This function determines a register, to which the result of an operation
+    should go, when it is ultimatively intended to store the result in
+    pseudoregister v.
+    If v is assigned to an actual register, this register will be returned.
+    Otherwise (when v is spilled) this function returns tempregnum.
+    If not already done, regoff and flags are set in the stack location.
+static int reg_of_var(stackptr v, int tempregnum)
+       varinfo      *var;
+       switch (v->varkind) {
+               case TEMPVAR:
+                       if (!(v->flags & INMEMORY))
+                               return(v->regoff);
+                       break;
+               case STACKVAR:
+                       var = &(interfaces[v->varnum][v->type]);
+                       v->regoff = var->regoff;
+                       if (!(var->flags & INMEMORY))
+                               return(var->regoff);
+                       break;
+               case LOCALVAR:
+                       var = &(locals[v->varnum][v->type]);
+                       v->regoff = var->regoff;
+                       if (!(var->flags & INMEMORY))
+                               return(var->regoff);
+                       break;
+               case ARGVAR:
+                       v->regoff = v->varnum;
+                       if (IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(v->type)) {
+                               if (v->varnum < fltreg_argnum) {
+                                       v->regoff = argfltregs[v->varnum];
+                                       return(argfltregs[v->varnum]);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       else
+                               if (v->varnum < intreg_argnum) {
+                                       v->regoff = argintregs[v->varnum];
+                                       return(argintregs[v->varnum]);
+                                       }
+                       v->regoff -= intreg_argnum;
+                       break;
+               }
+       v->flags |= INMEMORY;
+       return tempregnum;
+/* store_reg_to_var_xxx:
+    This function generates the code to store the result of an operation
+    back into a spilled pseudo-variable.
+    If the pseudo-variable has not been spilled in the first place, this 
+    function will generate nothing.
+    v ............ Pseudovariable
+    tempregnum ... Number of the temporary registers as returned by
+                   reg_of_var.
+#define store_reg_to_var_int(sptr, tempregnum) {       \
+       if ((sptr)->flags & INMEMORY) {                    \
+               COUNT_SPILLS;                                  \
+               M_LST(tempregnum, REG_SP, 8 * (sptr)->regoff); \
+               }                                              \
+       }
+#define store_reg_to_var_flt(sptr, tempregnum) {       \
+       if ((sptr)->flags & INMEMORY) {                    \
+               COUNT_SPILLS;                                  \
+               M_DST(tempregnum, REG_SP, 8 * (sptr)->regoff); \
+               }                                              \
+       }
+/* NullPointerException handlers and exception handling initialisation        */
+typedef struct sigctx_struct {
+       long          sc_onstack;           /* sigstack state to restore          */
+       long          sc_mask;              /* signal mask to restore             */
+       long          sc_pc;                /* pc at time of signal               */
+       long          sc_ps;                /* psl to retore                      */
+       long          sc_regs[32];          /* processor regs 0 to 31             */
+       long          sc_ownedfp;           /* fp has been used                   */
+       long          sc_fpregs[32];        /* fp regs 0 to 31                    */
+       unsigned long sc_fpcr;              /* floating point control register    */
+       unsigned long sc_fp_control;        /* software fpcr                      */
+                                           /* rest is unused                     */
+       unsigned long sc_reserved1, sc_reserved2;
+       unsigned long sc_ssize;
+       char          *sc_sbase;
+       unsigned long sc_traparg_a0;
+       unsigned long sc_traparg_a1;
+       unsigned long sc_traparg_a2;
+       unsigned long sc_fp_trap_pc;
+       unsigned long sc_fp_trigger_sum;
+       unsigned long sc_fp_trigger_inst;
+       unsigned long sc_retcode[2];
+} sigctx_struct;
+/* asm_signal_exception passes exception pointer and the signal context
+       structure (contains the saved registers) to the assembler handler which
+       restores registers and walks through the Java exception tables.
+void asm_signal_exception(void *xptr, void *sigctx);
+/* NullPointerException signal handler for hardware null pointer check */
+void catch_NullPointerException(int sig, int code, sigctx_struct *sigctx)
+       sigset_t nsig;
+       int      instr;
+       long     faultaddr;
+       /* Reset signal handler - necessary for SysV, does no harm for BSD */
+       instr = *((int*)(sigctx->sc_pc));
+       faultaddr = sigctx->sc_regs[(instr >> 16) & 0x1f];
+       if (faultaddr == 0) {
+               signal(sig, (void*) catch_NullPointerException); /* reinstall handler */
+               sigemptyset(&nsig);
+               sigaddset(&nsig, sig);
+               sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &nsig, NULL);           /* unblock signal    */
+               asm_signal_exception(proto_java_lang_NullPointerException, sigctx);
+               }
+       else {
+               faultaddr += (long) ((instr << 16) >> 16);
+               fprintf(stderr, "faulting address: 0x%16lx\n", faultaddr);
+               panic("Stack overflow");
+               }
+#ifdef __osf__
+void init_exceptions(void)
+#else /* Linux */
+/* Linux on Digital Alpha needs an initialisation of the ieee floating point
+       control for IEEE compliant arithmetic (option -mieee of GCC). Under
+       Digital Unix this is done automatically.
+#include <asm/fpu.h>
+extern unsigned long ieee_get_fp_control();
+extern void ieee_set_fp_control(unsigned long fp_control);
+void init_exceptions(void)
+/* initialize floating point control */
+                    & ~IEEE_TRAP_ENABLE_INV
+                    & ~IEEE_TRAP_ENABLE_DZE
+/*                  & ~IEEE_TRAP_ENABLE_UNF   we dont want underflow */
+                    & ~IEEE_TRAP_ENABLE_OVF);
+       /* install signal handlers we need to convert to exceptions */
+       if (!checknull) {
+#if defined(SIGSEGV)
+               signal(SIGSEGV, (void*) catch_NullPointerException);
+#if defined(SIGBUS)
+               signal(SIGBUS, (void*) catch_NullPointerException);
+               }
+/* function gen_mcode **********************************************************
+       generates machine code
+#define        MethodPointer   -8
+#define        FrameSize       -12
+#define     IsSync          -16
+#define     IsLeaf          -20
+#define     IntSave         -24
+#define     FltSave         -28
+#define     ExTableSize     -32
+#define     ExTableStart    -32
+#define     ExEntrySize     -32
+#define     ExStartPC       -8
+#define     ExEndPC         -16
+#define     ExHandlerPC     -24
+#define     ExCatchType     -32
+static void gen_mcode()
+       int  len, s1, s2, s3, d, bbs;
+       s4   a;
+       s4          *mcodeptr;
+       stackptr    src;
+       varinfo     *var;
+       basicblock  *bptr;
+       instruction *iptr;
+       {
+       int p, pa, t, l, r;
+       savedregs_num = (isleafmethod) ? 0 : 1;           /* space to save the RA */
+       /* space to save used callee saved registers */
+       savedregs_num += (savintregcnt - maxsavintreguse);
+       savedregs_num += (savfltregcnt - maxsavfltreguse);
+       parentargs_base = maxmemuse + savedregs_num;
+#ifdef USE_THREADS                 /* space to save argument of monitor_enter */
+       if (checksync && (method->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED))
+               parentargs_base++;
+       /* create method header */
+       (void) dseg_addaddress(method);                         /* MethodPointer  */
+       (void) dseg_adds4(parentargs_base * 8);                 /* FrameSize      */
+       /* IsSync contains the offset relative to the stack pointer for the
+          argument of monitor_exit used in the exception handler. Since the
+          offset could be zero and give a wrong meaning of the flag it is
+          offset by one.
+       */
+       if (checksync && (method->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED))
+               (void) dseg_adds4((maxmemuse + 1) * 8);             /* IsSync         */
+       else
+       (void) dseg_adds4(0);                                   /* IsSync         */
+       (void) dseg_adds4(isleafmethod);                        /* IsLeaf         */
+       (void) dseg_adds4(savintregcnt - maxsavintreguse);      /* IntSave        */
+       (void) dseg_adds4(savfltregcnt - maxsavfltreguse);      /* FltSave        */
+       (void) dseg_adds4(exceptiontablelength);                /* ExTableSize    */
+       /* create exception table */
+       for (len = 0; len < exceptiontablelength; len++) {
+               dseg_addtarget(BlockPtrOfPC(extable[len].startpc));
+               dseg_addtarget(BlockPtrOfPC(extable[len].endpc));
+               dseg_addtarget(BlockPtrOfPC(extable[len].handlerpc));
+               (void) dseg_addaddress(extable[len].catchtype);
+               }
+       /* initialize mcode variables */
+       mcodeptr = (s4*) mcodebase;
+       mcodeend = (s4*) (mcodebase + mcodesize);
+       MCODECHECK(128 + mparamcount);
+       /* create stack frame (if necessary) */
+       if (parentargs_base)
+               {M_LDA (REG_SP, REG_SP, -parentargs_base * 8);}
+       /* save return address and used callee saved registers */
+       p = parentargs_base;
+       if (!isleafmethod)
+               {p--;  M_AST (REG_RA, REG_SP, 8*p);}
+       for (r = savintregcnt - 1; r >= maxsavintreguse; r--)
+               {p--; M_LST (savintregs[r], REG_SP, 8 * p);}
+       for (r = savfltregcnt - 1; r >= maxsavfltreguse; r--)
+               {p--; M_DST (savfltregs[r], REG_SP, 8 * p);}
+       /* save monitorenter argument */
+       if (checksync && (method->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED)) {
+               if (method->flags & ACC_STATIC) {
+                       p = dseg_addaddress (class);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, REG_PV, p);
+                       M_AST(REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, 8 * maxmemuse);
+                       } 
+               else {
+                       M_AST (argintregs[0], REG_SP, 8 * maxmemuse);
+                       }
+               }                       
+       /* copy argument registers to stack and call trace function with pointer
+          to arguments on stack. ToDo: save floating point registers !!!!!!!!!
