/** * \file * AppDomain functions * * Authors: * Dietmar Maurer (dietmar@ximian.com) * Patrik Torstensson * Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) * * Copyright 2001-2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) * Copyright 2004-2009 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * Copyright 2012 Xamarin Inc * Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ #undef ASSEMBLY_LOAD_DEBUG #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UTIME_H #include #else #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UTIME_H #include #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #include "mono/metadata/metadata-internals.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HOST_WIN32 #include #endif typedef struct { int runtime_count; int assemblybinding_count; MonoDomain *domain; gchar *filename; } RuntimeConfig; static gunichar2 process_guid [36]; static gboolean process_guid_set = FALSE; static gboolean no_exec = FALSE; static MonoAssembly * mono_domain_assembly_preload (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gchar **assemblies_path, gpointer user_data); static MonoAssembly * mono_domain_assembly_search (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gpointer user_data); static void mono_domain_fire_assembly_load (MonoAssembly *assembly, gpointer user_data); static void add_assemblies_to_domain (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssembly *ass, GHashTable *hash); static MonoAppDomainHandle mono_domain_create_appdomain_internal (char *friendly_name, MonoAppDomainSetupHandle setup, MonoError *error); static MonoDomain * mono_domain_create_appdomain_checked (char *friendly_name, char *configuration_file, MonoError *error); static void mono_context_set_default_context (MonoDomain *domain); static char * get_shadow_assembly_location_base (MonoDomain *domain, MonoError *error); static MonoLoadFunc load_function = NULL; /* Lazy class loading functions */ static GENERATE_GET_CLASS_WITH_CACHE (assembly, "System.Reflection", "Assembly"); static GENERATE_GET_CLASS_WITH_CACHE (appdomain, "System", "AppDomain"); static MonoDomain * mono_domain_from_appdomain_handle (MonoAppDomainHandle appdomain); static void mono_error_set_appdomain_unloaded (MonoError *error) { mono_error_set_generic_error (error, "System", "AppDomainUnloadedException", ""); } void mono_install_runtime_load (MonoLoadFunc func) { load_function = func; } MonoDomain* mono_runtime_load (const char *filename, const char *runtime_version) { g_assert (load_function); return load_function (filename, runtime_version); } /** * mono_runtime_set_no_exec: * * Instructs the runtime to operate in static mode, i.e. avoid/do not * allow managed code execution. This is useful for running the AOT * compiler on platforms which allow full-aot execution only. This * should be called before mono_runtime_init (). */ void mono_runtime_set_no_exec (gboolean val) { no_exec = val; } /** * mono_runtime_get_no_exec: * * If true, then the runtime will not allow managed code execution. */ gboolean mono_runtime_get_no_exec (void) { return no_exec; } static void create_domain_objects (MonoDomain *domain) { MonoError error; MonoDomain *old_domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoString *arg; MonoVTable *string_vt; MonoClassField *string_empty_fld; if (domain != old_domain) { mono_thread_push_appdomain_ref (domain); mono_domain_set_internal_with_options (domain, FALSE); } /* * Initialize String.Empty. This enables the removal of * the static cctor of the String class. */ string_vt = mono_class_vtable (domain, mono_defaults.string_class); string_empty_fld = mono_class_get_field_from_name (mono_defaults.string_class, "Empty"); g_assert (string_empty_fld); MonoString *empty_str = mono_string_new_checked (domain, "", &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); empty_str = mono_string_intern_checked (empty_str, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); mono_field_static_set_value (string_vt, string_empty_fld, empty_str); domain->empty_string = empty_str; /* * Create an instance early since we can't do it when there is no memory. */ arg = mono_string_new_checked (domain, "Out of memory", &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); domain->out_of_memory_ex = mono_exception_from_name_two_strings_checked (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "OutOfMemoryException", arg, NULL, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); /* * These two are needed because the signal handlers might be executing on * an alternate stack, and Boehm GC can't handle that. */ arg = mono_string_new_checked (domain, "A null value was found where an object instance was required", &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); domain->null_reference_ex = mono_exception_from_name_two_strings_checked (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "NullReferenceException", arg, NULL, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); arg = mono_string_new_checked (domain, "The requested operation caused a stack overflow.", &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); domain->stack_overflow_ex = mono_exception_from_name_two_strings_checked (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "StackOverflowException", arg, NULL, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); /*The ephemeron tombstone i*/ domain->ephemeron_tombstone = mono_object_new_checked (domain, mono_defaults.object_class, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); if (domain != old_domain) { mono_thread_pop_appdomain_ref (); mono_domain_set_internal_with_options (old_domain, FALSE); } /* * This class is used during exception handling, so initialize it here, to prevent * stack overflows while handling stack overflows. */ mono_class_init (mono_array_class_get (mono_defaults.int_class, 1)); } /** * mono_runtime_init: * \param domain domain returned by \c mono_init * * Initialize the core AppDomain: this function will run also some * IL initialization code, so it needs the execution engine to be fully * operational. * * \c AppDomain.SetupInformation is set up in \c mono_runtime_exec_main, where * we know the \c entry_assembly. * */ void mono_runtime_init (MonoDomain *domain, MonoThreadStartCB start_cb, MonoThreadAttachCB attach_cb) { MonoError error; mono_runtime_init_checked (domain, start_cb, attach_cb, &error); mono_error_cleanup (&error); } void mono_runtime_init_checked (MonoDomain *domain, MonoThreadStartCB start_cb, MonoThreadAttachCB attach_cb, MonoError *error) { MonoAppDomainSetup *setup; MonoAppDomain *ad; MonoClass *klass; error_init (error); mono_portability_helpers_init (); mono_gc_base_init (); mono_monitor_init (); mono_marshal_init (); mono_install_assembly_preload_hook (mono_domain_assembly_preload, GUINT_TO_POINTER (FALSE)); mono_install_assembly_refonly_preload_hook (mono_domain_assembly_preload, GUINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE)); mono_install_assembly_search_hook (mono_domain_assembly_search, GUINT_TO_POINTER (FALSE)); mono_install_assembly_refonly_search_hook (mono_domain_assembly_search, GUINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE)); mono_install_assembly_postload_search_hook ((MonoAssemblySearchFunc)mono_domain_assembly_postload_search, GUINT_TO_POINTER (FALSE)); mono_install_assembly_postload_refonly_search_hook ((MonoAssemblySearchFunc)mono_domain_assembly_postload_search, GUINT_TO_POINTER (TRUE)); mono_install_assembly_load_hook (mono_domain_fire_assembly_load, NULL); mono_thread_init (start_cb, attach_cb); klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "AppDomainSetup"); setup = (MonoAppDomainSetup *) mono_object_new_pinned (domain, klass, error); return_if_nok (error); klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "AppDomain"); ad = (MonoAppDomain *) mono_object_new_pinned (domain, klass, error); return_if_nok (error); ad->data = domain; domain->domain = ad; domain->setup = setup; mono_thread_attach (domain); mono_type_initialization_init (); if (!mono_runtime_get_no_exec ()) create_domain_objects (domain); /* GC init has to happen after thread init */ mono_gc_init (); /* contexts use GC handles, so they must be initialized after the GC */ mono_context_init_checked (domain, error); return_if_nok (error); mono_context_set_default_context (domain); #ifndef DISABLE_SOCKETS mono_network_init (); #endif mono_console_init (); mono_attach_init (); mono_locks_tracer_init (); /* mscorlib is loaded before we install the load hook */ mono_domain_fire_assembly_load (mono_defaults.corlib->assembly, NULL); return; } static void mono_context_set_default_context (MonoDomain *domain) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); mono_context_set_handle (MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppContext, domain->default_context)); HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN (); } static int mono_get_corlib_version (void) { MonoError error; MonoClass *klass; MonoClassField *field; MonoObject *value; klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "Environment"); mono_class_init (klass); field = mono_class_get_field_from_name (klass, "mono_corlib_version"); if (!field) return -1; if (! (field->type->attrs & FIELD_ATTRIBUTE_STATIC)) return -1; value = mono_field_get_value_object_checked (mono_domain_get (), field, NULL, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); return *(gint32*)((gchar*)value + sizeof (MonoObject)); } /** * mono_check_corlib_version: * Checks that the corlib that is loaded matches the version of this runtime. * \returns NULL if the runtime will work with the corlib, or a \c g_malloc * allocated string with the error otherwise. */ const char* mono_check_corlib_version (void) { int version = mono_get_corlib_version (); if (version != MONO_CORLIB_VERSION) return g_strdup_printf ("expected corlib version %d, found %d.", MONO_CORLIB_VERSION, version); /* Check that the managed and unmanaged layout of MonoInternalThread matches */ guint32 native_offset = (guint32) MONO_STRUCT_OFFSET (MonoInternalThread, last); guint32 managed_offset = mono_field_get_offset (mono_class_get_field_from_name (mono_defaults.internal_thread_class, "last")); if (native_offset != managed_offset) return g_strdup_printf ("expected InternalThread.last field offset %u, found %u. See InternalThread.last