SHELL := bash VHDL_DIR := ../src PROJ_VHDL = alu.vhd \ textmode_vga/spartan3e_starterkit/textmode_vga_platform_dependent_pkg.vhd \ calc_s3e.vhd \ dcm_s3e.vhd \ display.vhd \ history.vhd \ math_pkg.vhd \ gen_pkg.vhd \ parser.vhd \ scanner.vhd \ sp_ram.vhd \ textmode_vga/console_sm.vhd \ textmode_vga/console_sm_beh.vhd \ textmode_vga/console_sm_sync.vhd \ textmode_vga/console_sm_sync_beh.vhd \ textmode_vga/font_pkg.vhd \ textmode_vga/font_rom.vhd \ textmode_vga/font_rom_beh.vhd \ textmode_vga/interval.vhd \ textmode_vga/interval_beh.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga_component_pkg.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga_h_sm.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga_h_sm_beh.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga_pkg.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga_struct.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga_v_sm.vhd \ textmode_vga/textmode_vga_v_sm_beh.vhd \ textmode_vga/video_memory.vhd \ textmode_vga/video_memory_beh.vhd \ ps2/ps2_keyboard_controller.vhd \ ps2/ps2_keyboard_controller_beh.vhd \ ps2/ps2_keyboard_controller_pkg.vhd \ ps2/ps2_transceiver.vhd \ ps2/ps2_transceiver_beh.vhd \ ps2/ps2_transceiver_pkg.vhd PROJ_VHDL := $(foreach n,$(PROJ_VHDL),$(VHDL_DIR)/$(n)) NAME := calc all: generated/$(NAME).mcs generated: rm -rf generated mkdir generated clean: rm -rf *.o *.cf tb *.vcd $(NAME) $(SIM_TOP) *.ghw rm -f *.bit *.bgn *_pad.txt *_pad.csv *.xpi *.srp *.ngc *.par rm -f *.lst *.ngd *.ngm *.pcf *.mrp *.unroutes *.pad rm -f *.bld *.ncd *.twr *.drc rm -f *.map *.xrpt *.log *.twx *.xml *.ptwx rm -rf xst $(NAME).prj rm -rf generated/ rm -rf xlnx_auto_0_xdb #Xilinx ISE actions. Uses a wrapper script named "xilinx" to run the ISE batch commands # create an ISE project file from the list of VHDL files $(NAME).prj: $(PROJ_VHDL) echo $(PROJ_VHDL) |tr " " "\n">$(NAME).prj bitfile: generated step0 step1 step2 step3 step4 step5 step0: $(NAME).prj xst -ifn ISE_scripts/$(NAME).scrs -ofn $(NAME).srp step1: ngdbuild -nt on -uc spartan3e.ucf $(NAME).ngc $(NAME).ngd step2: map -pr b $(NAME).ngd -o $(NAME).ncd $(NAME).pcf step3: par -w -ol high $(NAME).ncd $(NAME).ncd $(NAME).pcf step4: trce -v 10 -o $(NAME).twr $(NAME).ncd $(NAME).pcf step5: bitgen $(NAME).ncd generated/$(NAME).bit -w #-f $(NAME).ut generated/$(NAME).bit: bitfile mcs: generated/$(NAME).bit impact -batch ISE_scripts/makeprom.cmds generated/$(NAME).mcs: mcs load: generated/$(NAME).mcs impact -batch ISE_scripts/loadprom.cmds impact: impact ise: $(NAME).prj ise