+       */
+       if (runverbose && isleafmethod) {
+               M_LDA (REG_SP, REG_SP, -(14*8));
+               M_AST(REG_RA, REG_SP, 1*8);
+               M_LST(argintregs[0], REG_SP,  2*8);
+               M_LST(argintregs[1], REG_SP,  3*8);
+               M_LST(argintregs[2], REG_SP,  4*8);
+               M_LST(argintregs[3], REG_SP,  5*8);
+               M_LST(argintregs[4], REG_SP,  6*8);
+               M_LST(argintregs[5], REG_SP,  7*8);
+               M_DST(argfltregs[0], REG_SP,  8*8);
+               M_DST(argfltregs[1], REG_SP,  9*8);
+               M_DST(argfltregs[2], REG_SP, 10*8);
+               M_DST(argfltregs[3], REG_SP, 11*8);
+               M_DST(argfltregs[4], REG_SP, 12*8);
+               M_DST(argfltregs[5], REG_SP, 13*8);
+               p = dseg_addaddress (method);
+               M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, REG_PV, p);
+               M_AST(REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, 0);
+               p = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (builtin_trace_args));
+               M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, p);
+               M_JSR(REG_RA, REG_PV);
+               M_LDA(REG_PV, REG_RA, -(int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase));
+               M_ALD(REG_RA, REG_SP, 1*8);
+               M_LLD(argintregs[0], REG_SP,  2*8);
+               M_LLD(argintregs[1], REG_SP,  3*8);
+               M_LLD(argintregs[2], REG_SP,  4*8);
+               M_LLD(argintregs[3], REG_SP,  5*8);
+               M_LLD(argintregs[4], REG_SP,  6*8);
+               M_LLD(argintregs[5], REG_SP,  7*8);
+               M_DLD(argfltregs[0], REG_SP,  8*8);
+               M_DLD(argfltregs[1], REG_SP,  9*8);
+               M_DLD(argfltregs[2], REG_SP, 10*8);
+               M_DLD(argfltregs[3], REG_SP, 11*8);
+               M_DLD(argfltregs[4], REG_SP, 12*8);
+               M_DLD(argfltregs[5], REG_SP, 13*8);
+               M_LDA (REG_SP, REG_SP, 14*8);
+               }
+       /* take arguments out of register or stack frame */
+       for (p = 0, l = 0; p < mparamcount; p++) {
+               t = mparamtypes[p];
+               var = &(locals[l][t]);
+               l++;
+               if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(t))    /* increment local counter for 2 word types */
+                       l++;
+               if (var->type < 0)
+                       continue;
+               r = var->regoff; 
+               if (IS_INT_LNG_TYPE(t)) {                    /* integer args          */
+                       if (p < INT_ARG_CNT) {                   /* register arguments    */
+                               if (!(var->flags & INMEMORY))        /* reg arg -> register   */
+                                       {M_INTMOVE (argintregs[p], r);}
+                               else                                 /* reg arg -> spilled    */
+                                       M_LST (argintregs[p], REG_SP, 8 * r);
+                               }
+                       else {                                   /* stack arguments       */
+                               pa = p - INT_ARG_CNT;
+                               if (!(var->flags & INMEMORY))        /* stack arg -> register */ 
+                                       M_LLD (r, REG_SP, 8 * (parentargs_base + pa));
+                               else {                               /* stack arg -> spilled  */
+                                       M_LLD (REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, 8 * (parentargs_base + pa));
+                                       M_LST (REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, 8 * r);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               else {                                       /* floating args         */   
+                       if (p < FLT_ARG_CNT) {                   /* register arguments    */
+                               if (!(var->flags & INMEMORY))        /* reg arg -> register   */
+                                       {M_FLTMOVE (argfltregs[p], r);}
+                               else                                             /* reg arg -> spilled    */
+                                       M_DST (argfltregs[p], REG_SP, 8 * r);
+                               }
+                       else {                                   /* stack arguments       */
+                               pa = p - FLT_ARG_CNT;
+                               if (!(var->flags & INMEMORY))        /* stack-arg -> register */
+                                       M_DLD (r, REG_SP, 8 * (parentargs_base + pa) );
+                               else {                               /* stack-arg -> spilled  */
+                                       M_DLD (REG_FTMP1, REG_SP, 8 * (parentargs_base + pa));
+                                       M_DST (REG_FTMP1, REG_SP, 8 * r);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               }  /* end for */
+       /* call trace function */
+       if (runverbose && !isleafmethod) {
+               M_LDA (REG_SP, REG_SP, -8);
+               p = dseg_addaddress (method);
+               M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, REG_PV, p);
+               M_AST(REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, 0);
+               p = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (builtin_trace_args));
+               M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, p);
+               M_JSR(REG_RA, REG_PV);
+               M_LDA(REG_PV, REG_RA, -(int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase));
+               M_LDA(REG_SP, REG_SP, 8);
+               }
+       /* call monitorenter function */
+       if (checksync && (method->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED)) {
+               p = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (builtin_monitorenter));
+               M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, p);
+               M_ALD(argintregs[0], REG_SP, 8 * maxmemuse);
+               M_JSR(REG_RA, REG_PV);
+               M_LDA(REG_PV, REG_RA, -(int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase));
+               }                       
+       }
+       /* end of header generation */
+       /* walk through all basic blocks */
+       for (bbs = block_count, bptr = block; --bbs >= 0; bptr++) {
+               bptr -> mpc = (int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+               if (bptr->flags >= BBREACHED) {
+               /* branch resolving */
+               {
+               branchref *brefs;
+               for (brefs = bptr->branchrefs; brefs != NULL; brefs = brefs->next) {
+                       gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + brefs->branchpos, 
+                                         brefs->branchpos, bptr->mpc);
+                       }
+               }
+               /* copy interface registers to their destination */
+               src = bptr->instack;
+               len = bptr->indepth;
+               MCODECHECK(64+len);
+               while (src != NULL) {
+                       len--;
+                       if ((len == 0) && (bptr->type != BBTYPE_STD)) {
+                               d = reg_of_var(src, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_INTMOVE(REG_ITMP1, d);
+                               store_reg_to_var_int(src, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               d = reg_of_var(src, REG_IFTMP);
+                               if ((src->varkind != STACKVAR)) {
+                                       s2 = src->type;
+                                       if (IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(s2)) {
+                                               if (!(interfaces[len][s2].flags & INMEMORY)) {
+                                                       s1 = interfaces[len][s2].regoff;
+                                                       M_FLTMOVE(s1,d);
+                                                       }
+                                               else {
+                                                       M_DLD(d, REG_SP, 8 * interfaces[len][s2].regoff);
+                                                       }
+                                               store_reg_to_var_flt(src, d);
+                                               }
+                                       else {
+                                               if (!(interfaces[len][s2].flags & INMEMORY)) {
+                                                       s1 = interfaces[len][s2].regoff;
+                                                       M_INTMOVE(s1,d);
+                                                       }
+                                               else {
+                                                       M_LLD(d, REG_SP, 8 * interfaces[len][s2].regoff);
+                                                       }
+                                               store_reg_to_var_int(src, d);
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       src = src->prev;
+                       }
+               /* walk through all instructions */
+               src = bptr->instack;
+               len = bptr->icount;
+               for (iptr = bptr->iinstr;
+                   len > 0;
+                   src = iptr->dst, len--, iptr++) {
+       MCODECHECK(64);           /* an instruction usually needs < 64 words      */
+       switch (iptr->opc) {
+               case ICMD_NOP:        /* ...  ==> ...                                 */
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_NULLCHECKPOP: /* ..., objectref  ==> ...                    */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BEQZ(s1, 0);
+                       mcode_addxnullrefs(mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               /* constant operations ************************************************/
+#define ICONST(r,c) if(((c)>=-32768)&&((c)<= 32767)){M_LDA(r,REG_ZERO,c);} \
+                    else{a=dseg_adds4(c);M_ILD(r,REG_PV,a);}
+#define LCONST(r,c) if(((c)>=-32768)&&((c)<= 32767)){M_LDA(r,REG_ZERO,c);} \
+                    else{a=dseg_adds8(c);M_LLD(r,REG_PV,a);}
+               case ICMD_ICONST:     /* ...  ==> ..., constant                       */
+                                     /* op1 = 0, val.i = constant                    */
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP1);
+                       ICONST(d, iptr->val.i);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LCONST:     /* ...  ==> ..., constant                       */
+                                     /* op1 = 0, val.l = constant                    */
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP1);
+                       LCONST(d, iptr->val.l);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FCONST:     /* ...  ==> ..., constant                       */
+                                     /* op1 = 0, val.f = constant                    */
+                       d = reg_of_var (iptr->dst, REG_FTMP1);
+                       a = dseg_addfloat (iptr->val.f);
+                       M_FLD(d, REG_PV, a);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt (iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DCONST:     /* ...  ==> ..., constant                       */
+                                     /* op1 = 0, val.d = constant                    */
+                       d = reg_of_var (iptr->dst, REG_FTMP1);
+                       a = dseg_adddouble (iptr->val.d);
+                       M_DLD(d, REG_PV, a);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt (iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ACONST:     /* ...  ==> ..., constant                       */
+                                     /* op1 = 0, val.a = constant                    */
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.a) {
+                               a = dseg_addaddress (iptr->val.a);
+                               M_ALD(d, REG_PV, a);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_INTMOVE(REG_ZERO, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               /* load/store operations **********************************************/
+               case ICMD_ILOAD:      /* ...  ==> ..., content of local variable      */
+               case ICMD_LLOAD:      /* op1 = local variable                         */
+               case ICMD_ALOAD:
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if ((iptr->dst->varkind == LOCALVAR) &&
+                           (iptr->dst->varnum == iptr->op1))
+                               break;
+                       var = &(locals[iptr->op1][iptr->opc - ICMD_ILOAD]);
+                       if (var->flags & INMEMORY)
+                               M_LLD(d, REG_SP, 8 * var->regoff);
+                       else
+                               {M_INTMOVE(var->regoff,d);}
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FLOAD:      /* ...  ==> ..., content of local variable      */
+               case ICMD_DLOAD:      /* op1 = local variable                         */
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP1);
+                       if ((iptr->dst->varkind == LOCALVAR) &&
+                           (iptr->dst->varnum == iptr->op1))
+                               break;
+                       var = &(locals[iptr->op1][iptr->opc - ICMD_ILOAD]);
+                       if (var->flags & INMEMORY)
+                               M_DLD(d, REG_SP, 8 * var->regoff);
+                       else
+                               {M_FLTMOVE(var->regoff,d);}
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ISTORE:     /* ..., value  ==> ...                          */
+               case ICMD_LSTORE:     /* op1 = local variable                         */
+               case ICMD_ASTORE:
+                       if ((src->varkind == LOCALVAR) &&
+                           (src->varnum == iptr->op1))
+                               break;
+                       var = &(locals[iptr->op1][iptr->opc - ICMD_ISTORE]);
+                       if (var->flags & INMEMORY) {
+                               var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LST(s1, REG_SP, 8 * var->regoff);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               var_to_reg_int(s1, src, var->regoff);
+                               M_INTMOVE(s1, var->regoff);
+                               }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FSTORE:     /* ..., value  ==> ...                          */
+               case ICMD_DSTORE:     /* op1 = local variable                         */
+                       if ((src->varkind == LOCALVAR) &&
+                           (src->varnum == iptr->op1))
+                               break;
+                       var = &(locals[iptr->op1][iptr->opc - ICMD_ISTORE]);
+                       if (var->flags & INMEMORY) {
+                               var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                               M_DST(s1, REG_SP, 8 * var->regoff);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, var->regoff);
+                               M_FLTMOVE(s1, var->regoff);
+                               }
+                       break;
+               /* pop/dup/swap operations ********************************************/
+               /* attention: double and longs are only one entry in CACAO ICMDs      */
+               case ICMD_POP:        /* ..., value  ==> ...                          */
+               case ICMD_POP2:       /* ..., value, value  ==> ...                   */
+                       break;
+#define M_COPY(from,to) \
+                       d = reg_of_var(to, REG_IFTMP); \
+                       if ((from->regoff != to->regoff) || \
+                           ((from->flags ^ to->flags) & INMEMORY)) { \
+                               if (IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(from->type)) { \
+                                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, from, d); \
+                                       M_FLTMOVE(s1,d); \
+                                       store_reg_to_var_flt(to, d); \
+                                       }\
+                               else { \
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, from, d); \
+                                       M_INTMOVE(s1,d); \
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(to, d); \
+                                       }\
+                               }
+               case ICMD_DUP:        /* ..., a ==> ..., a, a                         */
+                       M_COPY(src, iptr->dst);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DUP_X1:     /* ..., a, b ==> ..., b, a, b                   */
+                       M_COPY(src,       iptr->dst->prev->prev);
+               case ICMD_DUP2:       /* ..., a, b ==> ..., a, b, a, b                */
+                       M_COPY(src,       iptr->dst);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev, iptr->dst->prev);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DUP2_X1:    /* ..., a, b, c ==> ..., b, c, a, b, c          */
+                       M_COPY(src->prev,       iptr->dst->prev->prev->prev);
+               case ICMD_DUP_X2:     /* ..., a, b, c ==> ..., c, a, b, c             */
+                       M_COPY(src,             iptr->dst);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev,       iptr->dst->prev);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev->prev, iptr->dst->prev->prev);
+                       M_COPY(src, iptr->dst->prev->prev->prev);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DUP2_X2:    /* ..., a, b, c, d ==> ..., c, d, a, b, c, d    */
+                       M_COPY(src,                   iptr->dst);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev,             iptr->dst->prev);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev->prev,       iptr->dst->prev->prev);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev->prev->prev, iptr->dst->prev->prev->prev);
+                       M_COPY(src,       iptr->dst->prev->prev->prev->prev);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev, iptr->dst->prev->prev->prev->prev->prev);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_SWAP:       /* ..., a, b ==> ..., b, a                      */
+                       M_COPY(src, iptr->dst->prev);
+                       M_COPY(src->prev, iptr->dst);
+                       break;
+               /* integer operations *************************************************/
+               case ICMD_INEG:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., - value                 */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1); 
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LNEG:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., - value                 */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_I2L:        /* ..., value  ==> ..., value                   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_INTMOVE(s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_L2I:        /* ..., value  ==> ..., value                   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_IADD(s1, REG_ZERO, d );
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_INT2BYTE:   /* ..., value  ==> ..., value                   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_BSEXT(s1, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_SLL_IMM(s1, 56, d);
+                               M_SRA_IMM( d, 56, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_INT2CHAR:   /* ..., value  ==> ..., value                   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+            M_CZEXT(s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_INT2SHORT:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value                   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_SSEXT(s1, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_SLL_IMM(s1, 48, d);
