// Copyright 2008-2009 Segher Boessenkool // Copyright 2003-2004 Felix Domke // This code is licensed to you under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2; // see file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt #include "loader.h" extern u8 console_font_10x16x4[]; #define FONT_XSIZE 10 #define FONT_YSIZE 16 #define FONT_XGAP 0 #define FONT_YGAP 2 static struct { u32 xres, yres, stride; u32 cursor_x, cursor_y; u32 border_left, border_right, border_top, border_bottom; } fb; static void fb_write(u32 offset, u32 x) { // write32(0x00f00000 + offset, x); u32 *p = (u32 *)(0x80f00000 + offset); *p = x; sync_after_write(p, 4); } static u32 fb_read(u32 offset) { // return read32(0x00f00000 + offset); u32 *p = (u32 *)(0x80f00000 + offset); return *p; } static void fb_clear_lines(u32 top, u32 lines) { u32 x, y; u32 offset; offset = fb.stride * top; for (y = 0; y < lines; y++) { for (x = 0; x < fb.xres/2; x++) fb_write(offset + 4*x, 0x00800080); offset += fb.stride; } } static void fb_scroll_line(void) { u32 x, y; u32 offset, delta; u32 lines = FONT_YSIZE + FONT_YGAP; offset = fb.stride * fb.border_top; delta = fb.stride * lines; for (y = fb.border_top; y < fb.yres - lines; y++) { for (x = 0; x < fb.xres/2; x++) fb_write(offset + 4*x, fb_read(offset + 4*x + delta)); offset += fb.stride; } fb_clear_lines(fb.yres - lines, lines); fb.cursor_y -= lines; } static void fb_drawc(u32 x, u32 y, u8 c) { if (c < 0x20 || c > 0x7f) c = 0x7f; c -= 0x20; u32 offset = fb.stride*y + 2*x; u8 *font = &console_font_10x16x4[c * FONT_XSIZE * FONT_YSIZE / 2]; u32 ax, ay; for (ay = 0; ay < FONT_YSIZE; ay++) { for (ax = 0; ax < FONT_XSIZE / 2; ax++) { u8 bits = *font++; u32 nybh = bits & 0xf0; u32 nybl = bits & 0x0f; u32 q = 0x00800080; q |= (nybh << 24) | (nybh << 20); q |= (nybl << 12) | (nybl << 8); fb_write(offset + 4*ax, q); } offset += fb.stride; } } void fb_putc(char c) { switch (c) { case '\n': fb.cursor_y += FONT_YSIZE + FONT_YGAP; case '\r': fb.cursor_x = fb.border_left; break; default: fb_drawc(fb.cursor_x, fb.cursor_y, c); fb.cursor_x += FONT_XSIZE + FONT_XGAP; if ((fb.cursor_x + FONT_XSIZE) > fb.border_right) { fb.cursor_y += FONT_YSIZE + FONT_YGAP; fb.cursor_x = fb.border_left; } } if (fb.cursor_y + FONT_YSIZE >= fb.border_bottom) fb_scroll_line(); } static void fb_init(u32 xres, u32 yres, u32 stride) { fb.xres = xres; fb.yres = yres; fb.stride = stride; fb.border_left = 30; fb.border_top = 30; fb.border_right = fb.xres - 30; fb.border_bottom = fb.yres - 30; fb.cursor_x = fb.border_left; fb.cursor_y = fb.border_top; fb_clear_lines(0, fb.yres); } void video_init(void) { // read VTR register to determine linecount and mode u32 vtr = read16(0x0c002000); u32 lines = vtr >> 4; if ((vtr & 0x0f) > 10) { // progressive // set framebuffer position write32(0x0c00201c, 0x00f00000); write32(0x0c002024, 0x00f00000); } else { //interlaced lines *= 2; u32 vto = read32(0x0c00200c); u32 vte = read32(0x0c002010); // set framebuffer position // try to figure out the interlacing order if ((vto & 0x03ff) < (vte & 0x03ff)) { write32(0x0c00201c, 0x00f00000); write32(0x0c002024, 0x00f00000 + 2*640); } else { write32(0x0c00201c, 0x00f00000 + 2*640); write32(0x0c002024, 0x00f00000); } } fb_init(640, lines, 2*640); }