#!/usr/bin/env python # Script to analyze code and arrange ld sections. # # Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Kevin O'Connor # # This file may be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license. import sys # LD script headers/trailers COMMONHEADER = """ /* DO NOT EDIT! This is an autogenerated file. See tools/layoutrom.py. */ OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386") OUTPUT_ARCH("i386") SECTIONS { """ COMMONTRAILER = """ /* Discard regular data sections to force a link error if * code attempts to access data not marked with VAR16 (or other * appropriate macro) */ /DISCARD/ : { *(.text*) *(.data*) *(.bss*) *(.rodata*) *(COMMON) *(.discard*) *(.eh_frame) } } """ ###################################################################### # Determine section locations ###################################################################### # Align 'pos' to 'alignbytes' offset def alignpos(pos, alignbytes): mask = alignbytes - 1 return (pos + mask) & ~mask # Determine the final addresses for a list of sections that end at an # address. def setSectionsStart(sections, endaddr, minalign=1): totspace = 0 for section in sections: if section.align > minalign: minalign = section.align totspace = alignpos(totspace, section.align) + section.size startaddr = (endaddr - totspace) / minalign * minalign curaddr = startaddr # out = [(addr, sectioninfo), ...] out = [] for section in sections: curaddr = alignpos(curaddr, section.align) section.finalloc = curaddr curaddr += section.size return startaddr # The 16bit code can't exceed 64K of space. BUILD_BIOS_ADDR = 0xf0000 BUILD_BIOS_SIZE = 0x10000 # Layout the 16bit code. This ensures sections with fixed offset # requirements are placed in the correct location. It also places the # 16bit code as high as possible in the f-segment. def fitSections(sections, fillsections): # fixedsections = [(addr, section), ...] fixedsections = [] for section in sections: if section.name.startswith('.fixedaddr.'): addr = int(section.name[11:], 16) section.finalloc = addr fixedsections.append((addr, section)) if section.align != 1: print "Error: Fixed section %s has non-zero alignment (%d)" % ( section.name, section.align) sys.exit(1) fixedsections.sort() firstfixed = fixedsections[0][0] # Find freespace in fixed address area # fixedAddr = [(freespace, section), ...] fixedAddr = [] for i in range(len(fixedsections)): fixedsectioninfo = fixedsections[i] addr, section = fixedsectioninfo if i == len(fixedsections) - 1: nextaddr = BUILD_BIOS_SIZE else: nextaddr = fixedsections[i+1][0] avail = nextaddr - addr - section.size fixedAddr.append((avail, section)) fixedAddr.sort() # Attempt to fit other sections into fixed area canrelocate = [(section.size, section.align, section.name, section) for section in fillsections] canrelocate.sort() canrelocate = [section for size, align, name, section in canrelocate] totalused = 0 for freespace, fixedsection in fixedAddr: addpos = fixedsection.finalloc + fixedsection.size totalused += fixedsection.size nextfixedaddr = addpos + freespace # print "Filling section %x uses %d, next=%x, available=%d" % ( # fixedsection.finalloc, fixedsection.size, nextfixedaddr, freespace) while 1: canfit = None for fitsection in canrelocate: if addpos + fitsection.size > nextfixedaddr: # Can't fit and nothing else will fit. break fitnextaddr = alignpos(addpos, fitsection.align) + fitsection.size # print "Test %s - %x vs %x" % ( # fitsection.name, fitnextaddr, nextfixedaddr) if fitnextaddr > nextfixedaddr: # This item can't fit. continue canfit = (fitnextaddr, fitsection) if canfit is None: break # Found a section that can fit. fitnextaddr, fitsection = canfit canrelocate.remove(fitsection) fitsection.finalloc = addpos addpos = fitnextaddr totalused += fitsection.size # print " Adding %s (size %d align %d) pos=%x avail=%d" % ( # fitsection[2], fitsection[0], fitsection[1] # , fitnextaddr, nextfixedaddr - fitnextaddr) # Report stats total = BUILD_BIOS_SIZE-firstfixed slack = total - totalused print ("Fixed space: 0x%x-0x%x total: %d slack: %d" " Percent slack: %.1f%%" % ( firstfixed, BUILD_BIOS_SIZE, total, slack, (float(slack) / total) * 100.0)) return firstfixed # Return the subset of sections with a given name prefix def getSectionsPrefix(sections, category, prefix): return [section for section in sections if section.category == category and section.name.startswith(prefix)] def doLayout(sections): # Determine 16bit positions textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.text.') rodatasections = (getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.rodata.str1.1') + getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.rodata.