library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use work.common_pkg.all; use work.core_pkg.all; use work.mem_pkg.all; use work.extension_pkg.all; architecture behav of extension_gpm is type pointers_t is array( 0 to ((2**(paddr_t'length))-1)) of ext_addr_t; type gpm_internal is record status : status_rec; preg : pointers_t; end record gpm_internal; signal reg, reg_nxt : gpm_internal; begin syn : process (clk, reset) begin if (reset = RESET_VALUE) then reg.status <= (others=>'0'); reg.preg <= (others => (std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(DATA_END_ADDR,reg.preg(0)'length)))); elsif rising_edge(clk) then reg <= reg_nxt; end if; end process syn; asyn : process (clk, reset, reg, psw_nxt, ext_reg, pwr_en, pinc, paddr) variable reg_nxt_v : gpm_internal; variable incb : ext_addr_t; variable sel_pval, sel_pval_nxt : ext_addr_t; variable data_out_v : gp_register_t; variable data_v : gp_register_t; variable tmp_data : gp_register_t; begin reg_nxt_v := reg; data_v :=; psw <= reg.status; data_out_v := (others => '0'); incb(0) := '1'; if pinc = '1' then incb(incb'high downto 1) := (others => '1'); else incb(incb'high downto 1) := (others => '0'); end if; sel_pval:= reg_nxt_v.preg(0); sel_pval_nxt := std_logic_vector(unsigned(sel_pval)+unsigned(incb)); if pwr_en = '1' then reg_nxt_v.preg(0) := sel_pval_nxt; end if; reg_nxt_v.status := psw_nxt; reg_nxt <= reg_nxt_v; data_out <= data_out_v; pval <= (others =>'0'); pval(pval'high downto BYTEADDR) <= sel_pval; pval_nxt <= (others =>'0'); pval_nxt(pval'high downto BYTEADDR) <= sel_pval_nxt; end process asyn; end behav;