* src/vm/jit/inline/sets.c, src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.c,
authortwisti <none@none>
Tue, 14 Feb 2006 00:01:03 +0000 (00:01 +0000)
committertwisti <none@none>
Tue, 14 Feb 2006 00:01:03 +0000 (00:01 +0000)
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.c, src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTflags.h,
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTprint.h, src/vm/jit/inline/sets.h,
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.h, src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.h,
src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.c, src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.h: Removed.

src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.c [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.h [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTflags.h [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTprint.h [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.c [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.h [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.c [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.h [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/sets.c [deleted file]
src/vm/jit/inline/sets.h [deleted file]

diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.c b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d1b5120..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1029 +0,0 @@
-/* src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.c - parser and print functions for Rapid Type
-                                 Analyis
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   Changes: Christian Thalinger
-   $Id: parseRT.c 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
- Rapid Type Static Analysis of Java program
-   used -rt option is turned on either explicitly 
- or automatically with inlining of virtuals.
- Methods called by NATIVE methods and classes loaded dynamically
- cannot be found by parsing. The following files supply missing methods:
- rtMissedIn0 - (provided) has the methods missed by every java program
- rtMissed||mainClassName - is program specific.
- A file rtMissed will be written by RT analysis of any methods missed.
- This file can be renamed to rtMissed concatenated with the main class name.
- Example:
- ./cacao -rt hello
- inlining with virtuals should fail if the returned rtMissed is not empty.
- so...
- mv rtMissed rtMissedhello
- ./cacao hello
-Results: (currently) with -stat see # methods marked used
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "cacao/cacao.h"
-#include "mm/memory.h"   
-#include "toolbox/list.h"
-#include "toolbox/logging.h"
-#include "vm/class.h"
-#include "vm/linker.h"
-#include "vm/loader.h"
-#include "vm/resolve.h"
-#include "vm/options.h"
-#include "vm/statistics.h"
-#include "vm/jit/jit.h"
-#include "vm/jit/parse.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRT.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRTprint.h"
-static bool firstCall= true;
-static list *rtaWorkList;
-FILE *rtMissed;   /* Methods missed during RTA parse of Main  */
-bool RTA_DEBUGinf = false;
-bool RTA_DEBUGr = false;
-bool RTA_DEBUGopcodes = false;
-void addToRtaWorkList(methodinfo *meth, char *info) {
-    rtaNode    *rta;
-if (meth->methodUsed == USED) return;
-if (!(meth->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT))  {
-    count_methods_marked_used++;
-    METHINFOt(meth,info,RTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-       if (meth->class->super.cls != NULL) {
-               CLASSNAME(meth->class->super.cls,"\tsuper=",RTA_DEBUGr)
-               }
-       else {
-               if (RTA_DEBUGr) printf("\tsuper=NULL\n");}
-       fflush(stdout);
-    meth ->methodUsed = USED;
-    rta = NEW(rtaNode);
-    rta->method = meth ;
-    list_addlast(rtaWorkList,rta);
-if (meth->class->classUsed == NOTUSED) {
-       METHINFOx(meth)
-       printf("\nADDED method in class not used at all!\n");
-       fflush(stdout);
-       }
-    }
-else {
-     printf("Method not added to work list!!!<%i> : ",
-     meth->methodUsed); fflush(stdout);
-     METHINFO(meth,true)
-     }
-void rtaMarkSubs(classinfo *class, methodinfo *topmethod); 
-void rtaAddUsedInterfaceMethods(classinfo *ci) {
-       int jj,mm;
-       /* add used interfaces methods to callgraph */
-       for (jj=0; jj < ci -> interfacescount; jj++) {
-               classinfo *ici = ci -> interfaces [jj].cls;
-               if (RTA_DEBUGinf) { 
-                       printf("BInterface used: ");fflush(stdout); 
-                       utf_display(ici->name);
-                       printf("<%i>\t",ici -> classUsed ); fflush(stdout); 
-                       if (ici -> classUsed == NOTUSED) printf("\t classUsed=NOTUSED\n" );
-                       if (ici -> classUsed == USED) printf("\t classUsed=USED\n");
-                       if (ici -> classUsed == PARTUSED) printf("\t classUsed=PARTUSED\n");
-                       fflush(stdout);
-               }
-               /* add class to interfaces list of classes that implement it */
-               ici -> impldBy =  addElement(ici -> impldBy,  ci);
-               /* if interface class is used */
-        if (ici -> classUsed != NOTUSED) {
-                       /* for each interface method implementation that has already been used */
-                       for (mm=0; mm< ici->methodscount; mm++) {
-                               methodinfo *imi = &(ici->methods[mm]);
-                               if (RTA_DEBUGinf) { 
-                                       if  (imi->methodUsed != USED) {
-                                               if (imi->methodUsed == NOTUSED) printf("Interface Method notused: "); 
-                                               if (imi->methodUsed == MARKED) printf("Interface Method marked: "); 
-                                               utf_display(ici->name);printf(".");method_println(imi);fflush(stdout);
-                                       }
-                               } 
-                               if  (imi->methodUsed == USED) {
-                                       if (RTA_DEBUGinf) { 
-                                               printf("Interface Method used: "); utf_display(ici->name);printf(".");method_println(imi);fflush(stdout);
-                                               /* Mark this method used in the (used) implementing class and its subclasses */
-                                               printf("rMAY ADD methods that was used by an interface\n");
-                                       }
-                                       if ((utf_clinit != imi->name) &&
-                                           (utf_init != imi->name))
-                                           rtaMarkSubs(ci,imi);
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-/* Add Marked methods for input class ci                                  */
-/* Add methods with the same name and descriptor as implemented interfaces*/
-/*   with the same method name                                            */
-/*                                                                        */
-void rtaAddMarkedMethods(classinfo *ci) {
-int ii,jj,mm;
-/* add marked methods to callgraph */ 
-for (ii=0; ii<ci->methodscount; ii++) { 
-       methodinfo *mi = &(ci->methods[ii]);
-       if (mi->methodUsed == MARKED) { 
-                       addToRtaWorkList(mi,
-                               "addTo was MARKED:");
-               }
-       else    { /*** ??? Should this be an else or ??? */
-               for (jj=0; jj < ci -> interfacescount; jj++) {
-                       classinfo *ici = ci -> interfaces [jj].cls;
-                       /*  use resolve method....!!!! */
-                       if (ici -> classUsed != NOTUSED) {
-                               for (mm=0; mm< ici->methodscount; mm++) {
-                                       methodinfo *imi = &(ici->methods[mm]);
-                                       METHINFOt(imi,"NEW IMPD INTERFACE:",RTA_DEBUGinf)
-                                     /*if interface method=method is used*/
-                                       if  (      (imi->methodUsed == USED)
-                          &&    ( (imi->name == mi->name) 
-                          &&      (imi->descriptor == mi->descriptor))) {
-                                                 addToRtaWorkList(mi,
-                                    "addTo was interfaced used/MARKED:");
-                                         }
-                                       } /*end for */  
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-#define CLINITS_T   true
-#define FINALIZE_T  true
-#define ADDMARKED_T true
-#define CLINITS_F   false 
-#define FINALIZE_F  false 
-#define ADDMARKED_F false
-void RTAaddClassInit(classinfo *ci, bool clinits, bool finalizes, bool addmark)
-  methodinfo *mi;
-  if (addmark)
-       ci->classUsed = USED;
-  if (clinits) { /* No <clinit>  available - ignore */
-    mi = class_findmethod(ci, 
-                       utf_clinit, 
-                       utf_void__void);
-    if (mi) { 
-       if (ci->classUsed != USED)
-           ci->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-       mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-        addToRtaWorkList(mi,"addTo CLINIT added:");
-      }     
-    }        
-  /*Special Case for System class init:
-    add java/lang/initializeSystemClass to callgraph */
-  if (ci->name == utf_new_char("initializeSystemClass")) {
-    /* ?? what is name of method ?? */ 
-    } 
-  if (finalizes) {
-    mi = class_findmethod(ci, 
-                       utf_new_char("finalize"), 
-                       utf_void__void);
-    if (mi) { 
-       if (ci->classUsed != USED)
-           ci->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-       mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-        addToRtaWorkList(mi,"addTo FINALIZE added:");
-      }     
-    }        
-  if (addmark) {
-    rtaAddMarkedMethods(ci);
-    }
-  rtaAddUsedInterfaceMethods(ci);
-/* Mark the method with same name /descriptor in topmethod      */
-/* in class                                                     */
-/*                                                              */
-/* Class marked USED and method defined in this class ->        */
-/*    -> mark method as USED                                    */
-/* Class not marked USED and method defined in this class ->    */
-/*    -> if Method NOTUSED mark method as MARKED                */
-/*                                                              */
-/* Class USED, but method not defined in this class ->          */
-/* -> 1) search up the heirarchy and mark method where defined  */
-/*    2) if class where method is defined is not USED ->        */
-/*       -> mark class with defined method as PARTUSED          */
-void rtaMarkMethod(classinfo *class, methodinfo *topmethod) {
-utf *name      = topmethod->name; 
-utf *descriptor = topmethod->descriptor;
-methodinfo *submeth;
-/* See if method defined in class heirarchy */
-submeth = class_resolvemethod(class, name, descriptor); 
-METHINFOt(submeth,"rtaMarkMethod submeth:",RTA_DEBUGr);
-if (submeth == NULL) {
-       utf_display(class->name); printf(".");
-       METHINFOx(topmethod);
-       printf("parse RT: Method not found in class hierarchy");fflush(stdout);
-       assert(0);
-       }
-if (submeth->methodUsed == USED) return;
-#undef CTA 
-#ifdef CTA
-  /* Class Type Analysis if class.method in virt cone marks it used */
-  /*   very inexact, too many extra methods */
-  RTAaddClassInit(     submeth->class,
-  submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-  addToRtaWorkList(submeth,
-                  "addTo RTA VIRT CONE:");
-  return;
-  if (submeth->class == class) { 
-       /*--- Method defined in class -----------------------------*/
-       if (  submeth->class->classUsed == USED) { 
-               /* method defined in this class -> */
-               /* Class IS  marked USED           */ 
-               /*    -> mark method as USED       */
-               submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-               addToRtaWorkList(submeth,
-                       "addTo VIRT CONE 1:");
-               }
-       else    {
-               /* method defined in this class -> */
-               /* Class IS NOT  marked USED (PART or NOTUSED) */ 
-               /* -> if Method NOTUSED mark method as  MARKED */
-               METHINFOt(submeth,
-                       "\tmarked VIRT CONE 2:",RTA_DEBUGr);
-               submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-               submeth->methodUsed = MARKED;
-               /* Note: if class NOTUSED and subclass is used handled  */
-               /*       by subsequent calls to rtaMarkMethods for cone */
-               }
-       } /* end defined in class */
-  else {
-       /*--- Method NOT defined in class ---------------*/
-       /* then check class the method could be called with */
-        /* first mark classes if needed */
-       if (submeth->class->classUsed == NOTUSED) {
-               submeth->class->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-               if (class->classUsed != USED) {
-                       submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-                       submeth->methodUsed = MARKED;
-                       METHINFOt(submeth,"JUST MARKED :",RTA_DEBUGr);
-                       }
-               }
-        /* add method to rta work list if conditions met */
-               /*??if ( (submeth->class->classUsed == USED) ||  */
-       if (class->classUsed == USED) {
-               submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-               addToRtaWorkList(submeth,
-                               "addTo VIRT CONE 3:");
-               }
-       } /* end NOT defined in class */
-/* Mark the method with the same name and descriptor as topmethod       */
-/*   and any subclass where the method is defined and/or class is used  */
-/*                                                                      */
-void rtaMarkSubs(classinfo *class, methodinfo *topmethod) {
-  /* Mark method in class  */
-  METHINFOt(topmethod," TOP ",RTA_DEBUGr);
-  rtaMarkMethod(class, topmethod);  
-  /* Mark method in subclasses */
-  if (class->sub != NULL) {
-     classinfo *subs;
-     if (!(topmethod->flags & ACC_FINAL )) {
-       for (subs = class->sub;subs != NULL;subs = subs->nextsub) {
-         CLASSNAME1(subs," SUBS ",RTA_DEBUGr);
-         rtaMarkSubs(subs, topmethod); 
-         }
-       }
-     }
-  return;
-void rtaMarkInterfaceSubs(methodinfo *mi) {                            
-       classSetNode *subs;
-       if (mi->class->classUsed == NOTUSED) {
-               mi->class->classUsed = USED; 
-               class_java_lang_Object->impldBy =  addElement(class_java_lang_Object -> impldBy,  mi->class);
-               }
-       /* add interface class to list kept in Object */
-       mi->methodUsed = USED;
-       mi->monoPoly   = POLY;
-       subs =  mi->class->impldBy; 
-            /*RTAPRINT08invokeInterface1*/
-                  if (RTA_DEBUGinf) {
-                       METHINFO(mi,RTA_DEBUGinf)
-                        printf("Implemented By classes :\n");fflush(stdout);
-                        if (subs == NULL) printf("\tNOT IMPLEMENTED !!!\n");
-                        fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-       while (subs != NULL) {                  
-               classinfo * isubs = subs->classType;
-               methodinfo *submeth;
-                  if (RTA_DEBUGinf) {
-                      printf("\t");utf_display(isubs->name);fflush(stdout);
-                       printf(" <%i>\n",isubs->classUsed);fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-               /*Mark method (mark/used) in classes that implement method*/
-               submeth = class_findmethod(isubs,mi->name, mi->descriptor); 
-               if (submeth != NULL)
-                       submeth->monoPoly = POLY; /*  poly even if nosubs */
-               rtaMarkSubs(isubs, mi);  
-               subs = subs->nextClass;
-               } /* end while */
-int parseRT(methodinfo *m)
-        int  p;                     /* java instruction counter */ 
-        int  nextp;                 /* start of next java instruction */
-        int  opcode;                /* java opcode */
-        int  i;                     /* temp for different uses (counters)*/
-        bool iswide = false;        /* true if last instruction was a wide*/
-        int rc = 1;
-METHINFOt(m,"\n----RT PARSING:",RTA_DEBUGopcodes); 
-if ((RTA_DEBUGr)||(RTA_DEBUGopcodes)) printf("\n");
-/* scan all java instructions */
-       for (p = 0; p < m->jcodelength; p = nextp) {
-               opcode = code_get_u1(p,m);            /* fetch op code  */
-               SHOWOPCODE(RTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-               nextp = p + jcommandsize[opcode];   /* compute next instrtart */
-               if (nextp > m->jcodelength) {
-                       log_text("Unexpected end of bytecode");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-               switch (opcode) {
-               case JAVA_ILOAD:
-               case JAVA_LLOAD:
-               case JAVA_FLOAD:
-               case JAVA_DLOAD:
-               case JAVA_ALOAD:
-                case JAVA_ISTORE:
-                case JAVA_LSTORE:
-                case JAVA_FSTORE:
-                case JAVA_DSTORE:
-                case JAVA_ASTORE:
-                       if (iswide) {
-                               nextp = p + 3;
-                               iswide = false;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case JAVA_IINC: 
-                       {
-                               if (iswide) {
-                                       iswide = false;
-                                       nextp = p + 5;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       break;
-                       /* wider index for loading, storing and incrementing */
-               case JAVA_WIDE:
-                       iswide = true;
-                       nextp = p + 1;
-                       break;
-               case JAVA_RET:
-                       if (iswide) {
-                               nextp = p + 3;
-                               iswide = false;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case JAVA_LOOKUPSWITCH:
-                       {
-                       s4 num;
-                        nextp = ALIGN((p + 1), 4) + 4;
-                       num = code_get_u4(nextp,m);
-                        nextp += (code_get_u4(nextp,m)) * 8 + 4;
-                       break;
-                       }
-               case JAVA_TABLESWITCH:
-                       {
-                                s4 num;
-                                nextp = ALIGN ((p + 1),4);
-                                num = code_get_s4(nextp + 4, m);
-                                num = code_get_s4(nextp + 8, m) - num;
-                                nextp = nextp + 16 + 4 * num;
-                                break;
-                        }
- /*********************/
-               case JAVA_PUTSTATIC:
-               case JAVA_GETSTATIC:
-                       i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                       {
-                               constant_FMIref *fr;
-                               fieldinfo *fi;
-                               classinfo *frclass;
-                               fr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Fieldref);
-                               if (!fr)
-                                       return 0;
-                               if (!resolve_classref(m,fr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&frclass)) {
-                                       log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                       assert(0);
-                               }
-                               LAZYLOADING(frclass);
-                               fi = class_resolvefield(frclass,
-                                                       fr->name,
-                                                       fr->descriptor,
-                                                       m->class,