+                               M_SRA_IMM( d, 48, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IADD:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 + val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_IADD(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IADDCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value + constant        */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_IADD_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_IADD(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LADD:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 + val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_LADD(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LADDCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value + constant        */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.l >= 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                               M_LADD_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                               M_LADD(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ISUB:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 - val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_ISUB(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ISUBCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value + constant        */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_ISUB_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_ISUB(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LSUB:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 - val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_LSUB(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LSUBCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value - constant        */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.l >= 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                               M_LSUB_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                               M_LSUB(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IMUL:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 * val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_IMUL(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IMULCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value * constant        */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_IMUL_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_IMUL(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LMUL:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 * val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_LMUL (s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LMULCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value * constant        */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.l >= 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                               M_LMUL_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                               M_LMUL(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IDIVPOW2:   /* ..., value  ==> ..., value << constant       */
+               case ICMD_LDIVPOW2:   /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (iptr->val.i <= 15) {
+                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, s1, (1 << iptr->val.i) -1);
+                               M_CMOVGE(s1, s1, REG_ITMP2);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_SRA_IMM(s1, 63, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_SRL_IMM(REG_ITMP2, 64 - iptr->val.i, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_LADD(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2);
+                               }
+                       M_SRA_IMM(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ISHL:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 << val2       */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_AND_IMM(s2, 0x1f, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SLL(s1, REG_ITMP3, d);
+                       M_IADD(d, REG_ZERO, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ISHLCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value << constant       */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SLL_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i & 0x1f, d);
+                       M_IADD(d, REG_ZERO, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ISHR:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 >> val2       */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_AND_IMM(s2, 0x1f, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SRA(s1, REG_ITMP3, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_ISHRCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value >> constant       */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SRA_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i & 0x1f, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IUSHR:      /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 >>> val2      */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_AND_IMM(s2, 0x1f, REG_ITMP2);
+            M_IZEXT(s1, d);
+                       M_SRL(d, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                       M_IADD(d, REG_ZERO, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IUSHRCONST: /* ..., value  ==> ..., value >>> constant      */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+            M_IZEXT(s1, d);
+                       M_SRL_IMM(d, iptr->val.i & 0x1f, d);
+                       M_IADD(d, REG_ZERO, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LSHL:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 << val2       */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SLL(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LSHLCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value << constant       */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SLL_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l & 0x3f, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LSHR:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 >> val2       */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SRA(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LSHRCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value >> constant       */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SRA_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l & 0x3f, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LUSHR:      /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 >>> val2      */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SRL(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LUSHRCONST: /* ..., value  ==> ..., value >>> constant      */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SRL_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l & 0x3f, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IAND:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 & val2        */
+               case ICMD_LAND:
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_AND(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IANDCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value & constant        */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_AND_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.i == 0xffff) {
+                               M_CZEXT(s1, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.i == 0xffffff) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x07, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_AND(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IREMPOW2:   /* ..., value  ==> ..., value % constant        */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (s1 == d) {
+                               M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                               }
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_AND_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_AND_IMM(d, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.i == 0xffff) {
+                               M_CZEXT(s1, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_CZEXT(d, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.i == 0xffffff) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x07, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(d, 0x07, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_AND(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_AND(d, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, d, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IREM0X10001:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value % 0x100001      */
+/*          b = value & 0xffff;
+                       a = value >> 16;
+                       a = ((b - a) & 0xffff) + (b < a);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (s1 == d) {
+                               M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP3);
+                               s1 = REG_ITMP3;
+                               }
+                       M_BLTZ(s1, 7);
+            M_CZEXT(s1, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_SRA_IMM(s1, 16, d);
+                       M_CMPLT(REG_ITMP2, d, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_ISUB(REG_ITMP2, d, d);
+            M_CZEXT(d, d);
+                       M_IADD(d, REG_ITMP1, d);
+                       M_BR(11 + (s1 == REG_ITMP1));
+                       M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+            M_CZEXT(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_SRA_IMM(REG_ITMP1, 16, d);
+                       M_CMPLT(REG_ITMP2, d, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_ISUB(REG_ITMP2, d, d);
+            M_CZEXT(d, d);
+                       M_IADD(d, REG_ITMP1, d);
+                       M_ISUB(REG_ZERO, d, d);
+                       if (s1 == REG_ITMP1) {
+                               var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                               }
+                       M_SLL_IMM(s1, 33, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMPEQ(REG_ITMP2, REG_ZERO, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_ISUB(d, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LANDCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value & constant        */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.l >= 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                               M_AND_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffL) {
+                               M_CZEXT(s1, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x07, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffL) {
+                               M_IZEXT(s1, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x1f, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x3f, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x7f, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                               M_AND(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LREMPOW2:   /* ..., value  ==> ..., value % constant        */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (s1 == d) {
+                               M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                               }
+                       if ((iptr->val.l >= 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                               M_AND_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_AND_IMM(d, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffL) {
+                               M_CZEXT(s1, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_CZEXT(d, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x07, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(d, 0x07, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffL) {
+                               M_IZEXT(s1, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_IZEXT(d, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x1f, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(d, 0x1f, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x3f, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(d, 0x3f, d);
+                               }
+                       else if (iptr->val.l == 0xffffffffffffffL) {
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(s1, 0x7f, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_ZAPNOT_IMM(d, 0x7f, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                               M_AND(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 3);
+                               M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                               M_AND(d, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, d, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LREM0X10001:/* ..., value  ==> ..., value % 0x10001         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (s1 == d) {
+                               M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP3);
+                               s1 = REG_ITMP3;
+                               }
+                       M_CZEXT(s1, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_SRA_IMM(s1, 16, d);
+                       M_CMPLT(REG_ITMP2, d, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_LSUB(REG_ITMP2, d, d);
+            M_CZEXT(d, d);
+                       M_LADD(d, REG_ITMP1, d);
+                       M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, REG_ZERO, -1);
+                       M_SRL_IMM(REG_ITMP2, 33, REG_ITMP2);
+                       if (s1 == REG_ITMP1) {
+                               var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                               }
+                       M_CMPULT(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP2, 11);
+                       M_LDA(d, REG_ZERO, -257);
+                       M_ZAPNOT_IMM(d, 0xcd, d);
+                       M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, s1, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMOVGE(s1, s1, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_UMULH(REG_ITMP2, d, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_SRL_IMM(REG_ITMP2, 16, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_LSUB(REG_ZERO, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                       M_CMOVGE(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                       M_SLL_IMM(d, 16, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_LADD(d, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                       M_LSUB(s1, d, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IOR:        /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 | val2        */
+               case ICMD_LOR:
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_OR( s1,s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IORCONST:   /* ..., value  ==> ..., value | constant        */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_OR_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_OR(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LORCONST:   /* ..., value  ==> ..., value | constant        */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.l >= 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                               M_OR_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                               M_OR(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IXOR:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 ^ val2        */
+               case ICMD_LXOR:
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_XOR(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IXORCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value ^ constant        */
+                                     /* val.i = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_XOR_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_XOR(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LXORCONST:  /* ..., value  ==> ..., value ^ constant        */
+                                     /* val.l = constant                             */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if ((iptr->val.l >= 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                               M_XOR_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                               M_XOR(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LCMP:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 cmp val2      */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_CMPLT(s1, s2, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_CMPLT(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_LSUB (REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP3, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IINC:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., value + constant        */
+                                     /* op1 = variable, val.i = constant             */
+                       var = &(locals[iptr->op1][TYPE_INT]);
+                       if (var->flags & INMEMORY) {
+                               s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                               M_LLD(s1, REG_SP, 8 * var->regoff);
+                               }
+                       else
+                               s1 = var->regoff;
+                       if ((iptr->val.i >= 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                               M_IADD_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, s1);
+                               }
+                       else if ((iptr->val.i > -256) && (iptr->val.i < 0)) {
+                               M_ISUB_IMM(s1, (-iptr->val.i), s1);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_LDA (s1, s1, iptr->val.i);
+                               M_IADD(s1, REG_ZERO, s1);
+                               }
+                       if (var->flags & INMEMORY)
+                               M_LST(s1, REG_SP, 8 * var->regoff);
+                       break;
+               /* floating operations ************************************************/
+               case ICMD_FNEG:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., - value                 */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FNEG(s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DNEG:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., - value                 */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DNEG(s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FADD:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 + val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FADD(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DADD:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 + val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DADD(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FSUB:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 - val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FSUB(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DSUB:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 - val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DSUB(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FMUL:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 * val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FMUL(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DMUL:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 *** val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DMUL(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FDIV:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 / val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FDIV(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DDIV:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 / val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DDIV(s1, s2, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FREM:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 % val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FDIV(s1,s2, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FLOORFL(REG_FTMP3, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_CVTLF(REG_FTMP3, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FMUL(REG_FTMP3, s2, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FSUB(s1, REG_FTMP3, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                   break;
+               case ICMD_DREM:       /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 % val2        */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DDIV(s1,s2, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_FLOORDL(REG_FTMP3, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_CVTLD(REG_FTMP3, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DMUL(REG_FTMP3, s2, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_DSUB(s1, REG_FTMP3, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                   break;
+               case ICMD_I2F:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., (float) value            */
+               case ICMD_L2F:
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_MOVLD(s1, d);
+                       M_CVTLF(d, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_I2D:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., (double) value           */
+               case ICMD_L2D:
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_MOVLD(s1, d);
+                       M_CVTLD(d, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_F2I:       /* ..., (float) value  ==> ..., (int) value      */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_CVTFI(s1, REG_FTMP1);
+                       M_MOVDL(REG_FTMP1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_D2I:       /* ..., (double) value  ==> ..., (int) value     */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_CVTDI(s1, REG_FTMP1);
+                       M_MOVDL(REG_FTMP1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_F2L:       /* ..., (float) value  ==> ..., (long) value     */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_CVTFL(s1, REG_FTMP1);
+                       M_MOVDL(REG_FTMP1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_D2L:       /* ..., (double) value  ==> ..., (long) value    */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_CVTDL(s1, REG_FTMP1);
+                       M_MOVDL(REG_FTMP1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_F2D:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., (double) value           */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_CVTFD(s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_D2F:       /* ..., value  ==> ..., (double) value           */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_CVTDF(s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FCMPL:      /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 fcmpl val2    */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_FCMPUEQF(s1, s2);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instructions */
