#Build: Synplify Pro C-2009.06, Build 063R, May 19 2009 #install: /opt/synplify/fpga_c200906 #OS: Linux #Hostname: ti14 #Implementation: rev_1 #Thu Oct 29 16:49:28 2009 $ Start of Compile #Thu Oct 29 16:49:28 2009 Synopsys VHDL Compiler, version comp400rc, Build 020R, built May 20 2009 Copyright (C) 1994-2009, Synopsys Inc. All Rights Reserved @N: CD720 :"/opt/synplify/fpga_c200906/lib/vhd/std.vhd":123:18:123:21|Setting time resolution to ns @N:"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_ent.vhd":38:7:38:9|Top entity is set to vga. VHDL syntax check successful! @N: CD630 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_ent.vhd":38:7:38:9|Synthesizing work.vga.behav @N: CD231 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_pak.vhd":63:24:63:25|Using onehot encoding for type hsync_state_type (reset_state="1000000") @N: CD231 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_pak.vhd":65:24:65:25|Using onehot encoding for type vsync_state_type (reset_state="1000000") @N: CD630 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_control_ent.vhd":37:7:37:17|Synthesizing work.vga_control.behav Post processing for work.vga_control.behav @N: CD630 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_driver_ent.vhd":37:7:37:16|Synthesizing work.vga_driver.behav @N: CD231 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_pak.vhd":63:24:63:25|Using onehot encoding for type hsync_state_type (reset_state="1000000") @N: CD231 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_pak.vhd":65:24:65:25|Using onehot encoding for type vsync_state_type (reset_state="1000000") Post processing for work.vga_driver.behav @N: CD630 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/board_driver_ent.vhd":36:7:36:18|Synthesizing work.board_driver.behav Post processing for work.board_driver.behav Post processing for work.vga.behav @W: CL159 :"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_control_ent.vhd":41:7:41:18|Input line_counter is unused @END Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime # Thu Oct 29 16:49:28 2009 ###########################################################] Synopsys Altera Technology Mapper, Version map450rc, Build 029R, Built May 22 2009 13:59:53 Copyright (C) 1994-2009, Synopsys Inc. All Rights Reserved Product Version C-2009.06 @N: MF249 |Running in 32-bit mode. @N: MF257 |Gated clock conversion enabled @N|Running in logic synthesis mode without enhanced optimization Automatic dissolve during optimization of view:work.vga(behav) of board_driver_unit(board_driver) Automatic dissolve at startup in view:work.vga(behav) of vga_control_unit(vga_control) Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models None Found Finished RTL optimizations (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 52MB peak: 54MB) @N:"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_driver_arc.vhd":267:4:267:5|Found counter in view:work.vga_driver(behav) inst vsync_counter[9:0] @N:"/homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/src/vga_driver_arc.vhd":158:4:158:5|Found counter in view:work.vga_driver(behav) inst hsync_counter[9:0] Starting Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 52MB peak: 54MB) Finished Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 52MB peak: 54MB) Finished factoring (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 54MB) #################### START OF GENERATED CLOCK OPTIMIZATION REPORT ####################[ ====================================================================================== Instance:Pin Generated Clock Optimization Status ====================================================================================== ##################### END OF GENERATED CLOCK OPTIMIZATION REPORT #####################] Finished gated-clock and generated-clock conversion (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Starting Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Finished Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Starting Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Finished Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Finished preparing to map (Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 53MB peak: 55MB) Finished technology mapping (Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 66MB peak: 68MB) Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 66MB peak: 68MB) Finished restoring hierarchy (Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 66MB peak: 69MB) Writing Analyst data base /homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/syn/rev_1/vga.srm Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 