-                                                       true);
-                               if (!fi)
-                                       return 0; /* was NULL */
-                               CLASSNAME(fi->class,"\tPUT/GETSTATIC: ",RTA_DEBUGr);
-                               RTAaddClassInit(        fi->class,
-                                               CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_F);
-                       }
-                       break;
-                       case JAVA_INVOKESTATIC:
-                       case JAVA_INVOKESPECIAL:
-                               i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                               {
-                               constant_FMIref *mr;
-                               methodinfo *mi;
-                               classinfo *mrclass;
-                               mr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Methodref);
-                               if (!mr)
-                                       return 0;
-                               if (!resolve_classref(m,mr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&mrclass)) {
-                                       log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                       assert(0);
-                               }
-                               LAZYLOADING(mrclass) 
-                               mi = class_resolveclassmethod(  mrclass,
-                                                                                               mr->name,
-                                                                                               mr->descriptor,
-                                                                                               m->class,
-                                                                                               false);
-                               if (mi) 
-                                  {
-                                  METHINFOt(mi,"INVOKESTAT/SPEC:: ",RTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-                                  mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-                                  /*---- Handle "leaf" = static, private, final calls----------------------------*/
-                                  if ((opcode == JAVA_INVOKESTATIC)       
-                                    || (mi->flags & ACC_STATIC)  
-                                    || (mi->flags & ACC_PRIVATE)  
-                                    || (mi->flags & ACC_FINAL) )  
-                                       {
-                                       if (mi->class->classUsed != USED){ /* = NOTUSED or PARTUSED */
-                                               RTAaddClassInit(mi->class, 
-                                                               CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T); 
-                                                               /* Leaf methods are used whether class is or not */
-                                                               /*   so mark class as PARTlyUSED                 */
-                                               mi->class->classUsed = PARTUSED; 
-                                               } 
-                                       /* Add to RTA working list/set of reachable methods     */
-                                       if (opcode == JAVA_INVOKESTATIC)  /* if stmt just for debug tracing */     
-                                               addToRtaWorkList(mi, 
-                                                               "addTo INVOKESTATIC "); 
-                                       else 
-                                               addToRtaWorkList(mi, 
-                                                               "addTo INVOKESPECIAL ");        
-                                       } 
-                                  else {
-                                       /*---- Handle special <init> calls ---------------------------------------------*/
-                                       if (mi->class->classUsed != USED) {
-                                       /* RTA special case:
-                                               call of super's <init> then
-                                               methods of super class not all used */
-                                               /*--- <init>  ()V  is equivalent to "new" 
-                                               indicating a class is used = instaniated ---- */        
-                                               if (utf_init==mi->name) {
-                                                       if ((m->class->super.cls == mi->class) 
-                                                       &&  (m->descriptor == utf_void__void) ) 
-                                                               {
-                                                               METHINFOt(mi,"SUPER INIT:",RTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-                                                               /* super init so class may be only used because of its sub-class */
-                                                               RTAaddClassInit(mi->class,
-                                                                       CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_F);
-                                                               if (mi->class->classUsed == NOTUSED) mi->class->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-                                                               }
-                                                       else {
-                                                               /* since <init> indicates classes is used, then add marked methods, too */
-                                                               METHINFOt(mi,"NORMAL INIT:",RTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-                                                               RTAaddClassInit(mi->class,
-                                                                       CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);
-                                                               }
-                                                       addToRtaWorkList(mi,
-                                                               "addTo INIT ");
-                                                       } /* end just for <init> ()V */
-                                               /* <clinit> for class inits do not add marked methods; class not yet instaniated */      
-                                               if (utf_clinit==mi->name)
-                                                       RTAaddClassInit(        mi->class,
-                                                                               CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_F);
-                                               if (!((utf_init==mi->name))
-                                               ||   (utf_clinit==mi->name)) {
-                                                       METHINFOt(mi,"SPECIAL not init:",RTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-                                                       if (mi->class->classUsed !=USED)
-                                                               mi->class->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-                                                       addToRtaWorkList(mi,
-                                                               "addTo SPEC notINIT ");
-                                                       } 
-                                               } /* end init'd class not used = class init process was needed */ 
-                                       /* add method to RTA list = set of reachable methods */ 
-                                       addToRtaWorkList(mi,
-                                                       "addTo SPEC whymissed ");
-                                       } /* end inits */
-                                  } 
-/***  assume if method can't be resolved won't actually be called or
-      there is a real error in classpath and in normal parse an exception
-      will be thrown. Following debug print can verify this
-else  from if (mi) {
-CLASSNAME1(mr->class,"CouldNOT Resolve method:",,RTA_DEBUGr);printf(".");fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->name); printf(" "); fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->descriptor); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-                       break;
-                case JAVA_INVOKEVIRTUAL:
-                       i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                       {
-                               constant_FMIref *mr;
-                                methodinfo *mi;
-                                                               classinfo *mrclass;
-                                                               /* XXX why this direct access, this should not be! */
-                               mr = m->class->cpinfos[i];
-                                /*mr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Methodref)*/
-                                       if (!resolve_classref(m,mr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&mrclass)) {
-                                               log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                               assert(0);
-                                       }
-                               LAZYLOADING(mrclass) 
-                               mi = class_resolveclassmethod(mrclass,
-                                                mr->name,
-                                                mr->descriptor,
-                                               m->class,
-                                               false);
-                               if (mi) 
-                                  {
-                                  METHINFOt(mi,"INVOKEVIRTUAL ::",RTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-                                  if ((mi->flags & ACC_STATIC) 
-                                  ||  (mi->flags & ACC_PRIVATE)  
-                                  ||  (mi->flags & ACC_FINAL) )  
-                                    {
-                                    if (mi->class->classUsed == NOTUSED){
-                                      RTAaddClassInit(mi->class,
-                                                   CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);
-                                      }
-                                     mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-                                     addToRtaWorkList(mi,
-                                                   "addTo INVOKEVIRTUAL ");
-                                     } 
-                                  else {
-                                    mi->monoPoly = POLY;
-                                    rtaMarkSubs(mi->class,mi);
-                                    }
-                                  } 
-                               else {
-CLASSNAME1(mrclass,"CouldNOT Resolve virt meth:",RTA_DEBUGr);printf(".");fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->name); printf(" "); fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->descriptor); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);
-                                  }
-                               }
-                               break;
-                case JAVA_INVOKEINTERFACE:
-                        i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                        {
-                                constant_FMIref *mr;
-                                methodinfo *mi;
-                                                               classinfo *mrclass;
-                                mr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref);
-                                                               if (!mr)
-                                                                       return 0;
-                                                               if (!resolve_classref(m,mr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&mrclass)) {
-                                                                       log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                                                       assert(0);
-                                                               }
-                                LAZYLOADING(mrclass)
-                                mi = class_resolveinterfacemethod(mrclass,
-                                                          mr->name,
-                                                          mr->descriptor,
-                                                          m->class,
-                                                          false);
-                                       if (mi)
-                                           {
-                                          METHINFOt(mi,"\tINVOKEINTERFACE: ",RTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-                                          rtaMarkInterfaceSubs(mi);
-                                          }
-                               /* see INVOKESTATIC for explanation about */
-                               /*   case when Interface is not resolved  */
-                                /*method_descriptor2types(mi); 
-                               ?? do need paramcnt? for RTA (or just XTA)*/
-                        }
-                        break;
-                case JAVA_NEW:
-                /* means class is at least passed as a parameter */
-                /* class is really instantiated when class.<init> called*/
-                        i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                       {
-                               constant_classref *cr;
-                               classinfo *ci;
-                cr = (constant_classref *)class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Class);
-                               if (!cr)
-                                       return 0;
-                               resolve_classref(NULL,cr,resolveEager,true, false,&ci);
-                        /*** s_count++; look for s_counts for VTA */
-                       /* add marked methods */
-                       CLASSNAME(ci,"NEW : do nothing",RTA_DEBUGr);
-                       RTAaddClassInit(ci, CLINITS_T, FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);   
-                       }
-                        break;
-                case JAVA_CHECKCAST:
-                case JAVA_INSTANCEOF:
-                /* class used */
-                        i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                        {
-                                                       constant_classref *cr;
-                               classinfo *cls;
-                                                       cr = (constant_classref*) class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Class);
-                                                       if (!cr)
-                                                               return 0;
-                                                       resolve_classref(NULL,cr,resolveEager,true, false,&cls);
-                        LAZYLOADING(cls)
-                               CLASSNAMEop(cls,RTA_DEBUGr);
-                        if (cls->classUsed == NOTUSED){
-                               RTAaddClassInit(cls,
-                                            CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);
-                                }
-                       }
-                        break;
-               default:
-                       break;
-               } /* end switch */
-               } /* end for */
-       return rc;
-/* Helper fn for initialize **********************************************/
-int RTAgetline(char *line, int max, FILE *inFP) {
-if (fgets(line, max, inFP) == NULL) 
-  return 0;
-  return strlen((const char *) line);
-/* Initialize RTA Work list ***********************************************/
-/*-- Get meth ptr for class.meth desc and add to RTA worklist --*/
-#define SYSADD(cls,meth,desc,txt) \
-        c = load_class_bootstrap(utf_new_char(cls)); \
-        LAZYLOADING(c) \
-        callmeth = class_resolveclassmethod(c, \
-              utf_new_char(meth), \
-              utf_new_char(desc), \
-              c, \
-              false); \
-        if (callmeth->class->classUsed != USED) {  \
-             c->classUsed = PARTUSED; \
-             RTAaddClassInit(callmeth->class, \
-                          CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);\
-             } \
-       callmeth->monoPoly = POLY; \
-       addToRtaWorkList(callmeth,txt);
-/*-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-      System calls 
-       and 
-      rtMissedIn list (missed becaused called from NATIVE &/or dynamic calls
- *-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-methodinfo *initializeRTAworklist(methodinfo *m) {
-       classinfo  *c;
-        methodinfo* callmeth;
-               char systxt[]    = "System     Call :";
-       char missedtxt[] = "rtMissedIn Call :";
-       FILE *rtMissedIn; /* Methods missed during previous RTA parse */
-       char line[256];
-       char* class, *meth, *desc;
-       methodinfo *rm =NULL;  /* return methodinfo ptr to main method */
-        /* Create RTA call work list */
-       rtaWorkList = NEW(list);
-        list_init(rtaWorkList, OFFSET(rtaNode,linkage) );
-       /* Add first method to call list */
-               m->class->classUsed = USED; 
-       addToRtaWorkList(m,systxt);
-       /* Add system called methods */
-/***   SYSADD(mainstring, "main","([Ljava/lang/String;)V",systxt) ***/
-       rm = callmeth;  
-/***   SYSADD("java/lang/System","exit","(I)V",systxt) ***/
-       /*----- rtMissedIn 0 */
-        if ( (rtMissedIn = fopen("rtMissedIn0", "r")) == NULL) {
-               /*if (opt_verbose) */
-                   {printf("No rtMissedIn0 file\n");fflush(stdout);} 
-               return  rm;
-               }
-       while (RTAgetline(line,256,rtMissedIn)) {
-           class = strtok(line, " \n");
-           meth  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-           desc  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-               SYSADD(class,meth,desc,missedtxt)
-               }
-       fclose(rtMissedIn);
-       return rm;
-/*- end initializeRTAworklist-------- */
-methodinfo *missedRTAworklist()  
-       FILE *rtMissedIn; /* Methods missed during previous RTA parse */
-       char filenameIn[256] = "rtIn/";
-       char line[256];
-       char* class, *meth, *desc;
-       char missedtxt[] = "rtIn/ missed Call :";
-       classinfo  *c;
-        methodinfo* callmeth;
-       methodinfo *rm =NULL;  /* return methodinfo ptr to main method */
-#if defined(USE_THREADS)
-       /*----- rtMissedIn pgm specific */
-        strcat(filenameIn, (const char *)mainstring);  
-        if ( (rtMissedIn = fopen(filenameIn, "r")) == NULL) {
-               /*if (opt_verbose)*/ 
-                   {printf("No rtIn/=%s file\n",filenameIn);fflush(stdout);} 
-               return rm;
-               }
-       while (RTAgetline(line,256,rtMissedIn)) {
-           class = strtok(line, " \n");
-           meth  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-           desc  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-           if ((class == NULL) || (meth == NULL) || (desc == NULL)) {
-                       log_text("Error in rtMissedIn file for: class.meth, desc");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-           SYSADD(class,meth,desc,missedtxt)
-           }
-       fclose(rtMissedIn);
-       return rm;
-/* parseRTmethod                                          */
-/* input: method to be RTA static parsed                  */
-void parseRTmethod(methodinfo *rt_method) {
-       if (! (  (rt_method->flags & ACC_NATIVE  )
-            ||   (rt_method->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT) ) ) 
-           {
-           /* RTA parse to approxmate....