+                       M_LSUB_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       M_CLR(d);
+                       M_FCMPULTF(s2, s1);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instruction  */
+                       M_NOP;
+                       M_LADD_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DCMPL:      /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 fcmpl val2    */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_FCMPUEQD(s1, s2);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instructions */
+                       M_LSUB_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       M_CLR(d);
+                       M_FCMPULTD(s2, s1);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instruction  */
+                       M_NOP;
+                       M_LADD_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FCMPG:      /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 fcmpg val2    */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_FCMPUEQF(s1, s2);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instruction  */
+                       M_LADD_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       M_CLR(d);
+                       M_FCMPULTF(s1, s2);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instruction  */
+                       M_NOP;
+                       M_LSUB_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DCMPG:      /* ..., val1, val2  ==> ..., val1 fcmpg val2    */
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src->prev, REG_FTMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_FCMPUEQD(s1, s2);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instruction  */
+                       M_LADD_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       M_CLR(d);
+                       M_FCMPULTD(s1, s2);
+                       M_FBF(2);                          /* jump over next instruction  */
+                       M_NOP;
+                       M_LSUB_IMM(REG_ZERO, 1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               /* memory operations **************************************************/
+#define gen_bound_check \
+                       if (checkbounds) {\
+                               M_ILD(REG_ITMP3, s1, OFFSET(java_arrayheader, size));\
+                               M_CMPULT(s2, REG_ITMP3, REG_ITMP3);\
+                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP3, 0);\
+                               mcode_addxboundrefs(mcodeptr);\
+                               }
+               case ICMD_ARRAYLENGTH: /* ..., arrayref  ==> ..., length              */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       M_ILD(d, s1, OFFSET(java_arrayheader, size));
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_AALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       M_SAADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_ALD( d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_objectarray, data[0]));
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       M_S8ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_LLD(d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_longarray, data[0]));
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       M_S4ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_ILD(d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_intarray, data[0]));
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       M_S4ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_FLD(d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_floatarray, data[0]));
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       M_S8ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_DLD(d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_doublearray, data[0]));
+                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_CALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_LADD(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD(s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_SLDU(d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_chararray, data[0]));
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_LADD (s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD (s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LLD_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_chararray, data[0]));
+                               M_LDA  (REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_chararray, data[0]));
+                               M_EXTWL(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;                  
+               case ICMD_SALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_LADD(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD(s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_SLDU( d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET (java_shortarray, data[0]));
+                               M_SSEXT(d, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_LADD(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD(s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LLD_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_shortarray, data[0]));
+                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_shortarray, data[0])+2);
+                               M_EXTQH(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, d);
+                               M_SRA_IMM(d, 48, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_BALOAD:     /* ..., arrayref, index  ==> ..., value         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_LADD   (s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_BLDU   (d, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET (java_shortarray, data[0]));
+                               M_BSEXT  (d, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_LADD(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LLD_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_bytearray, data[0]));
+                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_bytearray, data[0])+1);
+                               M_EXTQH(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, d);
+                               M_SRA_IMM(d, 56, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_AASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_int(s3, src, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_SAADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_AST   (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_objectarray, data[0]));
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_int(s3, src, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_S8ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_LST   (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_longarray, data[0]));
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_int(s3, src, REG_ITMP3);
+                       M_S4ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_IST   (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_intarray, data[0]));
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_FASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s3, src, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_S4ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_FST   (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_floatarray, data[0]));
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_DASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s3, src, REG_FTMP3);
+                       M_S8ADDQ(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_DST   (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_doublearray, data[0]));
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_CASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_int(s3, src, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_LADD(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD(s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_SST (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_chararray, data[0]));
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_LADD (s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD (s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LLD_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_chararray, data[0]));
+                               M_LDA  (REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_chararray, data[0]));
+                               M_INSWL(s3, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP3);
+                               M_MSKWL(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_OR   (REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP3, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_LST_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_SASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_int(s3, src, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_LADD(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD(s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_SST (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_shortarray, data[0]));
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_LADD (s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LADD (s2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LLD_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_shortarray, data[0]));
+                               M_LDA  (REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_shortarray, data[0]));
+                               M_INSWL(s3, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP3);
+                               M_MSKWL(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_OR   (REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP3, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_LST_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_BASTORE:    /* ..., arrayref, index, value  ==> ...         */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src->prev, REG_ITMP2);
+                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                       gen_bound_check;
+                       var_to_reg_int(s3, src, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (has_ext_instr_set) {
+                               M_LADD(s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_BST (s3, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_bytearray, data[0]));
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               M_LADD (s2, s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_LLD_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_bytearray, data[0]));
+                               M_LDA  (REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(java_bytearray, data[0]));
+                               M_INSBL(s3, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP3);
+                               M_MSKBL(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_OR   (REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP3, REG_ITMP2);
+                               M_LST_U(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_PUTSTATIC:  /* ..., value  ==> ...                          */
+                                     /* op1 = type, val.a = field address            */
+                       a = dseg_addaddress (&(((fieldinfo *)(iptr->val.a))->value));
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, REG_PV, a);
+                       switch (iptr->op1) {
+                               case TYPE_INT:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       M_IST(s2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_LNG:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       M_LST(s2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_ADR:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       M_AST(s2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_FLT:
+                                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                                       M_FST(s2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_DBL:
+                                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                                       M_DST(s2, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       break;
+                               default: panic ("internal error");
+                               }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_GETSTATIC:  /* ...  ==> ..., value                          */
+                                     /* op1 = type, val.a = field address            */
+                       a = dseg_addaddress (&(((fieldinfo *)(iptr->val.a))->value));
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, REG_PV, a);
+                       switch (iptr->op1) {
+                               case TYPE_INT:
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                                       M_ILD(d, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_LNG:
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                                       M_LLD(d, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_ADR:
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                                       M_ALD(d, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_FLT:
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP1);
+                                       M_FLD(d, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_DBL:                          
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP1);
+                                       M_DLD(d, REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               default: panic ("internal error");
+                               }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_PUTFIELD:   /* ..., value  ==> ...                          */
+                                     /* op1 = type, val.i = field offset             */
+                       a = ((fieldinfo *)(iptr->val.a))->offset;
+                       switch (iptr->op1) {
+                               case TYPE_INT:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_IST(s2, s1, a);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_LNG:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_LST(s2, s1, a);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_ADR:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_AST(s2, s1, a);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_FLT:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_FST(s2, s1, a);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_DBL:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       var_to_reg_flt(s2, src, REG_FTMP2);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_DST(s2, s1, a);
+                                       break;
+                               default: panic ("internal error");
+                               }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_GETFIELD:   /* ...  ==> ..., value                          */
+                                     /* op1 = type, val.i = field offset             */
+                       a = ((fieldinfo *)(iptr->val.a))->offset;
+                       switch (iptr->op1) {
+                               case TYPE_INT:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_ILD(d, s1, a);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_LNG:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_LLD(d, s1, a);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_ADR:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_ALD(d, s1, a);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_FLT:
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP1);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_FLD(d, s1, a);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               case TYPE_DBL:                          
+                                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FTMP1);
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(s1);
+                                       M_DLD(d, s1, a);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                               default: panic ("internal error");
+                               }
+                       break;
+               /* branch operations **************************************************/
+#define ALIGNCODENOP {if((int)((long)mcodeptr&7)){M_NOP;}}
+               case ICMD_ATHROW:       /* ..., objectref ==> ... (, objectref)       */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_INTMOVE(s1, REG_ITMP1_XPTR);
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(asm_handle_exception);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP2, REG_PV, a);
+                       M_JSR(REG_ITMP2_XPC, REG_ITMP2);
+                       ALIGNCODENOP;
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_GOTO:         /* ... ==> ...                                */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       M_BR(0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       ALIGNCODENOP;
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_JSR:          /* ... ==> ...                                */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       M_BSR(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_RET:          /* ... ==> ...                                */
+                                       /* op1 = local variable                       */
+                       var = &(locals[iptr->op1][TYPE_ADR]);
+                       if (var->flags & INMEMORY) {
+                               M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, REG_SP, 8 * var->regoff);
+                               M_RET(REG_ITMP1);
+                               }
+                       else
+                               M_RET(var->regoff);
+                       ALIGNCODENOP;
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFNULL:       /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BEQZ(s1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFNONNULL:    /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BNEZ(s1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFEQ:         /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.i = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.i == 0) {
+                               M_BEQZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.i > 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFLT:         /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.i = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.i == 0) {
+                               M_BLTZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.i > 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                                       M_CMPLT(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFLE:         /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.i = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.i == 0) {
+                               M_BLEZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.i > 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                                       M_CMPLE(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFNE:         /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.i = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.i == 0) {
+                               M_BNEZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.i > 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFGT:         /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.i = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.i == 0) {
+                               M_BGTZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.i > 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                                       M_CMPLE(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFGE:         /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.i = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.i == 0) {
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.i > 0) && (iptr->val.i <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT_IMM(s1, iptr->val.i, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       ICONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.i);
+                                       M_CMPLT(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_LEQ:       /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.l = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.l == 0) {
+                               M_BEQZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.l > 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_LLT:       /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.l = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.l == 0) {
+                               M_BLTZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.l > 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                                       M_CMPLT(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_LLE:       /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.l = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.l == 0) {
+                               M_BLEZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.l > 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                                       M_CMPLE(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_LNE:       /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.l = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.l == 0) {
