library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use work.common_pkg.all; use work.core_pkg.all; use work.mem_pkg.all; use work.extension_pkg.all; architecture behav of writeback_stage is signal data_ram_read : word_t; signal wb_reg, wb_reg_nxt : writeback_rec; signal ext_uart,ext_timer,ext_gpmp : extmod_rec; begin data_ram : r_w_ram generic map ( DATA_ADDR_WIDTH, WORD_WIDTH ) port map ( clk, wb_reg_nxt.address(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 2), wb_reg_nxt.address(DATA_ADDR_WIDTH+1 downto 2), wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en, ram_data, data_ram_read ); syn: process(clk, reset) begin if (reset = RESET_VALUE) then wb_reg.address <= (others => '0'); wb_reg.dmem_en <= '0'; wb_reg.dmem_write_en <= '0'; wb_reg.hword <= '0'; wb_reg.byte_s <= '0'; elsif rising_edge(clk) then wb_reg <= wb_reg_nxt; end if; end process; -- type writeback_rec is record -- address : in word_t; --ureg -- dmem_en : in std_logic; --ureg (jump addr in mem or in address) -- dmem_write_en : in std_logic; --ureg -- hword_hl : in std_logic --ureg -- end record; shift_input: process(data_ram_read, address, dmem_en, dmem_write_en, hword, wb_reg, result, byte_s, alu_jmp, br_pred) begin wb_reg_nxt.address <= address; wb_reg_nxt.dmem_en <= dmem_en; wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en <= dmem_write_en; wb_reg_nxt.hword <= hword; wb_reg_nxt.byte_s <= byte_s; regfile_val <= result; --(others => '0'); if (wb_reg.dmem_en = '1' and wb_reg.dmem_write_en = '0') then -- ram read operation --alu_jmp = '0' and regfile_val <= data_ram_read; if (wb_reg.hword = '1') then regfile_val <= (others => '0'); if (wb_reg.address(1) = '1') then regfile_val(15 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(31 downto 16); else regfile_val(15 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(15 downto 0); end if; end if; if (wb_reg.byte_s = '1') then regfile_val <= (others => '0'); case wb_reg.address(1 downto 0) is when "00" => regfile_val(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(7 downto 0); when "01" => regfile_val(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(15 downto 8); when "10" => regfile_val(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(23 downto 16); when "11" => regfile_val(7 downto 0) <= data_ram_read(31 downto 24); when others => null; end case; end if; end if; --jump <= (alu_jmp xor br_pred) and (write_en or wb_reg.dmem_en); jump <= (alu_jmp xor br_pred);-- and (write_en or wb_reg.dmem_en); -- if alu_jmp = '0' and br_pred = '1' and write_en = '0' then -- jump <= '1'; -- end if; jump_addr <= result; if ((alu_jmp and wb_reg.dmem_en) = '1') then jump_addr <= data_ram_read; end if; end process; -- result : in gp_register_t; --reg (alu result or jumpaddr) -- result_addr : in gp_addr_t; --reg -- address : in word_t; --ureg -- alu_jmp : in std_logic; --reg -- br_pred : in std_logic; --reg -- write_en : in std_logic; --reg (register file) -- dmem_en : in std_logic; --ureg (jump addr in mem or in result) -- dmem_write_en : in std_logic; --ureg -- hword : in std_logic --ureg out_logic: process(write_en, result_addr, wb_reg, alu_jmp) begin reg_we <= (write_en or (wb_reg.dmem_en and not(wb_reg.dmem_write_en))) and not(alu_jmp); reg_addr <= result_addr; end process; addr_de_mult: process(wb_reg_nxt.address, ram_data, wb_reg) begin ext_uart.sel <='0'; ext_uart.wr_en <= '0'; ext_uart.byte_en <= (others => '0'); <= (others => '0'); ext_uart.addr <= (others => '0'); ext_timer.sel <='0'; ext_timer.wr_en <= '0'; ext_timer.byte_en <= (others => '0'); <= (others => '0'); ext_timer.addr <= (others => '0'); ext_gpmp.sel <='0'; ext_gpmp.wr_en <= '0'; ext_gpmp.byte_en <= (others => '0'); <= (others => '0'); ext_gpmp.addr <= (others => '0'); -- wenn ich hier statt dem 4rer die konstante nehme dann gibts an fehler wegen nicht lokaler variable -.- case wb_reg_nxt.address(wb_reg_nxt.address'high downto 4) is when EXT_UART_ADDR => ext_uart.sel <='1'; ext_uart.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; <= ram_data; ext_uart.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(wb_reg_nxt.address'high downto BYTEADDR); case wb_reg.address(1 downto 0) is when "00" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0001"; when "01" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0010"; when "10" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "0100"; when "11" => ext_uart.byte_en <= "1000"; when others => null; end case; when EXT_TIMER_ADDR => ext_timer.sel <='1'; ext_timer.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; <= ram_data; ext_timer.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(wb_reg_nxt.address'high downto BYTEADDR); case wb_reg.address(1 downto 0) is when "00" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "0001"; when "01" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "0010"; when "10" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "0100"; when "11" => ext_timer.byte_en <= "1000"; when others => null; end case; when EXT_GPMP_ADDR => ext_gpmp.sel <='1'; ext_gpmp.wr_en <= wb_reg_nxt.dmem_write_en; <= ram_data; ext_gpmp.addr <= wb_reg_nxt.address(wb_reg_nxt.address'high downto BYTEADDR); case wb_reg.address(1 downto 0) is when "00" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "0001"; when "01" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "0010"; when "10" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "0100"; when "11" => ext_gpmp.byte_en <= "1000"; when others => null; end case; -- hier kann man weiter extensions adden :) Konstanten sind im extension pkg definiert when others => null; end case; end process; end behav;