------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Title : vga_control architecture -- Project : LU Digital Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File : vga_control.vhd -- Author : Thomas Handl -- Company : TU Wien -- Created : 2004-12-15 -- Last update: 2006-02-24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: generation of colors (RGB) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (c) 2004 TU Wien ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Revisions : -- Date Version Author Description -- 2004-12-15 1.0 handl Created -- 2006-02-24 2.0 ST revised ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LIBRARIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use work.vga_pak.all; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ARCHITECTURE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- architecture behav of vga_control is attribute syn_preserve : boolean; attribute syn_preserve of behav : architecture is true; DRAW_SQUARE_syn: process(clk, reset) begin if (reset = RES_ACT) then -- draw black screen upon reset r <= COLR_OFF; g <= COLR_OFF; b <= COLR_OFF; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then -- synchronous capture r <= r_next; g <= g_next; b <= b_next; end if; end process; DRAW_SQUARE_next: process (column_counter, v_enable, h_enable) begin if v_enable = ENABLE and h_enable = ENABLE then if (column_counter >= X_MIN and column_counter < X2_MIN) -- if pixel within the rectangle borders r_next <= COLR_OFF; g_next <= COLR_OFF; b_next <= COLR_ON; elsif (column_counter >= X2_MIN and column_counter < X3_MIN) -- if pixel within the rectangle borders r_next <= COLR_OFF; g_next <= COLR_ON; b_next <= COLR_ON; elsif (column_counter >= X3_MIN and column_counter < X_MAX) -- if pixel within the rectangle borders r_next <= COLR_ON; g_next <= COLR_OFF; b_next <= COLR_ON; else -- if somewhere else on screen... r_next <= COLR_OFF; g_next <= COLR_OFF; -- ... draw background color b_next <= COLR_OFF; end if; else -- if out of screen... r_next <= COLR_OFF; g_next <= COLR_OFF; -- ... do not activate any color b_next <= COLR_OFF; -- (black screen) end if; end process; end behav; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- END ARCHITECTURE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------