From: Manfred Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:10:41 +0000 (+0100) Subject: new testbench X-Git-Tag: bootrom_v1~123 X-Git-Url:;h=246225958048ebe8e8207bcade48e14a5fca0e79;p=calu.git new testbench --- diff --git a/cpu/sim/ b/cpu/sim/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e32ebbc --- /dev/null +++ b/cpu/sim/ @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +vlib work +vmap work work + +vcom -work work ../src/mem_pkg.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/r_w_ram.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/r_w_ram_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/r2_w_ram.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/r2_w_ram_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/common_pkg.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/core_pkg.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/decoder.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/decoder_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/fetch_stage.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/fetch_stage_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/decode_stage.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/decode_stage_b.vhd + +vcom -work work ../src/alu_pkg.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/extension_pkg.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/gpm_pkg.vhd + +vcom -work work ../src/exec_op.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/exec_op/add_op_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/exec_op/and_op_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/exec_op/or_op_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/exec_op/xor_op_b.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/exec_op/shift_op_b.vhd + +vcom -work work ../src/alu.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/alu_b.vhd + +vcom -work work ../src/gpm.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/gpm_b.vhd + +vcom -work work ../src/execute_stage.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/execute_stage_b.vhd + + +vcom -work work ../src/writeback_stage.vhd +vcom -work work ../src/writeback_stage_b.vhd + +vcom -work work ../src/pipeline_tb.vhd + +vsim work.pipeline_conf_beh -t ns + +add wave -group system -format logic /pipeline_tb/sys_clk_pin +add wave -group system -format logic /pipeline_tb/sys_res_n_pin + +add wave -group fetchstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/instr_r_addr_nxt +add wave -group fetchstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/instr_r_addr +add wave -group fetchstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/instr_rd_data +add wave -group fetchstageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/instruction +add wave -group fetchstage -format logic /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/branch_prediction_bit +add wave -group fetchstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/prediction_result + +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/instruction +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/instr_spl +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/instr_spl.reg_dest_addr +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/instr_spl.reg_src1_addr +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/instr_spl.reg_src2_addr + +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg_we +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg_w_addr +add wave -group decodestage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg_wr_data + + + + +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg1_mem_data +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg2_mem_data +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/rtw_rec +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/rtw_rec.rtw_reg1 +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/rtw_rec.rtw_reg2 +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/to_next_stage +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/to_next_stage.src1 +add wave -group decodestageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/to_next_stage.src2 + + + + + + +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/dec_instr +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/dec_instr.daddr +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/dec_instr.saddr1 +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/dec_instr.saddr2 +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/dec_instr.src1 +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/dec_instr.src2 +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/reg_we +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/reg_addr +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/regfile_val +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/alu_inst/left_operand +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/alu_inst/right_operand +add wave -group execstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/reg_nxt + + +add wave -group execstageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/gpm_inst/psw +add wave -group execstageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/reg +add wave -group writebackstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/result +add wave -group writebackstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/result_addr +add wave -group writebackstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/alu_jmp +add wave -group writebackstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/br_pred +add wave -group writebackstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/write_en +add wave -group writebackstage -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/address + +add wave -group writebackstageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/reg_we +add wave -group writebackstageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/reg_addr +add wave -group writebackstageregister -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/writeback_st/regfile_val + +run 5000 ns diff --git a/cpu/sim/ b/cpu/sim/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f56415f --- /dev/null +++ b/cpu/sim/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +onerror {resume} +quietly WaveActivateNextPane {} 0 +add wave -noupdate -expand -group system -format Logic /pipeline_tb/sys_clk_pin +add wave -noupdate -expand -group system -format Logic /pipeline_tb/sys_res_n_pin +add wave -noupdate -expand -group fetchstage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/instr_r_addr +add wave -noupdate -expand -group fetchstage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/instr_r_addr_nxt +add wave -noupdate -expand -group fetchstage -format Logic /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/branch_prediction_bit +add wave -noupdate -expand -group fetchstage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/fetch_st/prediction_result +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/instruction +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/instr_spl +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/to_next_stage +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg1_mem_data +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg2_mem_data +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/rtw_rec_nxt +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/rtw_rec +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg_w_addr +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg_wr_data +add wave -noupdate -expand -group decodestage -format Logic -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/decode_st/reg_we +add wave -noupdate -expand -group execstage -format Literal -radix hexadecimal /pipeline_tb/exec_st/gpm_inst/psw +TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] +WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 1} {0 ns} 0} +configure wave -namecolwidth 150 +configure wave -valuecolwidth 100 +configure wave -justifyvalue left +configure wave -signalnamewidth 1 +configure wave -snapdistance 10 +configure wave -datasetprefix 0 +configure wave -rowmargin 4 +configure wave -childrowmargin 2 +configure wave -gridoffset 0 +configure wave -gridperiod 1 +configure wave -griddelta 40 +configure wave -timeline 0 +configure wave -timelineunits ns +update +WaveRestoreZoom {4050 ns} {5050 ns} diff --git a/cpu/src/decode_stage_b.vhd b/cpu/src/decode_stage_b.vhd index 14846b2..de4b162 100644 --- a/cpu/src/decode_stage_b.vhd +++ b/cpu/src/decode_stage_b.vhd @@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ begin rtw_rec_nxt.rtw_reg2 <= '0'; rtw_rec_nxt.immediate <= (others => '0'); rtw_rec_nxt.imm_set <= '0'; +--- ???? wieso rtw_rec_nxt.reg1_addr <= instr_spl.reg_src1_addr; rtw_rec_nxt.reg2_addr <= instr_spl.reg_src2_addr; diff --git a/cpu/src/r_w_ram_b.vhd b/cpu/src/r_w_ram_b.vhd index 45779da..1c8b212 100644 --- a/cpu/src/r_w_ram_b.vhd +++ b/cpu/src/r_w_ram_b.vhd @@ -10,17 +10,29 @@ architecture behaviour of r_w_ram is subtype RAM_ENTRY_TYPE is std_logic_vector(DATA_WIDTH -1 downto 0); type RAM_TYPE is array (0 to (2**ADDR_WIDTH)-1) of RAM_ENTRY_TYPE; - signal ram : RAM_TYPE := (--0 => "11100000000000011001000000000000", -- r0 = r3 + r2 (always) - -- 1 => "11100101000000001000100000000000", -- r0 = r1 << 0 (always) - -- 2 => "11100000000010000001100000000000", -- r1 = r0 + r3 (always) - -- 3 => "11100000101000000001000000000000", - -- 4 => "11100001000110010111011001101100", - 0 => "11101100000000001000000000000000", -- cmp r0 , r1 - 1 => "00000000000100000000100000000000", - 2 => "00000000001110000001000000000000", - 3 => "11100001000110010000011001101100", + signal ram : RAM_TYPE := ( 0 => "11100000000100001000000000000000", --add r2, r1, r0 + 1 => "11100000000110001000000000000000", --add r3, r1, r0 + 2 => "11100000001000011001000000000000", --add r4, r3, r2 + 3 => "11100000000100001000000000000000", --add r2, r1, r0 + 4 => "11100000000110001000000000000000", --add r3, r1, r0 + 5 => "11100000001000011001000000000000", --add r4, r3, r2 + 6 => "11101100000000001000000000000000", --cmp r0 , r1 + 7 => "00000000001010101010000000000001", --addnqd r5, r5, r4 + 8 => "00000000001010101010000000000000", --addnq r5, r5, r4 + 9 => "11101100001000100000000000000000", --cmp r4 , r4 + 10 => "00000001001100001000000001010000", --addinq r5, r1, 10 + 11 => "00010001001100001000000001010000", --addieq r5, r1, 10 + 12 => "00010001101100110000000001010000", --subieq r5, r5, 10 + 13 => "11100000000100001000000000000000", --add r2, r1, r0 + 14 => "11100010000100001000000000000000", --and r2, r1, r0 + 15 => "11101100000000001000000000000000", --cmp r0 , r1 + 16 => "10000000001010101010000000000001", --addabd r5, r5, r4 + 17 => "10110011101110001000010000110001", --orxltd r7, 1086 + 18 => "10110101001110001000010000000001", --shiftltd r7, r1, 1 + 19 => "01010101001110001000100000000001", --shiftltd r7, r1, 2 others => x"F0000000"); + begin process(clk) begin