+                               M_BNEZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.l > 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_LGT:       /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.l = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.l == 0) {
+                               M_BGTZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.l > 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                                       M_CMPLE(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_LGE:       /* ..., value ==> ...                         */
+                                       /* op1 = target JavaVM pc, val.l = constant   */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (iptr->val.l == 0) {
+                               M_BGEZ(s1, 0);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               if ((iptr->val.l > 0) && (iptr->val.l <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT_IMM(s1, iptr->val.l, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       LCONST(REG_ITMP2, iptr->val.l);
+                                       M_CMPLT(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       }
+                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                               }
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_ICMPEQ:    /* ..., value, value ==> ...                  */
+               case ICMD_IF_LCMPEQ:    /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+               case ICMD_IF_ACMPEQ:
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMPEQ(s1, s2, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_ICMPNE:    /* ..., value, value ==> ...                  */
+               case ICMD_IF_LCMPNE:    /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+               case ICMD_IF_ACMPNE:
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMPEQ(s1, s2, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_ICMPLT:    /* ..., value, value ==> ...                  */
+               case ICMD_IF_LCMPLT:    /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMPLT(s1, s2, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_ICMPGT:    /* ..., value, value ==> ...                  */
+               case ICMD_IF_LCMPGT:    /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMPLE(s1, s2, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_ICMPLE:    /* ..., value, value ==> ...                  */
+               case ICMD_IF_LCMPLE:    /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMPLE(s1, s2, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IF_ICMPGE:    /* ..., value, value ==> ...                  */
+               case ICMD_IF_LCMPGE:    /* op1 = target JavaVM pc                     */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src->prev, REG_ITMP1);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_CMPLT(s1, s2, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(iptr->op1), mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               /* (value xx 0) ? IFxx_ICONST : ELSE_ICONST                           */
+               case ICMD_ELSE_ICONST:  /* handled by IFxx_ICONST                     */
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFEQ_ICONST:  /* ..., value ==> ..., constant               */
+                                       /* val.i = constant                           */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       a = iptr->val.i;
+                       if (iptr[1].opc == ICMD_ELSE_ICONST) {
+                               if ((a == 1) && (iptr[1].val.i == 0)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if ((a == 0) && (iptr[1].val.i == 1)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       M_XOR_IMM(d, 1, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if (s1 == d) {
+                                       M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                                       }
+                               ICONST(d, iptr[1].val.i);
+                               }
+                       if ((a >= 0) && (a <= 255)) {
+                               M_CMOVEQ_IMM(s1, a, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, a);
+                               M_CMOVEQ(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFNE_ICONST:  /* ..., value ==> ..., constant               */
+                                       /* val.i = constant                           */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       a = iptr->val.i;
+                       if (iptr[1].opc == ICMD_ELSE_ICONST) {
+                               if ((a == 0) && (iptr[1].val.i == 1)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if ((a == 1) && (iptr[1].val.i == 0)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       M_XOR_IMM(d, 1, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if (s1 == d) {
+                                       M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                                       }
+                               ICONST(d, iptr[1].val.i);
+                               }
+                       if ((a >= 0) && (a <= 255)) {
+                               M_CMOVNE_IMM(s1, a, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, a);
+                               M_CMOVNE(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFLT_ICONST:  /* ..., value ==> ..., constant               */
+                                       /* val.i = constant                           */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       a = iptr->val.i;
+                       if ((iptr[1].opc == ICMD_ELSE_ICONST)) {
+                               if ((a == 1) && (iptr[1].val.i == 0)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if ((a == 0) && (iptr[1].val.i == 1)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if (s1 == d) {
+                                       M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                                       }
+                               ICONST(d, iptr[1].val.i);
+                               }
+                       if ((a >= 0) && (a <= 255)) {
+                               M_CMOVLT_IMM(s1, a, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, a);
+                               M_CMOVLT(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFGE_ICONST:  /* ..., value ==> ..., constant               */
+                                       /* val.i = constant                           */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       a = iptr->val.i;
+                       if ((iptr[1].opc == ICMD_ELSE_ICONST)) {
+                               if ((a == 1) && (iptr[1].val.i == 0)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if ((a == 0) && (iptr[1].val.i == 1)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if (s1 == d) {
+                                       M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                                       }
+                               ICONST(d, iptr[1].val.i);
+                               }
+                       if ((a >= 0) && (a <= 255)) {
+                               M_CMOVGE_IMM(s1, a, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, a);
+                               M_CMOVGE(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFGT_ICONST:  /* ..., value ==> ..., constant               */
+                                       /* val.i = constant                           */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       a = iptr->val.i;
+                       if ((iptr[1].opc == ICMD_ELSE_ICONST)) {
+                               if ((a == 1) && (iptr[1].val.i == 0)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if ((a == 0) && (iptr[1].val.i == 1)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if (s1 == d) {
+                                       M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                                       }
+                               ICONST(d, iptr[1].val.i);
+                               }
+                       if ((a >= 0) && (a <= 255)) {
+                               M_CMOVGT_IMM(s1, a, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, a);
+                               M_CMOVGT(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IFLE_ICONST:  /* ..., value ==> ..., constant               */
+                                       /* val.i = constant                           */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       a = iptr->val.i;
+                       if ((iptr[1].opc == ICMD_ELSE_ICONST)) {
+                               if ((a == 1) && (iptr[1].val.i == 0)) {
+                                       M_CMPLE(s1, REG_ZERO, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if ((a == 0) && (iptr[1].val.i == 1)) {
+                                       M_CMPLT(REG_ZERO, s1, d);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                                       break;
+                                       }
+                               if (s1 == d) {
+                                       M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                                       s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                                       }
+                               ICONST(d, iptr[1].val.i);
+                               }
+                       if ((a >= 0) && (a <= 255)) {
+                               M_CMOVLE_IMM(s1, a, d);
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               ICONST(REG_ITMP2, a);
+                               M_CMOVLE(s1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                               }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_IRETURN:      /* ..., retvalue ==> ...                      */
+               case ICMD_LRETURN:
+               case ICMD_ARETURN:
+                       if (checksync && (method->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED)) {
+                               a = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (builtin_monitorexit));
+                               M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, a);
+                               M_ALD(argintregs[0], REG_SP, 8 * maxmemuse);
+                               M_JSR(REG_RA, REG_PV);
+                               M_LDA(REG_PV, REG_RA, -(int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase));
+                               }                       
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_RESULT);
+                       M_INTMOVE(s1, REG_RESULT);
+                       goto nowperformreturn;
+               case ICMD_FRETURN:      /* ..., retvalue ==> ...                      */
+               case ICMD_DRETURN:
+                       if (checksync && (method->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED)) {
+                               a = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (builtin_monitorexit));
+                               M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, a);
+                               M_ALD(argintregs[0], REG_SP, 8 * maxmemuse);
+                               M_JSR(REG_RA, REG_PV);
+                               M_LDA(REG_PV, REG_RA, -(int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase));
+                               }                       
+                       var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FRESULT);
+                       M_FLTMOVE(s1, REG_FRESULT);
+                       goto nowperformreturn;
+               case ICMD_RETURN:      /* ...  ==> ...                                */
+                       if (checksync && (method->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED)) {
+                               a = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (builtin_monitorexit));
+                               M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, a);
+                               M_ALD(argintregs[0], REG_SP, 8 * maxmemuse);
+                               M_JSR(REG_RA, REG_PV);
+                               M_LDA(REG_PV, REG_RA, -(int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase));
+                               }                       
+                       {
+                       int r, p;
+                       p = parentargs_base;
+                       /* restore return address                                         */
+                       if (!isleafmethod)
+                               {p--;  M_LLD (REG_RA, REG_SP, 8 * p);}
+                       /* restore saved registers                                        */
+                       for (r = savintregcnt - 1; r >= maxsavintreguse; r--)
+                                       {p--; M_LLD(savintregs[r], REG_SP, 8 * p);}
+                       for (r = savfltregcnt - 1; r >= maxsavfltreguse; r--)
+                                       {p--; M_DLD(savfltregs[r], REG_SP, 8 * p);}
+                       /* deallocate stack                                               */
+                       if (parentargs_base)
+                               {M_LDA(REG_SP, REG_SP, parentargs_base*8);}
+                       /* call trace function */
+                       if (runverbose) {
+                               M_LDA (REG_SP, REG_SP, -24);
+                               M_AST(REG_RA, REG_SP, 0);
+                               M_LST(REG_RESULT, REG_SP, 8);
+                               M_DST(REG_FRESULT, REG_SP,16);
+                               a = dseg_addaddress (method);
+                               M_ALD(argintregs[0], REG_PV, a);
+                               M_MOV(REG_RESULT, argintregs[1]);
+                               M_FLTMOVE(REG_FRESULT, argfltregs[2]);
+                               a = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (builtin_displaymethodstop));
+                               M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, a);
+                               M_JSR (REG_RA, REG_PV);
+                               s1 = (int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+                               if (s1<=32768) M_LDA (REG_PV, REG_RA, -s1);
+                               else {
+                                       s4 ml=-s1, mh=0;
+                                       while (ml<-32768) { ml+=65536; mh--; }
+                                       M_LDA (REG_PV, REG_RA, ml );
+                                       M_LDAH (REG_PV, REG_PV, mh );
+                                       }
+                               M_DLD(REG_FRESULT, REG_SP,16);
+                               M_LLD(REG_RESULT, REG_SP, 8);
+                               M_ALD(REG_RA, REG_SP, 0);
+                               M_LDA (REG_SP, REG_SP, 24);
+                               }
+                       M_RET(REG_RA);
+                       ALIGNCODENOP;
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_TABLESWITCH:  /* ..., index ==> ...                         */
+                       {
+                       s4 i, l, *s4ptr;
+                       s4ptr = iptr->val.a;
+                       l = s4ptr[1];                          /* low     */
+                       i = s4ptr[2];                          /* high    */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       if (l == 0)
+                               {M_INTMOVE(s1, REG_ITMP1);}
+                       else
+                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP1, s1, -l);
+                       i = i - l + 1;
+                       /* range check */
+                       if (i <= 256)
+                               M_CMPULE_IMM(REG_ITMP1, i - 1, REG_ITMP2);
+                       else {
+                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, REG_ZERO, i - 1);
+                               M_CMPULE(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2);
+                               }
+                       M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP2, 0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(s4ptr[0]), mcodeptr);
+                       /* build jump table top down and use address of lowest entry */
+                       s4ptr += 3 + i;
+                       while (--i >= 0) {
+                               dseg_addtarget(BlockPtrOfPC(*--s4ptr));
+                               }
+                       }
+                       /* length of dataseg after last dseg_addtarget is used by load */
+                       M_SAADDQ(REG_ITMP1, REG_PV, REG_ITMP2);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2, -dseglen);
+                       M_JMP(REG_ITMP2);
+                       ALIGNCODENOP;
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_LOOKUPSWITCH: /* ..., key ==> ...                           */
+                       {
+                       s4 i, l, val, *s4ptr;
+                       s4ptr = iptr->val.a;
+                       l = s4ptr[0];                          /* default  */
+                       i = s4ptr[1];                          /* count    */
+                       MCODECHECK((i<<2)+8);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       while (--i >= 0) {
+                               s4ptr += 2;
+                               val = s4ptr[0];
+                               if ((val >= 0) && (val <= 255)) {
+                                       M_CMPEQ_IMM(s1, val, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       if ((val >= -32768) && (val <= 32767)) {
+                                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, REG_ZERO, val);
+                                               } 
+                                       else {
+                                               a = dseg_adds4 (val);
+                                               M_ILD(REG_ITMP2, REG_PV, a);
+                                               }
+                                       M_CMPEQ(s1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2);
+                                       }
+                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP2, 0);
+                               mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(s4ptr[1]), mcodeptr);
+                               }
+                       M_BR(0);
+                       mcode_addreference(BlockPtrOfPC(l), mcodeptr);
+                       ALIGNCODENOP;
+                       break;
+                       }
+               case ICMD_BUILTIN3:     /* ..., arg1, arg2, arg3 ==> ...              */
+                                       /* op1 = return type, val.a = function pointer*/
+                       s3 = 3;
+                       goto gen_method;
+               case ICMD_BUILTIN2:     /* ..., arg1, arg2 ==> ...                    */
+                                       /* op1 = return type, val.a = function pointer*/
+                       s3 = 2;
+                       goto gen_method;
+               case ICMD_BUILTIN1:     /* ..., arg1 ==> ...                          */
+                                       /* op1 = return type, val.a = function pointer*/
+                       s3 = 1;
+                       goto gen_method;
+               case ICMD_INVOKESTATIC: /* ..., [arg1, [arg2 ...]] ==> ...            */
+                                       /* op1 = arg count, val.a = method pointer    */
+               case ICMD_INVOKESPECIAL:/* ..., objectref, [arg1, [arg2 ...]] ==> ... */
+                                       /* op1 = arg count, val.a = method pointer    */
+               case ICMD_INVOKEVIRTUAL:/* ..., objectref, [arg1, [arg2 ...]] ==> ... */
+                                       /* op1 = arg count, val.a = method pointer    */
+               case ICMD_INVOKEINTERFACE:/*.., objectref, [arg1, [arg2 ...]] ==> ... */
+                                       /* op1 = arg count, val.a = method pointer    */
+                       s3 = iptr->op1;
+gen_method: {
+                       methodinfo   *m;
+                       classinfo    *ci;
+                       MCODECHECK((s3 << 1) + 64);
+                       /* copy arguments to registers or stack location                  */
+                       for (; --s3 >= 0; src = src->prev) {
+                               if (src->varkind == ARGVAR)
+                                       continue;
+                               if (IS_INT_LNG_TYPE(src->type)) {
+                                       if (s3 < INT_ARG_CNT) {
+                                               s1 = argintregs[s3];
+                                               var_to_reg_int(d, src, s1);
+                                               M_INTMOVE(d, s1);
+                                               }
+                                       else  {
+                                               var_to_reg_int(d, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                                               M_LST(d, REG_SP, 8 * (s3 - INT_ARG_CNT));
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               else
+                                       if (s3 < FLT_ARG_CNT) {
+                                               s1 = argfltregs[s3];
+                                               var_to_reg_flt(d, src, s1);
+                                               M_FLTMOVE(d, s1);
+                                               }
+                                       else {
