/* src/vm/jit/x86_64/asmpart.S - Java-C interface functions for x86_64 Copyright (C) 1996-2005 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel, C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring, E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich, J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien This file is part of CACAO. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Contact: cacao@complang.tuwien.ac.at Authors: Andreas Krall Reinhard Grafl Christian Thalinger Changes: $Id: asmpart.S 3910 2005-12-08 14:32:53Z twisti $ */ #include "config.h" #include "md-abi.h" #include "md-asm.h" #include "vm/jit/abi.h" #include "vm/jit/x86_64/arch.h" #include "vm/jit/x86_64/offsets.h" #include "vm/jit/methodheader.h" .text /********************* exported functions and variables ***********************/ .globl asm_calljavafunction .globl asm_calljavafunction_int .globl asm_calljavafunction2 .globl asm_calljavafunction2int .globl asm_calljavafunction2long .globl asm_calljavafunction2float .globl asm_calljavafunction2double .globl asm_call_jit_compiler .globl asm_handle_exception .globl asm_handle_nat_exception .globl asm_wrapper_patcher .globl asm_builtin_f2i .globl asm_builtin_f2l .globl asm_builtin_d2i .globl asm_builtin_d2l .globl asm_perform_threadswitch .globl asm_initialize_thread_stack .globl asm_switchstackandcall .globl asm_criticalsections .globl asm_getclassvalues_atomic /********************* function asm_calljavafunction *************************** * * * This function calls a Java-method (which possibly needs compilation) * * with up to 4 address parameters. * * * * This functions calls the JIT-compiler which eventually translates the * * method into machine code. * * * * C-prototype: * * javaobject_header *asm_calljavamethod (methodinfo *m, * * void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4); * * * *******************************************************************************/ .align 8 .quad 0 /* catch type all */ .quad calljava_xhandler /* handler pc */ .quad calljava_xhandler /* end pc */ .quad asm_calljavafunction /* start pc */ .long 1 /* extable size */ .long 0 .quad 0 /* line number table start */ .quad 0 /* line number table size */ .long 0 .long 0 /* fltsave */ .long 0 /* intsave */ .long 0 /* isleaf */ .long 0 /* IsSync */ .long 8 /* frame size */ .quad 0 /* method pointer (pointer to name) */ asm_calljavafunction: asm_calljavafunction_int: sub $(3*8),sp /* keep stack 16-byte aligned */ mov bp,0*8(sp) mov %rbx,1*8(sp) /* %rbx is not a callee saved in CACAO*/ mov a0,itmp1 /* move function pointer to itmp1 */ /* compilerstub uses this */ mov a1,a0 /* pass remaining parameters */ mov a2,a1 mov a3,a2 mov a4,a3 lea asm_call_jit_compiler,itmp3 call *itmp3 /* call JIT compiler */ L_asm_calljavafunction_return: mov 0*8(sp),bp mov 1*8(sp),%rbx /* %rbx is not a callee saved in CACAO*/ add $(3*8),sp /* free stack space */ ret calljava_xhandler: mov xptr,a0 /* pass exception pointer */ call builtin_throw_exception xor v0,v0 /* return NULL */ jmp L_asm_calljavafunction_return /********************* function asm_calljavafunction *************************** * * * This function calls a Java-method (which possibly needs compilation) * * with up to 4 address parameters. * * * * This functions calls the JIT-compiler which eventually translates the * * method into machine code. * * * * C-prototype: * * javaobject_header *asm_calljavamethod (methodinfo *m, * * void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3, void *arg4); * * * *******************************************************************************/ .align 8 .quad 0 /* catch type all */ .quad calljava_xhandler2 /* handler