library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.math_pkg.all; package gen_pkg is subtype alu_ops is std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); constant ALU_NOP : alu_ops := "000"; constant ALU_SUB : alu_ops := "001"; constant ALU_ADD : alu_ops := "010"; constant ALU_MUL : alu_ops := "011"; constant ALU_DIV : alu_ops := "100"; constant ALU_DONE : alu_ops := "101"; constant CBITS : integer := 32; subtype csigned is signed((CBITS-1) downto 0); subtype divinteger is integer range -33 to 33; -- integer ist 32bit (31bit + sign) subtype cinteger is integer; -- vorerst: 2 * 71 constant H_RAM_SIZE : integer := 142; -- danach: 50 * 71 * 2 = 7100 -- constant H_RAM_SIZE : integer := 7100; constant H_RAM_WIDTH : integer := log2c(H_RAM_SIZE); subtype hspalte is std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); subtype hzeile is std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); subtype hbyte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); subtype hstring is string(1 to 71); subtype hstr_int is integer range 0 to 72; function find_msb(a : csigned) return divinteger; procedure icwait(signal clk_i : IN std_logic; cycles: natural); end package gen_pkg; package body gen_pkg is function find_msb(a : csigned) return divinteger is variable r : divinteger := 0; begin for i in (CBITS-1) downto 0 loop exit when a(i) = '1'; r := r+1; end loop; return (CBITS - r); end function find_msb; procedure icwait(signal clk_i : IN std_logic; cycles: Natural) is begin for i in 1 to cycles loop wait until clk_i= '0' and clk_i'event; end loop; end; end package body gen_pkg;