+                                               var_to_reg_flt(d, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                                               M_DST(d, REG_SP, 8 * (s3 - FLT_ARG_CNT));
+                                               }
+                               } /* end of for */
+                       m = iptr->val.a;
+                       switch (iptr->opc) {
+                               case ICMD_BUILTIN3:
+                               case ICMD_BUILTIN2:
+                               case ICMD_BUILTIN1:
+                                       a = dseg_addaddress ((void*) (m));
+                                       M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, a); /* Pointer to built-in-function */
+                                       d = iptr->op1;
+                                       goto makeactualcall;
+                               case ICMD_INVOKESTATIC:
+                               case ICMD_INVOKESPECIAL:
+                                       a = dseg_addaddress (m->stubroutine);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, a );       /* method pointer in r27 */
+                                       d = m->returntype;
+                                       goto makeactualcall;
+                               case ICMD_INVOKEVIRTUAL:
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(argintregs[0]);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_METHODPTR, argintregs[0],
+                                                                OFFSET(java_objectheader, vftbl));
+                                       M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_METHODPTR, OFFSET(vftbl, table[0]) +
+                                                               sizeof(methodptr) * m->vftblindex);
+                                       d = m->returntype;
+                                       goto makeactualcall;
+                               case ICMD_INVOKEINTERFACE:
+                                       ci = m->class;
+                                       gen_nullptr_check(argintregs[0]);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_METHODPTR, argintregs[0],
+                                                                OFFSET(java_objectheader, vftbl));    
+                                       M_ALD(REG_METHODPTR, REG_METHODPTR,
+                                             OFFSET(vftbl, interfacetable[0]) -
+                                             sizeof(methodptr*) * ci->index);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_METHODPTR,
+                                                           sizeof(methodptr) * (m - ci->methods));
+                                       d = m->returntype;
+                                       goto makeactualcall;
+                               default:
+                                       d = 0;
+                                       sprintf (logtext, "Unkown ICMD-Command: %d", iptr->opc);
+                                       error ();
+                               }
+                       M_JSR (REG_RA, REG_PV);
+                       /* recompute pv */
+                       s1 = (int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+                       if (s1<=32768) M_LDA (REG_PV, REG_RA, -s1);
+                       else {
+                               s4 ml=-s1, mh=0;
+                               while (ml<-32768) { ml+=65536; mh--; }
+                               M_LDA (REG_PV, REG_RA, ml );
+                               M_LDAH (REG_PV, REG_PV, mh );
+                               }
+                       /* d contains return type */
+                       if (d != TYPE_VOID) {
+                               if (IS_INT_LNG_TYPE(iptr->dst->type)) {
+                                       s1 = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_RESULT);
+                                       M_INTMOVE(REG_RESULT, s1);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, s1);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       s1 = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_FRESULT);
+                                       M_FLTMOVE(REG_FRESULT, s1);
+                                       store_reg_to_var_flt(iptr->dst, s1);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_INSTANCEOF: /* ..., objectref ==> ..., intresult            */
+                                     /* op1:   0 == array, 1 == class                */
+                                     /* val.a: (classinfo*) superclass               */
+/*          superclass is an interface:
+ *
+ *          return (sub != NULL) &&
+ *                 (sub->vftbl->interfacetablelength > super->index) &&
+ *                 (sub->vftbl->interfacetable[-super->index] != NULL);
+ *
+ *          superclass is a class:
+ *
+ *          return ((sub != NULL) && (0
+ *                  <= (sub->vftbl->baseval - super->vftbl->baseval) <=
+ *                  super->vftbl->diffvall));
+ */
+                       {
+                       classinfo *super = (classinfo*) iptr->val.a;
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       if (s1 == d) {
+                               M_MOV(s1, REG_ITMP1);
+                               s1 = REG_ITMP1;
+                               }
+                       M_CLR(d);
+                       if (iptr->op1) {                               /* class/interface */
+                               if (super->flags & ACC_INTERFACE) {        /* interface       */
+                                       M_BEQZ(s1, 6);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, s1, OFFSET(java_objectheader, vftbl));
+                                       M_ILD(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(vftbl, interfacetablelength));
+                                       M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2, - super->index);
+                                       M_BLEZ(REG_ITMP2, 2);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1,
+                                             OFFSET(vftbl, interfacetable[0]) -
+                                             super->index * sizeof(methodptr*));
+                                       M_CMPULT(REG_ZERO, REG_ITMP1, d);      /* REG_ITMP1 != 0  */
+                                       }
+                               else {                                     /* class           */
+                                       s2 = super->vftbl->diffval;
+                                       M_BEQZ(s1, 4 + (s2 > 255));
+                                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, s1, OFFSET(java_objectheader, vftbl));
+                                       M_ILD(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(vftbl, baseval));
+                                       M_LDA(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, - super->vftbl->baseval);
+                                       if (s2 <= 255)
+                                               M_CMPULE_IMM(REG_ITMP1, s2, d);
+                                       else {
+                                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, REG_ZERO, s2);
+                                               M_CMPULE(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP2, d);
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       else
+                               panic ("internal error: no inlined array instanceof");
+                       }
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_CHECKCAST:  /* ..., objectref ==> ..., objectref            */
+                                     /* op1:   0 == array, 1 == class                */
+                                     /* val.a: (classinfo*) superclass               */
+/*          superclass is an interface:
+ *
+ *          OK if ((sub == NULL) ||
+ *                 (sub->vftbl->interfacetablelength > super->index) &&
+ *                 (sub->vftbl->interfacetable[-super->index] != NULL));
+ *
+ *          superclass is a class:
+ *
+ *          OK if ((sub == NULL) || (0
+ *                 <= (sub->vftbl->baseval - super->vftbl->baseval) <=
+ *                 super->vftbl->diffvall));
+ */
+                       {
+                       classinfo *super = (classinfo*) iptr->val.a;
+                       d = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_ITMP3);
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, d);
+                       if (iptr->op1) {                               /* class/interface */
+                               if (super->flags & ACC_INTERFACE) {        /* interface       */
+                                       M_BEQZ(s1, 6);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, s1, OFFSET(java_objectheader, vftbl));
+                                       M_ILD(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(vftbl, interfacetablelength));
+                                       M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2, - super->index);
+                                       M_BLEZ(REG_ITMP2, 0);
+                                       mcode_addxcastrefs(mcodeptr);
+                                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP1,
+                                             OFFSET(vftbl, interfacetable[0]) -
+                                             super->index * sizeof(methodptr*));
+                                       M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP2, 0);
+                                       mcode_addxcastrefs(mcodeptr);
+                                       }
+                               else {                                     /* class           */
+                                       s2 = super->vftbl->diffval;
+                                       M_BEQZ(s1, 4 + (s2 != 0) + (s2 > 255));
+                                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1, s1, OFFSET(java_objectheader, vftbl));
+                                       M_ILD(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, OFFSET(vftbl, baseval));
+                                       M_LDA(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP1, - super->vftbl->baseval);
+                                       if (s2 == 0) {
+                                               M_BNEZ(REG_ITMP1, 0);
+                                               }
+                                       else if (s2 <= 255) {
+                                               M_CMPULE_IMM(REG_ITMP1, s2, REG_ITMP2);
+                                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP2, 0);
+                                               }
+                                       else {
+                                               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2, REG_ZERO, s2);
+                                               M_CMPULE(REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP2, REG_ITMP2);
+                                               M_BEQZ(REG_ITMP2, 0);
+                                               }
+                                       mcode_addxcastrefs(mcodeptr);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       else
+                               panic ("internal error: no inlined array checkcast");
+                       }
+                       M_INTMOVE(s1, d);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, d);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_CHECKASIZE:  /* ..., size ==> ..., size                     */
+                       var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                       M_BLTZ(s1, 0);
+                       mcode_addxcheckarefs(mcodeptr);
+                       break;
+               case ICMD_MULTIANEWARRAY:/* ..., cnt1, [cnt2, ...] ==> ..., arrayref  */
+                                     /* op1 = dimension, val.a = array descriptor    */
+                       /* check for negative sizes and copy sizes to stack if necessary  */
+                       MCODECHECK((iptr->op1 << 1) + 64);
+                       for (s1 = iptr->op1; --s1 >= 0; src = src->prev) {
+                               var_to_reg_int(s2, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                               M_BLTZ(s2, 0);
+                               mcode_addxcheckarefs(mcodeptr);
+                               /* copy sizes to stack (argument numbers >= INT_ARG_CNT)      */
+                               if (src->varkind != ARGVAR) {
+                                       M_LST(s2, REG_SP, 8 * (s1 + INT_ARG_CNT));
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       /* a0 = dimension count */
+                       M_LDA(argintregs[0], REG_ZERO, iptr->op1);
+                       /* a1 = arraydescriptor */
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(iptr->val.a);
+                       M_ALD(argintregs[1], REG_PV, a);
+                       /* a2 = pointer to dimensions = stack pointer */
+                       M_INTMOVE(REG_SP, argintregs[2]);
+                       a = dseg_addaddress((void*) (builtin_nmultianewarray));
+                       M_ALD(REG_PV, REG_PV, a);
+                       M_JSR(REG_RA, REG_PV);
+                       s1 = (int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+                       if (s1 <= 32768)
+                               M_LDA (REG_PV, REG_RA, -s1);
+                       else {
+                               s4 ml = -s1, mh = 0;
+                               while (ml < -32768) {ml += 65536; mh--;}
+                               M_LDA(REG_PV, REG_RA, ml);
+                               M_LDAH(REG_PV, REG_PV, mh);
+                               }
+                       s1 = reg_of_var(iptr->dst, REG_RESULT);
+                       M_INTMOVE(REG_RESULT, s1);
+                       store_reg_to_var_int(iptr->dst, s1);
+                       break;
+               default: sprintf (logtext, "Unknown pseudo command: %d", iptr->opc);
+                        error();
+       } /* switch */
+       } /* for instruction */
+       /* copy values to interface registers */
+       src = bptr->outstack;
+       len = bptr->outdepth;
+       MCODECHECK(64+len);
+       while (src) {
+               len--;
+               if ((src->varkind != STACKVAR)) {
+                       s2 = src->type;
+                       if (IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(s2)) {
+                               var_to_reg_flt(s1, src, REG_FTMP1);
+                               if (!(interfaces[len][s2].flags & INMEMORY)) {
+                                       M_FLTMOVE(s1,interfaces[len][s2].regoff);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       M_DST(s1, REG_SP, 8 * interfaces[len][s2].regoff);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       else {
+                               var_to_reg_int(s1, src, REG_ITMP1);
+                               if (!(interfaces[len][s2].flags & INMEMORY)) {
+                                       M_INTMOVE(s1,interfaces[len][s2].regoff);
+                                       }
+                               else {
+                                       M_LST(s1, REG_SP, 8 * interfaces[len][s2].regoff);
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               src = src->prev;
+               }
+       } /* if (bptr -> flags >= BBREACHED) */
+       } /* for basic block */
+       bptr -> mpc = (int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+       {
+       /* generate bound check stubs */
+       s4 *xcodeptr = NULL;
+       for (; xboundrefs != NULL; xboundrefs = xboundrefs->next) {
+               if ((exceptiontablelength == 0) && (xcodeptr != NULL)) {
+                       gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xboundrefs->branchpos, 
+                               xboundrefs->branchpos, (u1*) xcodeptr - (u1*) mcodebase - 4);
+                       continue;
+                       }
+               gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xboundrefs->branchpos, 
+                                 xboundrefs->branchpos, (u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+               MCODECHECK(8);
+               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2_XPC, REG_PV, xboundrefs->branchpos);
+               if (xcodeptr != NULL) {
+                       M_BR((xcodeptr-mcodeptr)-1);
+                       }
+               else {
+                       xcodeptr = mcodeptr;
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(proto_java_lang_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1_XPTR, REG_PV, a);
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(asm_handle_exception);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP3, REG_PV, a);
+                       M_JMP(REG_ITMP3);
+                       }
+               }
+       /* generate negative array size check stubs */
+       xcodeptr = NULL;
+       for (; xcheckarefs != NULL; xcheckarefs = xcheckarefs->next) {
+               if ((exceptiontablelength == 0) && (xcodeptr != NULL)) {
+                       gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xcheckarefs->branchpos, 
+                               xcheckarefs->branchpos, (u1*) xcodeptr - (u1*) mcodebase - 4);
+                       continue;
+                       }
+               gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xcheckarefs->branchpos, 
+                                 xcheckarefs->branchpos, (u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+               MCODECHECK(8);
+               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2_XPC, REG_PV, xcheckarefs->branchpos);
+               if (xcodeptr != NULL) {
+                       M_BR((xcodeptr-mcodeptr)-1);
+                       }
+               else {
+                       xcodeptr = mcodeptr;
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(proto_java_lang_NegativeArraySizeException);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1_XPTR, REG_PV, a);
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(asm_handle_exception);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP3, REG_PV, a);
+                       M_JMP(REG_ITMP3);
+                       }
+               }
+       /* generate cast check stubs */
+       xcodeptr = NULL;
+       for (; xcastrefs != NULL; xcastrefs = xcastrefs->next) {
+               if ((exceptiontablelength == 0) && (xcodeptr != NULL)) {
+                       gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xcastrefs->branchpos, 
+                               xcastrefs->branchpos, (u1*) xcodeptr - (u1*) mcodebase - 4);
+                       continue;
+                       }
+               gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xcastrefs->branchpos, 
+                                 xcastrefs->branchpos, (u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+               MCODECHECK(8);
+               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2_XPC, REG_PV, xcastrefs->branchpos);
+               if (xcodeptr != NULL) {
+                       M_BR((xcodeptr-mcodeptr)-1);
+                       }
+               else {
+                       xcodeptr = mcodeptr;
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(proto_java_lang_ClassCastException);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1_XPTR, REG_PV, a);
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(asm_handle_exception);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP3, REG_PV, a);
+                       M_JMP(REG_ITMP3);
+                       }
+               }
+       /* generate null pointer check stubs */
+       xcodeptr = NULL;
+       for (; xnullrefs != NULL; xnullrefs = xnullrefs->next) {
+               if ((exceptiontablelength == 0) && (xcodeptr != NULL)) {
+                       gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xnullrefs->branchpos, 
+                               xnullrefs->branchpos, (u1*) xcodeptr - (u1*) mcodebase - 4);
+                       continue;
+                       }
+               gen_resolvebranch((u1*) mcodebase + xnullrefs->branchpos, 
+                                 xnullrefs->branchpos, (u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase);
+               MCODECHECK(8);
+               M_LDA(REG_ITMP2_XPC, REG_PV, xnullrefs->branchpos - 4);
+               if (xcodeptr != NULL) {
+                       M_BR((xcodeptr-mcodeptr)-1);
+                       }
+               else {
+                       xcodeptr = mcodeptr;
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(proto_java_lang_NullPointerException);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP1_XPTR, REG_PV, a);
+                       a = dseg_addaddress(asm_handle_exception);
+                       M_ALD(REG_ITMP3, REG_PV, a);
+                       M_JMP(REG_ITMP3);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       mcode_finish((int)((u1*) mcodeptr - mcodebase));
+/* redefinition of code generation macros (compiling into array) **************/
+These macros are newly defined to allow code generation into an array.
+This is necessary, because the original M_.. macros generate code by
+calling 'mcode_adds4' that uses an additional data structure to
+receive the code.
+For a faster (but less flexible) version to generate code, these
+macros directly use the (s4* p) - pointer to put the code directly
+in a locally defined array.
+This makes sense only for the stub-generation-routines below.
