#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, time from SerialPort_linux import * # serial device to communicate with DEVICE="/dev/ttyUSB0" # baudrate used for initialization INIT_BAUDRATE=9600 # baudrate used for communication with the internal bootloader after init BOOTLOADER_BAUDRATE=38400 # baudrate used for communication with the pkernel program that does the flashing eventually KERNEL_BAUDRATE=115200 # contains the last received checksum from a READ, WRITE or CHECKSUM command last_checksum = 0 class FlashSequence(object): def __init__(self, address, data): self.address = address self.data = data def sendByte(byte): tty.write(chr(byte)) def sendWord(word): sendByte(word & 0xFF) sendByte((word >> 8) & 0xFF) def sendDWord(dword): sendByte(dword & 0xFF) sendByte((dword >> 8) & 0xFF) sendByte((dword >> 16) & 0xFF) sendByte((dword >> 24) & 0xFF) def recvByte(): return ord(tty.read()) def recvChecksum(): global last_checksum last_checksum = recvByte() last_checksum |= (recvByte() << 8) def bootromREAD(address, size): # send READ command sendByte(0x01) if (recvByte() != 0xF1): raise Exception sendByte(0x02) if (recvByte() != 0x82): raise Exception # tell desired address and size sendDWord(address) sendWord(size) # get binary stream of data data = [] for i in range(0, size): data.append(recvByte()) # get checksum recvChecksum() return data def bootromWRITE(address, size, data): # send WRITE command sendByte(0x01) if (recvByte() != 0xF1): raise Exception sendByte(0x03) if (recvByte() != 0x83): raise Exception # tell desired address and size sendDWord(address) sendWord(size) # write binary stream of data for i in range(0, size): sendByte(data[i]) # get checksum recvChecksum() # TODO: test this function! def bootromCALL(address): # send CALL command sendByte(0x01) if (recvByte() != 0xF1): raise Exception sendByte(0x04) if (recvByte() != 0x84): raise Exception # tell desired address sendDWord(address) # wait for return parameter - not needed here! #return recvByte() # TODO: test this function! def bootromCHECKSUM(): # call CHECKSUM command sendByte(0x01) if (recvByte() != 0xF1): raise Exception sendByte(0x05) if (recvByte() != 0x84): raise Exception # get checksum recvChecksum() def bootromBAUDRATE(baudrate): # send BAUDRATE command sendByte(0x01) if (recvByte() != 0xF1): raise Exception sendByte(0x06) if (recvByte() != 0x86): raise Exception # send desired baudrate sendDWord(baudrate) def pkernCHIPERASE(): sendByte(0x15) if (recvByte() != 0x45): raise Exception # wait till completion... if (recvByte() != 0x23): raise Exception def pkernERASE(address, size): sendByte(0x12) if (recvByte() != 0x11): raise Exception sendDWord(address) sendWord(size) if (recvByte() != 0x18): raise Exception def pkernWRITE(address, size, data): # send WRITE command sendByte(0x13) if (recvByte() != 0x37): raise Exception # tell desired address and size sendDWord(address) sendWord(size) # write binary stream of data for i in range(0, size): sendByte(data[i]) if (recvByte() != 0x28): raise Exception def readMHXFile(filename): # desired mhx filename fp = open(filename, "r") retval = [] # returns a list of FlashSequence objects linecount = 0 for line in fp: linecount += 1 # get rid of newline characters line = line.strip() # we're only interested in S2 (data sequence with 3 address bytes) records by now if line[0:2] == "S2": byte_count = int(line[2:4], 16) # just to get sure, check if byte count field is valid if (len(line)-4) != (byte_count*2): print sys.argv[0] + ": Warning - inavlid byte count field in " + \ sys.argv[1] + ":" + str(linecount) + ", skipping line!" continue # address and checksum bytes are not needed byte_count -= 4 address = int(line[4:10], 16) datastr = line[10:10+byte_count*2] # convert data hex-byte-string to real byte data list data = [] for i in range(0, len(datastr)/2): data.append(int(datastr[2*i:2*i+2], 16)) # add flash sequence to our list retval.append(FlashSequence(address, data)) fp.close() return retval def main(argv=None): # check command line arguments if argv is None: argv = sys.argv if len(argv) != 2: print "Usage: " + argv[0] + " [target mhx-file]" return 1 # read in data from mhx-files before starting try: try: bootloaderseqs = readMHXFile("pkernel/pkernel.mhx") except IOError as error1: bootloaderseqs = readMHXFile("%PREFIX%/share/frprog/pkernel.mhx") pkernelseqs = readMHXFile(argv[1]) except IOError as error: print argv[0] + ": Error - couldn't open file " + error.filename + "!" return 1 print "Initializing serial port..." tty = SerialPort(DEVICE, 100, INIT_BAUDRATE) print "Please press RESET on your board..." while True: tty.write('V') tty.flush() try: if tty.read() == 'F': break except SerialPortException: # timeout happened, who cares ;-) pass starttime = time.time() # save time at this point for evaluating the duration at the end print "OK, trying to set baudrate..." # set baudrate bootromBAUDRATE(BOOTLOADER_BAUDRATE) time.sleep(0.1) # just to get sure that the bootloader is really running in new baudrate mode! del tty tty = SerialPort(DEVICE, 100, BOOTLOADER_BAUDRATE) print "Transfering pkernel program to IRAM", # let the fun begin! for seq in bootloaderseqs: if(seq.address <= 0x40000): addr = seq.address else: continue #print "RAMing", len(seq.data), "bytes at address", hex(addr) bootromWRITE(addr, len(seq.data), seq.data) tty.flush() sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() print # execute our pkernel finally and set pkernel conform baudrate bootromCALL(0x30000) time.sleep(0.1) # just to get sure that the pkernel is really running! del tty tty = SerialPort(DEVICE, None, KERNEL_BAUDRATE) print "Performing ChipErase..." pkernCHIPERASE() print "Flashing", for seq in pkernelseqs: # skip seqs only consisting of 0xffs seqset = list(set(seq.data)) if len(seqset) == 1 and seqset[0] == 0xff: continue #print "Flashing", len(seq.data), "bytes at address", hex(seq.address) pkernWRITE(seq.address, len(seq.data), seq.data) tty.flush() sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() print duration = time.time() - starttime print "Procedure complete, took", round(duration, 2), "seconds." sendByte(0x97) # exit and restart print "Program was started. Have fun!" if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())