comment", native_offset, managed_offset); return NULL; } /** * mono_context_init: * \param domain The domain where the \c System.Runtime.Remoting.Context.Context is initialized * Initializes the \p domain's default \c System.Runtime.Remoting 's Context. */ void mono_context_init (MonoDomain *domain) { MonoError error; mono_context_init_checked (domain, &error); mono_error_cleanup (&error); } void mono_context_init_checked (MonoDomain *domain, MonoError *error) { MonoClass *klass; MonoAppContext *context; error_init (error); klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts", "Context"); context = (MonoAppContext *) mono_object_new_pinned (domain, klass, error); return_if_nok (error); context->domain_id = domain->domain_id; context->context_id = 0; mono_threads_register_app_context (context, error); mono_error_assert_ok (error); domain->default_context = context; } /** * mono_runtime_cleanup: * \param domain unused. * * Internal routine. * * This must not be called while there are still running threads executing * managed code. */ void mono_runtime_cleanup (MonoDomain *domain) { mono_attach_cleanup (); /* This ends up calling any pending pending (for at most 2 seconds) */ mono_gc_cleanup (); mono_thread_cleanup (); #ifndef DISABLE_SOCKETS mono_network_cleanup (); #endif mono_marshal_cleanup (); mono_type_initialization_cleanup (); mono_monitor_cleanup (); } static MonoDomainFunc quit_function = NULL; /** * mono_install_runtime_cleanup: */ void mono_install_runtime_cleanup (MonoDomainFunc func) { quit_function = func; } /** * mono_runtime_quit: */ void mono_runtime_quit () { if (quit_function != NULL) quit_function (mono_get_root_domain (), NULL); } /** * mono_domain_create_appdomain: * \param friendly_name The friendly name of the appdomain to create * \param configuration_file The configuration file to initialize the appdomain with * \returns a \c MonoDomain initialized with the appdomain */ MonoDomain * mono_domain_create_appdomain (char *friendly_name, char *configuration_file) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoError error; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_create_appdomain_checked (friendly_name, configuration_file, &error); mono_error_cleanup (&error); HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_VAL (domain); } /** * mono_domain_create_appdomain_checked: * \param friendly_name The friendly name of the appdomain to create * \param configuration_file The configuration file to initialize the appdomain with * \param error Set on error. * * \returns a MonoDomain initialized with the appdomain. On failure sets \p error and returns NULL. */ MonoDomain * mono_domain_create_appdomain_checked (char *friendly_name, char *configuration_file, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); error_init (error); MonoDomain *result = NULL; MonoClass *klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "AppDomainSetup"); MonoAppDomainSetupHandle setup = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomainSetup, mono_object_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), klass, error)); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; MonoStringHandle config_file; if (configuration_file != NULL) { config_file = mono_string_new_handle (mono_domain_get (), configuration_file, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; } else { config_file = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoString, NULL); } MONO_HANDLE_SET (setup, configuration_file, config_file); MonoAppDomainHandle ad = mono_domain_create_appdomain_internal (friendly_name, setup, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; result = mono_domain_from_appdomain_handle (ad); leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_VAL (result); } /** * mono_domain_set_config: * \param domain \c MonoDomain initialized with the appdomain we want to change * \param base_dir new base directory for the appdomain * \param config_file_name path to the new configuration for the app domain * * Used to set the system configuration for an appdomain * * Without using this, embedded builds will get 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: * Error Initializing the configuration system. ---> System.ArgumentException: * The 'ExeConfigFilename' argument cannot be null.' for some managed calls. */ void mono_domain_set_config (MonoDomain *domain, const char *base_dir, const char *config_file_name) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoError error; mono_domain_set_config_checked (domain, base_dir, config_file_name, &error); mono_error_cleanup (&error); HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN (); } gboolean mono_domain_set_config_checked (MonoDomain *domain, const char *base_dir, const char *config_file_name, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoAppDomainSetupHandle setup = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomainSetup, domain->setup); MonoStringHandle base_dir_str = mono_string_new_handle (domain, base_dir, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; MONO_HANDLE_SET (setup, application_base, base_dir_str); MonoStringHandle config_file_name_str = mono_string_new_handle (domain, config_file_name, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; MONO_HANDLE_SET (setup, configuration_file, config_file_name_str); leave: return is_ok (error); } static MonoAppDomainSetupHandle copy_app_domain_setup (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAppDomainSetupHandle setup, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoDomain *caller_domain; MonoClass *ads_class; MonoAppDomainSetupHandle result = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomainSetup, NULL); error_init (error); caller_domain = mono_domain_get (); ads_class = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_defaults.corlib, "System", "AppDomainSetup"); MonoAppDomainSetupHandle copy = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomainSetup, mono_object_new_checked (domain, ads_class, error)); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; mono_domain_set_internal (domain); #define XCOPY_FIELD(dst,field,src,error) \ do { \ MonoObjectHandle src_val = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoObject, (src), field); \ MonoObjectHandle copied_val = mono_marshal_xdomain_copy_value_handle (src_val, error); \ if (!is_ok (error)) \ goto leave; \ MONO_HANDLE_SET ((dst),field,copied_val); \ } while (0) #define COPY_VAL(dst,field,type,src) \ do { \ MONO_HANDLE_SETVAL ((dst), field, type, MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL ((src),field)); \ } while (0) XCOPY_FIELD (copy, application_base, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, application_name, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, cache_path, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, configuration_file, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, dynamic_base, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, license_file, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, private_bin_path, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, private_bin_path_probe, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, shadow_copy_directories, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, shadow_copy_files, setup, error); COPY_VAL (copy, publisher_policy, MonoBoolean, setup); COPY_VAL (copy, path_changed, MonoBoolean, setup); COPY_VAL (copy, loader_optimization, int, setup); COPY_VAL (copy, disallow_binding_redirects, MonoBoolean, setup); COPY_VAL (copy, disallow_code_downloads, MonoBoolean, setup); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, domain_initializer_args, setup, error); COPY_VAL (copy, disallow_appbase_probe, MonoBoolean, setup); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, application_trust, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, configuration_bytes, setup, error); XCOPY_FIELD (copy, serialized_non_primitives, setup, error); #undef XCOPY_FIELD #undef COPY_VAL mono_domain_set_internal (caller_domain); MONO_HANDLE_ASSIGN (result, copy); leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_REF (MonoAppDomainSetup, result); } static MonoAppDomainHandle mono_domain_create_appdomain_internal (char *friendly_name, MonoAppDomainSetupHandle setup, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoAppDomainHandle result = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomain, NULL); MonoClass *adclass; MonoDomain *data; error_init (error); adclass = mono_class_get_appdomain_class (); /* FIXME: pin all those objects */ data = mono_domain_create(); MonoAppDomainHandle ad = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomain, mono_object_new_checked (data, adclass, error)); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; MONO_HANDLE_SETVAL (ad, data, MonoDomain*, data); data->domain = MONO_HANDLE_RAW (ad); data->friendly_name = g_strdup (friendly_name); MONO_PROFILER_RAISE (domain_name, (data, data->friendly_name)); MonoStringHandle app_base = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, setup, application_base); if (MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (app_base)) { /* Inherit from the root domain since MS.NET does this */ MonoDomain *root = mono_get_root_domain (); MonoAppDomainSetupHandle root_setup = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomainSetup, root->setup); MonoStringHandle root_app_base = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, root_setup, application_base); if (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (root_app_base)) { /* N.B. new string is in the new domain */ uint32_t gchandle = mono_gchandle_from_handle (MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoObject, root_app_base), TRUE); MonoStringHandle s = mono_string_new_utf16_handle (data, mono_string_chars (MONO_HANDLE_RAW (root_app_base)), mono_string_handle_length (root_app_base), error); mono_gchandle_free (gchandle); if (!is_ok (error)) { g_free (data->friendly_name); goto leave; } MONO_HANDLE_SET (setup, application_base, s); } } mono_context_init_checked (data, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; data->setup = MONO_HANDLE_RAW (copy_app_domain_setup (data, setup, error)); if (!mono_error_ok (error)) { g_free (data->friendly_name); goto leave; } mono_domain_set_options_from_config (data); add_assemblies_to_domain (data, mono_defaults.corlib->assembly, NULL); #ifndef DISABLE_SHADOW_COPY /*FIXME, guard this for when the debugger is not running */ char *shadow_location = get_shadow_assembly_location_base (data, error); if (!mono_error_ok (error)) { g_free (data->friendly_name); goto leave; } g_free (shadow_location); #endif create_domain_objects (data); MONO_HANDLE_ASSIGN (result, ad); leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_REF (MonoAppDomain, result); } /** * mono_domain_has_type_resolve: * \param domain application domain being looked up * * \returns TRUE if the \c AppDomain.TypeResolve field has been set. */ gboolean mono_domain_has_type_resolve (MonoDomain *domain) { static MonoClassField *field = NULL; MonoObject *o; if (field == NULL) { field = mono_class_get_field_from_name (mono_defaults.appdomain_class, "TypeResolve"); g_assert (field); } /*pedump doesn't create an appdomin, so the domain object doesn't exist.