library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.gen_pkg.all; entity post_parser_tb is end entity post_parser_tb; architecture sim of post_parser_tb is component parser is port ( sys_clk : in std_logic; sys_res_n : in std_logic; -- History p_rget : out std_logic; p_rdone : in std_logic; p_read : in hbyte; p_wtake : out std_logic; p_wdone : in std_logic; p_write : out hbyte; p_finished : out std_logic; -- Scanner do_it : in std_logic; finished : out std_logic ); end component parser; -- system signal sys_clk, sys_res_n : std_logic; -- history signal p_rget, p_rdone, p_wtake, p_wdone, p_finished : std_logic; signal p_read, p_write : hbyte; --scanner signal do_it : std_logic; signal finished : std_logic; signal stop : boolean := false; begin inst : parser port map ( sys_clk => sys_clk, sys_res_n => sys_res_n, -- history p_rget => p_rget, p_rdone => p_rdone, p_read => p_read, p_wtake => p_wtake, p_wdone => p_wdone, p_write => p_write, p_finished => p_finished, -- Scanner do_it => do_it, finished => finished ); process begin sys_clk <= '0'; wait for 15 ns; sys_clk <= '1'; wait for 15 ns; if stop = true then wait; end if; end process; process -- textio stuff use std.textio.all; file f : text open read_mode is "../../src/parser.test"; variable l : line; variable input : hstring; variable expectedresult : hstring; variable realresult : hstring; variable hstrtmp : hstring; variable checkall : boolean := true; variable run_tc : boolean := true; variable i, j, k, y : natural; begin -- init & reset sys_res_n <= '0'; p_rdone <= '0'; p_wdone <= '0'; p_read <= (others => '0'); do_it <= '0'; icwait(sys_clk, 5); sys_res_n <= '1'; i := 1; f_loop : while not endfile(f) loop realresult := (72 => nul, others => ' '); f1_loop : while not endfile(f) loop readline (f, l); input := (others => nul); if (l'length <= 72) then input(1 to l'length) := l.all; if (input(1) = '#') then next f1_loop; else exit f1_loop; end if; else report "fehler in parser.test: eingabe zu lange in testfall " & natural'image(i); next f_loop; end if; end loop f1_loop; f2_loop : while not endfile(f) loop readline (f, l); expectedresult := (others => nul); if (l'length <= 72) then expectedresult(1 to l'length) := l.all; if (expectedresult(1) = '#') then next f2_loop; else y := l'length; exit f2_loop; end if; else report "fehler in parser.test: eingabe zu lange in testfall " & natural'image(i); next f_loop; end if; end loop f2_loop; -- ergebnis string richtig formatieren hstrtmp := expectedresult; expectedresult := (72 => nul, others => ' '); for x in 1 to 71 loop if hstrtmp(x) /= nul then expectedresult((71-y) + x) := hstrtmp(x); end if; end loop; report "testcase(" & natural'image(i) & ").input: " & input; report "testcase(" & natural'image(i) & ").expectedresult: " & expectedresult; i := i + 1; icwait(sys_clk, 5); do_it <= '1'; run_tc := true; j := 1; k := 71; while run_tc loop wait on p_rget, p_wtake, p_finished, finished; icwait(sys_clk, 2); if p_rget = '1' then p_read <= hbyte( to_unsigned(character'pos(input(j)),8) ); p_rdone <= '1'; j := j + 1; end if; if p_rget = '0' then p_rdone <= '0'; end if; if p_wtake = '1' then realresult(k) := character'val(to_integer(unsigned(p_write))); p_wdone <= '1'; k := k - 1; end if; if p_wtake = '0' then p_wdone <= '0'; end if; if p_finished = '1' or finished = '1' then run_tc := false; end if; end loop; do_it <= '0'; report "realresult : " & realresult; if realresult /= expectedresult then checkall := false; end if; report "=================="; end loop f_loop; if checkall then report "alle testfaelle des Parser waren erfolgreich!"; else report "nicht alle testfaelle des Parsers waren erfolgreich!"; end if; stop <= true; wait; end process; end architecture sim;