pc */ .quad calljava_xhandler2 /* end pc */ .quad asm_calljavafunction2 /* start pc */ .long 1 /* extable size */ .long 0 .quad 0 /* line number table start */ .quad 0 /* line number table size */ .long 0 .long 0 /* fltsave */ .long 0 /* intsave */ .long 0 /* isleaf */ .long 0 /* IsSync */ .long 24 /* frame size */ .quad 0 /* method pointer (pointer to name) */ asm_calljavafunction2: asm_calljavafunction2int: asm_calljavafunction2long: asm_calljavafunction2float: asm_calljavafunction2double: sub $(7*8),sp /* keep stack 16-byte aligned */ mov %rbx,0*8(sp) /* %rbx is not a callee saved in cacao*/ mov s0,1*8(sp) mov s1,2*8(sp) mov s2,3*8(sp) mov s3,4*8(sp) mov s4,5*8(sp) mov a0,itmp1 /* move method pointer for compiler */ xor %rbp,%rbp /* set argument stack frame to zero */ test a1,a1 /* maybe we have no args... */ jle L_copy_done mov a1,itmp3 /* arg count */ mov a3,itmp2 /* pointer to arg block */ mov itmp2,%r14 /* save argument block pointer */ mov itmp3,%r15 /* save argument count */ sub $sizejniblock,itmp2 /* initialize pointer (smaller code) */ add $1,itmp3 /* initialize argument count */ xor %r12,%r12 /* initialize integer argument counter*/ xor %r13,%r13 /* initialize float argument counter */ L_register_copy: add $sizejniblock,itmp2 /* goto next argument block */ dec itmp3 /* argument count - 1 */ jz L_register_copy_done andb $0x02,offjniitemtype(itmp2) /* is this a float/double type? */ jnz L_register_handle_float /* yes, handle it */ cmp $INT_ARG_CNT,%r12 /* are we out of integer argument */ je L_register_copy /* register? yes, next loop */ lea jumptable_integer,%rbp mov 0(%rbp,%r12,8),%rbx inc %r12 /* integer argument counter + 1 */ jmp *%rbx L_register_handle_float: cmp $FLT_ARG_CNT,%r13 /* are we out of float argument */ je L_register_copy /* register? yes, next loop */ lea jumptable_float,%rbp mov 0(%rbp,%r13,8),%rbx inc %r13 /* float argument counter + 1 */ jmp *%rbx L_register_copy_done: mov %r15,%rbp /* calculate remaining arguments */ sub %r12,%rbp /* - integer arguments in registers */ sub %r13,%rbp /* - float arguments in registers */ jle L_copy_done /* are all assigned to registers? */ and $0xfffffffffffffffe,%rbp /* keep stack 16-byte aligned */ shl $3,%rbp /* calculate stack size */ sub %rbp,sp /* stack frame for arguments */ mov sp,%rbx /* use %rbx as temp sp */ sub $sizejniblock,%r14 /* initialize pointer (smaller code) */ add $1,%r15 /* initialize argument count */ L_stack_copy_loop: add $sizejniblock,%r14 /* goto next argument block */ dec %r15 /* are there any arguments left? */ jz L_copy_done /* no test needed after dec */ andb $0x02,offjniitemtype(%r14) /* is this a float/double type? */ jnz L_stack_handle_float dec %r12 /* arguments assigned to registers */ jge L_stack_copy_loop jmp L_stack_copy L_stack_handle_float: dec %r13 /* arguments assigned to registers */ jge L_stack_copy_loop L_stack_copy: mov offjniitem(%r14),itmp3 /* copy s8 argument onto stack */ mov itmp3,0(%rbx) add $8,%rbx /* increase sp to next argument */ jmp L_stack_copy_loop L_copy_done: lea asm_call_jit_compiler,itmp3 /* %rax still contains method pointer */ call *itmp3 /* call JIT compiler */ add bp,sp /* remove argument stack frame if any */ L_asm_calljavafunction2_return: mov 0*8(sp),%rbx /* restore callee saved registers */ mov 1*8(sp),s0 mov 2*8(sp),s1 mov 3*8(sp),s2 mov 4*8(sp),s3 mov 5*8(sp),s4 add $(7*8),sp /* free stack space */ ret calljava_xhandler2: mov xptr,a0 /* pass exception pointer */ call builtin_throw_exception xor v0,v0 /* return NULL */ jmp L_asm_calljavafunction2_return jumptable_integer: .quad handle_a0 .quad handle_a1 .quad handle_a2 .quad handle_a3 .quad handle_a4 .quad handle_a5 handle_a0: mov