__func__.')) datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.data16.') fixedsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '16', '.fixedaddr.') firstfixed = fitSections(fixedsections, textsections) remsections = [s for s in textsections+rodatasections+datasections if s.finalloc is None] code16_start = setSectionsStart(remsections, firstfixed) # Determine 32seg positions textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.text.') rodatasections = (getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.rodata.str1.1') +getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.rodata.__func__.')) datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32seg', '.data32seg.') code32seg_start = setSectionsStart( textsections + rodatasections + datasections, code16_start) # Determine 32flat runtime positions textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.text.') rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.rodata') datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.data.') bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32flat', '.bss.') code32flat_start = setSectionsStart( textsections + rodatasections + datasections + bsssections , code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, 16) # Determine 32flat init positions textsections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.text.') rodatasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.rodata') datasections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.data.') bsssections = getSectionsPrefix(sections, '32init', '.bss.') code32init_start = setSectionsStart( textsections + rodatasections + datasections + bsssections , code32flat_start, 16) # Print statistics size16 = BUILD_BIOS_SIZE - code16_start size32seg = code16_start - code32seg_start size32flat = code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR - code32flat_start size32init = code32flat_start - code32init_start print "16bit size: %d" % size16 print "32bit segmented size: %d" % size32seg print "32bit flat size: %d" % size32flat print "32bit flat init size: %d" % size32init ###################################################################### # Linker script output ###################################################################### # Write LD script includes for the given cross references def outXRefs(sections): xrefs = {} out = "" for section in sections: for reloc in section.relocs: symbol = reloc.symbol if (symbol.section is None or (symbol.section.fileid == section.fileid and symbol.name == reloc.symbolname) or reloc.symbolname in xrefs): continue xrefs[reloc.symbolname] = 1 addr = symbol.section.finalloc + symbol.offset if (section.fileid == '32flat' and symbol.section.fileid in ('16', '32seg')): addr += BUILD_BIOS_ADDR out += "%s = 0x%x ;\n" % (reloc.symbolname, addr) return out # Write LD script includes for the given sections using relative offsets def outRelSections(sections, startsym): out = "" for section in sections: out += ". = ( 0x%x - %s ) ;\n" % (section.finalloc, startsym) if section.name == '.rodata.str1.1': out += "_rodata = . ;\n" out += "*(%s)\n" % (section.name,) return out def getSectionsFile(sections, fileid, defaddr=0): sections = [(section.finalloc, section) for section in sections if section.fileid == fileid] sections.sort() sections = [section for addr, section in sections] pos = defaddr if sections: pos = sections[0].finalloc return sections, pos # Layout the 32bit segmented code. This places the code as high as possible. def writeLinkerScripts(sections, entrysym, genreloc, out16, out32seg, out32flat): # Write 16bit linker script sections16, code16_start = getSectionsFile(sections, '16') output = open(out16, 'wb') output.write(COMMONHEADER + outXRefs(sections16) + """ code16_start = 0x%x ; .text16 code16_start : { """ % (code16_start) + outRelSections(sections16, 'code16_start') + """ } """ + COMMONTRAILER) output.close() # Write 32seg linker script sections32seg, code32seg_start = getSectionsFile( sections, '32seg', code16_start) output = open(out32seg, 'wb') output.write(COMMONHEADER + outXRefs(sections32seg) + """ code32seg_start = 0x%x ; .text32seg code32seg_start : { """ % (code32seg_start) + outRelSections(sections32seg, 'code32seg_start') + """ } """ + COMMONTRAILER) output.close() # Write 32flat linker script sections32flat, code32flat_start = getSectionsFile( sections, '32flat', code32seg_start) relocstr = "" relocminalign = 0 if genreloc: # Generate relocations relocstr, size, relocminalign = genRelocs(sections) code32flat_start -= size output = open(out32flat, 'wb') output.write(COMMONHEADER + outXRefs(sections32flat) + """ %s = 0x%x ; _reloc_min_align = 0x%x ; code32flat_start = 0x%x ; .text code32flat_start : { """ % (entrysym.name, entrysym.section.finalloc + entrysym.offset + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, relocminalign, code32flat_start) + relocstr + """ code32init_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ; """ + outRelSections(getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '32init', '') , 'code32flat_start') + """ code32init_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ; """ + outRelSections(getSectionsPrefix(sections32flat, '32flat', '') , 'code32flat_start') + """ . = ( 0x%x - code32flat_start ) ; *(.text32seg) . = ( 0x%x - code32flat_start ) ; *(.text16) code32flat_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ; } :text """ % (code32seg_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR, code16_start + BUILD_BIOS_ADDR) + COMMONTRAILER + """ ENTRY(%s) PHDRS { text PT_LOAD AT ( code32flat_start ) ; } """ % (entrysym.name,)) output.close() ###################################################################### # Detection of init code ###################################################################### # Determine init section relocations def genRelocs(sections): absrelocs = [] relrelocs = [] initrelocs = [] minalign = 16 for section in sections: if section.category == '32init' and section.align > minalign: minalign = section.align for reloc in section.relocs: symbol = reloc.symbol if symbol.section is None: continue relocpos = section.finalloc + reloc.offset if (reloc.type == 'R_386_32' and section.category == '32init' and symbol.section.category == '32init'): # Absolute relocation absrelocs.append(relocpos) elif (reloc.type == 'R_386_PC32' and section.category == '32init' and symbol.section.category != '32init'): # Relative relocation relrelocs.append(relocpos) elif (section.category != '32init' and symbol.section.category == '32init'): # Relocation to the init section if section.fileid in ('16', '32seg'): relocpos += BUILD_BIOS_ADDR initrelocs.append(relocpos) absrelocs.sort() relrelocs.sort() initrelocs.sort() out = (" _reloc_abs_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n" + "".join(["LONG(0x%x - code32init_start)\n" % (pos,) for pos in absrelocs]) + " _reloc_abs_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n" + " _reloc_rel_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n" + "".join(["LONG(0x%x - code32init_start)\n" % (pos,) for pos in relrelocs]) + " _reloc_rel_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n" + " _reloc_init_start = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n" + "".join(["LONG(0x%x - code32flat_start)\n" % (pos,) for pos in initrelocs]) + " _reloc_init_end = ABSOLUTE(.) ;\n") return out, len(absrelocs + relrelocs + initrelocs) * 4, minalign def markRuntime(section, sections): if (section is None or not section.keep or section.category is not None or '.init.' in section.name or section.fileid != '32flat'): return section.category = '32flat' # Recursively mark all sections this section points to for reloc in section.relocs: markRuntime(reloc.symbol.section, sections) def findInit(sections): # Recursively find and mark all "runtime" sections. for section in sections: if '.runtime.' in section.name or '.export.' in section.name: markRuntime(section, sections) for section in sections: if section.category is not None: continue if section.fileid == '32flat': section.category = '32init' else: section.category = section.fileid ###################################################################### # Section garbage collection ###################################################################### CFUNCPREFIX = [('_cfunc16_', 0), ('_cfunc32seg_', 1), ('_cfunc32flat_', 2)] # Find and keep the section associated with a symbol (if available). def keepsymbol(reloc, infos, pos, isxref): symbolname = reloc.symbolname mustbecfunc = 0 for symprefix, needpos in CFUNCPREFIX: if symbolname.startswith(symprefix): if needpos != pos: return -1 symbolname = symbolname[len(symprefix):] mustbecfunc = 1 break symbol = infos[pos][1].get(symbolname) if (symbol is None or symbol.section is None or symbol.section.name.startswith('.discard.')): return -1 isdestcfunc = (symbol.section.name.startswith('.text.') and not symbol.section.name.startswith('.text.asm.')) if ((mustbecfunc and not isdestcfunc) or (not mustbecfunc and isdestcfunc and isxref)): return -1 reloc.symbol = symbol keepsection(symbol.section, infos, pos) return 0 # Note required section, and recursively set all referenced sections # as required. def keepsection(section, infos, pos=0): if section.keep: # Already kept - nothing to do. return section.keep = 1 # Keep all sections that this section points to for reloc in section.relocs: ret = keepsymbol(reloc, infos, pos, 0) if not ret: continue # Not in primary sections - it may be a cross 16/32 reference ret = keepsymbol(reloc, infos, (pos+1)%3, 1) if not ret: continue ret = keepsymbol(reloc, infos, (pos+2)%3, 1) if not ret: continue # Determine which sections are actually referenced and need to be # placed into the output file. def gc(info16, info32seg, info32flat): # infos = ((sections16, symbols16), (sect32seg, sym32seg) # , (sect32flat, sym32flat)) infos = (info16, info32seg, info32flat) # Start by keeping sections that are globally visible. for section in info16[0]: if section.name.startswith('.fixedaddr.') or '.export.' in section.name: keepsection(section, infos) return [section for section in info16[0]+info32seg[0]+info32flat[0] if section.keep] ###################################################################### # Startup and input parsing ###################################################################### class Section: name = size = alignment = fileid = relocs = None finalloc = category = keep = None class Reloc: offset = type = symbolname = symbol = None class Symbol: name = offset = section = None # Read in output from objdump def parseObjDump(file, fileid): # sections = [section, ...] sections = [] sectionmap = {} # symbols[symbolname] = symbol symbols = {} state = None for line in file.readlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line == 'Sections:': state = 'section' continue if line == 'SYMBOL TABLE:': state = 'symbol' continue if line.startswith('RELOCATION RECORDS FOR ['): sectionname = line[24:-2] if sectionname.startswith('.debug_'): # Skip debugging sections (to reduce parsing time) state = None continue state = 'reloc' relocsection = sectionmap[sectionname] continue if state == 'section': try: idx, name, size, vma, lma, fileoff, align = line.split() if align[:3] != '2**': continue section = Section() section.name = name section.size = int(size, 16) section.align = 2**int(align[3:]) section.fileid = fileid section.relocs = [] sections.append(section) sectionmap[name] = section except ValueError: pass continue if state == 'symbol': try: sectionname, size, name = line[17:].split() symbol = Symbol() symbol.size = int(size, 16) symbol.offset = int(line[:8], 16) symbol.name = name symbol.section = sectionmap.get(sectionname) symbols[name] = symbol except ValueError: pass continue if state == 'reloc': try: off, type, symbolname = line.split() reloc = Reloc() reloc.offset = int(off, 16) reloc.type = type reloc.symbolname = symbolname reloc.symbol = symbols.get(symbolname) if reloc.symbol is None: # Some binutils (2.20.1) give section name instead # of a symbol - create a dummy symbol. reloc.symbol = symbol = Symbol() symbol.size = 0 symbol.offset = 0 symbol.name = symbolname symbol.section = sectionmap.get(symbolname) symbols[symbolname] = symbol relocsection.relocs.append(reloc) except ValueError: pass return sections, symbols def main(): # Get output name in16, in32seg, in32flat, out16, out32seg, out32flat = sys.argv[1:] # Read in the objdump information infile16 = open(in16, 'rb') infile32seg = open(in32seg, 'rb') infile32flat = open(in32flat, 'rb') # infoX = (sections, symbols) info16 = parseObjDump(infile16, '16') info32seg = parseObjDump(infile32seg, '32seg') info32flat = parseObjDump(infile32flat, '32flat') # Figure out which sections to keep. sections = gc(info16, info32seg, info32flat) # Separate 32bit flat into runtime and init parts findInit(sections) # Determine the final memory locations of each kept section. doLayout(sections) # Write out linker script files. entrysym = info16[1]['post32'] genreloc = '_reloc_abs_start' in info32flat[1] writeLinkerScripts(sections, entrysym, genreloc, out16, out32seg, out32flat) if __name__ == '__main__': main()