New in release 0.96 (XXX XX, 2006) * New tasuki lock implementation resolves deadlock problems on multi-processor machines. * Handle Miranda-methods properly. * try-catch line number problem with jikes fixed. * Added support for (including invocation API). * Stripped down object code size of code generators. * Increased default maximum heap size to 128MB and decreased default stack size to 64kB. * Fixed getResources of bootstrap classloader. * Correct handling of boot packages (provided contains a jar index). New in release 0.95 (February 13, 2006) * Dead-lock bugfix. This should fix the random dead-locks seen in Eclipse or other applications. * Search for suitable jar program during configure, can be specified via JAR environment variable * --enable-zlib bugfix * i386 bugfix: Set FPU to 64-bit on VM startup (fixes Debian bug #350729) * powerpc bugfix: (M_COPY): Handle longs and doubles properly. * Fixed instructions copying stackslots (like DUP_X1). * Fixed classcache-related problem with java.lang.reflect.Proxy. * Throw correct exception when trying to load a directory as a classfile (from a .zip file). * Fixed incorrect method resolution when calling instance methods through JNI (fixes CACAO bugs #17 and #18). New in release 0.94 (January 22, 2006) * support compilation of Interpreter and JIT compiler into one binary (not enabled by default) * bootstrap ZIP code rewrite (VM startup time improvement) * fixed JNI DirectByteBuffer functions, jogl works now * removed most third-party files from the repository, we link to the libraries instead * removed VM interface Java files which were identical to the GNU Classpath upstream version * added defineClassWithTransformers to java.lang.VMClassLoader, now we are able to build against the generics branch * Java compiler which should be used during compilation can be specified via JAVAC environment variable * a lot of bugfixes New in release 0.93 (November 23, 2005) * Java 1.5 support * JIT codegenerators for Arm and MIPS (32-bit, -o32), currently closed-source * integration of a vmgen-based interpreter (--enable-intrp) * removal of GNU classpath, CACAO now uses upstream releases or CVS head versions * finalizer thread * JNI local references implemented * reflection fixes and access checks (mauve tests) * linear scan register allocator (-lsra) * lazy resolving fixes * fixed instanceof instruction * updated to Boehm GC 6.6 New in release 0.92 "Tomclipse" (July 14, 2005) * runtime lazy-loading with code patching * dynamic library loading on every platform we support (using libltdl) * new ICMDs (PUTSTATICCONST, PUTFIELDCONST) * some ICMDs inlined (IDIV/IREM, LDIV/LREM, AASTORE, ARRAYCHECKCAST) * register allocator uses unused argument registers * stacktraces on MIPS, PowerPC and x86_64 * integration of GNU classpath's system class loader * internal class loading code more Java VM Spec compliant (classcache, loading constraints, ...) * virtual function table bugfix (abstract class implements not all interface methods) * initial support for thread dump on SIGQUIT (-\) on most platforms * GNU classpath 0.16 * Boehm GC 6.5 New in release 0.91 (December 23, 2004) * bug fixed in MULTIANEWARRAY * field access related bug fixes * native function call bug fixes * smaller fixes... New in relaese 0.90 (December 8, 2004) * More architectures supported: At the moment, CACAO is able to run on Alpha, MIPS (64-bit), x86, x86-64 and PowerPC (32-bit) architectures. * Native thread support * Java 1.4 support * GNU classpath 0.12 * Preliminary AWT support * Boehm garbage collector * Reentrant JIT compiler * Lots of bug fixes and conformance enhancements * Lots of bugs introduced and not fixed * Version 0.40 (released) ========================= ** Boehm garbage collector supported ------------------------------------ The --enable-gc2 options was replaced by --with-gc. Choose boehm for the Boehm garbage collector. Also see README.boehm. ** mips port ------------ Now runs on some SGI systems, which are based on the mips architecture. ** multiple bug fixes --------------------- Even more java programs work as expected! * Version 0.35 (experimental) ============================= ** autoconf, automake support ----------------------------- Finally moved the entire distribution to autoconf/automake. This should fix some of our problems with supporting different compilers. Thread support and the use of the new garbage collector can be enabled/disabled from using configure arguments: --enable-threads [default] --disable-threads --enable-gc2 [default] --disable-gc2 ** new garbage collector ------------------------ Included the new garbage collector as default garbage collector. * Version 0.30 (released) ========================= Added unlimited stack for GC and main thread. Some optimzations for instructions which operate on constants. * Version 0.20 (released) ========================= Hardware null pointer check added, fixed severe errors in GC/Threads, type check and IEEE arithmetic. * Version 0.20beta (can't remember) ========================= There is a completely new JIT compiler which is about 7 times faster and produces better code. Multithreading is now supported. A lot of bugs have been fixed. * Version 0.10 (ancient history) ============== The initial version included the old JIT and support for lang, util and io.