-               what classes/methods will really be used during execution */
-           parseRT(rt_method);  
-           }
-       else {
-           if (rt_method->flags & ACC_NATIVE  )
-               {
-              METHINFOt(rt_method,"TO BE NATIVE RTA PARSED :",RTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-               /* parseRTpseudo(rt_method); */
-               }   
-           else {
-              printf("Abstract method in RTA Work List: ");
-              METHINFOx(rt_method);
-              log_text("Abstract method in RTA Work List.");
-                  assert(0);
-               }
-       }               
-/*-- RTA -- *******************************************************/
-int RT_jit_parse(methodinfo *m)
-  rtaNode    *rta;
-  methodinfo *mainmeth;
-  /* Should only be called once */
-  if (firstCall) {
-        /*----- RTA initializations --------*/
-       if (opt_verbose) 
-           log_text("RTA static analysis started.\n");
-       mainmeth = initializeRTAworklist(m);
-        firstCall = false; /* turn flag off */
-    if ( (rtMissed = fopen("rtMissed", "w")) == NULL) {
-        printf("CACAO - rtMissed file: cant open file to write\n");
-        }
-    /* Note: rtMissed must be renamed to rtMissedIn to be used as input */
-    /*------ process RTA call work list --------*/
-    for (rta =list_first(rtaWorkList); 
-        rta != NULL; 
-        rta =list_next(rtaWorkList,rta)) 
-        { 
-       parseRTmethod(rta->method);
-       }       
-    missedRTAworklist();  
-    for (rta =list_first(rtaWorkList); 
-        rta != NULL; 
-        rta =list_next(rtaWorkList,rta)) 
-        { 
-       parseRTmethod(rta->method);
-       }       
-    fclose(rtMissed);
-    if (opt_verbose) {
-        if (opt_stat) {
-          printRThierarchyInfo(m); 
-         }
-      printCallgraph(rtaWorkList); 
-      }
-    if (opt_verbose) {
-      log_text("RTA static analysis done.\n");
-      }
-  }
-return 0;
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.h b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRT.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a1124c3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* jit/parseRT.h - RTA parser header
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   $Id: parseRT.h 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
-#ifndef _PARSERT_H
-#define _PARSERT_H
-#include "vm/global.h"
-extern FILE *rtMissed;  /* Methods missed during RTA parse of Main  */
-typedef struct {
-        listnode linkage;
-        methodinfo *method;
-        } rtaNode ;
-extern int RT_jit_parse(methodinfo *m);
-#endif /* _PARSERT_H */
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTflags.h b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTflags.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 2682a5c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/*------------- RTAprint flags ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-int pCallgraph  = 0;    /* 0 - dont print 1 - print at end from main                             */
-                        /* 2 - print at end of RT parse call                                     */
-                        /* 3- print after each method RT parse                                   */
-int pClassHeir  = 1;    /* 0 - dont print 1 - print at end from main                             */
-                        /* 2 - print at end of RT parse call  3-print after each method RT parse */
-int pClassHeirStatsOnly = 2;  /* usually 2 Print only the statistical summary info for class heirarchy     */
-int pOpcodes    = 0;    /* 0 - don't print 1- print in parse RT 2- print in parse                */
-                        /* 3 - print in both                                                     */
-int pWhenMarked = 0;    /* 0 - don't print 1 - print when added to callgraph + when native parsed*/
-                        /* 2 - print when marked+methods called                                  */
-                        /* 3 - print when class/method looked at                                 */
-int pStats = 0;         /* 0 - don't print; 1= analysis only; 2= whole unanalysed class heirarchy*/
-bool useXTAcallgraph = false;
-bool XTAOPTbypass = false;
-bool XTAOPTbypass2 = false;   /* for now  invokeinterface     */
-bool XTAOPTbypass3 = false;   /* print XTA classsets in stats */
-int  XTAdebug = 0;
-int  XTAfld = 0;
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTprint.h b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTprint.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 8cf7bbd..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
- * Defines of debug / trace /info  prints 
- *     to make the actual code more readable
- *
- * COtest prints are just debug
- * RTAprint prints are trace /info prints
- */
-#define METHINFOx(mm) \
-    { \
-       printf("<c%i/m%i/p%i>\t", \
-               mm->class->classUsed,mm->methodUsed, mm->monoPoly); \
-       method_println(mm); }
-#define METHINFO(mm,flg) \
-if (flg) { \
-       printf("<c%i/m%i/p%i>\t", \
-               mm->class->classUsed,mm->methodUsed, mm->monoPoly); \
-       method_println(mm); }
-#define METHINFOtx(mm,TXT) \
-                { \
-                printf(TXT); \
-               METHINFOx(mm) \
-               }
-#define METHINFOt(mm,TXT,flg) \
-if (flg) { \
-                printf(TXT); \
-               METHINFO(mm,flg) \
-               }
-#define CLASSNAME1(cls,TXT,flg) \
-if (flg) {printf(TXT); \
-       printf("<c%i>\t",cls->classUsed); \
-       utf_display(cls->name); fflush(stdout);}
-#define CLASSNAMEop(cls,flg) \
-if (flg) {printf("\t%s: ",opcode_names[opcode]);\
-       printf("<c%i>\t",cls->classUsed); \
-       utf_display(cls->name); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);}
-#define CLASSNAME(cls,TXT,flg) \
-if (flg) { printf(TXT); \
-               printf("<c%i>\t",cls->classUsed); \
-               utf_display(cls->name); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);} 
-#define SHOWOPCODE(flg) \
-if (flg) {printf("Parse p=%i<%i<   opcode=<%i> %s\n", \
-                        p, m->jcodelength,opcode,opcode_names[opcode]);}
-#define SHOWOPCODE1 \
-  printf("<%i<   opcode=<%i> %s\n", \
-                        m->jcodelength,opcode,opcode_names[opcode]);
-/*** old prints ******************************************/
-#ifdef OLDRT
-#include "parseRTstats.h"
-#define XTAPRINTcallgraph1  if(pWhenMarked>=1) \
-        {printf("\n XTA Added to Call Graph #%i:",  \
-        methXTAlast); \
-       printf("\t <used flags c/m> <%i/%i> %i\t",  \
-         submeth->class->classUsed, \
-         submeth->methodUsed, \
-         USED);  \
-       printf(" method name =");   \
-        utf_display(submeth->class->name);printf("."); \
-        method_println(submeth);fflush(stdout);}
-#define XTAPRINTcallgraph2  if(pWhenMarked>=1) { \
-       printf("\n XTA Added to Call Graph #%i:", \
-               methXTAlast); \
-       printf(" method name ="); fflush(stdout);\
-       utf_display(mi->class->name);printf(".");fflush(stdout); \
-       method_println(mi);fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINTcallgraph1  if(pWhenMarked>=1) \
-        {printf("\n Added to Call Graph #%i:",  \
-        methRTlast); \
-       printf("\t <used flags c/m> <%i/%i> %i\t",  \
-         meth->class->classUsed, \
-         meth->methodUsed, \
-         USED);  \
-       printf(" method name =");   \
-        utf_display(meth->class->name);printf("."); \
-        method_println(meth);fflush(stdout);} 
-#define RTAPRINTmarkMethod1 if (pWhenMarked >= 2) { \
-        printf("<%i> Just Marking Method - class: <index=%i>\n",   \
-       submeth->methodUsed,  \
-       submeth->class->index); \
-       utf_display(submeth->class->name); \
-        method_println(submeth);        \
-        }
-#define RTAPRINTmarkMethod1aa if (pWhenMarked >= 2) { \
-        printf("Top Method/Class Abstract --  init found\n"); \
-        method_println(submeth);        \
-        }
-#define RTAPRINTmarkMethod1A if (pWhenMarked >= 2) { \
-        printf("Top Method/Class Abstract -- Marking Method & init - & marking class used <%i>\n",class->index); \
-        method_println(submeth);        \
-        }
-#define RTAPRINTmarkMethod2 if (pWhenMarked >= 2) { \
-        printf("Class marked Used by Subtype :");utf_display(submeth->name);printf("\n");}
-#define RTAPRINTmarkSubs1 if (pWhenMarked>=3) { \
-  utf *name = topmethod -> name; \
-       printf("markMethod: "); utf_display(class->name); \
-       printf(".");utf_display(name); printf("\n");}
-#define RTAPRINTmarkSubs2 if (pWhenMarked>=3) { \
-        printf("markSubs: "); utf_display(subs->name);printf("."); \
-        utf_display(name); printf("\n");}
-#define RTAPRINT01method if ((pOpcodes == 1) || (pOpcodes == 3)) \
-        {printf("*********************************\n"); fflush(stdout); \
-        printf("<%i/%i>PARSE RT method name = <%i/%i>", \
-               methRT,methRTlast,rt_method->class->classUsed,rt_method->methodUsed); fflush(stdout);\
-        utf_display(rt_method->class->name);printf(".");fflush(stdout); \
-        utf_display(rt_method->name);printf("\n\n"); fflush(stdout);\
-        method_println(rt_method); printf(">\n\n");fflush(stdout);}
-#define RTAPRINT02opcode if ((pOpcodes == 1) || (pOpcodes == 3)) \
-        {printf("Parse RT p=%i<%i<   opcode=<%i> %s\n", \
-                p,rt_jcodelength,opcode,opcode_names[opcode]); \
-        fflush(stdout); }
-#define RTAPRINT03putstatic1  if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       class_showconstanti(rt_class,i); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT03putstatic1o_OLD  if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       class_showconstanti(rt_class,i); \
-       printf("FMIref = ");  \
-        utf_display ( fr->class->name );  \
-        printf (".");  \
-        utf_display ( fr->name);  \
-        printf (" type=");  \
-        utf_display ( fr->descriptor );  \
-        printf("\n Field =");  \
-        field_display (fi);  \
-        printf(" in class.field =");utf_display(ci->name); printf(".");  \
-        utf_display(fr->name);printf("\tPUT/GET STATIC\n"); fflush(stdout);  \
-        printf("For %s:",ci->name->text);fflush(stdout);  \
-        printf("#methods=%i\n",ci->methodscount); fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT04invokestatic1  if (((pOpcodes == 1)  ||(pOpcodes == 3))  || (pWhenMarked >= 2)) { \
-        printf(" method name ="); \
-        utf_display(mi->class->name); printf("."); \
-        utf_display(mi->name);printf("\t<%i>INVOKE STATIC\n",mi->methodUsed); \
-        fflush(stdout);}
-#define RTAPRINT05invokestatic2  if (pWhenMarked >= 2) { \
-        printf("Class marked Used :"); \
-        utf_display(rt_class->name); \
-        printf("INVOKESTATIC\n"); fflush(stdout);}
-#define RTAPRINT06Ainvoke_spec_super1 if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       printf("class flags:"); fflush(stdout); \
-       utf_display(ci->name); \
-       printflags(ci->flags); \
-       printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); \
-       printf("method flags:"); fflush(stdout); \
-       utf_display(mi->name); \
-       printflags(mi->flags); \
-       printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT06Binvoke_spec_super2 if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-        printf("SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR");  \
-       utf_display(mi->descriptor);  \
-       printf("  class super ="); fflush(stdout); \
-       utf_display(rt_class->super->name); fflush(stdout); \
-        printf("\t ==?  ");     fflush(stdout); \
-        printf("  class =");fflush(stdout); \
-       utf_display(mi->class->name); fflush(stdout); \
-        printf("\n");   fflush(stdout); \
-        printf("Ainterface count = "); fflush(stdout); \
-        printf(" %i\n", ci -> interfacescount); \
-        fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT06Binvoke_spec_init if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       printf("Binterface count = "); fflush(stdout); \
-       printf(" %i\n", ci -> interfacescount); \
-       fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT06CXTAinvoke_spec_init1 if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       printf("\n XTA Added to Call Graph #%i:", \
-       methXTAlast); \
-       printf(" method name ="); \
-       utf_display(mi->class->name);printf("."); \
-       method_println(mi);fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT06invoke_spec_virt1 if ((pOpcodes == 1) ||(pOpcodes == 3)  || (pWhenMarked >= 2)) { \
-        printf("INVOKE method name <%i/%i> =",mi->class->classUsed,mi->methodUsed); \
-        utf_display(mi->class->name); printf("."); \
-       method_println(mi); \
-        fflush(stdout); }
-#define RTAPRINT07invoke_spec_virt2 if ((pOpcodes == 1) ||(pOpcodes == 3)  || (pWhenMarked >= 1)) { \
-        utf_display(mi->class->name);printf("."); \
-       method_println(mi); }
-#define RTAPRINT08AinvokeInterface0 if (pWhenMarked >= 2) { \
-       utf_display(mi->class->name); \
-       method_println(mi); printf("\n");} \
-       if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-               printf("INTERFACE CLASS <");fflush(stdout); \
-               utf_display(mi->class->name); fflush(stdout); \
-               printf("> used flag=%i\n", mi->class->classUsed); \
-               fflush(stdout); \
-               method_println(mi); \
-               fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT08invokeInterface1  if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       printf("Implemented By classes :\n");  \
-                fflush(stdout); \
-       if (subs == NULL) printf(" \tNOT IMPLEMENTED !!!\n"); \
-               fflush(stdout); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT09invokeInterface2  if (pWhenMarked >= 3) { \
-       printf("\t");utf_display(isubs->name);  printf(" <%i>\n",isubs->classUsed); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT10new  if (pWhenMarked >= 2) { \
-        printf("NEW Class marked Used :"); fflush(stdout);\
-        utf_display(ci->name); \
-        fflush(stdout);}
-#define RTAPRINT10newXTA  if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       utf_display(ci->name);printf(" XTA_NEW\n"); \
-       printSet(rt_method->xta->XTAclassSet->head); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT11addedtoCallgraph  if (pWhenMarked >= 1){ \
-       printf("\n<Added to Call Graph #%i:",methRTlast); \
-       method_println(m); \
-       printf("<%i> method name =",methRTlast);utf_display(m->class->name); printf("."); \
-       utf_display(m->name);printf("\n"); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT11addedtoCallgraph2  if (pWhenMarked >= 1){ \
-       utf_display(ci->name); printf("."); \
-       method_println(m); printf("\t\t"); \
-       printf("<init> W/O new -- Add marked methods...\n<"); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT12aNative if (pWhenMarked >= 1) { \
-       printf("Native = ");                       fflush(stdout); \
-       utf_display(rt_class->name);  printf("."); fflush(stdout); \
-       utf_display(rt_method->name); printf(" "); fflush(stdout); \
-       utf_display(rt_descriptor);                fflush(stdout); printf("\n"); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT12bAbstractNative if (pOpcodes == 1) { \
-                  printf("\nPROCESS_abstract or native\n"); \
-                  utf_display(rt_method->class->name); printf("."); \
-                  method_println(rt_method); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); \
-                  }
-#define RTAPRINT12Callgraph  if (pCallgraph >= 3) { \
-       printf("RTA Callgraph after RTA Call\n"); \
-       printCallgraph (); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT13Heirarchy  if (pClassHeir >= 3) { \
-        printf("RTA Classheirarchy after RTA Call\n"); \
-               printRThierarchyInfo(m); \
-       } 
-#define RTAPRINT14CallgraphLast  if (pCallgraph >= 2) { \
-       printf("RTA Callgraph after last method in callgraph - so far >888888888888888888\n"); \
-       printCallgraph (); \
-       }
-#define RTAPRINT15HeirarchyiLast if (pClassHeir >= 2) { \
-        printf("RTA Classheirarchy after last method in callgraph - so far >888888888888888888\n"); \
-               printRThierarchyInfo(m); \
-       } 
-#define RTAPRINT16stats1 if (pStats == 2) { \
-       printf("OBJECT SUBS ARE_THERE 1\n"); \
-               printObjectClassHeirarchy(class_java_lang_Object); \
-       }
-#endif  /* OLDRT */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.c b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index fd36122..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-/* sr/cvm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.c -
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   Changes: Christian Thalinger
-   $Id: parseRTstats.c 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "toolbox/list.h"
-#include "vm/class.h"
-#include "vm/loader.h"
-#include "vm/options.h"
-#include "vm/statistics.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRT.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRTprint.h"
-int pClassHeirStatsOnly = 2;
-int pClassHeir = 2;
-/*--- Statistics ---------------------------------------------------------*/
-int unRTclassHeirCnt=0;
-int unRTmethodCnt = 0;
-int RTclassHeirNotUsedCnt=0; 
-int RTclassHeirUsedCnt=0;    
-int RTclassHeirPartUsedCnt=0;
-int RTclassHeirSuperCnt=0;
-int RTmethodNotUsedCnt = 0;
-int RTmethodNotUsedCnt1= 0;
-int RTmethodNotUsedCnt2= 0;
-int RTmethodUsedCnt = 0;
-int RTmethodMarkedCnt= 0;
-/* What might be inlined of the Used Methods */
-int RTmethodFinal  = 0;
-int RTmethodStatic = 0;
-int RTmethodFinalStatic = 0;
-int RTmethodNoSubs = 0;
-int RTmethodMono; 
-int RTmethodPossiblePoly;
-int RTmethodPolyReallyMono;
-int RTmethodPoly;
-int RTmethodFinal100  = 0;
-int RTmethodStatic100 = 0;
-int RTmethodFinalStatic100 = 0;
-int RTmethodNoSubs100 = 0;
-#define MAXCODLEN 10
-int RTmethodNoSubsAbstract = 0;
-int RTmethod1Used  = 0;
-int RTmethodAbstract = 0;
-int subRedefsCnt =0;
-int subRedefsCntUsed =0;
-void printCallgraph (list *rtaWorkList)
-    int i = 1;
-    rtaNode    *rta;
-    methodinfo *rt_meth;  
- printf("-*-*-*-*- RTA Callgraph Worklist:<%i>\n",count_methods_marked_used);
-   for (rta =list_first(rtaWorkList);
-         rta != NULL;
-         rta =list_next(rtaWorkList,rta))
-       {
-        rt_meth = rta->method;
-         printf("  (%i): ",i++); 
-         method_println(rt_meth);
-       }
- printf("\n\n");
-int subdefd(methodinfo *meth) {
-    classinfo *subs;
-    methodinfo *submeth;
-       printf("subdefd for:");
-       method_println(meth);
-    if (  (meth->flags & ACC_STATIC) && (meth->flags & ACC_FINAL ) )  
-       printf("\n\n\nPossible Poly call for FINAL or STATIC\n\n\n");
-    if ((meth->class->sub == NULL)  && (!(meth->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT )) ) { 
-               return 0;
-       }
-    if (meth->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT ) ; /*printf("AB\n"); fflush(stdout); */
-       printf("sub exist for:");method_println(meth);
-    for (subs = meth->class->sub;subs != NULL;subs = subs->nextsub) {