*/ if (!domain->domain) return FALSE; mono_field_get_value ((MonoObject*)(domain->domain), field, &o); return o != NULL; } /** * mono_domain_try_type_resolve: * \param domain application domainwhere the name where the type is going to be resolved * \param name the name of the type to resolve or NULL. * \param tb A \c System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder, used if name is NULL. * * This routine invokes the internal \c System.AppDomain.DoTypeResolve and returns * the assembly that matches name. * * If \p name is null, the value of \c ((TypeBuilder)tb).FullName is used instead * * \returns A \c MonoReflectionAssembly or NULL if not found */ MonoReflectionAssembly * mono_domain_try_type_resolve (MonoDomain *domain, char *name, MonoObject *tb) { MonoError error; MonoReflectionAssembly *ret = mono_domain_try_type_resolve_checked (domain, name, tb, &error); mono_error_cleanup (&error); return ret; } MonoReflectionAssembly * mono_domain_try_type_resolve_checked (MonoDomain *domain, char *name, MonoObject *tb, MonoError *error) { static MonoMethod *method = NULL; MonoReflectionAssembly *ret; void *params [1]; error_init (error); g_assert (domain != NULL && ((name != NULL) || (tb != NULL))); if (method == NULL) { method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (mono_class_get_appdomain_class (), "DoTypeResolve", -1); if (method == NULL) { g_warning ("Method AppDomain.DoTypeResolve not found.\n"); return NULL; } } if (name) { *params = (MonoObject*)mono_string_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), name, error); return_val_if_nok (error, NULL); } else *params = tb; ret = (MonoReflectionAssembly *) mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, domain->domain, params, error); return_val_if_nok (error, NULL); return ret; } /** * mono_domain_owns_vtable_slot: * \returns Whether \p vtable_slot is inside a vtable which belongs to \p domain. */ gboolean mono_domain_owns_vtable_slot (MonoDomain *domain, gpointer vtable_slot) { gboolean res; mono_domain_lock (domain); res = mono_mempool_contains_addr (domain->mp, vtable_slot); mono_domain_unlock (domain); return res; } /** * mono_domain_set: * \param domain domain * \param force force setting. * * Set the current appdomain to \p domain. If \p force is set, set it even * if it is being unloaded. * * \returns TRUE on success; FALSE if the domain is unloaded */ gboolean mono_domain_set (MonoDomain *domain, gboolean force) { if (!force && domain->state == MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADED) return FALSE; mono_domain_set_internal (domain); return TRUE; } MonoObjectHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_GetData (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoStringHandle name, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); if (MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (name)) { mono_error_set_argument_null (error, "name", ""); return NULL_HANDLE; } g_assert (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (ad)); MonoDomain *add = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data); g_assert (add); char *str = mono_string_handle_to_utf8 (name, error); return_val_if_nok (error, NULL_HANDLE); mono_domain_lock (add); MonoAppDomainSetupHandle ad_setup = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomainSetup, add->setup); MonoStringHandle o; if (!strcmp (str, "APPBASE")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, application_base); else if (!strcmp (str, "APP_CONFIG_FILE")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, configuration_file); else if (!strcmp (str, "DYNAMIC_BASE")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, dynamic_base); else if (!strcmp (str, "APP_NAME")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, application_name); else if (!strcmp (str, "CACHE_BASE")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, cache_path); else if (!strcmp (str, "PRIVATE_BINPATH")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, private_bin_path); else if (!strcmp (str, "BINPATH_PROBE_ONLY")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, private_bin_path_probe); else if (!strcmp (str, "SHADOW_COPY_DIRS")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, shadow_copy_directories); else if (!strcmp (str, "FORCE_CACHE_INSTALL")) o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoString, ad_setup, shadow_copy_files); else o = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoString, mono_g_hash_table_lookup (add->env, MONO_HANDLE_RAW (name))); mono_domain_unlock (add); g_free (str); return MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoObject, o); } void ves_icall_System_AppDomain_SetData (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoStringHandle name, MonoObjectHandle data, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); if (MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (name)) { mono_error_set_argument_null (error, "name", ""); return; } g_assert (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (ad)); MonoDomain *add = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data); g_assert (add); mono_domain_lock (add); mono_g_hash_table_insert (add->env, MONO_HANDLE_RAW (name), MONO_HANDLE_RAW (data)); mono_domain_unlock (add); } MonoAppDomainSetupHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_getSetup (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); g_assert (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (ad)); MonoDomain *domain = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data); g_assert (domain); return MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomainSetup, domain->setup); } MonoStringHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_getFriendlyName (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); g_assert (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (ad)); MonoDomain *domain = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data); g_assert (domain); return mono_string_new_handle (domain, domain->friendly_name, error); } MonoAppDomainHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_getCurDomain (MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *add = mono_domain_get (); return MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomain, add->domain); } MonoAppDomainHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_getRootDomain (MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *root = mono_get_root_domain (); return MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomain, root->domain); } MonoBoolean ves_icall_System_CLRConfig_CheckThrowUnobservedTaskExceptions () { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); return domain->throw_unobserved_task_exceptions; } static char* get_attribute_value (const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, const char *att_name) { int n; for (n = 0; attribute_names [n] != NULL; n++) { if (strcmp (attribute_names [n], att_name) == 0) return g_strdup (attribute_values [n]); } return NULL; } static void start_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { RuntimeConfig *runtime_config = (RuntimeConfig *)user_data; if (strcmp (element_name, "runtime") == 0) { runtime_config->runtime_count++; return; } if (strcmp (element_name, "assemblyBinding") == 0) { runtime_config->assemblybinding_count++; return; } if (runtime_config->runtime_count != 1) return; if (strcmp (element_name, "ThrowUnobservedTaskExceptions") == 0) { const char *value = get_attribute_value (attribute_names, attribute_values, "enabled"); if (value && g_ascii_strcasecmp (value, "true") == 0) runtime_config->domain->throw_unobserved_task_exceptions = TRUE; } if (runtime_config->assemblybinding_count != 1) return; if (strcmp (element_name, "probing") != 0) return; g_free (runtime_config->domain->private_bin_path); runtime_config->domain->private_bin_path = get_attribute_value (attribute_names, attribute_values, "privatePath"); if (runtime_config->domain->private_bin_path && !runtime_config->domain->private_bin_path [0]) { g_free (runtime_config->domain->private_bin_path); runtime_config->domain->private_bin_path = NULL; return; } } static void end_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { RuntimeConfig *runtime_config = (RuntimeConfig *)user_data; if (strcmp (element_name, "runtime") == 0) runtime_config->runtime_count--; else if (strcmp (element_name, "assemblyBinding") == 0) runtime_config->assemblybinding_count--; } static void parse_error (GMarkupParseContext *context, GError *error, gpointer user_data) { RuntimeConfig *state = (RuntimeConfig *)user_data; const gchar *msg; const gchar *filename; filename = state && state->filename ? (gchar *) state->filename : ""; msg = error && error->message ? error->message : ""; g_warning ("Error parsing %s: %s", filename, msg); } static const GMarkupParser mono_parser = { start_element, end_element, NULL, NULL, parse_error }; void mono_domain_set_options_from_config (MonoDomain *domain) { MonoError error; gchar *config_file_name = NULL, *text = NULL, *config_file_path = NULL; gsize len; GMarkupParseContext *context; RuntimeConfig runtime_config; gint offset; if (!domain || !domain->setup || !domain->setup->configuration_file) return; config_file_name = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (domain->setup->configuration_file, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { mono_error_cleanup (&error); goto free_and_out; } config_file_path = mono_portability_find_file (config_file_name, TRUE); if (!config_file_path) config_file_path = config_file_name; if (!g_file_get_contents (config_file_path, &text, &len, NULL)) goto free_and_out; runtime_config.runtime_count = 0; runtime_config.assemblybinding_count = 0; runtime_config.domain = domain; runtime_config.filename = config_file_path; offset = 0; if (len > 3 && text [0] == '\xef' && text [1] == (gchar) '\xbb' && text [2] == '\xbf') offset = 3; /* Skip UTF-8 BOM */ context = g_markup_parse_context_new (&mono_parser, (GMarkupParseFlags)0, &runtime_config, NULL); if (g_markup_parse_context_parse (context, text + offset, len - offset, NULL)) g_markup_parse_context_end_parse (context, NULL); g_markup_parse_context_free (context); free_and_out: g_free (text); if (config_file_name != config_file_path) g_free (config_file_name); g_free (config_file_path); } MonoAppDomainHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_createDomain (MonoStringHandle friendly_name, MonoAppDomainSetupHandle setup, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoAppDomainHandle ad = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomain, NULL); #ifdef DISABLE_APPDOMAINS mono_error_set_not_supported (error, "AppDomain creation is not supported on this runtime."); #else char *fname; fname = mono_string_handle_to_utf8 (friendly_name, error); return_val_if_nok (error, ad); ad = mono_domain_create_appdomain_internal (fname, setup, error); g_free (fname); #endif return ad; } static gboolean add_assembly_to_array (MonoDomain *domain, MonoArrayHandle dest, int dest_idx, MonoAssembly* assm, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); error_init (error); MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle assm_obj = mono_assembly_get_object_handle (domain, assm, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; MONO_HANDLE_ARRAY_SETREF (dest, dest_idx, assm_obj); leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_VAL (is_ok (error)); } MonoArrayHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_GetAssemblies (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoBoolean refonly, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *domain = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data); MonoAssembly* ass; GSList *tmp; int i; GPtrArray *assemblies; /* * Make a copy of the list of assemblies because we can't hold the assemblies * lock while creating objects etc. */ assemblies = g_ptr_array_new (); /* Need to skip internal assembly builders created by remoting */ mono_domain_assemblies_lock (domain); for (tmp = domain->domain_assemblies; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { ass = (MonoAssembly *)tmp->data; if (refonly != ass->ref_only) continue; if (ass->corlib_internal) continue; g_ptr_array_add (assemblies, ass); } mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); MonoArrayHandle res = mono_array_new_handle (domain, mono_class_get_assembly_class (), assemblies->len, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; for (i = 0; i < assemblies->len; ++i) { if (!add_assembly_to_array (domain, res, i, (MonoAssembly *)g_ptr_array_index (assemblies, i), error)) goto leave; } leave: g_ptr_array_free (assemblies, TRUE); return res; } MonoAssembly* mono_try_assembly_resolve (MonoDomain *domain, const char *fname_raw, MonoAssembly *requesting, gboolean refonly, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); error_init (error); MonoAssembly *result = NULL; MonoStringHandle fname = mono_string_new_handle (domain, fname_raw, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; result = mono_try_assembly_resolve_handle (domain, fname, requesting, refonly, error); leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_VAL (result); } MonoAssembly* mono_try_assembly_resolve_handle (MonoDomain *domain, MonoStringHandle fname, MonoAssembly *requesting, gboolean refonly, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoAssembly *ret = NULL; MonoMethod *method; MonoBoolean isrefonly; gpointer params [3]; error_init (error); if (mono_runtime_get_no_exec ()) goto leave; g_assert (domain != NULL && !MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (fname)); method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (mono_class_get_appdomain_class (), "DoAssemblyResolve", -1); g_assert (method != NULL); isrefonly = refonly ? 1 : 0; MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle requesting_handle; if (requesting) { requesting_handle = mono_assembly_get_object_handle (domain, requesting, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; } params [0] = MONO_HANDLE_RAW (fname); params[1] = requesting ? MONO_HANDLE_RAW (requesting_handle) : NULL; params [2] = &isrefonly; MonoObject *exc = NULL; MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle result = MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoReflectionAssembly, mono_runtime_try_invoke (method, domain->domain, params, &exc, error)); if (!is_ok (error) || exc != NULL) { if (is_ok (error)) mono_error_set_exception_instance (error, (MonoException*)exc); goto leave; } ret = !MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (result) ? MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (result, assembly) : NULL; if (ret && !refonly && ret->ref_only) { /* .NET Framework throws System.IO.FileNotFoundException in this case */ mono_error_set_file_not_found (error, "AssemblyResolveEvent handlers cannot return Assemblies loaded for reflection only"); ret = NULL; goto leave; } leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_VAL (ret); } MonoAssembly * mono_domain_assembly_postload_search (MonoAssemblyName *aname, MonoAssembly *requesting, gboolean refonly) { MonoError error; MonoAssembly *assembly; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); char *aname_str; aname_str = mono_stringify_assembly_name (aname); /* FIXME: We invoke managed code here, so there is a potential for deadlocks */ assembly = mono_try_assembly_resolve (domain, aname_str, requesting, refonly, &error); g_free (aname_str); mono_error_cleanup (&error); return assembly; } /* * LOCKING: assumes assemblies_lock in the domain is already locked. */ static void add_assemblies_to_domain (MonoDomain *domain, MonoAssembly *ass, GHashTable *ht) { gint i; GSList *tmp; gboolean destroy_ht = FALSE; if (!ass->aname.name) return; if (!ht) { ht = g_hash_table_new (mono_aligned_addr_hash, NULL); destroy_ht = TRUE; for (tmp = domain->domain_assemblies; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { g_hash_table_insert (ht, tmp->data, tmp->data); } } /* FIXME: handle lazy loaded assemblies */ if (!g_hash_table_lookup (ht, ass)) { mono_assembly_addref (ass); g_hash_table_insert (ht, ass, ass); domain->domain_assemblies = g_slist_append (domain->domain_assemblies, ass); mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Assembly %s[%p] added to domain %s, ref_count=%d", ass->aname.name, ass, domain->friendly_name, ass->ref_count); } if (ass->image->references) { for (i = 0; i < ass->image->nreferences; i++) { if (ass->image->references[i] && ass->image->references [i] != REFERENCE_MISSING) { if (!g_hash_table_lookup (ht, ass->image->references [i])) { add_assemblies_to_domain (domain, ass->image->references [i], ht); } } } } if (destroy_ht) g_hash_table_destroy (ht); } static void mono_domain_fire_assembly_load (MonoAssembly *assembly, gpointer user_data) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); static MonoClassField *assembly_load_field; static MonoMethod *assembly_load_method; MonoError error; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoClass *klass; gpointer load_value; void *params [1]; if (!domain->domain) /* This can happen during startup */ goto leave; #ifdef ASSEMBLY_LOAD_DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "Loading %s into domain %s\n", assembly->aname.name, domain->friendly_name); #endif klass = domain->domain->mbr.obj.vtable->klass; mono_domain_assemblies_lock (domain); add_assemblies_to_domain (domain, assembly, NULL); mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); if (assembly_load_field == NULL) { assembly_load_field = mono_class_get_field_from_name (klass, "AssemblyLoad"); g_assert (assembly_load_field); } mono_field_get_value ((MonoObject*) domain->domain, assembly_load_field, &load_value); if (load_value == NULL) { /* No events waiting to be triggered */ goto leave; } MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle ref_assembly = mono_assembly_get_object_handle (domain, assembly, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); if (assembly_load_method == NULL) { assembly_load_method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, "DoAssemblyLoad", -1); g_assert (assembly_load_method); } *params = MONO_HANDLE_RAW(ref_assembly); mono_runtime_invoke_checked (assembly_load_method, domain->domain, params, &error); mono_error_cleanup (&error); leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN (); } /* * LOCKING: Acquires the domain assemblies lock. */ static void set_domain_search_path (MonoDomain *domain) { MonoError error; MonoAppDomainSetup *setup; gchar **tmp; gchar *search_path = NULL; gint i; gint npaths = 0; gchar **pvt_split = NULL; GError *gerror = NULL; gint appbaselen = -1; /* * We use the low-level domain assemblies lock, since this is called from * assembly loads hooks, which means this thread might hold the loader lock. */ mono_domain_assemblies_lock (domain); if (!domain->setup) { mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return; } if ((domain->search_path != NULL) && !domain->setup->path_changed) { mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return; } setup = domain->setup; if (!setup->application_base) { mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return; /* Must set application base to get private path working */ } npaths++; if (setup->private_bin_path) { search_path = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (setup->private_bin_path, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { /*FIXME maybe we should bubble up the error.