========================================================================== FLASH Programming Demo for MB91F465K ========================================================================== Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH http://emea.fujitsu.com/microelectronics The following software is for demonstration purposes only. It is not fully tested, nor validated in order to fullfill its task under all circumstances. Therefore, this software or any part of it must only be used in an evaluation laboratory environment. This software is subject to the rules of our standard DISCLAIMER, that is delivered with our SW-tools on the Fujitsu Microcontrollers CD (V3.4 or higher "\START.HTM") or on our Internet Pages: http://www.fme.gsdc.de/gsdc.htm http://emea.fujitsu.com/microelectronics ========================================================================== History Date Ver Author Softune Description 10.07.07 1.0 MVo V60L06 First Version ========================================================================== This is simple demo showing how to use the FLASH programming Auto Algorithms. Target of this demo is to show application of the following aspects of FLASH memory erase/write: 1) Preparation of FLASH Read/Write Mode (via BootROM routine) 2) Sector Erase 3) Sector Erase Suspend/Resume 4) Write Halfword to FLASH memory addresses Remarks: A) Reload Timer 0 is setup to demonstrate handling of Interrupt Requests via polling and subsequent Sector Erase Suspend, Restore Global Interrupt Flag, Handling of IRQ and Sector Erase Resume. B) Handling of RAMCODE is added to Start91460.asm because FLASH prog. routines have to be run from RAM since no code fetching is possible while write/erase of FLASH memory. Connect MCU UART4 to Terminal Program (19200Baud 8N1). After Power On a welcome message is output on UART4. The Action of Reload Timer 0 is to increase a counter displayed on LED D1..D8 of SK-91F465K-120PMT each 0.010s. The FLASH memory Sector content at Addresses 0xA0000 up to 0xA001F is shown. After this the Sector 0xA0000 will be erased by Sector Erase command (this Sector Erase Commands is repeatedly interrupted by Reload Timer 0 Interrupts which are handled from FLASH memory (Sector Erase Suspend/Resume). When the Sectors are earsed a few data are programmed to some given addresses in the sector 0xA0000. Finaly the FLASH memory content at addresses 0xA0000 up to 0xA001F is shown again to confirm the programmed values.