-               submeth = class_findmethod_approx(subs, meth->name, meth->descriptor); 
-               if (submeth != NULL) {
-                       subRedefsCnt++;
-                       if (submeth->methodUsed == USED) {
-                               subRedefsCntUsed++;
-                               /*return 1;*/
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               if (subdefd(submeth) > 0)
-                                       ; /*return 1;*/
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-    if (subRedefsCntUsed > 0) return 1;
-    return 0;
-#define CLASSINFO(cls,txt)  { \
-  printf(txt); fflush(stdout); \
-    printf(" <c%i>(depth=%i) ",cls->classUsed,cls->index); \
-    printf("\tbase/diff =%3d/%3d\t", \
-                                  cls->vftbl->baseval, \
-                                  cls->vftbl->diffval); \
-  utf_display(cls->name); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } 
-void printRTClassHeirarchy2(classinfo  *class) {
-classinfo  *s;
-  methodinfo *meth;
-  int m;
-  if (class == NULL) {return;}
-  CLASSINFO(class,"CLASS: ");
-  for (s = class->super.cls; s != NULL; s = s->super.cls) {
-    CLASSINFO(s,"SUPER:: ");
-    }
-  printf("METHODs: "); fflush(stdout);
-  for (m=0; m < class->methodscount; m++) {
-    meth = &class->methods[m];
-    printf("(%i) ",m);
-    METHINFOx(meth);
-    }
-  printf("---------------------------\n");fflush(stdout);
-    if (class->sub != NULL) printf("SUBS:\n:");
-    else printf("NO SUBS\n");
-    fflush(stdout);
-    for (s = class->sub; s != NULL; s = s->nextsub) {
-               printRTClassHeirarchy2(s);
-               printf("---------------------------\n");fflush(stdout);
-       }
-void printRTClassHeirarchy(classinfo  *class) {
-       classinfo  *subs;
-       methodinfo *meth;
-       int m,cnt;
-       if (class == NULL) {return;}
-    /* Class Name */
-    if (class->classUsed == NOTUSED) {
-               RTclassHeirNotUsedCnt++;
-               RTmethodNotUsedCnt = RTmethodNotUsedCnt + class->methodscount;
-               RTmethodNotUsedCnt1 = RTmethodNotUsedCnt1 + class->methodscount;
-               for (m=0; m < class->methodscount; m++) {
-                       meth = &class->methods[m];
-                       if (meth->methodUsed == USED) {
-                               if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                                       printf("\nMETHOD marked used in CLASS marked NOTUSED: \n\t"); 
-                                       method_println(meth);
-                                       printf("<%i>\n\t",meth->methodUsed);
-                                       fflush(stdout);
-                                       printf("\nMETHOD marked used in CLASS marked NOTUSED\n\n\n\n"); 
-                               }
-                       }       
-                       else {
-                               printf(" UNUSED METHOD "); fflush(stdout);
-                               method_println(meth);
-                       }
-               }       
-       }
-    if (class->classUsed != NOTUSED) {
-        if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                       printf("\nClass: "); 
-                       utf_display(class->name);    
-                       printf(" <%i> (depth=%i) ",class->classUsed,class->index);
-                       printf("\tbase/diff =%3d/%3d\n",
-                                  class->vftbl->baseval,
-                                  class->vftbl->diffval);
-               }
-        if (class->classUsed == PARTUSED) {
-            if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                               printf("\tClass not instanciated - but  methods/fields resolved to this class' code (static,inits,fields,super)\n");
-                       }
-                       RTclassHeirPartUsedCnt++;
-           }   
-        else {
-                       if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                printf("\n");
-                       }
-                       RTclassHeirUsedCnt++;
-               }
-               /* Print methods used */
-               cnt=0;
-        for (m=0; m < class->methodscount; m++) {
-            meth = &class->methods[m];
-                       if (meth->methodUsed == NOTUSED)        RTmethodNotUsedCnt2++; 
-                       if (meth->methodUsed == MARKED)   RTmethodMarkedCnt++;
-                       if (meth->methodUsed == USED) {
-                               RTmethodUsedCnt++;
-                               if (  (meth->flags & ACC_FINAL ) && (!(meth->flags & ACC_STATIC)) ) { 
-                                       RTmethodFinal++;
-                                       if (meth->jcodelength < MAXCODLEN)  RTmethodFinal100++;
-                               }
-                               if (  (meth->flags & ACC_STATIC) && (!(meth->flags & ACC_FINAL )) ) { 
-                                       RTmethodStatic++;
-                                       if (meth->jcodelength < MAXCODLEN)  RTmethodStatic100++;
-                               }
-                               if (  (meth->flags & ACC_STATIC) && (meth->flags & ACC_FINAL ) ) { 
-                                       RTmethodFinalStatic++;
-                                       if (meth->jcodelength < MAXCODLEN)  RTmethodFinalStatic100++;
-                               }
-                               if ((! ((meth->flags & ACC_FINAL ) && (meth->flags & ACC_STATIC)) ) 
-                                       && ((meth->class->sub == NULL)  && (!(meth->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT)) ))    {
-                                       RTmethodNoSubs++;
-                                       if (meth->jcodelength < MAXCODLEN)  RTmethodNoSubs100++;
-                               }
-                               if ((! ((meth->flags & ACC_FINAL ) && (meth->flags & ACC_STATIC)) ) 
-                                       && ((meth->class->sub == NULL)  &&   (meth->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT)  ))    RTmethodNoSubsAbstract++;
-                               if (meth->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT) RTmethodAbstract++;
-                               if (meth->monoPoly == MONO) RTmethodMono++;
-                               if (meth->monoPoly == POLY) {
-                                       RTmethodPossiblePoly++;
-                                       subRedefsCnt = 0;
-                                       subRedefsCntUsed = 0;
-                                       if (meth->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT ) {
-                                               if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                                                       printf("STATS: abstract_method=");
-                                                       method_println(meth);
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       else    {
-                                               if (subdefd(meth) == 0) {
-                                                       meth->monoPoly = MONO1;
-                                                       RTmethodPolyReallyMono++;
-                                               }                       
-                                               else    {
-                                                       RTmethodPoly++;
-                                                       meth->subRedefs = subRedefsCnt;
-                                                       meth->subRedefsUsed = subRedefsCntUsed;
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                                       if (cnt == 0) {
-                                               printf("bMethods used:\n");
-                                       }
-                                       cnt++;
-                                       printf("\t");
-                                       method_println(meth);
-                                       printf("\t\t");
-                                       if (meth->monoPoly != MONO) printf("\t\tRedefs used/total<%i/%i>\n", meth->subRedefsUsed, meth->subRedefs);
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                       if (cnt > 0) {
-                               if (class->classUsed == PARTUSED)
-                                 printf("> %i of %i methods (part)used\n",cnt, class->methodscount);
-                               if (class->classUsed == USED)
-                                 printf("> %i of %i methods used\n",cnt, class->methodscount);
-                               }
-               }
-       }
-    for (subs = class->sub; subs != NULL; subs = subs->nextsub) {
-               printRTClassHeirarchy(subs);
-       }
-void printRTInterfaceClasses() {
-       int mm;
-       classinfo *ci = class_java_lang_Object;
-       classSetNode *subs;
-       int RTmethodInterfaceClassImplementedCnt        = 0;
-       int RTmethodInterfaceClassUsedCnt               = 0;
-       int RTmethodInterfaceMethodTotalCnt             = 0;
-       int RTmethodInterfaceMethodNotUsedCnt   = 0;
-       int RTmethodInterfaceMethodUsedCnt              = 0;
-       int RTmethodClassesImpldByTotalCnt              = 0;
-       int RTmethodInterfaceMonoCnt                    = 0;
-       int RTmethodInterfacePolyReallyMonoCnt=0;  /* look at every method that implments and see if its poly or mono1*/
-       int RTmethodNoSubsAbstractCnt = 0;
-       for (subs = ci->impldBy; subs != NULL; subs = subs->nextClass) {
-        classinfo * ici = subs->classType;
-               classinfo * isubs = subs->classType;
-               classSetNode * inBy;
-               int impldBycnt;
-               if (isubs->sub == NULL) RTmethodNoSubsAbstractCnt++;
-               if (pClassHeir >= 2) {
-                       printf("Interface class: ");fflush(stdout);
-                       utf_display(ici->name); printf("\t#Methods=%i",ici->methodscount);
-               }
-               RTmethodInterfaceClassImplementedCnt++;
-               if (ici -> classUsed == USED)     {RTmethodInterfaceClassUsedCnt++;}
-               if (pClassHeir >= 2) {
-                       printf("\n\t\t\tImplemented by classes:\n");
-               }
-               impldBycnt = 0;
-               /* get the total impldBy classes Used */
-               for (inBy = ici->impldBy; inBy != NULL; inBy = inBy->nextClass) {
-                       impldBycnt++;
-                       RTmethodClassesImpldByTotalCnt++;
-                       if (pClassHeir >= 2) {
-                               printf("\t\t\t");utf_display(inBy->classType->name);
-                               printf("\n");
-                       }
-                       if (inBy->classType->classUsed == NOTUSED) 
-                               printf("\n\n\nprintRTInterfaceClasses: class in the implemented list without being used!!!??\n\n\n");
-                       fflush(stdout);
-               }
-               if (pClassHeir >= 2) {
-                       printf("\t\t\tImpld by: %i\n",impldBycnt);
-               }
-               if (impldBycnt== 1) RTmethodInterfaceMonoCnt++;
-        /* if interface class is used */
-        if (ici -> classUsed != NOTUSED) {
-                       if (pClassHeir >= 2) {
-                       printf("    cMethods used:\n");
-                       }
-                       /* for each interface method implementation that has been used */
-                       for (mm=0; mm< ici->methodscount; mm++) {
-                               methodinfo *imi = &(ici->methods[mm]);
-                               RTmethodInterfaceMethodTotalCnt++;
-                               if  (imi->methodUsed != USED) {
-                                       RTmethodInterfaceMethodNotUsedCnt++;
-                               }
-                               if  (imi->methodUsed == USED) {
-                                       RTmethodInterfaceMethodUsedCnt++;
-                                       if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 2) {
-                                               printf("\t\t"); 
-                                               method_println(imi);
-                                       }
-                                       if (impldBycnt == 1) {
-                                               classinfo  *cii;
-                                               methodinfo *mii;
-                                               /* if only 1 implementing class then possibly really mono call */
-                                       inBy = ici->impldBy;
-                                               cii = inBy->classType;
-                                               mii = class_findmethod(cii, imi->name, imi->descriptor); 
-                                               if (mii == NULL) {
-                                                       /* assume its resolved up the heirarchy and just 1 possiblity so MONO1 */
-                                                       imi->monoPoly = MONO1;
-                                                       RTmethodInterfacePolyReallyMonoCnt++;
-                                               }
-                                               else    {
-                                                       /**if (imi->monoPoly != POLY) 
-                                                               printf("\n\n\ninterface monopoly not POLY\n\n\n");
-                                                       **/
-                                                       if (mii->monoPoly != POLY) {
-                                                               imi->monoPoly = MONO1;
-                                                               RTmethodInterfacePolyReallyMonoCnt++;
-                                                       }
-                                                       else    {
-                                                               imi->monoPoly = POLY;
-                                                       }
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (pClassHeir >= 2) {
-                               printf("\n");
-                       }
-               }
-       }
-       if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 1) {
-               printf("\n\n  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Interface Statistics Summary: \n");
-               printf("Classes:  Total:   %i \tUSED:      %i \tIMPLD BY:   \t%i \tJUST 1 IMPLD BY:  %i \tNOSUB:     %i \n",
-                          RTmethodInterfaceClassImplementedCnt,
-                          RTmethodInterfaceClassUsedCnt,RTmethodClassesImpldByTotalCnt, RTmethodInterfaceMonoCnt,
-                          RTmethodNoSubsAbstractCnt);
-               printf("Methods:  Total:   %i \tNOTUSED:   %i  \tUSED:      \t%i \tPoly that resolves to Mono  %i \n",
-                          RTmethodInterfaceMethodTotalCnt,
-                          RTmethodInterfaceMethodNotUsedCnt,RTmethodInterfaceMethodUsedCnt, RTmethodInterfacePolyReallyMonoCnt);
-       }
-void printRThierarchyInfo(methodinfo *m) {
-       /*-- init for statistics --*/
-       RTclassHeirNotUsedCnt=0; 
-       RTclassHeirUsedCnt=0;    
-       RTclassHeirPartUsedCnt=0;   
-       RTclassHeirSuperCnt=0;   
-       RTmethodNotUsedCnt = 0; 
-       RTmethodNotUsedCnt1 = 0; 
-       RTmethodNotUsedCnt2 = 0;  
-       RTmethodUsedCnt = 0;   
-       RTmethodMarkedCnt= 0;  
-printf("RT Heirarchy:------------\n"); fflush(stdout);
-       /*-- --*/
-               printf("\nRT Class Hierarchy for ");
-               if (m != NULL) {
-                       method_println(m);
-                       printf("\n");
-                       }
-               else {  
-                    printf(" called with NULL method\n"); 
-                    return;
-                    }
-       /**printRTClassHeirarchy(class_java_lang_Object); **/
-       printRTClassHeirarchy(m->class);
-       printf("--- end  of RT info ---------------\n");
-       if (pClassHeirStatsOnly >= 10) {
-               /*--  statistic results --*/
-               if (opt_rt)
-               printRTInterfaceClasses();
-               printf("\n  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Analysed Class Hierarchy Statistics:\n"); 
-               printf(" Used            \t%i \tclasses\t/ Used       \t%i methods \t of USED: %i%% \t  of ALL: %i%% \n",
-                          RTclassHeirUsedCnt,RTmethodUsedCnt,
-                          ((100*RTmethodUsedCnt)/(RTmethodUsedCnt + RTmethodNotUsedCnt2)) ,
-                          ((100*RTmethodUsedCnt)/ (RTmethodNotUsedCnt    + RTmethodUsedCnt    + RTmethodMarkedCnt)) );
-               printf(" Part Used       \t%i \tclasses\t/\n",RTclassHeirPartUsedCnt); 
-               printf(" Not Used        \t%i \tclasses\t/\n\n",RTclassHeirNotUsedCnt); 
-               printf("                 \t    \t       \t/ Just Marked \t%i methods\n\n",RTmethodMarkedCnt); 
-               printf(" In Not Used     \t    \tclasses\t/ Not Used    \t%i methods\n",RTmethodNotUsedCnt1); 
-               printf(" In Used         \t    \tclasses\t/ Not Used    \t%i methods\n",RTmethodNotUsedCnt2);
-               printf(" Total           \t%i \tclasses\t/ Total       \t%i methods\n\n",
-                          RTclassHeirNotUsedCnt + RTclassHeirUsedCnt + RTclassHeirPartUsedCnt,  
-                          RTmethodNotUsedCnt1 + RTmethodNotUsedCnt2    + RTmethodUsedCnt    + RTmethodMarkedCnt ); 
-               printf(" Mono vs. Polymorphic calls:\n");
-               printf(" Mono calls     \t%i   \tPoly that resolves to Mono \t%i \tPoly calls     \t%i\n\n",
-                          RTmethodMono, RTmethodPolyReallyMono, RTmethodPoly);
-               printf(" No Subs: Total=\t%i   \tAbstract No Subs=           \t%i \tAbstract methods used =\t%i\n",
-                          RTmethodNoSubs, RTmethodNoSubsAbstract, RTmethodAbstract);
-               printf(" Inlining possible:  \tFINALs %i \tSTATICs %i \t FINAL & STATIC %i \t Class has No Subs %i \n",
-                          RTmethodFinal, RTmethodStatic,RTmethodFinalStatic,  RTmethodNoSubs);
-               printf("    Code size < 100  \tFINALs %i \tSTATICs %i \t FINAL & STATIC %i \t Class has No Subs %i \n",
-                          RTmethodFinal100, RTmethodStatic100,RTmethodFinalStatic100,  RTmethodNoSubs100);
-       }
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.h b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 14082d4..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-/* jit/parseRTstats.h -
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   $Id: parseRTstats.h 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
-/* function prototypes */
-void printCallgraph (list *rtaWorkList); /* print RTA worklist of methods */
-void printRThierarchyInfo(methodinfo *m); 
-void printRTClassHeirarchy2(classinfo  *class);
-#endif /* _PARSERTSTATS_H */
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.c b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index aef7606..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1824 +0,0 @@
-If V() then why add call edges since no type info passed? 
