/* * wrapper functions. * * Authors: * Jonathan Pryor (jonpryor@vt.edu) * Jonathan Pryor (jpryor@novell.com) * * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Jonathan Pryor * Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc. */ #include #include "map.h" #include "mph.h" #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif G_BEGIN_DECLS typedef void (*mph_sighandler_t)(int); typedef struct Mono_Unix_UnixSignal_SignalInfo signal_info; void* Mono_Posix_Stdlib_SIG_DFL (void) { return SIG_DFL; } void* Mono_Posix_Stdlib_SIG_ERR (void) { return SIG_ERR; } void* Mono_Posix_Stdlib_SIG_IGN (void) { return SIG_IGN; } void Mono_Posix_Stdlib_InvokeSignalHandler (int signum, void *handler) { mph_sighandler_t _h = (mph_sighandler_t) handler; _h (signum); } #ifndef PLATFORM_WIN32 #ifdef WAPI_ATOMIC_ASM #define mph_int_get(p) InterlockedExchangeAdd ((p), 0) #define mph_int_inc(p) InterlockedIncrement ((p)) #define mph_int_set(p,o,n) InterlockedExchange ((p), (n)) #elif GLIB_CHECK_VERSION(2,4,0) #define mph_int_get(p) g_atomic_int_get ((p)) #define mph_int_inc(p) do {g_atomic_int_inc ((p));} while (0) #define mph_int_set(p,o,n) do { \ while (!g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange ((p), (o), (n))) {} \ } while (0) #else #define mph_int_get(p) (*(p)) #define mph_int_inc(p) do { (*(p))++; } while (0) #define mph_int_set(p,o,n) do { *(p) = n; } while (0) #endif int Mono_Posix_Syscall_psignal (int sig, const char* s) { errno = 0; psignal (sig, s); return errno == 0 ? 0 : -1; } #define NUM_SIGNALS 64 static signal_info signals[NUM_SIGNALS]; static void default_handler (int signum) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_SIGNALS; ++i) { int fd; signal_info* h = &signals [i]; if (mph_int_get (&h->signum) != signum) continue; mph_int_inc (&h->count); fd = mph_int_get (&h->write_fd); if (fd > 0) { char c = signum; write (fd, &c, 1); } } } static pthread_mutex_t signals_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; void* Mono_Unix_UnixSignal_install (int sig) { int i, mr; signal_info* h = NULL; int have_handler = 0; void* handler; mr = pthread_mutex_lock (&signals_mutex); if (mr != 0) { errno = mr; return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < NUM_SIGNALS; ++i) { if (h == NULL && signals [i].signum == 0) { h = &signals [i]; h->handler = signal (sig, default_handler); if (h->handler == SIG_ERR) { h->handler = NULL; h = NULL; break; } else { h->have_handler = 1; } } if (!have_handler && signals [i].signum == sig && signals [i].handler != default_handler) { have_handler = 1; handler = signals [i].handler; } if (h && have_handler) break; } if (h && have_handler) { h->have_handler = 1; h->handler = handler; } if (h) { mph_int_set (&h->count, h->count, 0); mph_int_set (&h->signum, h->signum, sig); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&signals_mutex); return h; } static int count_handlers (int signum) { int i; int count = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_SIGNALS; ++i) { if (signals [i].signum == signum) ++count; } return count; } int Mono_Unix_UnixSignal_uninstall (void* info) { signal_info* h; int mr, r = -1; mr = pthread_mutex_lock (&signals_mutex); if (mr != 0) { errno = mr; return -1; } h = info; if (h == NULL || h < signals || h > &signals [NUM_SIGNALS]) errno = EINVAL; else { /* last UnixSignal -- we can unregister */ if (h->have_handler && count_handlers (h->signum) == 1) { mph_sighandler_t p = signal (h->signum, h->handler); if (p != SIG_ERR) r = 0; h->handler = NULL; h->have_handler = 0; } h->signum = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&signals_mutex); return r; } static int setup_pipes (signal_info** signals, int count, fd_set *read_fds, int *max_fd) { int i, r; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { signal_info* h; int filedes[2]; if ((r = pipe (filedes)) != 0) { break; } h = signals [i]; h->read_fd = filedes [0]; h->write_fd = filedes [1]; if (h->read_fd > *max_fd) *max_fd = h->read_fd; FD_SET (h->read_fd, read_fds); } return r; } static void teardown_pipes (signal_info** signals, int count) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { signal_info* h = signals [i]; if (h->read_fd != 0) close (h->read_fd); if (h->write_fd != 0) close (h->write_fd); h->read_fd = 0; h->write_fd = 0; } } static int wait_for_any (signal_info** signals, int count, int max_fd, fd_set* read_fds, int timeout) { int r, idx; do { struct timeval tv; struct timeval *ptv = NULL; if (timeout != -1) { tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000)*1000; ptv = &tv; } r = select (max_fd + 1, read_fds, NULL, NULL, ptv); } while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR); idx = -1; if (r == 0) idx = timeout; else if (r > 0) { int i; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { signal_info* h = signals [i]; if (FD_ISSET (h->read_fd, read_fds)) { char c; read (h->read_fd, &c, 1); /* ignore any error */ if (idx == -1) idx = i; } } } return idx; } /* * returns: -1 on error: * timeout on timeout * index into _signals array of signal that was generated on success */ int Mono_Unix_UnixSignal_WaitAny (void** _signals, int count, int timeout /* milliseconds */) { fd_set read_fds; int mr, r; int max_fd = 0; signal_info** signals = (signal_info**) _signals; mr = pthread_mutex_lock (&signals_mutex); if (mr != 0) { errno = mr; return -1; } FD_ZERO (&read_fds); r = setup_pipes (signals, count, &read_fds, &max_fd); if (r == 0) { r = wait_for_any (signals, count, max_fd, &read_fds, timeout); } teardown_pipes (signals, count); pthread_mutex_unlock (&signals_mutex); return r; } #endif /* ndef PLATFORM_WIN32 */ G_END_DECLS /* * vim: noexpandtab */