library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use work.gen_pkg.all; use work.textmode_vga_component_pkg.all; use work.textmode_vga_pkg.all; use work.textmode_vga_platform_dependent_pkg.all; entity display is port ( sys_clk : in std_logic; sys_res_n : in std_logic; -- History d_new_eingabe : in std_logic; d_new_result : in std_logic; d_new_bs : in std_logic; d_zeile : out hzeile; d_spalte : out hspalte; d_get : out std_logic; d_done : in std_logic; d_char : in hbyte; -- VGA command : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); command_data : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); free : in std_logic ); end entity display; architecture beh of display is type DISPLAY_STATE is (SIDLE, S_NEW_BS, S_BACK, S_BLANK, S_NEW_RESULT, S_ZEILEUP, S_NEW_INPUT, S_COUNTUP, S_GETCH, S_CR1, S_NL1, S_PUTCH1, S_PUTCH2, S_WAIT, S_NOP1, S_READ_RESULT_0, S_READ_RESULT_1, S_READ_RESULT_2, S_INIT, S_PS1_0, S_PS1_1, S_PS1_2, S_PS1_3, S_PS1_4, S_PS1_5); signal state_int, state_next : DISPLAY_STATE; signal d_zeile_int, d_zeile_next : hzeile; signal d_spalte_int, d_spalte_next : hspalte; signal d_get_int, d_get_next : std_logic; signal command_int, command_next : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal command_data_int, command_data_next : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal istate_next, istate_int : signed(4 downto 0); begin d_zeile <= d_zeile_int; d_spalte <= d_spalte_int; d_get <= d_get_int; command <= command_int; command_data <= command_data_int; process(sys_clk, sys_res_n) begin if sys_res_n = '0' then -- internal state_int <= S_INIT; istate_int <= (others => '0'); -- out d_zeile_int <= (others => '0'); d_spalte_int <= (others => '0'); d_get_int <= '0'; command_int <= COMMAND_NOP; command_data_int <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(sys_clk) then -- internal state_int <= state_next; istate_int <= istate_next; -- out d_zeile_int <= d_zeile_next; d_spalte_int <= d_spalte_next; d_get_int <= d_get_next; command_int <= command_next; command_data_int <= command_data_next; end if; end process; -- next state process(state_int, d_new_result, d_new_eingabe, d_new_bs, d_done, free, d_spalte_int, d_char, istate_int) begin state_next <= state_int; istate_next <= istate_int; case state_int is when S_INIT => state_next <= S_PS1_0; when S_PS1_0 => istate_next <= b"01001"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when S_PS1_1 => istate_next <= b"01010"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when S_PS1_2 => istate_next <= b"01011"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when S_PS1_3 => istate_next <= b"01100"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when S_PS1_4 => istate_next <= b"01101"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when S_PS1_5 => istate_next <= b"00111"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when SIDLE => istate_next <= b"00111"; -- default: immer wieder ins SIDLE; if d_new_bs = '1' then state_next <= S_NEW_BS; elsif d_new_eingabe = '1' then state_next <= S_NEW_INPUT; end if; if d_new_result = '1' then state_next <= S_NEW_RESULT; end if; when S_NEW_RESULT => state_next <= S_ZEILEUP; when S_NEW_INPUT => state_next <= S_COUNTUP; when S_NEW_BS => state_next <= S_BACK; when S_BACK => if free = '0' then state_next <= S_WAIT; case istate_int is when b"00111" => istate_next <= b"00001"; -- => danach S_BLANK und wieder hierher when others => istate_next <= b"00111"; -- => danach SIDLE end case; end if; when S_BLANK => if free = '0' then state_next <= S_WAIT; istate_next <= b"00010"; -- => danach S_BACK end if; when S_ZEILEUP => case istate_int is when b"00011" => state_next <= S_WAIT; istate_next <= b"01000"; -- => danach S_PS1 when others => state_next <= S_CR1; end case; when S_CR1 => if free = '0' then state_next <= S_WAIT; case istate_int is when b"00110" => istate_next <= b"00101"; -- => danach S_NL1, S_ZEILEUP, S_PS1, SIDLE when others => istate_next <= b"00000"; -- => danach S_NL1 und S_COUNTUP end case; end if; when S_NL1 => if free = '0' then state_next <= S_WAIT; case istate_int is when b"00101" => istate_next <= b"00011"; -- => danach S_ZEILEUP, PS1 when others => istate_next <= b"10000"; -- => danach S_READ_RESULT_0 end case; end if; when S_READ_RESULT_0 => istate_next <= b"10001"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when S_READ_RESULT_1 => istate_next <= b"10010"; state_next <= S_WAIT; when S_READ_RESULT_2 => if unsigned(d_spalte_int) /= 70 then state_next <= S_COUNTUP; istate_next <= b"10010"; -- => wieder nach S_READ_RESULT_2 else state_next <= S_WAIT; istate_next <= b"00110"; -- => danach S_CR1 und