-   does nothing happen when the method with V() is XTA parsed? class info is standalone then
-   what about clinits?
-Check initialization... need at least a dummy called by ...
-... why no error now????
-What about recursion???  x.a calls x.a
-Now wondering if there is a memory corruption because XTA seems to finish ok
-/* src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.c - parser and print functions for
-                                  Rapid Type Analyis
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   Changes: Christian Thalinger
-   $Id: parseXTA.c 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
-XTA so far
-interfaces - started
-clinit / final
-general initialization 
-+ hand coded calls for system
-2nd interation (want to try it in inlining)
- XTA Type Static Analysis of Java program
-   used -xta option is turned on either explicitly 
- or automatically with inlining of virtuals.
- XTA is called for reachable methods and keeps sets for each Method and Field used as follows:
-1. Work list of reachable methods is initialized to main + JVM called methods 
-                                               + missed methods
-2. For virtual method call from M of e.m then
-  a. Add all static lookup of m in the cone of e = ce.mi to reachable worklist
-       JAVA_INVOKEVIRTUAL - xtaMarkSubs 
-  b. Add mi's parameters class + subtypes that are used by M to mi used classes
-       When XTA parsed follow the calls list (beg. parseXTA)
-  c. Add mi's return type + subtypes used by mi to M's used classes
-       When XTA parsed follow the calledBy list (end parseXTA)
-  d. Add ce of mi to mi's used classes
-       static/special  - addXTAcalledges
-       virtual - xtaMarkSubs if subclass used     -> xtaAddCallEdges
-                             if subclass not used -> add ce.mi to markedby temp set 
-3. new C (new, <init>, & similiar) then add  C to M's used classes
-4. read Field X.f: add X to M's used classes
-5. write Field X.f: add X+subtypes that are used by M to X's classes
- If M calls 
- Methods called by NATIVE methods and classes loaded dynamically
- cannot be found by parsing. The following files supply missing methods:
- xtaMissedIn0 - (provided) has the methods missed by every java program
- xtaMissed||mainClassName - is program specific.
- A file xtaMissed will be written by XTA analysis of any methods missed.
- This file can be renamed to xtaMissed concatenated with the main class name.
- Example:
- ./cacao -xta hello
- inlining with virtuals should fail if the returned xtaMissed is not empty.
- so...
- mv xtaMissed xtaMissedhello
- ./cacao hello
-Results: (currently) with -stat see # methods marked used
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "config.h"
-#include "cacao/cacao.h"
-#include "mm/memory.h"   
-#include "toolbox/list.h"
-#include "toolbox/logging.h"
-#include "vm/class.h"
-#include "vm/linker.h"
-#include "vm/loader.h"
-#include "vm/resolve.h"
-#include "vm/options.h"
-#include "vm/statistics.h"
-#include "vm/jit/jit.h"
-#include "vm/jit/parse.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRTstats.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/parseRTprint.h"
-static bool firstCall= true;
-static list *xtaWorkList;
-FILE *xtaMissed;   /* Methods missed during XTA parse of Main  */
-bool XTA_DEBUGinf = false;
-bool XTA_DEBUGr = false;
-bool XTA_DEBUGopcodes = false;
-char * clsFlgs  [] = {"NOTUSED", "PARTUSED", "USED"};
-char * methFlgs [] = {"NOTUSED", "MARKED",   "USED"};
-/* function descriptor2typesL ***************************************************
-       decodes a already checked method descriptor. The parameter count, the
-       return type and the argument types are stored in the passed methodinfo.
-        gets and saves classptr for object ref.s
-static classSetNode *descriptor2typesL(methodinfo *m)
-       int debugInfo = 0;
-       int i;
-       u1 *types, *tptr;
-       int pcount, c;
-       char *utf_ptr;
-       classinfo** classtypes;
-       char *class; 
-       char *desc;
-       classSetNode *p=NULL;
-       classinfo *clsinfo;
-       if (debugInfo >= 1) {
-               printf("In descriptor2typesL >>>\t"); fflush(stdout);
-               utf_display(m->class->name); printf(".");
-               method_println(m);fflush(stdout);
-       }
-       pcount = 0;
-       desc =       MNEW (char, 256); 
-       types = DMNEW (u1, m->descriptor->blength); 
-       classtypes = MNEW (classinfo*, m->descriptor->blength+1);
-       m->returnclass = NULL;
-       tptr = types;
-       if (!(m->flags & ACC_STATIC)) {
-               *tptr++ = TYPE_ADR;
-               if (debugInfo >= 1) {
-                       printf("param #0 (this?) method class =");utf_display(m->class->name);printf("\n");
-               }
-               classtypes[pcount] = m->class;
-               p = addClassCone(p,  m->class);
-               pcount++;
-       }
-       utf_ptr = m->descriptor->text + 1;
-       strcpy (desc,utf_ptr);
-       while ((c = *desc++) != ')') {
-               pcount++;
-               switch (c) {
-               case 'B':
-               case 'C':
-               case 'I':
-               case 'S':
-               case 'Z':  *tptr++ = TYPE_INT;
-                       break;
-               case 'J':  *tptr++ = TYPE_LNG;
-                       break;
-               case 'F':  *tptr++ = TYPE_FLT;
-                       break;
-               case 'D':  *tptr++ = TYPE_DBL;
-                       break;
-               case 'L':  *tptr++ = TYPE_ADR;
-                       /* get class string */
-                       class = strtok(desc,";");
-                       desc = strtok(NULL,"\0");
-                       /* get/save classinfo ptr */
-                       if (!(clsinfo = load_class_bootstrap(utf_new_char(class)))) {
-                               log_text("could not load class in descriptor2typesL");
-                               assert(0);
-                       }
-                       classtypes[pcount-1] = clsinfo;
-                       p = addClassCone(p, clsinfo);
-                       if (debugInfo >= 1) {
-                               printf("LParam#%i 's class type is: %s\n",pcount-1,class);fflush(stdout);
-                               printf("Lclasstypes[%i]=",pcount-1);fflush(stdout);
-                               utf_display(classtypes[pcount-1]->name);
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case '[':  *tptr++ = TYPE_ADR;
-                       while (c == '[')
-                               c = *desc++;
-                       /* get class string */
-                       if (c == 'L') {
-                               class = strtok(desc,";");
-                               desc = strtok(NULL,"\0");
-                               /* get/save classinfo ptr */
-                               if (!(clsinfo = load_class_bootstrap(utf_new_char(class)))) {
-                                       log_text("could not load class in descriptor2typesL");
-                                       assert(0);
-                               }
-                               classtypes[pcount-1] = clsinfo;
-                               p= addClassCone(p, clsinfo);
-                               if (debugInfo >= 1) {
-                                       printf("[Param#%i 's class type is: %s\n",pcount-1,class);
-                                       printf("[classtypes[%i]=",pcount-1);fflush(stdout);
-                                       utf_display(classtypes[pcount-1]->name);
-                                       printf("\n");
-                               }
-                       }
-                       else
-                               classtypes[pcount-1] = NULL;
-                       break;
-               default:   
-                       log_text("Ill formed methodtype-descriptor");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-       }
-       /* compute return type */
-       switch (*desc++) {
-       case 'B':
-       case 'C':
-       case 'I':
-       case 'S':
-       case 'Z':  m->returntype = TYPE_INT;
-               break;
-       case 'J':  m->returntype = TYPE_LNG;
-               break;
-       case 'F':  m->returntype = TYPE_FLT;
-               break;
-       case 'D':  m->returntype = TYPE_DBL;
-               break;
-       case '[':
-               m->returntype = TYPE_ADR;
-               c = *desc;
-               while (c == '[') {
-                       c = *desc++;
-                       }
-               if (c != 'L') break;
-               c = *desc;
-               if (c == 'L')
-                       *(desc++); 
-       case 'L':  
-               m->returntype = TYPE_ADR;
-               /* get class string */
-               class = strtok(desc,";");
-               if (!(clsinfo = load_class_bootstrap(utf_new_char(class)))) {
-                       log_text("could not load class in descriptor2typesL");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-               m->returnclass = clsinfo;
-               if (m->returnclass == NULL) {
-                       printf("class=<%s>\t",class); fflush(stdout);
-                       log_text("return class not found");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-               break;
-       case 'V':  m->returntype = TYPE_VOID;
-               break;
-       default:
-               log_text("Ill formed methodtype-descriptor-ReturnType");
-               assert(0);
-       }
-       m->paramcount = pcount;
-       m->paramtypes = types;
-       m->paramclass = classtypes;
-       if (debugInfo >=1) {
-               if (pcount > 0) {
-                       for (i=0; i< m->paramcount; i++) {
-                       if ((m->paramtypes[i] == TYPE_ADR) && (m->paramclass[i] != NULL)) {
-                                       printf("Param #%i is:\t",i);
-                                       utf_display(m->paramclass[i]->name);
-                                       printf("\n");
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               if ((m->returntype == TYPE_ADR) && (m->returnclass != NULL)) { 
-                       printf("\tReturn Type is:\t"); fflush(stdout);
-                       utf_display(m->returnclass->name);
-                       printf("\n");
-               }
-               printf("params2types: START  results in a set \n");
-               printf("param2types: A Set size=%i=\n",sizeOfSet(p));
-               printSet(p);
-       }
-       return p;
-xtafldinfo * xtafldinfoInit (fieldinfo *f)
-        if (f->xta != NULL)
-                return f->xta;
-        f->xta = NEW(xtafldinfo);
-        f->xta->fieldChecked = false;
-        f->xta->fldClassType = NULL;
-        f->xta->XTAclassSet = NULL;
-        return f->xta;
-xtainfo *xtainfoInit(methodinfo *m)
-        if (m->xta != NULL)
-                return m->xta; /* already initialized */
-       count_methods_marked_used++;
-        m ->xta = (xtainfo *) NEW(xtainfo);
-        m ->xta-> XTAmethodUsed = NOTUSED;
-       /* xta sets for a method */
-        m->xta->fldsUsed        = NULL;
-        m ->xta-> XTAclassSet   = NULL;
-                               /* Methods's have access to the class they are a part of */
-        m ->xta-> XTAclassSet   = add2ClassSet ( m ->xta-> XTAclassSet, m->class);  
-       /* cone set of methods parameters */ 
-                        /* what if no param?? is it NULL then, too? */ 
-   /****** class not loaded so take param info from superclass ??? */
-        m->xta->paramClassSet = descriptor2typesL(m); 
-       /* Edges */
-        m->xta->calls         = NULL;
-        m->xta->calledBy      = NULL;
-        m ->xta->markedBy     = NULL; 
-        m->xta->chgdSinceLastParse = false;
-        return m->xta;
-       /* thought needed at some earlier point */
-        /*m ->xta->interfaceCalls    = NULL*/
-void xtaAddCallEdges(methodinfo *mCalls, methodinfo *mCalled, s4 monoPoly, char *info) {
-    xtaNode    *xta = NULL;
-if (mCalled->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT) return;
-/* First call to this method initializations */
-               /******
-printf("mCalled->methodUsed =%i != %i = USED is ",mCalled->methodUsed, USED); fflush(stdout);
-printf(" <%i> T%i/%iF\n",(mCalled->methodUsed!= USED), true,false); fflush(stdout);
-               ******/
-if (mCalled->methodUsed != USED) {
-               /******
-               printf("\n>>>>>>%s:\n",info); fflush(stdout);
-               printf("Add to Worklist mCalls_=");fflush(stdout);
-               if (mCalls!=NULL) {
-                       printf("<"); fflush(stdout);
-                       METHINFOx(mCalls)
-                       printf("> "); fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-               else
-                       {
-                       printf("NULL\n");fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-               printf("mCalled=");fflush(stdout);
-               if (mCalled!=NULL) {
-                       printf("<"); fflush(stdout);
-                       METHINFOx(mCalled)
-                       printf("> "); fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-               else
-                       {printf("NULL\n");fflush(stdout);}
-               ****/
-    mCalled->xta = xtainfoInit(mCalled);
-    mCalled ->methodUsed = USED; /* used to see if method in the work list of methods */ 
-    xta = NEW(xtaNode);
-    xta->method = mCalled ;
-    list_addlast(xtaWorkList,xta);  
-    }
-if ((mCalls == NULL) && (!(monoPoly == SYSCALL)) ) {} /* panic when init file correct is */
-if ((mCalls == mCalled)  /* recursion doesn't change class set nor field set so ignore */
-  || (mCalls == NULL)) {return; }  
-/***           printf(" AddCallEdges\n"); fflush(stdout); ***/
-/* Add call edges */
-mCalls->xta = xtainfoInit(mCalls);
-mCalls->xta->calls = add2MethSet(mCalls->xta->calls, mCalled);
-                       /* mono if static, private, final else virtual so poly */
-mCalls->xta->calls->tail->monoPoly = monoPoly;  
-mCalled->xta->calledBy = add2MethSet(mCalled->xta->calledBy, mCalls);
-if (mCalled->xta->calledBy == NULL) {
-       log_text("mCalled->xta->calledBy is NULL!!!");
-       assert(0);
-if (mCalls->xta->calls == NULL) {
-       log_text("mCalls->xta->calls is NULL!!!");
-       assert(0);
-bool xtaPassParams (methodinfo *Called, methodinfo *Calls, methSetNode *lastptrInto)
-        classSetNode *p;
-        classSetNode *c;
-        classSetNode *c1;
-        classSetNode *cprev;
-        bool          chgd = false;
-               /* prevent compiler warnings */
-               c1 = NULL;
-        if (lastptrInto->lastptrIntoClassSet2 == NULL) {
-                if (Calls->xta->XTAclassSet != NULL)
-                        c1 = Calls->xta->XTAclassSet->head;
-                 /*else already c1 = NULL; */
-        }
-        else    {
-                /* start with type where left off */
-                c1 = lastptrInto->lastptrIntoClassSet2;
-                c1 = c1 -> nextClass;  /* even if NULL */
-        }
-       if (c1 == NULL) return false;
-        cprev = NULL;
-       /* for each Param Class */
-        for (   p=Called->xta->paramClassSet; p != NULL; p = p->nextClass) {
-                /* for each SmCalls class */
-                for (c=c1; c != NULL; c = c->nextClass) {
-                        vftbl_t *p_cl_vt;
-                        vftbl_t *c_cl_vt;
-                       LAZYLOADING(c->classType)  /* if not loaded is it really needed ??? */
-                        p_cl_vt = p->classType->vftbl;
-                        c_cl_vt = c->classType->vftbl;
-                        /* if SmCalls class is in the Params Class range */
-                        if (  (p_cl_vt->baseval <=  c_cl_vt->baseval)
-                                  && (c_cl_vt->baseval <= (p_cl_vt->baseval+p_cl_vt->diffval)) ) {
-                                /*    add Calls class to CalledBy Class set */
-                                Called->xta->XTAclassSet = Called->xta->XTAclassSet = add2ClassSet(Called->xta->XTAclassSet, c->classType);
-                              chgd = true;
-                        }
-                        cprev = c;
-                }
-        }
-        lastptrInto->lastptrIntoClassSet2 = cprev;
-               return chgd;
-void xtaPassAllCalledByParams (methodinfo *m) {
-        methSetNode *SmCalled;
-        if (m->xta->calledBy == NULL)
-               return;
-        for (SmCalled  = m->xta->calledBy->head; 
-            SmCalled != NULL; 
-            SmCalled = SmCalled->nextmethRef) {
-                m->xta->chgdSinceLastParse = false;             /* re'init flag */
-                xtaPassParams(m, SmCalled->methRef,SmCalled);   /* chg flag output ignored for 1st regular parse */
-        }
-void xtaPassFldPUT(methodinfo *m, fldSetNode *fN)
-       /* Field type is a class */
-       classSetNode *c;
-       classSetNode *c1 = NULL;
-       classSetNode *cp = NULL;
-       classSetNode *cprev= NULL;
-       fieldinfo *fi;
-       if (fN != NULL)
-               fi = fN->fldRef;
-       else
-               return;
-/* Use lastptr  so don't check whole XTA class set each time */
-       cp = fN->lastptrPUT;
-       if (cp != NULL) {
-               if (cp->nextClass != NULL)
-                       c1 = cp -> nextClass;
-       } 
-       else    {
-               if (m->xta->XTAclassSet != NULL)
-                       c1  = m->xta->XTAclassSet->head;
-       }
-       /*--- PUTSTATIC specific ---*/
-       /* Sx = intersection of type+subtypes(field x)   */
-       /*   and Sm (where putstatic code is)            */
-       for (c=c1; c != NULL; c=c->nextClass) {
-               vftbl_t *f_cl_vt;
-               vftbl_t *c_cl_vt;
-               LAZYLOADING1(fi->xta->fldClassType)
-               f_cl_vt = fi->xta->fldClassType->vftbl;
-               c_cl_vt = c->   classType->vftbl;
-               if ((f_cl_vt->baseval <= c_cl_vt->baseval)
-                       && (c_cl_vt->baseval <= (f_cl_vt->baseval+f_cl_vt->diffval)) ) {
-                       fi->xta->XTAclassSet = add2ClassSet(fi->xta->XTAclassSet,c->classType);
-               }
-               cprev = c;
-       }
-       fN->lastptrPUT = cprev;
-void xtaPassFldGET(methodinfo *m, fldSetNode *fN)
-       /* Field type is a class */
-       classSetNode *c;
-       classSetNode *c1 = NULL;
-       classSetNode *cp = NULL;
-       classSetNode *cprev= NULL;
-       fieldinfo *fi;
-       if (fN != NULL)
-               fi = fN->fldRef;
-       else
-               return;
-/* Use lastptr  so don't check whole XTA class set each time */
-       cp = fN->lastptrGET;
-       if (cp != NULL) {
-               if (cp->nextClass != NULL)
-                       c1 = cp -> nextClass;
-       } 
-       else    {
-               if (fi->xta->XTAclassSet != NULL)
-                       c1  = fi->xta->XTAclassSet->head;
-       }
-       /*--- GETSTATIC specific ---*/
-       /* Sm = union of Sm and Sx */
-       for (c=c1; c != NULL; c=c->nextClass) {
-               bool addFlg = false;
-               if (m->xta->XTAclassSet ==NULL) 
