library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.numeric_std.all; use work.common_pkg.all; use work.alu_pkg.all; architecture add_op of exec_op is signal sub, addc : std_logic; begin sub <= op_detail(SUB_OPT); addc <= op_detail(CARRY_OPT); calc: process(left_operand, right_operand, alu_state, sub, addc) variable alu_result_v : alu_result_rec; variable complement : gp_register_t; variable carry_res : unsigned(gp_register_t'length downto 0); variable tmp_right_operand : unsigned(gp_register_t'length downto 0); variable oflo1, oflo2, l_neg, r_neg : std_logic; variable addcarry : unsigned(carry_res'range); begin alu_result_v := alu_state; addcarry := (others => '0'); addcarry(0):= (alu_state.status.carry and addc) or sub; if sub = '1' then carry_res := unsigned('0' & left_operand)+unsigned('0' & not(right_operand))+addcarry; else carry_res := unsigned('0' & left_operand)+unsigned('0' & right_operand)+addcarry; end if; alu_result_v.result := std_logic_vector(carry_res(gp_register_t'range)); alu_result_v.status.carry := carry_res(carry_res'high); alu_result_v.status.oflo := add_oflo(left_operand(gp_register_t'high),right_operand(gp_register_t'high) xor sub, carry_res(gp_register_t'high)); -- addcarry := (others =>'0'); -- addcarry(0) := alu_state.status.carry and addc; -- complement := inc(not(right_operand)); -- l_neg := left_operand(gp_register_t'high); -- carry_res := unsigned('0' & left_operand)+addcarry; -- oflo1 := add_oflo(l_neg,'0',carry_res(gp_register_t'high)); -- if sub = '1' then -- tmp_right_operand := unsigned('0' & complement); -- else -- tmp_right_operand := unsigned('0' & right_operand); -- end if; -- l_neg := carry_res(gp_register_t'high); -- r_neg := tmp_right_operand(gp_register_t'high); -- carry_res := carry_res + tmp_right_operand; -- oflo2 := add_oflo(l_neg,r_neg,carry_res(gp_register_t'high)); -- alu_result_v.result := std_logic_vector(carry_res(gp_register_t'range)); -- alu_result_v.status.carry := carry_res(carry_res'high); -- -- alu_result_v.result := (0 => '1', others => '0'); -- alu_result_v.status.oflo := oflo1 or oflo2; -- --sign will be set globally. -- --zero will be set globally. alu_result <= alu_result_v; end process; end architecture add_op;