offjniitem(itmp2),a0 jmp L_register_copy handle_a1: mov offjniitem(itmp2),a1 jmp L_register_copy handle_a2: mov offjniitem(itmp2),a2 jmp L_register_copy handle_a3: mov offjniitem(itmp2),a3 jmp L_register_copy handle_a4: mov offjniitem(itmp2),a4 jmp L_register_copy handle_a5: mov offjniitem(itmp2),a5 jmp L_register_copy jumptable_float: .quad handle_fa0 .quad handle_fa1 .quad handle_fa2 .quad handle_fa3 .quad handle_fa4 .quad handle_fa5 .quad handle_fa6 .quad handle_fa7 handle_fa0: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa0 jmp L_register_copy handle_fa1: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa1 jmp L_register_copy handle_fa2: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa2 jmp L_register_copy handle_fa3: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa3 jmp L_register_copy handle_fa4: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa4 jmp L_register_copy handle_fa5: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa5 jmp L_register_copy handle_fa6: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa6 jmp L_register_copy handle_fa7: movq offjniitem(itmp2),fa7 jmp L_register_copy /****************** function asm_call_jit_compiler ***************************** * * * invokes the compiler for untranslated JavaVM methods. * * * * Register R0 contains a pointer to the method info structure (prepared * * by createcompilerstub). Using the return address in R26 and the * * offset in the LDA instruction or using the value in methodptr R28 the * * patching address for storing the method address can be computed: * * * * method address was either loaded using * * * * i386_mov_imm_reg(a, REG_ITMP2) ; invokestatic/special * * i386_call_reg(REG_ITMP2) * * * * or * * * * i386_mov_membase_reg(REG_SP, 0, REG_ITMP2) ; invokevirtual/interface * * i386_mov_membase_reg(REG_ITMP2, OFFSET(, vftbl), REG_ITMP3) * * i386_mov_membase_reg(REG_ITMP3, OFFSET(vftbl, table[0]) + \ * * sizeof(methodptr) * m->vftblindex, REG_ITMP1) * * i386_call_reg(REG_ITMP1) * * * * in the static case the method pointer can be computed using the * * return address and the lda function following the jmp instruction * * * *******************************************************************************/ asm_call_jit_compiler: /* keep stack 16-byte aligned */ sub $((3+ARG_CNT)*8+sizestackframeinfo),sp mov t0,0*8(sp) /* save register */ mov (3+ARG_CNT)*8+sizestackframeinfo(sp),itmp3 /* get return address */ mov -1(itmp3),%bl /* get function code */ cmp $0xd2,%bl /* called with `call *REG_ITMP2'? */ jne L_not_static_special sub $11,itmp3 /* calculate address of immediate */ jmp L_call_jit_compile L_not_static_special: cmp $0xd0,%bl /* called with `call *REG_ITMP1' */ jne L_not_virtual_interface sub $7,itmp3 /* calculate address of offset */ mov (itmp3),itmp3l /* get offset (32-bit) */ add itmp2,itmp3 /* add base address to get method addr*/ jmp L_call_jit_compile L_not_virtual_interface: /* a call from asm_calljavamethod */ xor itmp3,itmp3 L_call_jit_compile: mov 0*8(sp),t0 /* restore register */ mov itmp3,0*8(sp) /* save address for method pointer */ mov itmp1,1*8(sp) /* save method pointer */ SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(3) mov sp,a0 /* create stackframe info */ add $((3+ARG_CNT)*8),a0 /* pass sfi */ xor a1,a1 /* if pv is NULL, use findmethod */ mov sp,a2 /* pass java sp */ add $((1+3+ARG_CNT)*8+sizestackframeinfo),a2 /* pass ra to java function */ mov ((3+ARG_CNT)*8+sizestackframeinfo)(sp),a3 mov a3,a4 /* xpc is equal to ra */ call stacktrace_create_extern_stackframeinfo mov 1*8(sp),a0 /* pass method pointer */ call jit_compile mov v0,1*8(sp) /* save return value */ mov sp,a0 /* remove stackframe info */ add $((3+ARG_CNT)*8),a0 /* pass sfi */ call stacktrace_remove_stackframeinfo mov 0*8(sp),itmp3 /* restore address for method pointer */ mov 1*8(sp),v0 /* restore return value */ RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(3) add $((3+ARG_CNT)*8+sizestackframeinfo),sp /* remove stack frame */ test v0,v0 /* check for exception */ je L_asm_call_jit_compiler_exception test itmp3,itmp3 /* is address == 0 (asm_calljavamethod*/ je L_call_method mov v0,(itmp3) /* and now save the new pointer */ L_call_method: jmp *v0 /* ...and now call the new method */ L_asm_call_jit_compiler_exception: #if defined(USE_THREADS) && defined(NATIVE_THREADS) call builtin_asm_get_exceptionptrptr mov v0,itmp2 /* v0 == xptr */ #else lea _no_threads_exceptionptr,itmp2 #endif mov (itmp2),xptr /* get the exception pointer */ movl $0,(itmp2) /* clear exception pointer */ pop xpc /* delete return address */ sub $5,xpc /* faulting address is ra - 5 */ jmp asm_handle_exception /* asm_handle_exception ******************************************************** * * * This function handles an exception. It does not use the usual calling * * conventions. The exception pointer is passed in REG_ITMP1 and the * * pc from the exception raising position is passed in REG_ITMP2. It searches * * the local exception table for a handler. If no one is found, it unwinds * * stacks and continues searching the callers. * * * *******************************************************************************/ asm_handle_nat_exception: add $8,sp /* clear return address of native stub*/ asm_handle_exception: sub $((ARG_CNT+TMP_CNT)*8),sp /* create maybe-leaf stackframe */ SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) /* we save arg and temp registers in */ SAVE_TEMPORARY_REGISTERS(ARG_CNT) /* case this is a leaf method */ mov $((ARG_CNT+TMP_CNT)*8),a3 /* prepare a3 for handle_exception */ mov $1,a4 /* set maybe-leaf flag */ L_asm_handle_exception_stack_loop: sub $(6*8),sp mov xptr,0*8(sp) /* save exception pointer */ mov xpc,1*8(sp) /* save exception pc */ add sp,a3 /* calculate Java sp into a3... */ add $(6*8),a3 mov a3,3*8(sp) /* ...and save it */ mov a4,4*8(sp) /* save maybe-leaf flag */ mov xpc,a0 /* exception pc */ call codegen_findmethod mov v0,2*8(sp) /* save data segment pointer */ mov 0*8(sp),a0 /* pass exception pointer */ mov 1*8(sp),a1 /* pass exception pc */ mov v0,a2 /* pass data segment pointer */ mov 3*8(sp),a3 /* pass Java stack pointer */ call exceptions_handle_exception test v0,v0 jz L_asm_handle_exception_not_catched mov v0,xpc /* move handlerpc into xpc */ mov 0*8(sp),xptr /* restore exception pointer */ mov 4*8(sp),a4 /* get maybe-leaf flag */ add $(6*8),sp /* free stack frame */ test a4,a4 /* test for maybe-leaf flag */ jz L_asm_handle_exception_no_leaf RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) /* if this is a leaf method, we have */ RESTORE_TEMPORARY_REGISTERS(ARG_CNT)/* to restore arg and temp registers */ add $((ARG_CNT+TMP_CNT)*8),sp /* remove maybe-leaf stackframe */ L_asm_handle_exception_no_leaf: jmp *xpc /* jump to the handler */ L_asm_handle_exception_not_catched: mov 0*8(sp),xptr /* restore exception pointer */ mov 2*8(sp),itmp3 /* restore data segment pointer */ mov 4*8(sp),a4 /* get maybe-leaf flag */ add $(6*8),sp test a4,a4 jz L_asm_handle_exception_no_leaf_stack add $((ARG_CNT+TMP_CNT)*8),sp /* remove maybe-leaf stackframe */ xor a4,a4 /* clear the isleaf flags */ L_asm_handle_exception_no_leaf_stack: mov FrameSize(itmp3),itmp2l /* get frame size */ add itmp2,sp /* unwind stack */ mov sp,itmp2 /* pointer to save area */ mov IntSave(itmp3),t0l /* t0l = saved int register count */ test t0l,t0l je noint cmp $1,t0l