\begin{longtable}{|c|c|c|} \hline flag & function & default value \\ \hline C & carry & 0 (not set) \\ \hline SU & Status register update & 1 (set) \\ \hline H/L & use high or low 16-bits & L (not set) \\ \hline F & fill unused 16-bits with value of F & 0 (not set)\footnote{this means that andxf must be used if the not specified 16-bit should be preserve} \\ \hline ST & read/write stack instead of PSW & 0 (not set) \\ \hline S & sign extension & 0 (not set) \\ \hline +/- & branch taken or not taken & + (taken) \\ \hline \caption{ISA flag overview} \end{longtable}