d_spalte_next clearen und d_zeile_next inkrementieren end if; when S_COUNTUP => state_next <= S_GETCH; when S_GETCH => if free = '1' and d_done = '1' and d_new_result = '0' and d_new_eingabe = '0' then state_next <= S_PUTCH1; end if; when S_PUTCH1 => state_next <= S_PUTCH2; when S_PUTCH2 => if free = '0' or (free = '1' and d_char = x"00") then state_next <= S_WAIT; end if; when S_WAIT => if free = '1' and d_done = '0' then state_next <= S_NOP1; end if; when S_NOP1 => if free = '1' then case istate_int is when b"00000" => state_next <= S_NL1; when b"00001" => state_next <= S_BLANK; when b"00010" => state_next <= S_BACK; when b"00011" => state_next <= S_ZEILEUP; when b"00110" => state_next <= S_CR1; when b"00101" => state_next <= S_NL1; when b"10000" => state_next <= S_READ_RESULT_0; when b"10001" => state_next <= S_READ_RESULT_1; when b"10010" => state_next <= S_READ_RESULT_2; when b"01000" => state_next <= S_PS1_0; when b"01001" => state_next <= S_PS1_1; when b"01010" => state_next <= S_PS1_2; when b"01011" => state_next <= S_PS1_3; when b"01100" => state_next <= S_PS1_4; when b"01101" => state_next <= S_PS1_5; when others => state_next <= SIDLE; end case; end if; end case; end process; -- out process(state_int, d_zeile_int, d_spalte_int, d_get_int, command_int, command_data_int, d_char) function zeile2char(i : std_logic_vector; stelle : natural) return hbyte is subtype zeilnum is string(1 to 2); type zeilnum_arr is array (natural range 0 to 49) of zeilnum; constant zn : zeilnum_arr := ( 0 => "00", 1 => "01", 2 => "02", 3 => "03", 4 => "04", 5 => "05", 6 => "06", 7 => "07", 8 => "08", 9 => "09", 10 => "10", 11 => "11", 12 => "12", 13 => "13", 14 => "14", 15 => "15", 16 => "16", 17 => "17", 18 => "18", 19 => "19", 20 => "20", 21 => "21", 22 => "22", 23 => "23", 24 => "24", 25 => "25", 26 => "26", 27 => "27", 28 => "28", 29 => "29", 30 => "30", 31 => "31", 32 => "32", 33 => "33", 34 => "34", 35 => "35", 36 => "36", 37 => "37", 38 => "38", 39 => "39", 40 => "40", 41 => "41", 42 => "42", 43 => "43", 44 => "44", 45 => "45", 46 => "46", 47 => "47", 48 => "48", 49 => "49", others => "xy"); variable t : signed(hzeile'length downto 0); begin t := signed('0' & i); t := t / 2; return hbyte(to_unsigned(character'pos(zn(to_integer(t))(stelle)),8)); end; begin d_zeile_next <= d_zeile_int; d_spalte_next <= d_spalte_int; d_get_next <= '0'; command_next <= command_int; command_data_next <= command_data_int; case state_int is when S_INIT => null; -- TODO: coole farben when S_PS1_0 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"28"; -- '(' when S_PS1_1 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & zeile2char(d_zeile_int,1); -- 'x' when S_PS1_2 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & zeile2char(d_zeile_int,2); -- 'y' when S_PS1_3 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"29"; -- ')' when S_PS1_4 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"24"; -- '$' when S_PS1_5 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"20"; -- ' ' when SIDLE => null; when S_NEW_RESULT => null; when S_NEW_INPUT => null; when S_NEW_BS => -- underflow check schon im history modul d_spalte_next <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(d_spalte_int) - 1); when S_BACK => -- einen schritt zurueck, +6 wegen $PS1 command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CURSOR_COLUMN; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & '0' & std_logic_vector(unsigned(d_spalte_int) + 6); when S_BLANK => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"20"; -- white space when S_ZEILEUP => d_spalte_next <= (others => '0'); case d_zeile_int is -- 49 * 2 + 1 when "1100010" => d_zeile_next <= (others => '0'); when others => d_zeile_next <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(d_zeile_int) + 1); end case; when S_CR1 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"0d"; -- carrige return when S_NL1 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"0a"; -- newline -- TODO: coole farben when S_READ_RESULT_0 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"3e"; -- '>' when S_READ_RESULT_1 => command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & x"20"; -- ' ' when S_READ_RESULT_2 => null; when S_COUNTUP => d_get_next <= '1'; d_spalte_next <= std_logic_vector(unsigned(d_spalte_int) + 1); when S_GETCH => d_get_next <= '1'; when S_PUTCH1 => if d_char /= x"00" then command_next <= COMMAND_SET_CHAR; command_data_next <= x"ffffff" & std_logic_vector(d_char); end if; when S_PUTCH2 => null; when S_WAIT | S_NOP1 => command_next <= COMMAND_NOP; command_data_next <= x"00000000"; end case; end process; end architecture beh;