64MB peak: 69MB) Writing Verilog Netlist and constraint files Writing .vqm output for Quartus Writing Cross reference file for Quartus to /homes/burban/didelu/dide_16/bsp3/Designflow/syn/rev_1/vga.xrf Finished Writing Verilog Netlist and constraint files (Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 64MB peak: 69MB) Writing VHDL Simulation files Finished Writing VHDL Simulation files (Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 64MB peak: 69MB) Starting Writing Gated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 64MB peak: 69MB) @N: MF276 |Gated clock conversion enabled, but no gated clocks found in design Finished Writing Gated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 64MB peak: 69MB) Starting Writing Generated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 64MB peak: 69MB) @N: MF333 |Generated clock conversion enabled, but no generated clocks found in design Finished Writing Generated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:04s; Memory used current: 64MB peak: 69MB) Found clock vga|clk_pin with period 39.72ns ##### START OF TIMING REPORT #####[ # Timing Report written on Thu Oct 29 16:49:34 2009 # Top view: vga Requested Frequency: 25.2 MHz Wire load mode: top Paths requested: 5 Constraint File(s): @N: MT320 |This timing report estimates place and route data. Please look at the place and route timing report for final timing.. @N: MT322 |Clock constraints cover only FF-to-FF paths associated with the clock.. Performance Summary ******************* Worst slack in design: 34.836 Requested Estimated Requested Estimated Clock Clock Starting Clock Frequency Frequency Period Period Slack Type Group ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vga|clk_pin 25.2 MHz 204.7 MHz 39.722 4.886 34.836 inferred Inferred_clkgroup_0 ====================================================================================================================== Clock Relationships ******************* Clocks | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starting Ending | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vga|clk_pin vga|clk_pin | 39.722 34.836 | No paths - | No paths - | No paths - ================================================================================================================= Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges. 'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups. Interface Information ********************* No IO constraint found ==================================== Detailed Report for Clock: vga|clk_pin ==================================== Starting Points with Worst Slack ******************************** Starting Arrival Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack Clock --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[6] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_6 0.176 34.836 vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[7] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_7 0.176 34.865 vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[3] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_3 0.176 34.992 vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[8] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_8 0.176 34.992 vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[5] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_5 0.176 35.111 vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[4] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_4 0.176 35.119 vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[9] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_9 0.176 35.208 vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[1] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout vsync_counter_1 0.176 35.238 vga_driver_unit.hsync_counter[8] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout hsync_counter_8 0.176 35.299 dly_counter[0] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff regout dly_counter[0] 0.176 35.308 =========================================================================================================================== Ending Points with Worst Slack ****************************** Starting Required Instance Reference Type Pin Net Time Slack Clock --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vga_driver_unit.vsync_state[2] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena vsync_state_next_2_sqmuxa 38.986 34.836 vga_driver_unit.vsync_state[3] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena vsync_state_next_2_sqmuxa 38.986 34.836 