*/ g_warning ("Could not decode AppDomain search path since it contains invalid characters"); mono_error_cleanup (&error); mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return; } } if (domain->private_bin_path) { if (search_path == NULL) search_path = domain->private_bin_path; else { gchar *tmp2 = search_path; search_path = g_strjoin (";", search_path, domain->private_bin_path, NULL); g_free (tmp2); } } if (search_path) { /* * As per MSDN documentation, AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPath contains a list of * directories relative to ApplicationBase separated by semicolons (see * http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.appdomainsetup.privatebinpath.aspx) * The loop below copes with the fact that some Unix applications may use ':' (or * System.IO.Path.PathSeparator) as the path search separator. We replace it with * ';' for the subsequent split. * * The issue was reported in bug #81446 */ #ifndef TARGET_WIN32 gint slen; slen = strlen (search_path); for (i = 0; i < slen; i++) if (search_path [i] == ':') search_path [i] = ';'; #endif pvt_split = g_strsplit (search_path, ";", 1000); g_free (search_path); for (tmp = pvt_split; *tmp; tmp++, npaths++); } if (!npaths) { if (pvt_split) g_strfreev (pvt_split); /* * Don't do this because the first time is called, the domain * setup is not finished. * * domain->search_path = g_malloc (sizeof (char *)); * domain->search_path [0] = NULL; */ mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return; } if (domain->search_path) g_strfreev (domain->search_path); tmp = (gchar **)g_malloc ((npaths + 1) * sizeof (gchar *)); tmp [npaths] = NULL; *tmp = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (setup->application_base, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { mono_error_cleanup (&error); g_strfreev (pvt_split); g_free (tmp); mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return; } domain->search_path = tmp; /* FIXME: is this needed? */ if (strncmp (*tmp, "file://", 7) == 0) { gchar *file = *tmp; gchar *uri = *tmp; gchar *tmpuri; if (uri [7] != '/') uri = g_strdup_printf ("file:///%s", uri + 7); tmpuri = uri; uri = mono_escape_uri_string (tmpuri); *tmp = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, &gerror); g_free (uri); if (tmpuri != file) g_free (tmpuri); if (gerror != NULL) { g_warning ("%s\n", gerror->message); g_error_free (gerror); *tmp = file; } else { g_free (file); } } for (i = 1; pvt_split && i < npaths; i++) { if (g_path_is_absolute (pvt_split [i - 1])) { tmp [i] = g_strdup (pvt_split [i - 1]); } else { tmp [i] = g_build_filename (tmp [0], pvt_split [i - 1], NULL); } if (strchr (tmp [i], '.')) { gchar *reduced; gchar *freeme; reduced = mono_path_canonicalize (tmp [i]); if (appbaselen == -1) appbaselen = strlen (tmp [0]); if (strncmp (tmp [0], reduced, appbaselen)) { g_free (reduced); g_free (tmp [i]); tmp [i] = g_strdup (""); continue; } freeme = tmp [i]; tmp [i] = reduced; g_free (freeme); } } if (setup->private_bin_path_probe != NULL) { g_free (tmp [0]); tmp [0] = g_strdup (""); } domain->setup->path_changed = FALSE; g_strfreev (pvt_split); mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); } #ifdef DISABLE_SHADOW_COPY gboolean mono_is_shadow_copy_enabled (MonoDomain *domain, const gchar *dir_name) { return FALSE; } char * mono_make_shadow_copy (const char *filename, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); return (char *) filename; } #else static gboolean shadow_copy_sibling (gchar *src, gint srclen, const char *extension, gchar *target, gint targetlen, gint tail_len) { guint16 *orig, *dest; gboolean copy_result; gint32 copy_error; strcpy (src + srclen - tail_len, extension); if (IS_PORTABILITY_CASE) { gchar *file = mono_portability_find_file (src, TRUE); if (file == NULL) return TRUE; g_free (file); } else if (!g_file_test (src, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { return TRUE; } orig = g_utf8_to_utf16 (src, strlen (src), NULL, NULL, NULL); strcpy (target + targetlen - tail_len, extension); dest = g_utf8_to_utf16 (target, strlen (target), NULL, NULL, NULL); mono_w32file_delete (dest); copy_result = mono_w32file_copy (orig, dest, TRUE, ©_error); /* Fix for bug #556884 - make sure the files have the correct mode so that they can be * overwritten when updated in their original locations. */ if (copy_result) copy_result = mono_w32file_set_attributes (dest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); g_free (orig); g_free (dest); return copy_result; } static gint32 get_cstring_hash (const char *str) { int len, i; const char *p; gint32 h = 0; if (!str || !str [0]) return 0; len = strlen (str); p = str; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { h = (h << 5) - h + *p; p++; } return h; } /* * Returned memory is malloc'd. Called must free it */ static char * get_shadow_assembly_location_base (MonoDomain *domain, MonoError *error) { MonoAppDomainSetup *setup; char *cache_path, *appname; char *userdir; char *location; error_init (error); setup = domain->setup; if (setup->cache_path != NULL && setup->application_name != NULL) { cache_path = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (setup->cache_path, error); return_val_if_nok (error, NULL); #ifndef TARGET_WIN32 { gint i; for (i = strlen (cache_path) - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (cache_path [i] == '\\') cache_path [i] = '/'; } #endif appname = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (setup->application_name, error); if (!mono_error_ok (error)) { g_free (cache_path); return NULL; } location = g_build_filename (cache_path, appname, "assembly", "shadow", NULL); g_free (appname); g_free (cache_path); } else { userdir = g_strdup_printf ("%s-mono-cachepath", g_get_user_name ()); location = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), userdir, "assembly", "shadow", NULL); g_free (userdir); } return location; } static char * get_shadow_assembly_location (const char *filename, MonoError *error) { gint32 hash = 0, hash2 = 0; char name_hash [9]; char path_hash [30]; char *bname = g_path_get_basename (filename); char *dirname = g_path_get_dirname (filename); char *location, *tmploc; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); error_init (error); hash = get_cstring_hash (bname); hash2 = get_cstring_hash (dirname); g_snprintf (name_hash, sizeof (name_hash), "%08x", hash); g_snprintf (path_hash, sizeof (path_hash), "%08x_%08x_%08x", hash ^ hash2, hash2, domain->shadow_serial); tmploc = get_shadow_assembly_location_base (domain, error); if (!mono_error_ok (error)) { g_free (bname); g_free (dirname); return NULL; } location = g_build_filename (tmploc, name_hash, path_hash, bname, NULL); g_free (tmploc); g_free (bname); g_free (dirname); return location; } static gboolean private_file_needs_copying (const char *src, struct stat *sbuf_src, char *dest) { struct stat sbuf_dest; gchar *stat_src; gchar *real_src = mono_portability_find_file (src, TRUE); if (!real_src) stat_src = (gchar*)src; else stat_src = real_src; if (stat (stat_src, sbuf_src) == -1) { time_t tnow = time (NULL); if (real_src) g_free (real_src); memset (sbuf_src, 0, sizeof (*sbuf_src)); sbuf_src->st_mtime = tnow; sbuf_src->st_atime = tnow; return TRUE; } if (real_src) g_free (real_src); if (stat (dest, &sbuf_dest) == -1) return TRUE; if (sbuf_src->st_size == sbuf_dest.st_size && sbuf_src->st_mtime == sbuf_dest.st_mtime) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static gboolean shadow_copy_create_ini (const char *shadow, const char *filename) { char *dir_name; char *ini_file; guint16 *u16_ini; gboolean result; guint32 n; HANDLE *handle; gchar *full_path; dir_name = g_path_get_dirname (shadow); ini_file = g_build_filename (dir_name, "__AssemblyInfo__.ini", NULL); g_free (dir_name); if (g_file_test (ini_file, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) { g_free (ini_file); return TRUE; } u16_ini = g_utf8_to_utf16 (ini_file, strlen (ini_file), NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free (ini_file); if (!u16_ini) { return FALSE; } handle = (void **)mono_w32file_create (u16_ini, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, CREATE_NEW, FileAttributes_Normal); g_free (u16_ini); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } full_path = mono_path_resolve_symlinks (filename); result = mono_w32file_write (handle, full_path, strlen (full_path), &n); g_free (full_path); mono_w32file_close (handle); return result; } gboolean mono_is_shadow_copy_enabled (MonoDomain *domain, const gchar *dir_name) { MonoError error; MonoAppDomainSetup *setup; gchar *all_dirs; gchar **dir_ptr; gchar **directories; gchar *shadow_status_string; gchar *base_dir; gboolean shadow_enabled; gboolean found = FALSE; if (domain == NULL) return FALSE; setup = domain->setup; if (setup == NULL || setup->shadow_copy_files == NULL) return FALSE; shadow_status_string = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (setup->shadow_copy_files, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { mono_error_cleanup (&error); return FALSE; } shadow_enabled = !g_ascii_strncasecmp (shadow_status_string, "true", 4); g_free (shadow_status_string); if (!shadow_enabled) return FALSE; if (setup->shadow_copy_directories == NULL) return TRUE; /* Is dir_name a shadow_copy destination already? */ base_dir = get_shadow_assembly_location_base (domain, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { mono_error_cleanup (&error); return FALSE; } if (strstr (dir_name, base_dir)) { g_free (base_dir); return TRUE; } g_free (base_dir); all_dirs = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (setup->shadow_copy_directories, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { mono_error_cleanup (&error); return FALSE; } directories = g_strsplit (all_dirs, G_SEARCHPATH_SEPARATOR_S, 1000); dir_ptr = directories; while (*dir_ptr) { if (**dir_ptr != '\0' && !strcmp (*dir_ptr, dir_name)) { found = TRUE; break; } dir_ptr++; } g_strfreev (directories); g_free (all_dirs); return found; } /* This function raises exceptions so it can cause as sorts of nasty stuff if called while holding a lock. Returns old file name if shadow copy is disabled, new shadow copy file name if successful or NULL if source file not found. FIXME bubble up the error instead of raising it here */ char * mono_make_shadow_copy (const char *filename, MonoError *oerror) { MonoError error; gchar *sibling_source, *sibling_target; gint sibling_source_len, sibling_target_len; guint16 *orig, *dest; guint32 attrs; char *shadow; gboolean copy_result; struct