je int1 cmp $2,t0l je int2 cmp $3,t0l je int3 cmp $4,t0l je int4 mov -40(itmp2),%rbp int4: mov -32(itmp2),%r12 int3: mov -24(itmp2),%r13 int2: mov -16(itmp2),%r14 int1: mov -8(itmp2),%r15 shl $3,t0l /* multiply by 8 bytes */ sub t0,itmp2 noint: mov FltSave(itmp3),t0l /* t0l = saved flt register count */ test t0l,t0l je noflt cmpl $1,t0l je flt1 cmpl $2,t0l je flt2 cmpl $3,t0l je flt3 cmpl $4,t0l je flt4 movq -40(itmp2),%xmm11 flt4: movq -32(itmp2),%xmm12 flt3: movq -24(itmp2),%xmm13 flt2: movq -16(itmp2),%xmm14 flt1: movq -8(itmp2),%xmm15 noflt: /* exception pointer is still set */ pop xpc /* the new xpc is return address */ sub $3,xpc /* subtract 3 bytes for call */ xor a3,a3 /* prepare a3 for handle_exception */ jmp L_asm_handle_exception_stack_loop /* asm_wrapper_patcher ********************************************************* XXX Stack layout: 40 return address 32 pointer to virtual java_objectheader 24 machine code (which is patched back later) 16 unresolved class/method/field reference 8 data segment displacement from load instructions 0 pointer to patcher function -8 bp *******************************************************************************/ asm_wrapper_patcher: push bp /* save base pointer */ mov sp,bp /* move actual sp to bp */ sub $((3+ARG_CNT+TMP_CNT)*8+sizestackframeinfo),sp and $0xfffffffffffffff0,sp /* align sp to 16-byte (this is for */ /* leaf functions) */ SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(3) SAVE_TEMPORARY_REGISTERS(3+ARG_CNT) mov itmp1,0*8(sp) /* save itmp1 and itmp2 */ mov itmp2,1*8(sp) /* can be used by some instructions */ mov sp,a0 /* create stackframe info */ add $((3+ARG_CNT+TMP_CNT)*8),a0 xor a1,a1 /* if pv is NULL, use findmethod */ mov bp,a2 /* pass java sp */ add $((6+1)*8),a2 mov ((5+1)*8)(bp),a3 /* pass ra to java function */ mov a3,a4 /* xpc is equal to ra */ call stacktrace_create_extern_stackframeinfo mov bp,a0 /* pass stack pointer */ add $((1+1)*8),a0 /* skip function pointer */ mov 1*8(bp),itmp3 /* get function pointer */ call *itmp3 /* call the patcher function */ mov v0,2*8(sp) /* save return value */ mov sp,a0 /* remove stackframe info */ add $((3+ARG_CNT+TMP_CNT)*8),a0 call stacktrace_remove_stackframeinfo RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(3) RESTORE_TEMPORARY_REGISTERS(3+ARG_CNT) mov 0*8(sp),itmp1 /* restore itmp1 and itmp2 */ mov 1*8(sp),itmp2 /* can be used by some instructions */ mov 2*8(sp),itmp3 /* restore return value */ mov bp,sp /* restore original sp */ pop bp /* restore bp */ add $(5*8),sp /* remove patcher stackframe, keep ra */ test itmp3,itmp3 /* exception thrown? */ jz L_asm_wrapper_patcher_exception ret /* call new patched code */ L_asm_wrapper_patcher_exception: #if defined(USE_THREADS) && defined(NATIVE_THREADS) call builtin_asm_get_exceptionptrptr mov v0,itmp2 /* v0 == xptr */ #else lea _no_threads_exceptionptr,itmp2 #endif mov (itmp2),xptr /* get the exception pointer */ movl $0,(itmp2) /* clear exception pointer */ pop xpc /* get and remove return address */ jmp asm_handle_exception /* asm_builtin_x2x ************************************************************* * * * Wrapper functions for float to int corner cases * * * *******************************************************************************/ asm_builtin_f2i: sub $(ARG_CNT*8),sp SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) movq ftmp1,fa0 call builtin_f2i RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) add $(ARG_CNT*8),sp ret asm_builtin_f2l: sub $(ARG_CNT*8),sp SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) movq ftmp1,fa0 call builtin_f2l RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) add $(ARG_CNT*8),sp ret