-                       addFlg = true;
-               else    {
-                       if (!(inSet (m->xta->XTAclassSet->head, c->classType) )) 
-                               addFlg = true;
-                       }
-               if (addFlg) {
-                       m->xta->XTAclassSet 
-                               = add2ClassSet(m->xta->XTAclassSet,c->classType);
-               }
-               cprev = c;
-       }
-       fN->lastptrGET = cprev;
-void xtaAllFldsUsed (methodinfo *m) {
-        fldSetNode  *f;
-        fldSetNode *f1=NULL;
-        /*      bool chgd = false */
-        if (m->xta->fldsUsed == NULL) return;
-        /* for each field that this method uses */
-        f1 = m->xta->fldsUsed->head;
-        for (f=f1; f != NULL; f = f->nextfldRef) {
-                if (f->writePUT)
-                        xtaPassFldPUT(m,f);
-                if (f->readGET)
-                        xtaPassFldGET(m,f);
-        }
-bool xtaPassReturnType(methodinfo *Called, methodinfo *Calls) {
-       classSetNode* cs;
-       classSetNode* cs1;
-       bool          fchgd = false;
-       /* Get Called return class is null */
-       if ((Called->returnclass == NULL) && (Called->xta->paramClassSet == NULL)) {
-               Called->xta->paramClassSet = descriptor2typesL(Called); /* old comment - in new xta struc init */ 
-       }
-       if (Called->returnclass == NULL) {
-               return fchgd;
-       }
-       if (Called->xta->XTAclassSet == NULL) 
-               cs1 = NULL;
-       else
-               cs1 =  Called->xta->XTAclassSet->head;
-       for (cs =cs1; cs != NULL; cs = cs->nextClass) {
-               classinfo *c = cs->classType;
-               vftbl_t *r_cl_vt; 
-               vftbl_t *c_cl_vt; 
-               LAZYLOADING(c)
-               LAZYLOADING(Called->returnclass)
-               r_cl_vt = Called->returnclass->vftbl; 
-               c_cl_vt = c->vftbl; 
-               /* if class is a subtype of the return type, then add to Calls class set (ie.interscection)*/
-               if (  (r_cl_vt->baseval <=  r_cl_vt->baseval)
-                         && (c_cl_vt->baseval <= (r_cl_vt->baseval+r_cl_vt->diffval)) ) {
-                       Calls->xta->XTAclassSet = add2ClassSet(Calls->xta->XTAclassSet, c);  
-                       fchgd = true;
-               }
-       } 
-       return fchgd; 
-void  xtaMethodCalls_and_sendReturnType(methodinfo *m)
-        methSetNode *SmCalled;  /* for return type       */
-        methSetNode *SmCalls;   /* for calls param types */
-        methSetNode *s1=NULL;
-        bool chgd = false;
-        xtaAllFldsUsed (m);
-               if (m->xta == NULL) {
-                       log_text("m->xta null for return type");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-        /* for each method that this method calls */
-        if (m->xta->calls == NULL)
-                s1 = NULL;
-        else
-                s1 = SmCalls=m->xta->calls->head;
-        for (SmCalls=s1; SmCalls != NULL; SmCalls = SmCalls->nextmethRef) {
-                /*    pass param types  */
-                bool chgd = false;
-                chgd = xtaPassParams (SmCalls->methRef, m, SmCalls);
-                /* if true chgd after its own parse */
-                if (!(SmCalls->methRef->xta->chgdSinceLastParse)) {
-                        SmCalls->methRef->xta->chgdSinceLastParse = true;
-                }
-        }
-        /* for each calledBy method */
-        /*    send return type */
-        if (m->xta->calledBy == NULL)
-                s1 = NULL;
-        else
-                s1 = m->xta->calledBy->head;
-        for (SmCalled=s1; SmCalled != NULL; SmCalled = SmCalled->nextmethRef) {
-                chgd = xtaPassReturnType(m, SmCalled->methRef);
-                if (!(SmCalled->methRef->xta->chgdSinceLastParse)) {
-                        SmCalled->methRef->xta->chgdSinceLastParse = chgd;
-                }
-        }
-bool xtaAddFldClassTypeInfo(fieldinfo *fi) {
-       bool is_classtype = false; /* return value */
-       if (fi->xta->fieldChecked) {
-               if (fi->xta->fldClassType != NULL)
-                       return true;  /* field has a class type */
-               else
-                       return false;
-       }
-       fi->xta->fieldChecked = true;
-       if (fi->type == TYPE_ADDRESS) {
-               char *utf_ptr = fi->descriptor->text;  /* current position in utf text */
-               if (*utf_ptr != 'L') {
-                       while (*utf_ptr++ =='[') ;
-               }
-               if (*utf_ptr =='L') {
-                       is_classtype = true;
-                       if  (fi->xta->fldClassType== NULL) {
-                               char *desc;
-                               char *cname;
-                               classinfo * class;
-                               desc = MNEW(char, 256);
-                               strcpy(desc,++utf_ptr);
-                               cname = strtok(desc,";");
-                               if (!(class = load_class_bootstrap(utf_new_char(cname)))) {
-                                       log_text("could not load class in xtaAddFldClassTypeInfo");
-                                       assert(0);
-                               }
-                               fi->xta->fldClassType= class;    /* save field's type class ptr */      
-                       } 
-               }
-       }
-       return is_classtype;
-/* Mark the method with same name /descriptor in topmethod      */
-/* in class                                                     */
-/*                                                              */
-/* Class marked USED and method defined in this class ->        */
-/*    -> add call edges = USED                                  */
-/* Class not marked USED and method defined in this class ->    */
-/*    -> if Method NOTUSED mark method as MARKED                */
-/*                                                              */
-/* Class USED, but method not defined in this class ->          */
-/* -> 1) search up the heirarchy and mark method where defined  */
-/*    2) if class where method is defined is not USED ->        */
-/*       -> ????mark class with defined method as PARTUSED          */
-void xtaMarkMethod(classinfo *class, methodinfo *mCalls, methodinfo *topmethod, classSetNode *subtypesUsedSet) {
-utf *name      = topmethod->name; 
-utf *descriptor = topmethod->descriptor;
-methodinfo *submeth;
-/* See if method defined in class heirarchy */
-submeth = class_resolvemethod(class, name, descriptor); 
-METHINFOt(submeth,"xtaMarkMethod submeth:",XTA_DEBUGr);
-if (submeth == NULL) {
-       utf_display(class->name); printf(".");
-       METHINFOx(topmethod);
-       printf("parse XTA: Method not found in class hierarchy");fflush(stdout);
-       assert(0);
-/* if submeth called previously from this method then return */
-if (mCalls->xta->calls != NULL) {
-       if (inMethSet(mCalls->xta->calls->head,submeth)) return;
-       }
-#undef CTA 
-#ifdef CTA
-  XTAaddClassInit(submeth,     submeth->class,
-  if (inSet(subtypesUsedSet,submeth->class)) {
-      submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-      xtaAddCallEdges(mCalls, submeth, submeth->monoPoly, 
-                     "00addTo XTA VIRT CONE:");
-      }
-  return;
-  if (submeth->class == class) { 
-       /*--- Method defined in class -----------------------------*/
-       if (inSet(subtypesUsedSet,submeth->class)) {
-               /* method defined in this class -> */
-               /* Class IS  marked USED           */ 
-               /*    -> mark method as USED       */
-               submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-               xtaAddCallEdges(mCalls, submeth, submeth->monoPoly, 
-                       "01addTo VIRT CONE 1:");
-               }
-       else    {
-               /* method defined in this class -> */
-               /* Class IS NOT  marked USED (PART or NOTUSED) */ 
-               /* -> if Method NOTUSED mark method as  MARKED */
-               METHINFOt(submeth,
-                       "\tmarked VIRT CONE 2:",XTA_DEBUGr);
-               submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-               if (submeth->xta == NULL) {
-                       submeth->xta = xtainfoInit(submeth);
-                       }
-               submeth->methodUsed = MARKED; /* used to see if method in the work list of methods */ 
-               submeth->xta->markedBy = add2MethSet(submeth->xta->markedBy,mCalls);
-               /* Note: if class NOTUSED and subclass is used handled  */
-               /*       by subsequent calls to xtaMarkMethods for cone */
-               }
-       } /* end defined in class */
-  else {
-       /*--- Method NOT defined in class  - defined up the heirarchy ---------------*/
-        /* then check class the method could be called with */
-        /* first mark classes if needed */
-       if (!(inSet(subtypesUsedSet,submeth->class))) {
-               submeth->class->classUsed = PARTUSED; 
-               if (!(inSet(subtypesUsedSet,class))) {
-                       submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-                       if (submeth->xta == NULL)
-                               submeth->xta = xtainfoInit(submeth);
-                       submeth->methodUsed = MARKED; /* used to see if method in the work list of methods */ 
-                       submeth->xta->markedBy = add2MethSet(submeth->xta->markedBy,mCalls);
-                       METHINFOt(submeth,"JUST MARKED :",XTA_DEBUGr);
-                       }
-               }
-        /* add method to xta work list if conditions met */
-       if (inSet(subtypesUsedSet,class)) {
-               submeth->monoPoly = POLY;
-               xtaAddCallEdges(mCalls, submeth, submeth->monoPoly, 
-                               "02addTo VIRT CONE 3:");
-               }
-       } /* end NOT defined in class */
-/* Mark the method with the same name and descriptor as topmethod       */
-/*   and any subclass where the method is defined and/or class is used  */
-/*                                                                      */
-void xtaMarkSubs(methodinfo *mCalls, classinfo *class, methodinfo *topmethod, classSetNode *subtypesUsedSet) {
-        /* xtaPRINTmarkSubs1*/
-        xtaMarkMethod(class, mCalls, topmethod, subtypesUsedSet);   /* Mark method in class where it was found */
-        if (class->sub != NULL) {
-                classinfo *subs;
-                if (!(topmethod->flags & ACC_FINAL )) {
-                        for (subs = class->sub; subs != NULL; subs = subs->nextsub) {
-                                xtaMarkSubs(mCalls, subs, topmethod, subtypesUsedSet);
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-/* Add Marked methods for input class ci                                  */
-/* Add methods with the same name and descriptor as implemented interfaces*/
-/*   with the same method name                                            */
-/*  ??? interface part not XTA checked                                    */
-void xtaAddMarkedMethods(methodinfo *mCalls, classinfo *ci) {
-int ii,jj,mm;
-/* add marked methods to callgraph */ 
-for (ii=0; ii<ci->methodscount; ii++) { 
-       methodinfo *mi = &(ci->methods[ii]);
-       if (mi->xta != NULL) {
-               if (mi->xta->markedBy != NULL) {
-                       methSetNode *mcnode;
-                       for (mcnode = mi->xta->markedBy->head; mcnode  != NULL; mcnode  = mcnode ->nextmethRef) {
-                               methodinfo *mCalls = mcnode->methRef;
-                               xtaAddCallEdges(mCalls, mi, mi->monoPoly, 
-                                       "03addToInit was Marked added:");
-                               }
-                       }
-               else    { /* NOT XTA checked yet */
-                       for (jj=0; jj < ci -> interfacescount; jj++) {
-                               classinfo *ici = ci -> interfaces [jj].cls;
-                               /*  use resolve method....!!!! */
-                               if (ici -> classUsed != NOTUSED) {
-                                       for (mm=0; mm< ici->methodscount; mm++) {
-                                               methodinfo *imi = &(ici->methods[mm]);
-                                               METHINFOt(imi,"NEW IMPD INTERFACE:",XTA_DEBUGinf)
-                                             /*if interface method=method is used*/
-                                               if  (      (imi->methodUsed == USED)
-                                                  &&    ( (imi->name == mi->name) 
-                                                  &&      (imi->descriptor == mi->descriptor))) {
-                                                       xtaAddCallEdges(mCalls, mi, mi->monoPoly, 
-                                                                "04addTo was interfaced used/MARKED:");
-                                                       } 
-                                               } /*end for */  
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-               }       
-       }
-void xtaAddUsedInterfaceMethods(methodinfo *m, classinfo *ci) {
-       int jj,mm;
-       /* add used interfaces methods to callgraph */
-       for (jj=0; jj < ci -> interfacescount; jj++) {
-               classinfo *ici = ci -> interfaces [jj].cls;
-               if (XTA_DEBUGinf) { 
-                       printf("BInterface used: ");fflush(stdout); 
-                       utf_display(ici->name);
-                       printf("<%i>\tclassUsed=%s\n",ici -> classUsed,clsFlgs[ici->classUsed] ); fflush(stdout); 
-                       }
-               /* add class to interfaces list of classes that implement it */
-               ici -> impldBy =  addElement(ici -> impldBy,  ci);
-               /* if interface class is used */
-                        if (ici -> classUsed != NOTUSED) {
-                       /* for each interface method implementation that has already been used */
-                       for (mm=0; mm< ici->methodscount; mm++) {
-                               methodinfo *imi = &(ici->methods[mm]);
-                                       if  ( (XTA_DEBUGinf) && (imi->methodUsed != USED)) {
-                                               printf("Interface Method %s: ", methFlgs[imi->methodUsed]); 
-                                               utf_display(ici->name);printf(".");method_println(imi);fflush(stdout);
-                                       }
-                               if  (imi->methodUsed == USED) {
-                                           if (XTA_DEBUGinf) { 
-                                               printf("Interface Method used: "); utf_display(ici->name);printf(".");method_println(imi);fflush(stdout);
-                                               /* Mark this method used in the (used) implementing class &its subclasses */
-                                               printf("rMAY ADD methods that was used by an interface\n");
-                                               }
-                                       if ((utf_clinit != imi->name) &&
-                                           (utf_init   != imi->name))
-                                               {
-                                               classSetNode *subtypesUsedSet = NULL;
-                                               if (m->xta->XTAclassSet != NULL) {
-                                                       subtypesUsedSet =
-                                                               intersectSubtypesWithSet
-                                                               (imi->class, m->xta->XTAclassSet->head);
-                                                       }
-                                               else /* can any methods be added if 1 set is NULL ??? */
-                                                       subtypesUsedSet = addElement(subtypesUsedSet, m->class);
-                                               xtaMarkSubs(m, ci, imi, subtypesUsedSet); 
-                                               imi->monoPoly = POLY;
-                                               }
-                                       }       
-                               } /* end for method */
-                       } /* end != NOTUSED */
-               } /* end for interface */
-#define CLINITS_T   true
-#define FINALIZE_T  true
-#define ADDMARKED_T true
-#define CLINITS_F   false 
-#define FINALIZE_F  false 
-#define ADDMARKED_F false
-void XTAaddClassInit(methodinfo *mCalls, classinfo *ci, bool clinits, bool finalizes, bool addmark)
-  methodinfo *mi;
-  if (addmark)
-       ci->classUsed = USED;
-  if (clinits) { /* No <clinit>  available - ignore */
-    mi = class_findmethod(ci, utf_clinit, utf_void__void); 
-    if (mi) { 
-       if (ci->classUsed != USED)
-           ci->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-        mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-       xtaAddCallEdges(mCalls, mi, mi->monoPoly, 
-                       "05addTo CLINIT added:");
-      }     
-    }        
-  /*Special Case for System class init:
-    add java/lang/initializeSystemClass to callgraph */
-  if (ci->name == utf_new_char("initializeSystemClass")) {
-    /* ?? what is name of method ?? */ 
-    } 
-  if (finalizes) {
-    mi = class_findmethod(ci, utf_finalize, utf_void__void);
-    if (mi) { 
-       if (ci->classUsed != USED)
-           ci->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-       mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-       xtaAddCallEdges(mCalls, mi, mi->monoPoly, 
-                       "06addTo FINALIZE added:");
-      }     
-    }        
-  if (addmark) {
-    xtaAddMarkedMethods(mCalls, ci);
-    }
-  /* always so know have access to the interface methods */
-  xtaAddUsedInterfaceMethods(mCalls,ci);
-void xtaMarkInterfaceSubs(methodinfo *m, methodinfo *mi) {                             
-       classSetNode *subs;
-       if (mi->class->classUsed == NOTUSED) {
-               mi->class->classUsed = USED; 
-               /* add interface class to list kept in Object */
-               class_java_lang_Object->impldBy =  addElement(class_java_lang_Object -> impldBy,  mi->class);
-               }
-       mi->methodUsed = USED;
-       mi->monoPoly   = POLY;
-                          /*XTAPRINT08invokeInterface1*/
-                  if (XTA_DEBUGinf) {
-                       subs =  mi->class->impldBy; 
-                       METHINFO(mi,XTA_DEBUGinf)
-                        printf("Implemented By classes :\n");fflush(stdout);
-                        if (subs == NULL) printf("\tNOT IMPLEMENTED !!!\n"); fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-       for (subs =  mi->class->impldBy; subs != NULL; subs = subs->nextClass) {
-               methodinfo *submeth;
-                  if (XTA_DEBUGinf) {
-                      printf("\t");utf_display(subs->classType->name);fflush(stdout);