+#undef M_OP3
+#define M_OP3(op,fu,a,b,c,const) \
+       *(p++) = ( (((s4)(op))<<26)|((a)<<21)|((b)<<(16-3*(const)))| \
+       ((const)<<12)|((fu)<<5)|((c)) )
+#undef M_FOP3
+#define M_FOP3(op,fu,a,b,c) \
+       *(p++) = ( (((s4)(op))<<26)|((a)<<21)|((b)<<16)|((fu)<<5)|(c) )
+#undef M_BRA
+#define M_BRA(op,a,disp) \
+       *(p++) = ( (((s4)(op))<<26)|((a)<<21)|((disp)&0x1fffff) )
+#undef M_MEM
+#define M_MEM(op,a,b,disp) \
+       *(p++) = ( (((s4)(op))<<26)|((a)<<21)|((b)<<16)|((disp)&0xffff) )
+/* function createcompilerstub *************************************************
+       creates a stub routine which calls the compiler
+u1 *createcompilerstub (methodinfo *m)
+       u8 *s = CNEW (u8, COMPSTUBSIZE);    /* memory to hold the stub            */
+       s4 *p = (s4*) s;                    /* code generation pointer            */
+                                           /* code for the stub                  */
+       M_ALD (REG_PV, REG_PV, 16);         /* load pointer to the compiler       */
+       M_JSR (0, REG_PV);                  /* jump to the compiler, return address
+                                              in reg 0 is used as method pointer */
+       s[1] = (u8) m;                      /* literals to be adressed            */  
+       s[2] = (u8) asm_call_jit_compiler;  /* jump directly via PV from above    */
+       count_cstub_len += COMPSTUBSIZE * 8;
+       return (u1*) s;
+/* function removecompilerstub *************************************************
+     deletes a compilerstub from memory  (simply by freeing it)
+void removecompilerstub (u1 *stub) 
+       CFREE (stub, COMPSTUBSIZE * 8);
+/* function: createnativestub **************************************************
+       creates a stub routine which calls a native method
+u1 *createnativestub (functionptr f, methodinfo *m)
+       u8 *s = CNEW (u8, NATIVESTUBSIZE);  /* memory to hold the stub            */
+       s4 *p = (s4*) s;                    /* code generation pointer            */
+       M_LDA  (REG_SP, REG_SP, -8);        /* build up stackframe                */
+       M_AST  (REG_RA, REG_SP, 0);         /* store return address               */
+       M_ALD  (REG_PV, REG_PV, 8*8);       /* load adress of native method       */
+       M_JSR  (REG_RA, REG_PV);            /* call native method                 */
+       M_LDA  (REG_PV, REG_RA, -4*4);      /* recompute pv from ra               */
+       M_ALD  (REG_ITMP3, REG_PV, 9*8);    /* get address of exceptionptr        */
+       M_ALD  (REG_RA, REG_SP, 0);         /* load return address                */
+       M_ALD  (REG_ITMP1, REG_ITMP3, 0);   /* load exception into reg. itmp1     */
+       M_LDA  (REG_SP, REG_SP, 8);         /* remove stackframe                  */
+       M_BNEZ (REG_ITMP1, 1);              /* if no exception then return        */
+       M_RET  (REG_RA);                    /* return to caller                   */
+       M_AST  (REG_ZERO, REG_ITMP3, 0);    /* store NULL into exceptionptr       */
+       M_LDA  (REG_ITMP2, REG_RA, -4);     /* move fault address into reg. itmp2 */
+       M_ALD  (REG_ITMP3, REG_PV,10*8);    /* load asm exception handler address */
+       M_JMP  (REG_ITMP3);                 /* jump to asm exception handler      */
+       s[8] = (u8) f;                      /* address of native method           */
+       s[9] = (u8) (&exceptionptr);        /* address of exceptionptr            */
+       s[10]= (u8) (asm_handle_nat_exception); /* addr of asm exception handler  */
+       count_nstub_len += NATIVESTUBSIZE * 8;
+       return (u1*) s;
+/* function: removenativestub **************************************************
+    removes a previously created native-stub from memory
+void removenativestub (u1 *stub)
+       CFREE (stub, NATIVESTUBSIZE * 8);
+ * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
+ * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
+ * Emacs will automagically detect them.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: c
+ * indent-tabs-mode: t
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * End:
+ */
diff --git a/mips/ngen.h b/mips/ngen.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9f525be
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+/* mips/ngen.h *****************************************************************
+       Copyright (c) 1997 A. Krall, R. Grafl, M. Gschwind, M. Probst
+       See file COPYRIGHT for information on usage and disclaimer of warranties
+       Contains the machine dependent code generator definitions and macros for an
+       Alpha processor.
+       Authors: Andreas  Krall      EMAIL:
+       Last Change: 1998/11/12
+/* see also file calling.doc for explanation of calling conventions           */
+/* preallocated registers *****************************************************/
+/* integer registers */
+#define REG_ZERO        0    /* allways zero                                  */
+#define REG_RESULT      2    /* to deliver method results                     */ 
+#define REG_ITMP1       1    /* temporary register                            */
+#define REG_ITMP2       3    /* temporary register and method pointer         */
+#define REG_ITMP3       24   /* temporary register                            */
+#define REG_RA          31   /* return address                                */
+#define REG_SP          29   /* stack pointer                                 */
+#define REG_PV          25   /* procedure vector, must be provided by caller  */
+#define REG_METHODPTR   24   /* pointer to the place from where the procedure */
+                             /* vector has been fetched                       */
+#define REG_ITMP1_XPTR  1    /* exception pointer = temporary register 1      */
+#define REG_ITMP2_XPC   3    /* exception pc = temporary register 2           */
+/* floating point registers */
+#define REG_FRESULT     0    /* to deliver floating point method results      */ 
+#define REG_FTMP1       1    /* temporary floating point register             */
+#define REG_FTMP2       2    /* temporary floating point register             */
+#define REG_FTMP3       3    /* temporary floating point register             */
+#define REG_IFTMP       1    /* temporary integer and floating point register */
+/* register descripton - array ************************************************/
+/* #define REG_RES   0         reserved register for OS or code generator     */
+/* #define REG_RET   1         return value register                          */
+/* #define REG_EXC   2         exception value register (only old jit)        */
+/* #define REG_SAV   3         (callee) saved register                        */
+/* #define REG_TMP   4         scratch temporary register (caller saved)      */
+/* #define REG_ARG   5         argument register (caller saved)               */
+/* #define REG_END   -1        last entry in tables */
+int nregdescint[] = {
+       REG_END };
+#define INT_SAV_CNT      10  /* number of int callee saved registers          */
+#define INT_ARG_CNT      8   /* number of int argument registers              */
+/* for use of reserved registers, see comment above */
+int nregdescfloat[] = {
+       REG_END };
+#define FLT_SAV_CNT      4   /* number of flt callee saved registers          */
+#define FLT_ARG_CNT      8   /* number of flt argument registers              */
+/* for use of reserved registers, see comment above */
+/* parameter allocation mode */
+int nreg_parammode = PARAMMODE_NUMBERED;  
+   /* parameter-registers will be allocated by assigning the
+      1. parameter:   int/float-reg a0
+      2. parameter:   int/float-reg a1  
+      3. parameter:   int/float-reg a2 ....
+   */
+/* stackframe-infos ***********************************************************/
+int parentargs_base; /* offset in stackframe for the parameter from the caller*/
+/* -> see file 'calling.doc' */
+/* macros to create code ******************************************************/
+/* code generation macros operands:
+      op ..... opcode
+      fu ..... function-number
+      rs ..... register number source 1
+      rt ..... register number or constant integer source 2
+      rd ..... register number destination
+      imm .... immediate/offset
+      sa ..... shift amount
+#define M_ITYPE(op, rs, rt, imm)\
+  *(mcodeptr++) = (((op)<<26)|((rs)<<21)|((rt)<<16)|((off)&0xffff))
+#define M_JTYPE(op, imm)\
+  *(mcodeptr++) = (((op)<<26)|((off)&0x3ffffff))
+#define M_RTYPE(op, rs, rt, rd, sa, fu)\
+  *(mcodeptr++) = (((op)<<26)|((rs)<<21)|((rt)<<16)|((rd)<<11)|((sa)<<6)|(fu)
+#define M_FP2(fu, fmt, fs, fd)       M_RTYPE(0x11, fmt,  0, fs, fd, fu)
+#define M_FP3(fu, fmt, fs, ft, fd)   M_RTYPE(0x11, fmt, ft, fs, fd, fu)
+#define FMT_F  16
+#define FMT_D  17
+#define FMT_I  20
+#define FMT_L  21
+/* macros for all used commands (see a MIPS-manual for description) ***********/ 
+/* load/store macros use the form OPERATION(source/dest, base, offset)        */
+#define M_BLDS(a,b,disp)        M_ITYPE(0x20,b,a,disp)          /*  8 load    */
+#define M_BLDU(a,b,disp)        M_ITYPE(0x24,b,a,disp)          /*  8 load    */
+#define M_SLDS(a,b,disp)        M_ITYPE(0x21,b,a,disp)          /* 16 load    */
+#define M_SLDU(a,b,disp)        M_ITYPE(0x25,b,a,disp)          /* 16 load    */
+#define M_ILD(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x23,b,a,disp)          /* 32 load    */
+#define M_LLD(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x37,b,a,disp)          /* 64 load    */
+#define M_BST(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x28,b,a,disp)          /*  8 store   */
+#define M_SST(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x29,b,a,disp)          /* 16 store   */
+#define M_IST(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x2b,b,a,disp)          /* 32 store   */
+#define M_LST(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x3f,b,a,disp)          /* 64 store   */
+#define M_FLD(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x31,b,a,disp)          /* load flt   */
+#define M_DLD(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x35,b,a,disp)          /* load dbl   */
+#define M_FST(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x39,b,a,disp)          /* store flt  */
+#define M_DST(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x3d,b,a,disp)          /* store dbl  */
+ * Load Address pseudo instruction:
+ * -n32 addressing mode -> 32 bit addrs, -64 addressing mode -> 64 bit addrs
+ */
+#define M_ALD(a,b,disp)         M_LLD(a,b,disp)
+#define M_AST(a,b,disp)         M_LST(a,b,disp)
+#define M_ALD(a,b,disp)         M_ILD(a,b,disp)
+#define M_AST(a,b,disp)         M_IST(a,b,disp)
+#define M_BEQ(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x04,a,b,disp)          /* br a == b  */
+#define M_BNE(a,b,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x05,a,b,disp)          /* br a != b  */
+#define M_BEQZ(a,disp)          M_ITYPE(0x04,a,0,disp)          /* br a == 0  */
+#define M_BLTZ(a,disp)          M_ITYPE(0x01,a,0,disp)          /* br a <  0  */
+#define M_BLEZ(a,disp)          M_ITYPE(0x06,a,0,disp)          /* br a <= 0  */
+#define M_BNEZ(a,disp)          M_ITYPE(0x05,a,0,disp)          /* br a != 0  */
+#define M_BGEZ(a,disp)          M_ITYPE(0x01,a,1,disp)          /* br a >= 0  */
+#define M_BGTZ(a,disp)          M_ITYPE(0x07,a,0,disp)          /* br a >  0  */
+#define M_BEQL(a,b,disp)        M_ITYPE(0x14,a,b,disp)          /* br a == b  */
+#define M_BNEL(a,b,disp)        M_ITYPE(0x15,a,b,disp)          /* br a != b  */
+#define M_BEQZL(a,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x14,a,0,disp)          /* br a == 0  */
+#define M_BLTZL(a,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x01,a,2,disp)          /* br a <  0  */
+#define M_BLEZL(a,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x16,a,0,disp)          /* br a <= 0  */
+#define M_BNEZL(a,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x15,a,0,disp)          /* br a != 0  */
+#define M_BGEZL(a,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x01,a,3,disp)          /* br a >= 0  */
+#define M_BGTZL(a,disp)         M_ITYPE(0x17,a,0,disp)          /* br a >  0  */
+#define M_BR(disp)              M_ITYPE(0x04,0,0,disp)          /* branch     */
+#define M_JMP(a)                M_RTYPE(0,a,0,0,0,0x08)         /* jump       */
+#define M_JSR(r,a)              M_RTYPE(0,a,0,r,0,0x09)         /* call       */
+#define M_RET(a)                M_RTYPE(0,a,0,0,0,0x08)         /* return     */
+#define M_TGE(a,b,code)         M_RTYPE(0,a,b,0,code&3ff,0x30)  /* trp a >= b */
+#define M_TGEU(a,b,code)        M_RTYPE(0,a,b,0,code&3ff,0x31)  /* trp a >= b */
+#define M_TLT(a,b,code)         M_RTYPE(0,a,b,0,code&3ff,0x32)  /* trp a <  b */
+#define M_TLTU(a,b,code)        M_RTYPE(0,a,b,0,code&3ff,0x33)  /* trp a <  b */
+#define M_TEQ(a,b,code)         M_RTYPE(0,a,b,0,code&3ff,0x34)  /* trp a == b */
+#define M_TNE(a,b,code)         M_RTYPE(0,a,b,0,code&3ff,0x36)  /* trp a != b */
+#define M_TLE(a,b,code)         M_RTYPE(0,b,a,0,code&3ff,0x30)  /* trp a <= b */
+#define M_TLEU(a,b,code)        M_RTYPE(0,b,a,0,code&3ff,0x31)  /* trp a <= b */
+#define M_TGT(a,b,code)         M_RTYPE(0,b,a,0,code&3ff,0x32)  /* trp a >  b */
+#define M_TGTU(a,b,code)        M_RTYPE(0,b,a,0,code&3ff,0x33)  /* trp a >  b */
+#define M_TGE_IMM(a,b)          M_ITYPE(1,a,0x08,b)             /* trp a >= b */