vga_driver_unit.vsync_state[4] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena vsync_state_next_2_sqmuxa 38.986 34.836 vga_driver_unit.vsync_state[5] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena vsync_state_next_2_sqmuxa 38.986 34.836 vga_driver_unit.hsync_state[0] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena hsync_state_3_0_0_0__g0_0 38.986 35.299 vga_driver_unit.hsync_state[1] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena hsync_state_3_0_0_0__g0_0 38.986 35.299 vga_driver_unit.hsync_state[2] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena hsync_state_3_0_0_0__g0_0 38.986 35.299 vga_driver_unit.hsync_state[3] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena hsync_state_3_0_0_0__g0_0 38.986 35.299 vga_driver_unit.hsync_state[4] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena hsync_state_3_0_0_0__g0_0 38.986 35.299 vga_driver_unit.hsync_state[5] vga|clk_pin stratix_lcell_ff ena hsync_state_3_0_0_0__g0_0 38.986 35.299 ================================================================================================================================= Worst Path Information *********************** Path information for path number 1: Requested Period: 39.722 - Setup time: 0.736 + Clock delay at ending point: 0.000 (ideal) = Required time: 38.986 - Propagation time: 4.150 - Clock delay at starting point: 0.000 (ideal) = Slack (critical) : 34.836 Number of logic level(s): 5 Starting point: vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[6] / regout Ending point: vga_driver_unit.vsync_state[2] / ena The start point is clocked by vga|clk_pin [rising] on pin clk The end point is clocked by vga|clk_pin [rising] on pin clk Instance / Net Pin Pin Arrival No. of Name Type Name Dir Delay Time Fan Out(s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vga_driver_unit.vsync_counter[6] stratix_lcell_ff regout Out 0.176 0.176 - vsync_counter_6 Net - - 1.000 - 5 vga_driver_unit.VSYNC_FSM_next\.un13_vsync_counter_3 stratix_lcell dataa In - 1.176 - vga_driver_unit.VSYNC_FSM_next\.un13_vsync_counter_3 stratix_lcell combout Out 0.459 1.635 - un13_vsync_counter_3 Net - - 0.376 - 1 vga_driver_unit.VSYNC_FSM_next\.un13_vsync_counter_4 stratix_lcell datac In - 2.011 - vga_driver_unit.VSYNC_FSM_next\.un13_vsync_counter_4 stratix_lcell combout Out 0.213 2.224 - un13_vsync_counter_4 Net - - 0.393 - 2 vga_driver_unit.vsync_state_next_1_sqmuxa_2 stratix_lcell datac In - 2.618 - vga_driver_unit.vsync_state_next_1_sqmuxa_2 stratix_lcell combout Out 0.213 2.830 - vsync_state_next_1_sqmuxa_2 Net - - 0.376 - 1 vga_driver_unit.un1_vsync_state_next_1_sqmuxa_0 stratix_lcell datad In - 3.207 - vga_driver_unit.un1_vsync_state_next_1_sqmuxa_0 stratix_lcell combout Out 0.087 3.294 - un1_vsync_state_next_1_sqmuxa_0 Net - - 0.376 - 1 vga_driver_unit.vsync_state_next_2_sqmuxa stratix_lcell datad In - 3.670 - vga_driver_unit.vsync_state_next_2_sqmuxa stratix_lcell combout Out 0.087 3.757 - vsync_state_next_2_sqmuxa Net - - 0.393 - 5(2) vga_driver_unit.vsync_state[2] stratix_lcell_ff ena In - 4.150 - ================================================================================================================================= Total path delay (propagation time + ICD at startpoint + setup - ICD at endpoint) of 4.886 is 1.971(40.3%) logic and 2.915(59.7%) route. Fanout format: logic fanout (physical fanout) Path delay compensated for clock skew. Clock skew is added to clock-to-out value, and is subtracted from setup time value *Arrival time includes intrinsic clock delay at start point and clock delay at startpoint ##### END OF TIMING REPORT #####] ##### START OF AREA REPORT #####[ Design view:work.vga(behav) Selecting part EP1S25F672C6 @N: FA174 |The following device usage report estimates place and route data. Please look at the place and route report for final resource usage.. I/O ATOMs: 91 Total LUTs: 141 of 25660 ( 0%) Logic resources: 143 ATOMs of 25660 ( 0%) Number of I/O registers Output DDRs :0 ATOM count by mode: normal: 109 arithmetic: 34 DSP Blocks: 0 (0 nine-bit DSP elements). DSP Utilization: 0.00% of available 10 blocks (80 nine-bit). ShiftTap: 0 (0 registers) MRAM: 0 (0% of 2) M4Ks: 0 (0% of 138) M512s: 0 (0% of 224) Total ESB: 0 bits ATOMs using regout pin: 62 also using enable pin: 12 also using combout pin: 1 ATOMs using combout pin: 80 Number of Inputs on ATOMs: 585 Number of Nets: 40117 ##### END OF AREA REPORT #####] Mapper successful! Process took 0h:00m:04s realtime, 0h:00m:04s cputime # Thu Oct 29 16:49:34 2009 ###########################################################]