-                       printf(" <%i>\n",subs->classType->classUsed);fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-               /*Mark method (mark/used) in classes that implement method*/
-               submeth = class_findmethod(subs->classType, mi->name, mi->descriptor); 
-               if (submeth != NULL) {
-                       classSetNode *subtypesUsedSet = NULL;
-                       submeth->monoPoly = POLY; /*  poly even if nosubs */
-                       submeth->xta = xtainfoInit(submeth);
-                       submeth->xta->XTAmethodUsed = USED;
-                       if (m->xta->XTAclassSet != NULL) {
-                               subtypesUsedSet =     /* interface classes cone */
-                               intersectSubtypesWithSet(subs->classType, m->xta->XTAclassSet->head);
-                               }
-                         else {  /* can any methods be added if 1 set is NULL ??? */
-                                 subtypesUsedSet = addElement(subtypesUsedSet, m->class);
-                               }
-                         xtaMarkSubs(m, subs->classType, submeth, subtypesUsedSet);
-                         }
-               } /* end for */
-int parseXTA(methodinfo *m)
-        int  p;                     /* java instruction counter */ 
-        int  nextp;                 /* start of next java instruction */
-        int  opcode;                /* java opcode */
-        int  i;                     /* temp for different uses (counters)*/
-        bool iswide = false;        /* true if last instruction was a wide*/
-        int rc = 1;
-if (m->methodXTAparsed) return 0;
-else m->methodXTAparsed = true;
-/***printf("\n-----------------------------------\n"); **/
-METHINFOt(m,"\n----XTA PARSING:",XTA_DEBUGopcodes); 
-if ((XTA_DEBUGr)||(XTA_DEBUGopcodes)) printf("\n");
-        if (m->xta == NULL) {
-               xtainfoInit (m);
-               }
-       else    {
-               xtaPassAllCalledByParams (m); 
-               }
-/* scan all java instructions */
-       for (p = 0; p < m->jcodelength; p = nextp) {
-               opcode = code_get_u1(p,m);            /* fetch op code  */
-               SHOWOPCODE(XTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-               nextp = p + jcommandsize[opcode];   /* compute next instr start */
-               if (nextp > m->jcodelength) {
-                       log_text("Unexpected end of bytecode");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-               switch (opcode) {
-               case JAVA_ILOAD:
-               case JAVA_LLOAD:
-               case JAVA_FLOAD:
-               case JAVA_DLOAD:
-               case JAVA_ALOAD:
-                case JAVA_ISTORE:
-                case JAVA_LSTORE:
-                case JAVA_FSTORE:
-                case JAVA_DSTORE:
-                case JAVA_ASTORE:
-                       if (iswide) {
-                               nextp = p + 3;
-                               iswide = false;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case JAVA_IINC: 
-                       {
-                               if (iswide) {
-                                       iswide = false;
-                                       nextp = p + 5;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       break;
-                       /* wider index for loading, storing and incrementing */
-               case JAVA_WIDE:
-                       iswide = true;
-                       nextp = p + 1;
-                       break;
-               case JAVA_RET:
-                       if (iswide) {
-                               nextp = p + 3;
-                               iswide = false;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case JAVA_LOOKUPSWITCH:
-                       {
-                       s4 num;
-                        nextp = ALIGN((p + 1), 4) + 4;
-                       num = code_get_u4(nextp,m);
-                        nextp += (code_get_u4(nextp,m)) * 8 + 4;
-                       break;
-                       }
-               case JAVA_TABLESWITCH:
-                       {
-                                s4 num;
-                                nextp = ALIGN ((p + 1),4);
-                                num = code_get_s4(nextp + 4, m);
-                                num = code_get_s4(nextp + 8, m) - num;
-                                nextp = nextp + 16 + 4 * num;
-                                break;
-                        }
- /*********************/
-               case JAVA_PUTSTATIC: /* write */
-                       i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                       {
-                               constant_FMIref *fr;
-                               fieldinfo *fi;
-                               classinfo *frclass;
-                               fr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Fieldref);
-                               if (!fr)
-                                       return 0;
-                               if (!resolve_classref(m,fr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&frclass)) {
-                                       log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                       assert(0);
-                               }
-                               LAZYLOADING(frclass)
-                               fi = class_resolvefield(frclass,
-                                                       fr->name,
-                                                       fr->descriptor,
-                                                       m->class,
-                                                       true);
-                               if (!fi)
-                                       return 0; /* was NULL */
-printf(" PUTSTATIC:");fflush(stdout); utf_display(fi->class->name);printf(".");fflush(stdout);
-                                     utf_display(fi->name);printf("\n");fflush(stdout);
-                               fi->xta = xtafldinfoInit(fi);
-                               XTAaddClassInit(m,      fi->class,
-                                               CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_F);
-                               if (xtaAddFldClassTypeInfo(fi)) {
-                                       m->xta->fldsUsed = add2FldSet(m->xta->fldsUsed, fi, true,false);
-                                       }
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case JAVA_GETSTATIC: /* read */
-                       i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                       {
-                               constant_FMIref *fr;
-                               fieldinfo *fi;
-                               classinfo *frclass;
-                               fr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Fieldref);
-                               if (!fr)
-                                       return 0;
-                               if (!resolve_classref(m,fr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&frclass)) {
-                                       log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                       assert(0);
-                               }
-                               LAZYLOADING(frclass)
-                               fi = class_resolvefield(frclass,
-                                                       fr->name,
-                                                       fr->descriptor,
-                                                       m->class,
-                                                       true);
-                               if (!fi)
-                                       return 0; /* was NULL */
-printf(" GETSTATIC:");fflush(stdout); utf_display(fi->class->name);printf(".");fflush(stdout);
-                                     utf_display(fi->name);printf("\n");fflush(stdout);
-                               fi->xta = xtafldinfoInit(fi);
-                               XTAaddClassInit(m,      fi->class,
-                                               CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_F);
-                               if (xtaAddFldClassTypeInfo(fi)) {
-                                       m->xta->fldsUsed = add2FldSet(m->xta->fldsUsed, fi, false, true);
-                                       }
-                       }
-                       break;
-                       case JAVA_INVOKESTATIC:
-                       case JAVA_INVOKESPECIAL:
-                               i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                               {
-                               constant_FMIref *mr;
-                               methodinfo *mi;
-                               classinfo *mrclass;
-                               mr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Methodref);
-                               if (!mr)
-                                       return 0;
-                               if (!resolve_classref(m,mr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&mrclass)) {
-                                       log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                       assert(0);
-                               }
-                               LAZYLOADING(mrclass) 
-                               mi = class_resolveclassmethod(  mrclass,
-                                                                                               mr->name,
-                                                                                               mr->descriptor,
-                                                                                               m->class,
-                                                                                               false);
-                               if (mi) 
-                                  {
-                                  METHINFOt(mi,"INVOKESTAT/SPEC:: ",XTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-                                  mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-                                  /*---- Handle "leaf" = static, private, final calls-------------*/
-                                  if ((opcode == JAVA_INVOKESTATIC)       
-                                    || (mi->flags & ACC_STATIC)  
-                                    || (mi->flags & ACC_PRIVATE)  
-                                    || (mi->flags & ACC_FINAL) )  
-                                       {
-                                       if (mi->class->classUsed != USED) { /* = NOTUSED or PARTUSED */ 
-                                               XTAaddClassInit(m, mi->class, 
-                                                               CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T); 
-                                                               /* Leaf methods are used whether class is or not */
-                                                               /*   so mark class as PARTlyUSED                 */
-                                               mi->class->classUsed = PARTUSED; 
-                                               } 
-                                       /* Add to XTA working list/set of reachable methods     */
-                                       if (opcode == JAVA_INVOKESTATIC)  /* if stmt just for debug tracing */     
-                                                            /* calls , called */
-                                               xtaAddCallEdges(m, mi, MONO, 
-                                                       "07addTo INVOKESTATIC "); 
-                                       else 
-                                               xtaAddCallEdges(m, mi, MONO, 
-                                                       "08addTo INVOKESPECIAL ");      
-                                       } /* end STATIC, PRIVATE, FINAL */ 
-                                  else {
-                                       /*---- Handle special <init> calls ---------------------------------------------*/
-                                       if (mi->class->classUsed != USED) {
-                                       /* XTA special case:
-                                               call of super's <init> then
-                                               methods of super class not all used */
-                                               /*--- <init>  ()V  is equivalent to "new" 
-                                                       indicating a class is used = instaniated ---- */        
-                                               if (utf_init==mi->name) {
-                                                       if ((m->class->super.cls == mi->class) 
-                                                       &&  (m->descriptor == utf_void__void) ) 
-                                                               {
-                                                               METHINFOt(mi,"SUPER INIT:",XTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-                                                               /* super init so class may be only used because of its sub-class */
-                                                               XTAaddClassInit(m,mi->class,
-                                                                       CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_F);
-                                                               if (mi->class->classUsed == NOTUSED) mi->class->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-                                                               }
-                                                       else {
-                                                               /* since <init> indicates classes is used, then add marked methods, too */
-                                                                       METHINFOt(mi,"NORMAL INIT:",XTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-                                                               XTAaddClassInit(m, mi->class,
-                                                                               CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);
-                                                               }
-                                                       xtaAddCallEdges(m, mi, MONO, 
-                                                                       "09addTo INIT ");
-                                                       } /* end just for <init> ()V */
-                                               /* <clinit> for class inits do not add marked methods; 
-                                                               class not yet instaniated */ 
-                                               if (utf_clinit==mi->name)
-                                                       XTAaddClassInit(m,      mi->class,
-                                                                       CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_F);
-                                               if (!((utf_init==mi->name))
-                                               ||   (utf_clinit==mi->name)) {
-                                                       METHINFOt(mi,"SPECIAL not init:",XTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-                                                       if (mi->class->classUsed !=USED)
-                                                               mi->class->classUsed = PARTUSED;
-                                                       xtaAddCallEdges(m, mi, MONO, 
-                                                               "10addTo SPEC notINIT ");
-                                                       } 
-                                               } /* end init'd class not used = class init process was needed */ 
-                                       /* add method to XTA list = set of reachable methods */ 
-                                       xtaAddCallEdges(m, mi, MONO, 
-                                               "11addTo SPEC whymissed ");
-                                       } /* end inits */
-                               } 
-/***  assume if method can't be resolved won't actually be called or
-      there is a real error in classpath and in normal parse an exception
-      will be thrown. Following debug print can verify this
-else  from if (mi) {
-CLASSNAME1(mrclass,"CouldNOT Resolve method:",,XTA_DEBUGr);printf(".");fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->name); printf(" "); fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->descriptor); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-                       break;
-                case JAVA_INVOKEVIRTUAL:
-                       i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                       {
-                               constant_FMIref *mr;
-                                methodinfo *mi;
-                                                               classinfo *mrclass;
-                                                               /* XXX remove direct access */
-                               mr = m->class->cpinfos[i];
-                                /*mr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Methodref)*/
-                                       if (!resolve_classref(m,mr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&mrclass)) {
-                                               log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                               assert(0);
-                                       }
-                               LAZYLOADING(mrclass) 
-                               mi = class_resolveclassmethod(mrclass,
-                                                mr->name,
-                                                mr->descriptor,
-                                               m->class,
-                                               false);
-                               if (mi) 
-                                  {
-                                  METHINFOt(mi,"INVOKEVIRTUAL ::",XTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-                                  if ((mi->flags & ACC_STATIC) 
-                                  ||  (mi->flags & ACC_PRIVATE)  
-                                  ||  (mi->flags & ACC_FINAL) )  
-                                    { /*** DOES THIS EVER OCCUR ??? */
-                                    if (mi->class->classUsed == NOTUSED){
-                                      XTAaddClassInit(m, mi->class,
-                                                   CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);
-                                      }
-                                     mi->monoPoly = MONO;
-                                     xtaAddCallEdges(m, mi, MONO, 
-                                                   "12addTo INVOKEVIRTUAL ");
-                                     } 
-                                  else { /* normal virtual */
-                                         /* get the set of used subtypes if none at least the current methods class */