+#define M_TGEU_IMM(a,b)         M_ITYPE(1,a,0x09,b)             /* trp a >= b */
+#define M_TLT_IMM(a,b)          M_ITYPE(1,a,0x0a,b)             /* trp a <  b */
+#define M_TLTU_IMM(a,b)         M_ITYPE(1,a,0x0b,b)             /* trp a <  b */
+#define M_TEQ_IMM(a,b)          M_ITYPE(1,a,0x0c,b)             /* trp a == b */
+#define M_TNE_IMM(a,b)          M_ITYPE(1,a,0x0e,b)             /* trp a != b */
+#if 0
+#define M_TGT_IMM(a,b)          M_ITYPE(1,a,0x08,b+1)           /* trp a >  b */
+#define M_TGTU_IMM(a,b)         M_ITYPE(1,a,0x09,b+1)           /* trp a >  b */
+#define M_TLE_IMM(a,b)          M_ITYPE(1,a,0x0a,b+1)           /* trp a <= b */
+#define M_TLEU_IMM(a,b)         M_ITYPE(1,a,0x0b,b+1)           /* trp a <= b */
+/* arithmetic macros use the form OPERATION(source, source/immediate, dest)   */
+#define M_IADD(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x21)         /* 32 add     */
+#define M_LADD(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x2d)         /* 64 add     */
+#define M_ISUB(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x23)         /* 32 sub     */
+#define M_LSUB(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x2f)         /* 64 sub     */
+#define M_IMUL(a,b)             M_ITYPE(0,a,b,0x18)             /* 32 mul     */
+#define M_LMUL(a,b)             M_ITYPE(0,a,b,0x1c)             /* 64 mul     */
+#define M_IDIV(a,b)             M_ITYPE(0,a,b,0x1b)             /* 32 div     */
+#define M_LDIV(a,b)             M_ITYPE(0,a,b,0x1e)             /* 64 div     */
+#define M_MFLO(a)                      M_RTYPE(0,0,0,a,0,0x12)         /* quotient   */
+#define M_MFHI(a)                      M_RTYPE(0,0,0,a,0,0x10)         /* remainder  */
+#define M_IADD_IMM(a,b,c)       M_ITYPE(0x08,a,c,b)             /* 32 add     */
+#define M_LADD_IMM(a,b,c)       M_ITYPE(0x18,a,c,b)             /* 64 add     */
+#define M_ISUB_IMM(a,b,c)       M_ITYPE(0x08,a,c,-(b))          /* 32 sub     */
+#define M_LSUB_IMM(a,b,c)       M_ITYPE(0x18,a,c,-(b))          /* 64 sub     */
+#define M_LDA(a,b,disp)         M_LADD_IMM(b,disp,a)            /* a = b+disp */
+#define M_CMPLT(a,b,c)          M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x2a)         /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_CMPGT(a,b,c)          M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x2a)         /* c = a >  b */
+#define M_CMPULT(a,b,c)         M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x2b)         /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_CMPUGT(a,b,c)         M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x2b)         /* c = a >  b */
+#define M_CMPLT_IMM(a,b,c)      M_ITYPE(0x0a,a,c,b)             /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_CMPULT_IMM(a,b,c)     M_ITYPE(0x0b,a,c,b)             /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_AND(a,b,c)            M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x24)         /* c = a &  b */
+#define M_OR( a,b,c)            M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x25)         /* c = a |  b */
+#define M_XOR(a,b,c)            M_RTYPE(0,a,b,c,0,0x26)         /* c = a ^  b */
+#define M_AND_IMM(a,b,c)        M_ITYPE(0x0c,a,c,b)             /* c = a &  b */
+#define M_OR_IMM( a,b,c)        M_ITYPE(0x0d,a,c,b)             /* c = a |  b */
+#define M_XOR_IMM(a,b,c)        M_ITYPE(0x0e,a,c,b)             /* c = a ^  b */
+#define M_MOV(a,c)              M_OR(a,a,c)                     /* c = a      */
+#define M_CLR(c)                M_OR(0,0,c)                     /* c = 0      */
+#define M_NOP                   M_OR(0,0,0)                     /* ;          */
+#define M_ISLL(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x04)         /* c = a << b */
+#define M_ISRL(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x06)         /* c = a >>>b */
+#define M_ISRA(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x07)         /* c = a >> b */
+#define M_LSLL(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x14)         /* c = a << b */
+#define M_LSRL(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x16)         /* c = a >>>b */
+#define M_LSRA(a,b,c)           M_RTYPE(0,b,a,c,0,0x17)         /* c = a >> b */
+#define M_ISLL_IMM(a,b,c)       M_RTYPE(0,0,a,c,b&1f,0x00)      /* c = a << b */
+#define M_ISRL_IMM(a,b,c)       M_RTYPE(0,0,a,c,b&1f,0x02)      /* c = a >>>b */
+#define M_ISRA_IMM(a,b,c)       M_RTYPE(0,0,a,c,b&1f,0x03)      /* c = a >> b */
+#define M_LSLL_IMM(a,b,c) M_RTYPE(0,0,a,c,b&1f,0x38+4*(b&x020)) /* c = a << b */
+#define M_LSRL_IMM(a,b,c) M_RTYPE(0,0,a,c,b&1f,0x3a+4*(b&x020)) /* c = a >>>b */
+#define M_LSRA_IMM(a,b,c) M_RTYPE(0,0,a,c,b&1f,0x3b+4*(b&x020)) /* c = a >> b */
+/* floating point macros use the form OPERATION(source, source, dest)         */
+#define M_FADD(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x00,FMT_F,a,b,c)         /* flt add    */
+#define M_DADD(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x00,FMT_D,a,b,c)         /* dbl add    */
+#define M_FSUB(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x01,FMT_F,a,b,c)         /* flt sub    */
+#define M_DSUB(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x01,FMT_D,a,b,c)         /* dbl sub    */
+#define M_FMUL(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x02,FMT_F,a,b,c)         /* flt mul    */
+#define M_DMUL(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x02,FMT_D,a,b,c)         /* dbl mul    */
+#define M_FDIV(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x03,FMT_F,a,b,c)         /* flt div    */
+#define M_DDIV(a,b,c)           M_FP3(0x03,FMT_D,a,b,c)         /* dbl div    */
+#define M_FSQRT(a,c)            M_FP2(0x04,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt sqrt   */
+#define M_DSQRT(a,c)            M_FP2(0x04,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl sqrt   */
+#define M_FABS(a,c)             M_FP2(0x05,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt abs    */
+#define M_DABS(a,c)             M_FP2(0x05,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl abs    */
+#define M_FMOV(a,c)             M_FP2(0x06,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt mov    */
+#define M_DMOV(a,c)             M_FP2(0x06,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl mov    */
+#define M_FNEG(a,c)             M_FP2(0x07,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt neg    */
+#define M_DNEG(a,c)             M_FP2(0x07,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl neg    */
+#define M_ROUNDFI(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0c,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt roundi */
+#define M_ROUNDDI(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0c,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl roundi */
+#define M_TRUNCFI(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0d,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt trunci */
+#define M_TRUNCDI(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0d,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl trunci */
+#define M_CEILFI(a,c)           M_FP2(0x0e,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt ceili  */
+#define M_CEILDI(a,c)           M_FP2(0x0e,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl ceili  */
+#define M_FLOORFI(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0f,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt trunci */
+#define M_FLOORDI(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0f,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl trunci */
+#define M_ROUNDFL(a,c)          M_FP2(0x08,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt roundl */
+#define M_ROUNDDL(a,c)          M_FP2(0x08,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl roundl */
+#define M_TRUNCFL(a,c)          M_FP2(0x09,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt truncl */
+#define M_TRUNCDL(a,c)          M_FP2(0x09,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl truncl */
+#define M_CEILFL(a,c)           M_FP2(0x0a,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt ceill  */
+#define M_CEILDL(a,c)           M_FP2(0x0a,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl ceill  */
+#define M_FLOORFL(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0b,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt truncl */
+#define M_FLOORDL(a,c)          M_FP2(0x0b,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl truncl */
+#define M_CVTDF(b,c)            M_FP2(0x20,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl2flt    */
+#define M_CVTIF(b,c)            M_FP2(0x20,FMT_I,a,c)           /* int2flt    */
+#define M_CVTLF(b,c)            M_FP2(0x20,FMT_L,a,c)           /* long2flt   */
+#define M_CVTFD(b,c)            M_FP2(0x21,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt2dbl    */
+#define M_CVTID(b,c)            M_FP2(0x21,FMT_I,a,c)           /* int2dbl    */
+#define M_CVTLD(b,c)            M_FP2(0x21,FMT_L,a,c)           /* long2dbl   */
+#define M_CVTFI(b,c)            M_FP2(0x24,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt2int    */
+#define M_CVTDI(b,c)            M_FP2(0x24,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl2int    */
+#define M_CVTFL(b,c)            M_FP2(0x25,FMT_F,a,c)           /* flt2long   */
+#define M_CVTDL(b,c)            M_FP2(0x25,FMT_D,a,c)           /* dbl2long   */
+#define M_MOVDL(d,l)            M_FP3(0,1,l,d,0)                /* l = d      */
+#define M_MOVLD(l,d)            M_FP3(0,5,l,d,0)                /* d = l      */
+#define M_FCMPFF(a,b)           M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPFD(a,b)           M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPUNF(a,b)          M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPUND(a,b)          M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPEQF(a,b)          M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPEQD(a,b)          M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPUEQF(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPUEQD(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a == b */
+#define M_FCMPOLTF(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_FCMPOLTD(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_FCMPULTF(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_FCMPULTD(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a <  b */
+#define M_FCMPOLEF(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a <= b */
+#define M_FCMPOLED(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a <= b */
+#define M_FCMPULEF(a,b)         M_FP3(0x30,FMT_F,a,b,0)         /* c = a <= b */
+#define M_FCMPULE(a,b)          M_FP3(0x30,FMT_D,a,b,0)         /* c = a <= b */
+#define M_FBF(disp)             M_ITYPE(0x11,8,0,disp)          /* br false   */
+#define M_FBT(disp)             M_ITYPE(0x11,8,1,disp)          /* br true    */
+#define M_FBFL(disp)            M_ITYPE(0x11,8,2,disp)          /* br false   */
+#define M_FBTL(disp)            M_ITYPE(0x11,8,3,disp)          /* br true    */
+/* macros for special commands (see an Alpha-manual for description) **********/ 
+#if 0
+#define M_CMOVEQ(a,b,c)         M_OP3 (0x11,0x24, a,b,c,0)     /* a==0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVNE(a,b,c)         M_OP3 (0x11,0x26, a,b,c,0)     /* a!=0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVLT(a,b,c)         M_OP3 (0x11,0x44, a,b,c,0)     /* a< 0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVGE(a,b,c)         M_OP3 (0x11,0x46, a,b,c,0)     /* a>=0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVLE(a,b,c)         M_OP3 (0x11,0x64, a,b,c,0)     /* a<=0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVGT(a,b,c)         M_OP3 (0x11,0x66, a,b,c,0)     /* a> 0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVEQ_IMM(a,b,c)     M_OP3 (0x11,0x24, a,b,c,1)     /* a==0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVNE_IMM(a,b,c)     M_OP3 (0x11,0x26, a,b,c,1)     /* a!=0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVLT_IMM(a,b,c)     M_OP3 (0x11,0x44, a,b,c,1)     /* a< 0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVGE_IMM(a,b,c)     M_OP3 (0x11,0x46, a,b,c,1)     /* a>=0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVLE_IMM(a,b,c)     M_OP3 (0x11,0x64, a,b,c,1)     /* a<=0 ? c=b  */
+#define M_CMOVGT_IMM(a,b,c)     M_OP3 (0x11,0x66, a,b,c,1)     /* a> 0 ? c=b  */
+/* function gen_resolvebranch **************************************************
+       backpatches a branch instruction; MIPS branch instructions are very
+       regular, so it is only necessary to overwrite some fixed bits in the
+       instruction.
+       parameters: ip ... pointer to instruction after branch (void*)
+                   so ... offset of instruction after branch  (s4)
+                   to ... offset of branch target             (s4)
+#define gen_resolvebranch(ip,so,to) ((s4*)(ip))[-1]|=((s4)(to)-(so))>>2&0xffff
+#define SOFTNULLPTRCHECK       /* soft null pointer check supportet as option */
+ * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
+ * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
+ * Emacs will automagically detect them.
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Local variables:
+ * mode: c
+ * indent-tabs-mode: t
+ * c-basic-offset: 4
+ * tab-width: 4
+ * End:
+ */