stat src_sbuf; struct utimbuf utbuf; char *dir_name = g_path_get_dirname (filename); MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); char *shadow_dir; gint32 copy_error; error_init (oerror); set_domain_search_path (domain); if (!mono_is_shadow_copy_enabled (domain, dir_name)) { g_free (dir_name); return (char *) filename; } /* Is dir_name a shadow_copy destination already? */ shadow_dir = get_shadow_assembly_location_base (domain, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { mono_error_cleanup (&error); g_free (dir_name); mono_error_set_execution_engine (oerror, "Failed to create shadow copy (invalid characters in shadow directory name)."); return NULL; } if (strstr (dir_name, shadow_dir)) { g_free (shadow_dir); g_free (dir_name); return (char *) filename; } g_free (shadow_dir); g_free (dir_name); shadow = get_shadow_assembly_location (filename, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { mono_error_cleanup (&error); mono_error_set_execution_engine (oerror, "Failed to create shadow copy (invalid characters in file name)."); return NULL; } if (g_ensure_directory_exists (shadow) == FALSE) { g_free (shadow); mono_error_set_execution_engine (oerror, "Failed to create shadow copy (ensure directory exists)."); return NULL; } if (!private_file_needs_copying (filename, &src_sbuf, shadow)) return (char*) shadow; orig = g_utf8_to_utf16 (filename, strlen (filename), NULL, NULL, NULL); dest = g_utf8_to_utf16 (shadow, strlen (shadow), NULL, NULL, NULL); mono_w32file_delete (dest); /* Fix for bug #17066 - make sure we can read the file. if not then don't error but rather * let the assembly fail to load. This ensures you can do Type.GetType("NS.T, NonExistantAssembly) * and not have it runtime error" */ attrs = mono_w32file_get_attributes (orig); if (attrs == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { g_free (shadow); return (char *)filename; } copy_result = mono_w32file_copy (orig, dest, TRUE, ©_error); /* Fix for bug #556884 - make sure the files have the correct mode so that they can be * overwritten when updated in their original locations. */ if (copy_result) copy_result = mono_w32file_set_attributes (dest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); g_free (dest); g_free (orig); if (copy_result == FALSE) { g_free (shadow); /* Fix for bug #17251 - if file not found try finding assembly by other means (it is not fatal error) */ if (mono_w32error_get_last() == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || mono_w32error_get_last() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) return NULL; /* file not found, shadow copy failed */ mono_error_set_execution_engine (oerror, "Failed to create shadow copy (mono_w32file_copy)."); return NULL; } /* attempt to copy .mdb, .config if they exist */ sibling_source = g_strconcat (filename, ".config", NULL); sibling_source_len = strlen (sibling_source); sibling_target = g_strconcat (shadow, ".config", NULL); sibling_target_len = strlen (sibling_target); copy_result = shadow_copy_sibling (sibling_source, sibling_source_len, ".mdb", sibling_target, sibling_target_len, 7); if (copy_result) copy_result = shadow_copy_sibling (sibling_source, sibling_source_len, ".pdb", sibling_target, sibling_target_len, 11); if (copy_result) copy_result = shadow_copy_sibling (sibling_source, sibling_source_len, ".config", sibling_target, sibling_target_len, 7); g_free (sibling_source); g_free (sibling_target); if (!copy_result) { g_free (shadow); mono_error_set_execution_engine (oerror, "Failed to create shadow copy of sibling data (mono_w32file_copy)."); return NULL; } /* Create a .ini file containing the original assembly location */ if (!shadow_copy_create_ini (shadow, filename)) { g_free (shadow); mono_error_set_execution_engine (oerror, "Failed to create shadow copy .ini file."); return NULL; } utbuf.actime = src_sbuf.st_atime; utbuf.modtime = src_sbuf.st_mtime; utime (shadow, &utbuf); return shadow; } #endif /* DISABLE_SHADOW_COPY */ /** * mono_domain_from_appdomain: */ MonoDomain * mono_domain_from_appdomain (MonoAppDomain *appdomain_raw) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MONO_HANDLE_DCL (MonoAppDomain, appdomain); MonoDomain *result = mono_domain_from_appdomain_handle (appdomain); HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_VAL (result); } MonoDomain * mono_domain_from_appdomain_handle (MonoAppDomainHandle appdomain) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoDomain *dom = NULL; if (MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (appdomain)) goto leave; if (mono_class_is_transparent_proxy (mono_handle_class (appdomain))) { MonoTransparentProxyHandle tp = MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoTransparentProxy, appdomain); MonoRealProxyHandle rp = MONO_HANDLE_NEW_GET (MonoRealProxy, tp, rp); dom = mono_domain_get_by_id (MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (rp, target_domain_id)); } else dom = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (appdomain, data); leave: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_VAL (dom); } static gboolean try_load_from (MonoAssembly **assembly, const gchar *path1, const gchar *path2, const gchar *path3, const gchar *path4, gboolean refonly, gboolean is_private, MonoAssemblyCandidatePredicate predicate, gpointer user_data) { gchar *fullpath; gboolean found = FALSE; *assembly = NULL; fullpath = g_build_filename (path1, path2, path3, path4, NULL); if (IS_PORTABILITY_SET) { gchar *new_fullpath = mono_portability_find_file (fullpath, TRUE); if (new_fullpath) { g_free (fullpath); fullpath = new_fullpath; found = TRUE; } } else found = g_file_test (fullpath, G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR); if (found) *assembly = mono_assembly_open_predicate (fullpath, refonly, FALSE, predicate, user_data, NULL); g_free (fullpath); return (*assembly != NULL); } static MonoAssembly * real_load (gchar **search_path, const gchar *culture, const gchar *name, gboolean refonly, MonoAssemblyCandidatePredicate predicate, gpointer user_data) { MonoAssembly *result = NULL; gchar **path; gchar *filename; const gchar *local_culture; gint len; gboolean is_private = FALSE; if (!culture || *culture == '\0') { local_culture = ""; } else { local_culture = culture; } filename = g_strconcat (name, ".dll", NULL); len = strlen (filename); for (path = search_path; *path; path++) { if (**path == '\0') { is_private = TRUE; continue; /* Ignore empty ApplicationBase */ } /* See test cases in bug #58992 and bug #57710 */ /* 1st try: [culture]/[name].dll (culture may be empty) */ strcpy (filename + len - 4, ".dll"); if (try_load_from (&result, *path, local_culture, "", filename, refonly, is_private, predicate, user_data)) break; /* 2nd try: [culture]/[name].exe (culture may be empty) */ strcpy (filename + len - 4, ".exe"); if (try_load_from (&result, *path, local_culture, "", filename, refonly, is_private, predicate, user_data)) break; /* 3rd try: [culture]/[name]/[name].dll (culture may be empty) */ strcpy (filename + len - 4, ".dll"); if (try_load_from (&result, *path, local_culture, name, filename, refonly, is_private, predicate, user_data)) break; /* 4th try: [culture]/[name]/[name].exe (culture may be empty) */ strcpy (filename + len - 4, ".exe"); if (try_load_from (&result, *path, local_culture, name, filename, refonly, is_private, predicate, user_data)) break; } g_free (filename); return result; } /* * Try loading the assembly from ApplicationBase and PrivateBinPath * and then from assemblies_path if any. * LOCKING: This is called from the assembly loading code, which means the caller * might hold the loader lock. Thus, this function must not acquire the domain lock. */ static MonoAssembly * mono_domain_assembly_preload (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gchar **assemblies_path, gpointer user_data) { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoAssembly *result = NULL; gboolean refonly = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (user_data); set_domain_search_path (domain); MonoAssemblyCandidatePredicate predicate = NULL; void* predicate_ud = NULL; #if !defined(DISABLE_DESKTOP_LOADER) if (G_LIKELY (mono_loader_get_strict_strong_names ())) { predicate = &mono_assembly_candidate_predicate_sn_same_name; predicate_ud = aname; } #endif if (domain->search_path && domain->search_path [0] != NULL) { if (mono_trace_is_traced (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY)) { mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "Domain %s search path is:", domain->friendly_name); for (int i = 0; domain->search_path [i]; i++) { const char *p = domain->search_path[i]; mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "\tpath[%d] = '%s'", i, p); } mono_trace (G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, MONO_TRACE_ASSEMBLY, "End of domain %s search path.", domain->friendly_name); } result = real_load (domain->search_path, aname->culture, aname->name, refonly, predicate, predicate_ud); } if (result == NULL && assemblies_path && assemblies_path [0] != NULL) { result = real_load (assemblies_path, aname->culture, aname->name, refonly, predicate, predicate_ud); } return result; } /* * Check whenever a given assembly was already loaded in the current appdomain. */ static MonoAssembly * mono_domain_assembly_search (MonoAssemblyName *aname, gpointer user_data) { MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); GSList *tmp; MonoAssembly *ass; gboolean refonly = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (user_data); mono_domain_assemblies_lock (domain); for (tmp = domain->domain_assemblies; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { ass = (MonoAssembly *)tmp->data; /* Dynamic assemblies can't match here in MS.NET */ if (assembly_is_dynamic (ass) || refonly != ass->ref_only || !mono_assembly_names_equal (aname, &ass->aname)) continue; mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return ass; } mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); return NULL; } MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle ves_icall_System_Reflection_Assembly_LoadFrom (MonoStringHandle fname, MonoBoolean refOnly, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); char *name, *filename; MonoImageOpenStatus status = MONO_IMAGE_OK; MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle result = MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoReflectionAssembly, NULL_HANDLE); name = NULL; result = NULL; if (fname == NULL) { mono_error_set_argument_null (error, "assemblyFile", ""); goto leave; } name = filename = mono_string_handle_to_utf8 (fname, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto leave; MonoAssembly *ass = mono_assembly_open_predicate (filename, refOnly, TRUE, NULL, NULL, &status); if (!ass) { if (status == MONO_IMAGE_IMAGE_INVALID) mono_error_set_bad_image_name (error, g_strdup (name), ""); else mono_error_set_assembly_load (error, g_strdup (name), "%s", ""); goto leave; } result = mono_assembly_get_object_handle (domain, ass, error); leave: g_free (name); return result; } MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_LoadAssemblyRaw (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoArrayHandle raw_assembly, MonoArrayHandle raw_symbol_store, MonoObjectHandle evidence, MonoBoolean refonly, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoAssembly *ass; MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle refass = MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoReflectionAssembly, NULL_HANDLE); MonoDomain *domain = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL(ad, data); MonoImageOpenStatus status; guint32 raw_assembly_len = mono_array_handle_length (raw_assembly); /* Copy the data ourselves to unpin the raw assembly byte array as soon as possible */ char *assembly_data = (char*) g_try_malloc (raw_assembly_len); if (!assembly_data) { mono_error_set_out_of_memory (error, "Could not allocate %ud bytes to copy raw assembly data", raw_assembly_len); return refass; } uint32_t gchandle; mono_byte *raw_data = (mono_byte*) MONO_ARRAY_HANDLE_PIN (raw_assembly, gchar, 0, &gchandle); memcpy (assembly_data, raw_data, raw_assembly_len); mono_gchandle_free (gchandle); /* unpin */ MONO_HANDLE_ASSIGN (raw_assembly, NULL_HANDLE); /* don't reference the data anymore */ MonoImage *image = mono_image_open_from_data_full (assembly_data, raw_assembly_len, FALSE, NULL, refonly); if (!image) { mono_error_set_bad_image_name (error, g_strdup (""), "%s", ""); return refass; } if (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL(raw_symbol_store)) { guint32 symbol_len = mono_array_handle_length (raw_symbol_store); uint32_t symbol_gchandle; mono_byte *raw_symbol_data = (mono_byte*) MONO_ARRAY_HANDLE_PIN (raw_symbol_store, mono_byte, 0, &symbol_gchandle); mono_debug_open_image_from_memory (image, raw_symbol_data, symbol_len); mono_gchandle_free (symbol_gchandle); } ass = mono_assembly_load_from_full (image, "", &status, refonly); if (!ass) { mono_image_close (image); mono_error_set_bad_image_name (error, g_strdup (""), "%s", ""); return refass; } refass = mono_assembly_get_object_handle (domain, ass, error); if (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL(refass)) MONO_HANDLE_SET (refass, evidence, evidence); return refass; } MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_LoadAssembly (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoStringHandle assRef, MonoObjectHandle evidence, MonoBoolean refOnly, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *domain = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data); MonoImageOpenStatus status = MONO_IMAGE_OK; MonoAssembly *ass; MonoAssemblyName aname; gchar *name = NULL; gboolean parsed; g_assert (assRef); name = mono_string_handle_to_utf8 (assRef, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto fail; parsed = mono_assembly_name_parse (name, &aname); g_free (name); if (!parsed) { MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle refass = MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoReflectionAssembly, NULL_HANDLE); /* This is a parse error... */ if (!refOnly) { MonoAssembly *assm = mono_try_assembly_resolve_handle (domain, assRef, NULL, refOnly, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto fail; if (assm) { refass = mono_assembly_get_object_handle (domain, assm, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto fail; } } return refass; } ass = mono_assembly_load_full_nosearch (&aname, NULL, &status, refOnly); mono_assembly_name_free (&aname); if (!ass) { /* MS.NET doesn't seem to call the assembly resolve handler for refonly assemblies */ if (!refOnly) { ass = mono_try_assembly_resolve_handle (domain, assRef, NULL, refOnly, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto fail; } if (!ass) goto fail; } g_assert (ass); MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle refass = mono_assembly_get_object_handle (domain, ass, error); if (!is_ok (error)) goto fail; MONO_HANDLE_SET (refass, evidence, evidence); return refass; fail: return MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoReflectionAssembly, NULL_HANDLE); } void ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalUnload (gint32 domain_id, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain * domain = mono_domain_get_by_id (domain_id); if (NULL == domain) { mono_error_set_execution_engine (error, "Failed to unload domain, domain id not found"); return; } if (domain == mono_get_root_domain ()) { mono_error_set_generic_error (error, "System", "CannotUnloadAppDomainException", "The default appdomain can not be unloaded."); return; } /* * Unloading seems to cause problems when running NUnit/NAnt, hence * this workaround. */ if (g_hasenv ("MONO_NO_UNLOAD")) return; MonoException *exc = NULL; mono_domain_try_unload (domain, (MonoObject**)&exc); if (exc) mono_error_set_exception_instance (error, exc); } gboolean ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalIsFinalizingForUnload (gint32 domain_id, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get_by_id (domain_id); if (!domain) return TRUE; return mono_domain_is_unloading (domain); } void ves_icall_System_AppDomain_DoUnhandledException (MonoExceptionHandle exc, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); mono_unhandled_exception_checked (MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoObject, exc), error); mono_error_assert_ok (error); } gint32 ves_icall_System_AppDomain_ExecuteAssembly (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoReflectionAssemblyHandle refass, MonoArrayHandle args, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoImage *image; MonoMethod *method; g_assert (!MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (refass)); MonoAssembly *assembly = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (refass, assembly); image = assembly->image; g_assert (image); method = mono_get_method_checked (image, mono_image_get_entry_point (image), NULL, NULL, error); if (!method) g_error ("No entry point method found in %s due to %s", image->name, mono_error_get_message (error)); if (MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (args)) { MonoDomain *domain = MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data); MONO_HANDLE_ASSIGN (args , mono_array_new_handle (domain, mono_defaults.string_class, 0, error)); mono_error_assert_ok (error); } int res = mono_runtime_exec_main_checked (method, MONO_HANDLE_RAW (args), error); return res; } gint32 ves_icall_System_AppDomain_GetIDFromDomain (MonoAppDomain * ad) { return ad->data->domain_id; } MonoAppDomainHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalSetDomain (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoError* error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *old_domain = mono_domain_get (); if (!mono_domain_set (MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data), FALSE)) { mono_error_set_appdomain_unloaded (error); return MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoAppDomain, NULL_HANDLE); } return MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomain, old_domain->domain); } MonoAppDomainHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalSetDomainByID (gint32 domainid, MonoError *error) { MonoDomain *current_domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get_by_id (domainid); if (!domain || !mono_domain_set (domain, FALSE)) { mono_error_set_appdomain_unloaded (error); return MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoAppDomain, NULL_HANDLE); } return MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppDomain, current_domain->domain); } void ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalPushDomainRef (MonoAppDomainHandle ad, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); mono_thread_push_appdomain_ref (MONO_HANDLE_GETVAL (ad, data)); } void ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalPushDomainRefByID (gint32 domain_id, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get_by_id (domain_id); if (!domain) { /* * Raise an exception to prevent the managed code from executing a pop * later. */ mono_error_set_appdomain_unloaded (error); return; } mono_thread_push_appdomain_ref (domain); } void ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalPopDomainRef (MonoError *error) { error_init (error); mono_thread_pop_appdomain_ref (); } MonoAppContextHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalGetContext (MonoError *error) { error_init (error); return mono_context_get_handle (); } MonoAppContextHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalGetDefaultContext (MonoError *error) { error_init (error); return MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoAppContext, mono_domain_get ()->default_context); } MonoAppContextHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalSetContext (MonoAppContextHandle mc, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoAppContextHandle old_context = mono_context_get_handle (); mono_context_set_handle (mc); return old_context; } MonoStringHandle ves_icall_System_AppDomain_InternalGetProcessGuid (MonoStringHandle newguid, MonoError *error) { error_init (error); MonoDomain* mono_root_domain = mono_get_root_domain (); mono_domain_lock (mono_root_domain); if (process_guid_set) { mono_domain_unlock (mono_root_domain); return mono_string_new_utf16_handle (mono_domain_get (), process_guid, sizeof(process_guid)/2, error); } uint32_t gchandle = mono_gchandle_from_handle (MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoObject, newguid), TRUE); memcpy (process_guid, mono_string_chars(MONO_HANDLE_RAW (newguid)), sizeof(process_guid)); mono_gchandle_free (gchandle); process_guid_set = TRUE; mono_domain_unlock (mono_root_domain); return newguid; } /** * mono_domain_is_unloading: */ gboolean mono_domain_is_unloading (MonoDomain *domain) { if (domain->state == MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADING || domain->state == MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADED) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } static void clear_cached_vtable (MonoVTable *vtable) { MonoClass *klass = vtable->klass; MonoDomain *domain = vtable->domain; MonoClassRuntimeInfo *runtime_info; void *data; runtime_info = klass->runtime_info; if (runtime_info && runtime_info->max_domain >= domain->domain_id) runtime_info->domain_vtables [domain->domain_id] = NULL; if (klass->has_static_refs && (data = mono_vtable_get_static_field_data (vtable))) mono_gc_free_fixed (data); } static G_GNUC_UNUSED void zero_static_data (MonoVTable *vtable) { MonoClass *klass = vtable->klass; void *data; if (klass->has_static_refs && (data = mono_vtable_get_static_field_data (vtable))) mono_gc_bzero_aligned (data, mono_class_data_size (klass)); } typedef struct unload_data { gboolean done; MonoDomain *domain; char *failure_reason; gint32 refcount; } unload_data; static void unload_data_unref (unload_data *data) { gint32 count; do { mono_atomic_load_acquire (count, gint32, &data->refcount); g_assert (count >= 1 && count <= 2); if (count == 1) { g_free (data); return; } } while (InterlockedCompareExchange (&data->refcount, count - 1, count) != count); } static void deregister_reflection_info_roots_from_list (MonoImage *image) { GSList *list = image->reflection_info_unregister_classes; while (list) { MonoClass *klass = (MonoClass *)list->data; mono_class_free_ref_info (klass); list = list->next; } image->reflection_info_unregister_classes = NULL; } static void deregister_reflection_info_roots (MonoDomain *domain) { GSList *list; mono_domain_assemblies_lock (domain); for (list = domain->domain_assemblies; list; list = list->next) { MonoAssembly *assembly = (MonoAssembly *)list->data; MonoImage *image = assembly->image; int i; /* * No need to take the image lock here since dynamic images are appdomain bound and * at this point the mutator is gone. Taking the image lock here would mean * promoting it from a simple lock to a complex lock, which we better avoid if * possible. */ if (image_is_dynamic (image)) deregister_reflection_info_roots_from_list (image); for (i = 0; i < image->module_count; ++i) { MonoImage *module = image->modules [i]; if (module && image_is_dynamic (module)) deregister_reflection_info_roots_from_list (module); } } mono_domain_assemblies_unlock (domain); } static gsize WINAPI unload_thread_main (void *arg) { MonoError error; unload_data *data = (unload_data*)arg; MonoDomain *domain = data->domain; MonoInternalThread *internal; int i; internal = mono_thread_internal_current (); MonoString *thread_name_str = mono_string_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), "Domain unloader", &error); if (is_ok (&error)) mono_thread_set_name_internal (internal, thread_name_str, TRUE, FALSE, &error); if (!is_ok (&error)) { data->failure_reason = g_strdup (mono_error_get_message (&error)); mono_error_cleanup (&error); goto failure; } /* * FIXME: Abort our parent thread last, so we can return a failure * indication if aborting times out. */ if (!mono_threads_abort_appdomain_threads (domain, -1)) { data->failure_reason = g_strdup_printf ("Aborting of threads in domain %s timed out.", domain->friendly_name); goto failure; } if (!mono_threadpool_remove_domain_jobs (domain, -1)) { data->failure_reason = g_strdup_printf ("Cleanup of threadpool jobs of domain %s timed out.", domain->friendly_name); goto failure; } /* Finalize all finalizable objects in the doomed appdomain */ if (!mono_domain_finalize (domain, -1)) { data->failure_reason = g_strdup_printf ("Finalization of domain %s timed out.", domain->friendly_name); goto failure; } /* Clear references to our vtables in class->runtime_info. * We also hold the loader lock because we're going to change * class->runtime_info. */ mono_loader_lock (); //FIXME why do we need the loader lock here? mono_domain_lock (domain); /* * We need to make sure that we don't have any remsets * pointing into static data of the to-be-freed domain because * at the next collections they would be invalid. So what we * do is we first zero all static data and then do a minor * collection. Because all references in the static data will * now be null we won't do any unnecessary copies and after * the collection there won't be any more remsets. */ for (i = 0; i < domain->class_vtable_array->len; ++i) zero_static_data ((MonoVTable *)g_ptr_array_index (domain->class_vtable_array, i)); mono_gc_collect (0); for (i = 0; i < domain->class_vtable_array->len; ++i) clear_cached_vtable ((MonoVTable *)g_ptr_array_index (domain->class_vtable_array, i)); deregister_reflection_info_roots (domain); mono_assembly_cleanup_domain_bindings (domain->domain_id); mono_domain_unlock (domain); mono_loader_unlock (); domain->state = MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADED; /* printf ("UNLOADED %s.\n", domain->friendly_name); */ /* remove from the handle table the items related to this domain */ mono_gchandle_free_domain (domain); mono_domain_free (domain, FALSE); mono_gc_collect (mono_gc_max_generation ()); mono_atomic_store_release (&data->done, TRUE); unload_data_unref (data); return 0; failure: mono_atomic_store_release (&data->done, TRUE); unload_data_unref (data); return 1; } /** * mono_domain_unload: * \param domain The domain to unload * * Unloads an appdomain. Follows the process outlined in the comment * for \c mono_domain_try_unload. */ void mono_domain_unload (MonoDomain *domain) { MonoObject *exc = NULL; mono_domain_try_unload (domain, &exc); } static MonoThreadInfoWaitRet guarded_wait (MonoThreadHandle *thread_handle, guint32 timeout, gboolean alertable) { MonoThreadInfoWaitRet result; MONO_ENTER_GC_SAFE; result = mono_thread_info_wait_one_handle (thread_handle, timeout, alertable); MONO_EXIT_GC_SAFE; return result; } /** * mono_domain_unload: * \param domain The domain to unload * \param exc Exception information * * Unloads an appdomain. Follows the process outlined in: * http://blogs.gotdotnet.com/cbrumme * * If doing things the 'right' way is too hard or complex, we do it the * 'simple' way, which means do everything needed to avoid crashes and * memory leaks, but not much else. * * It is required to pass a valid reference to the exc argument, upon return * from this function *exc will be set to the exception thrown, if any. * * If this method is not called from an icall (embedded scenario for instance), * it must not be called with any managed frames on the stack, since the unload * process could end up trying to abort the current thread. */ void mono_domain_try_unload (MonoDomain *domain, MonoObject **exc) { MonoError error; MonoThreadHandle *thread_handle; MonoAppDomainState prev_state; MonoMethod *method; unload_data *thread_data; MonoInternalThread *internal; MonoDomain *caller_domain = mono_domain_get (); /* printf ("UNLOAD STARTING FOR %s (%p) IN THREAD 0x%x.\n", domain->friendly_name, domain, mono_native_thread_id_get ()); */ /* Atomically change our state to UNLOADING */ prev_state = (MonoAppDomainState)InterlockedCompareExchange ((gint32*)&domain->state, MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADING_START, MONO_APPDOMAIN_CREATED); if (prev_state != MONO_APPDOMAIN_CREATED) { switch (prev_state) { case MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADING_START: case MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADING: *exc = (MonoObject *) mono_get_exception_cannot_unload_appdomain ("Appdomain is already being unloaded."); return; case MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADED: *exc = (MonoObject *) mono_get_exception_cannot_unload_appdomain ("Appdomain is already unloaded."); return; default: g_warning ("Invalid appdomain state %d", prev_state); g_assert_not_reached (); } } mono_domain_set (domain, FALSE); /* Notify OnDomainUnload listeners */ method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (domain->domain->mbr.obj.vtable->klass, "DoDomainUnload", -1); g_assert (method); mono_runtime_try_invoke (method, domain->domain, NULL, exc, &error); if (!mono_error_ok (&error)) { if (*exc) mono_error_cleanup (&error); else *exc = (MonoObject*)mono_error_convert_to_exception (&error); } if (*exc) { /* Roll back the state change */ domain->state = MONO_APPDOMAIN_CREATED; mono_domain_set (caller_domain, FALSE); return; } mono_domain_set (caller_domain, FALSE); thread_data = g_new0 (unload_data, 1); thread_data->domain = domain; thread_data->failure_reason = NULL; thread_data->done = FALSE; thread_data->refcount = 2; /*Must be 2: unload thread + initiator */ /*The managed callback finished successfully, now we start tearing down the appdomain*/ domain->state = MONO_APPDOMAIN_UNLOADING; /* * First we create a separate thread for unloading, since * we might have to abort some threads, including the current one. * * Have to attach to the runtime so shutdown can wait for this thread. * * Force it to be attached to avoid racing during shutdown. */ internal = mono_thread_create_internal (mono_get_root_domain (), unload_thread_main, thread_data, MONO_THREAD_CREATE_FLAGS_FORCE_CREATE, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); thread_handle = mono_threads_open_thread_handle (internal->handle); /* Wait for the thread */ while (!thread_data->done && guarded_wait (thread_handle, MONO_INFINITE_WAIT, TRUE) == MONO_THREAD_INFO_WAIT_RET_ALERTED) { if (mono_thread_internal_has_appdomain_ref (mono_thread_internal_current (), domain) && (mono_thread_interruption_requested ())) { /* The unload thread tries to abort us */ /* The icall wrapper will execute the abort */ mono_threads_close_thread_handle (thread_handle); unload_data_unref (thread_data); return; } } mono_threads_close_thread_handle (thread_handle); if (thread_data->failure_reason) { /* Roll back the state change */ domain->state = MONO_APPDOMAIN_CREATED; g_warning ("%s", thread_data->failure_reason); *exc = (MonoObject *) mono_get_exception_cannot_unload_appdomain (thread_data->failure_reason); g_free (thread_data->failure_reason); thread_data->failure_reason = NULL; } unload_data_unref (thread_data); }