asm_builtin_d2i: sub $(ARG_CNT*8),sp SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) movq ftmp1,fa0 call builtin_d2i RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) add $(ARG_CNT*8),sp ret asm_builtin_d2l: sub $(ARG_CNT*8),sp SAVE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) movq ftmp1,fa0 call builtin_d2l RESTORE_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS(0) add $(ARG_CNT*8),sp ret /******************* function asm_initialize_thread_stack ********************** * * * initialized a thread stack * * (to)->restorePoint = asm_initialize_thread_stack((u1*)(func), (to)->stackEnd)* * * *******************************************************************************/ asm_initialize_thread_stack: sub $(7*8),%rsi xor %r10,%r10 mov %r10,0*8(%rsi) mov %r10,1*8(%rsi) mov %r10,2*8(%rsi) mov %r10,3*8(%rsi) mov %r10,4*8(%rsi) mov %r10,5*8(%rsi) mov %rdi,6*8(%rsi) /* save (u1*) (func) */ mov %rsi,%rax /* return restorepoint in %rax */ ret /******************* function asm_perform_threadswitch ************************* * * * void asm_perform_threadswitch (u1 **from, u1 **to, u1 **stackTop); * * * * performs a threadswitch * * * *******************************************************************************/ asm_perform_threadswitch: sub $(7*8),%rsp /* allocate stack frame */ mov %rbx,0*8(%rsp) mov %rbp,1*8(%rsp) mov %r12,2*8(%rsp) mov %r13,3*8(%rsp) mov %r14,4*8(%rsp) mov %r15,5*8(%rsp) mov 7*8(%rsp),%rax /* save current return address */ mov %rax,6*8(%rsp) mov %rsp,(%rdi) /* first argument **from */ mov %rsp,(%rdx) /* third argument **stackTop */ mov (%rsi),%rsp /* load new stack pointer */ mov 0*8(%rsp),%rbx mov 1*8(%rsp),%rbp mov 2*8(%rsp),%r12 mov 3*8(%rsp),%r13 mov 4*8(%rsp),%r14 mov 5*8(%rsp),%r15 mov 6*8(%rsp),%rax /* restore return address */ add $(7*8),%rsp /* free stack frame */ mov %rax,(%rsp) ret /********************* function asm_switchstackandcall ************************* * * * int asm_switchstackandcall (void *stack, void *func, void **stacktopsave, * * void *p); * * * * Switches to a new stack, calls a function and switches back. * * a0 (%rdi) new stack pointer * * a1 (%rsi) function pointer * * a2 (%rdx) pointer to variable where stack top should be stored * * a3 (%rcx) pointer to user data, is passed to the function * * * *******************************************************************************/ asm_switchstackandcall: sub $(1*8),%rsp /* keep stack 16-byte aligned */ sub $16,%rdi /* allocate new stack */ mov 8(%rsp),%rax /* save return address on new stack */ mov %rax,(%rdi) mov %rsp,8(%rdi) /* save old stack pointer on new stack*/ mov %rsp,(%rdx) /* save old stack pointer to variable */ mov %rdi,%rsp /* switch to new stack */ mov %rcx,%rdi /* pass pointer */ call *%rsi /* and call function */ mov (%rsp),%r10 /* load return address */ mov 8(%rsp),%rsp /* switch to old stack */ add $(1*8),%rsp /* free stack space */ mov %r10,(%rsp) /* write return adress */ ret asm_getclassvalues_atomic: _crit_restart: _crit_begin: movl offbaseval(a0),itmp1l movl offdiffval(a0),itmp2l movl offbaseval(a1),itmp3l _crit_end: movl itmp1l,offcast_super_baseval(a2) movl itmp2l,offcast_super_diffval(a2) movl itmp3l,offcast_sub_baseval(a2) ret .data asm_criticalsections: #if defined(USE_THREADS) && defined(NATIVE_THREADS) .quad _crit_begin .quad _crit_end .quad _crit_restart #endif .quad 0 /* * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs. * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where * Emacs will automagically detect them. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local variables: * mode: asm * indent-tabs-mode: t * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * End: */