-                                       classSetNode *subtypesUsedSet = NULL;
-                                       if (m->xta->XTAclassSet != NULL) {
-                                               subtypesUsedSet =
-                                               intersectSubtypesWithSet(mi->class, m->xta->XTAclassSet->head);
-                                               }
-                                       else { /* can any methods be added if 1 set is NULL ??? */
-                                               subtypesUsedSet = addElement(subtypesUsedSet, m->class);
-                                               }
-                                      mi->monoPoly = POLY;
-                                      xtaMarkSubs(m, mi->class, mi, subtypesUsedSet);
-                                      }
-                                  } 
-                               else {
-CLASSNAME1(mrclass,"CouldNOT Resolve virt meth:",XTA_DEBUGr);printf(".");fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->name); printf(" "); fflush(stdout);
-utf_display(mr->descriptor); printf("\n");fflush(stdout);
-                                  }
-                               }
-                               break;
-                case JAVA_INVOKEINTERFACE:
-                        i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                        {
-                                constant_FMIref *mr;
-                                methodinfo *mi;
-                                                               classinfo *mrclass;
-                                mr = class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref);
-                                                               if (!mr)
-                                                                       return 0;
-                                                               if (!resolve_classref(m,mr->classref,resolveEager,true, true,&mrclass)) {
-                                                                       log_text("Could not resolve class reference");
-                                                                       assert(0);
-                                                               }
-                                LAZYLOADING(mrclass)
-                                mi = class_resolveinterfacemethod(mrclass,
-                                                          mr->name,
-                                                          mr->descriptor,
-                                                          m->class,
-                                                          false);
-                                       if (mi)
-                                           {
-                                          METHINFOt(mi,"\tINVOKEINTERFACE: ",XTA_DEBUGopcodes)
-                                          xtaMarkInterfaceSubs(m,mi);
-                                          }
-                               /* see INVOKESTATIC for explanation about */
-                               /*   case when Interface is not resolved  */
-                                /*method_descriptor2types(mi); 
-                               ?? do need paramcnt? for XTA (or just XTA)*/
-                        }
-                        break;
-                case JAVA_NEW:
-                /* means class is at least passed as a parameter */
-                /* class is really instantiated when class.<init> called*/
-                        i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                       {
-                       classinfo *cls;
-                       constant_classref *cr;
-                       cr = (constant_classref *)class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Class);
-                       if (!cr)
-                               return 0;
-                       resolve_classref(NULL,cr,resolveEager,true, false,&cls);
-                        /*** s_count++; look for s_counts for VTA */
-                       /* add marked methods */
-                       CLASSNAME(cls,"NEW : do nothing",XTA_DEBUGr);
-                       XTAaddClassInit(m, cls, CLINITS_T, FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T); 
-                       m->xta->XTAclassSet = add2ClassSet(m->xta->XTAclassSet,cls );
-                       }
-                        break;
-                case JAVA_CHECKCAST:
-                case JAVA_INSTANCEOF:
-                /* class used */
-                        i = code_get_u2(p + 1,m);
-                        {
-                                                       constant_classref *cr;
-                                                       classinfo *cls;
-                                                       cr = (constant_classref*) class_getconstant(m->class, i, CONSTANT_Class);
-                                                       if (!cr)
-                                                               return 0;
-                                                       resolve_classref(NULL,cr,resolveEager,true, false,&cls);
-                        LAZYLOADING(cls)
-                               CLASSNAMEop(cls,XTA_DEBUGr);
-                        if (cls->classUsed == NOTUSED){
-                               XTAaddClassInit(m, cls,
-                                            CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);
-                               m->xta->XTAclassSet = add2ClassSet(m->xta->XTAclassSet,cls );
-                                }
-                       }
-                        break;
-               default:
-                       break;
-               } /* end switch */
-               } /* end for */
-        xtaMethodCalls_and_sendReturnType(m);
-       return rc;
-/* Helper fn for initialize **********************************************/
-int XTAgetline(char *line, int max, FILE *inFP) {
-if (fgets(line, max, inFP) == NULL) 
-  return 0;
-  return strlen((const char *) line);
-/* Initialize XTA Work list ***********************************************/
-/*-- Get meth ptr for class.meth desc and add to XTA worklist --*/
-#define SYSADD(cls,meth,desc, is_mono_poly, txt) \
-  c = load_class_bootstrap(utf_new_char(cls)); \
-  callmeth = class_resolveclassmethod(c, \
-    utf_new_char(meth), \
-    utf_new_char(desc), \
-    c, \
-    false); \
-  if (callmeth->class->classUsed != USED) {  \
-      c->classUsed = PARTUSED; \
-      XTAaddClassInit(callmeth, callmeth->class, \
-                  CLINITS_T,FINALIZE_T,ADDMARKED_T);\
-      } \
-  callmeth->monoPoly = is_mono_poly; \
-  xtaAddCallEdges(NULL, callmeth, is_mono_poly, txt); 
-/*-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
-    Initialize XTA work list with methods/classes from:  
-      System calls 
-       and 
-      xtaMissedIn list (missed becaused called from NATIVE &/or dynamic calls
-methodinfo *initializeXTAworklist(methodinfo *m) {
-       classinfo  *c;
-        methodinfo* callmeth;
-       char systxt[]    = "2S addTo System     Call :";
-       char missedtxt[] = "2M addTo xtaMissedIn Call :";
-       FILE *xtaMissedIn; /* Methods missed during previous XTA parse */
-       char line[256];
-       char* class, *meth, *desc;
-       methodinfo *rm =NULL;  /* return methodinfo ptr to main method */
-        /* Create XTA call work list */
-       xtaWorkList = NEW(list);
-        list_init(xtaWorkList, OFFSET(xtaNode,linkage) );
-       /* Add first method to call list */
-               m->class->classUsed = USED; 
-        xtaAddCallEdges(NULL, m, SYSCALL, systxt); 
-       /* Add system called methods */
-/***   SYSADD(mainstring, "main","([Ljava/lang/String;)V", SYSCALL, systxt) ***/
-       rm = callmeth;  
-/***   SYSADD("java/lang/System","exit","(I)V",SYSCALL, systxt) ***/
-       /*----- xtaMissedIn 0 */
-        if ( (xtaMissedIn = fopen("xtaMissedIn0", "r")) == NULL) {
-               /*if (opt_verbose) */
-                   {printf("No xtaMissedIn0 file\n");fflush(stdout);} 
-               return  rm;
-               }
-       while (XTAgetline(line,256,xtaMissedIn)) {
-           class = strtok(line, " \n");
-           meth  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-           desc  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-               SYSADD(class,meth,desc, POLY, missedtxt)
-               /* ??? Need to hand / hard code who calls it ??? */
-               }
-       fclose(xtaMissedIn);
-       return rm;
-/*- end initializeXTAworklist-------- */
-methodinfo *missedXTAworklist()  
-       FILE *xtaMissedIn; /* Methods missed during previous XTA parse */
-       char filenameIn[256] = "xtaIn/";
-       char line[256];
-       char* class, *meth, *desc;
-       /****
-       char* calls_class, *calls_meth, *calls_desc;
-       ****/
-       char missedtxt[] = "xtaIn/ missed Call :";
-       classinfo  *c;
-        methodinfo* callmeth;
-       methodinfo *rm =NULL;  /* return methodinfo ptr to main method */
-#if defined(USE_THREADS)
-       /*----- xtaMissedIn pgm specific */
-        strcat(filenameIn, (const char *)mainstring);  
-        if ( (xtaMissedIn = fopen(filenameIn, "r")) == NULL) {
-               /*if (opt_verbose)*/ 
-                   {printf("No xtaIn/=%s file\n",filenameIn);fflush(stdout);} 
-               return rm;
-               }
-       while (XTAgetline(line,256,xtaMissedIn)) {
-       /****
-           calls_class = strtok(line, " \n");
-           calls_meth  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-           calls_desc  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-           class = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-       ****/
-           class = strtok(line, " \n");
-           meth  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-           desc  = strtok(NULL, " \n");
-       /****
-           if ((calls_class == NULL) || (calls_meth == NULL) || (calls_desc == NULL) 
-           ||        (class == NULL) ||       (meth == NULL) ||       (desc == NULL))  
-       ****/
-           if (        (class == NULL) ||       (meth == NULL) ||       (desc == NULL)) {
-                       log_text("Error in xtaMissedIn file: Missing a part of calls_class.calls_meth calls calls_desc class.meth desc");
-                       assert(0);
-               }
-           SYSADD(class,meth,desc, POLY, missedtxt)
-           }
-       fclose(xtaMissedIn);
-       return rm;
-/* parseXTAmethod                                          */
-/* input: method to be XTA static parsed                  */
-void parseXTAmethod(methodinfo *xta_method) {
-       if (! (  (xta_method->flags & ACC_NATIVE  )
-            ||   (xta_method->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT) ) )        
-           {
-           /* XTA parse to approxmate....
-               what classes/methods will really be used during execution */
-           parseXTA(xta_method);  
-           }
-       else {
-           if (xta_method->flags & ACC_NATIVE  )
-               {
-              METHINFOt(xta_method,"TO BE NATIVE XTA PARSED :",XTA_DEBUGopcodes);
-               /* parseXTApseudo(xta_method); */
-               }   
-           else {
-              printf("Abstract method in XTA Work List: ");
-              METHINFOx(xta_method);
-              log_text("Abstract method in XTA Work List.");
-                  assert(0);
-               }
-       }               
-void XTAprintCallgraph (list *xtaWorkList, char * txt);
-/*-- XTA -- *******************************************************/
-int XTA_jit_parse(methodinfo *m)
-  xtaNode    *xta;
-  methodinfo *mainmeth;
-  /* Should only be called once */
-  if (firstCall) {
-    /*----- XTA initializations --------*/
-    if (opt_verbose) 
-           log_text("XTA static analysis started.\n");
-    mainmeth = initializeXTAworklist(m);
-/**    XTAprintCallgraph (xtaWorkList, "after init1"); **/
-    firstCall = false; /* turn flag off */
-    if ( (xtaMissed = fopen("xtaMissed", "w")) == NULL) {
-        printf("CACAO - xtaMissed file: cant open file to write\n");
-        }
-    /* Note: xtaMissed must be renamed to xtaMissedIn to be used as input */
-    /*------ process XTA call work list --------*/
-    for (xta =list_first(xtaWorkList); 
-        xta != NULL; 
-        xta =list_next(xtaWorkList,xta)) 
-        { 
-       parseXTAmethod(xta->method);
-/**    XTAprintCallgraph (xtaWorkList, "after an XTA method parse 1"); **/
-       }       
-    missedXTAworklist();  
-/**    XTAprintCallgraph (xtaWorkList, "after missed"); **/
-    for (xta =list_first(xtaWorkList); 
-        xta != NULL; 
-        xta =list_next(xtaWorkList,xta)) 
-        { 
-       parseXTAmethod(xta->method);
-/**    XTAprintCallgraph (xtaWorkList, "after an XTA method parse 2"); **/
-       }       
-    fclose(xtaMissed);
-    if (opt_verbose) {
-        if (opt_stat) {
-          printf("printXTAhierarchyInfo(m); not yet there\n");
-         }
-       XTAprintCallgraph (xtaWorkList, "After all XTA parses");
-      }
-    if (opt_verbose) {
-      log_text("XTA static analysis done.\n");
-      }
-  }
-return 0;
-void XTAprintCallgraph (list *xtaWorkList, char * txt)
-    int i = 1;
-    xtaNode    *xta;
-    methodinfo *xta_meth;
- printf("\n%s\n",txt);
- printf("-*-*-*-*- XTA Callgraph Worklist:<%i>\n",count_methods_marked_used);
-   for (xta =list_first(xtaWorkList);
-         xta != NULL;
-         xta =list_next(xtaWorkList,xta))
-        {
-         xta_meth = xta->method;
-         printf("  (%i): ",i++);
-         method_println(xta_meth);
-        }
- printf("\n\n");
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.h b/src/vm/jit/inline/parseXTA.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d544396..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/* jit/parseXTA.h - XTA parser header
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   $Id: parseXTA.h 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
-#ifndef _PARSEXTA_H
-#define _PARSEXTA_H
-/* forward typedefs ***********************************************************/
-typedef struct xtainfo xtainfo;
-typedef        struct xtafldinfo xtafldinfo;
-#include "toolbox/list.h"
-#include "vm/global.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/sets.h"
-#define LAZYLOADING(class) { \
-        if (!(class->state & CLASS_LINKED)) \
-            if (!link_class(class)) \
-                return 0; }
-#define LAZYLOADING1(class) { \
-        if (!(class->state & CLASS_LINKED)) \
-            if (!link_class(class)) \
-                return; }
-/* methodinfo static info *****************************************************/
-struct xtainfo {
-       s4          XTAmethodUsed;     /* XTA if used in callgraph - not used /used */
-       classSet    *XTAclassSet;      /* method class type set                 */ 
-       /*classSet      *PartClassSet */   /* method class type set                 */ 
-       classSetNode    *paramClassSet; /* cone set of methods parameters       */
-       /* Needed for interative checking */
-       methSet         *calls;            /* Edges - methods this method calls                 */ 
-       methSet         *calledBy;         /* Edges - methods that call this method         */ 
-       methSet         *markedBy;  
-       fldSet          *fldsUsed;         /* fields used by this method             */ 
-       /*methSetNode  *interfaceCalls*/   /* methods this method calls as interface */ 
-       bool           chgdSinceLastParse; /* Changed since last parse ?          */
-/* field, method and class structures *****************************************/
-struct xtafldinfo {
-       bool       fieldChecked;                
-       classinfo *fldClassType;
-       classSet  *XTAclassSet;          /* field class type set                  */
-extern FILE *xtaMissed;  /* Methods missed during XTA parse of Main  */
-typedef struct {
-        listnode linkage;
-        methodinfo *method;
-        } xtaNode ;
-extern int XTA_jit_parse(methodinfo *m);
-#endif /* _PARSEXTA_H */
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/sets.c b/src/vm/jit/inline/sets.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a990fcb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
-/* vm/jit/inline/sets.c -
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   $Id: sets.c 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "vm/types.h"
-#include "mm/memory.h"
-#include "vm/global.h"
-#include "vm/linker.h"
-#include "vm/loader.h"
-#include "vm/class.h"
-#include "vm/jit/inline/sets.h"
- * set.c - functions to manipulate ptr sets.
- */
-/*-- fieldinfo call set fns */
-fldSetNode *inFldSet(fldSetNode *s, fieldinfo *f)
-       fldSetNode* i;
-       for (i=s; i != NULL; i = i->nextfldRef) {
-               if (i->fldRef == f) {
-                       return i; /* true = found */
-               }
-       }
-       return NULL;
-/* */
-fldSetNode *addFldRef(fldSetNode *s, fieldinfo *f)
-       fldSetNode *s1 = s;
-       if (!inFldSet(s,f)) {
-               s1 = NEW(fldSetNode);
-               s1->nextfldRef  = s;
-               s1->fldRef      = f;
-               s1->writePUT     = false;
-               s1->readGET    = false;
-               s1->lastptrPUT = NULL;
-               s1->lastptrGET = NULL;
-               if (s == NULL)
-                       s1->index = 1;
-               else
-                       s1->index = s->index+1; 
-       }
-       return s1;
-fldSet *add2FldSet(fldSet *sf,  fieldinfo *f, bool wput, bool rget)
-       fldSetNode *s1;
-       fldSetNode *s;
-       if (sf == NULL) {
-               sf = createFldSet();
-       }
-       s = sf->head;
-       s1 = inFldSet(s,f);
-       if (s1 == NULL) {
-               s1 = NEW(fldSetNode);
-               if (sf->head == NULL) {
-                       sf->head  = s1;
-                       sf->pos   = s1;
-                       s1->index = 1;
-               }        
-               else {
-                       sf->tail->nextfldRef  = s1;
-                       sf->length++;
-                       s1->index = sf->length;
-       } 
-               s1->nextfldRef  = NULL;
-               s1->fldRef      = f;
-               s1->writePUT    = wput;
-               s1->readGET     = rget;
-               s1->lastptrPUT = NULL;
-               s1->lastptrGET = NULL;
-               sf->tail = s1;
-       }
-       else    {
-               if ((s1->writePUT == false) && (wput)) 
-                       s1->writePUT = wput;
-               if ((s1->readGET == false)  && (rget)) 
-                       s1->readGET  = rget;
-       }
-       return sf;
-fldSet *createFldSet( )
-       fldSet *s;
-       s = NEW(fldSet);
-       s->head = NULL;
-       s->tail = NULL;
-       s->pos  = NULL;
-       s->length = 0;
-       return s;
-/*-- methodinfo call set fns */
-int inMethSet(methSetNode *s, methodinfo *m)
-       methSetNode* i;
-       for (i = s; i != NULL; i = i->nextmethRef) {
-               if (i->methRef == m) {
-                       return (int)1; /* true = found */
-               }
-       }
-       return (int)0;
-methSetNode *addMethRef(methSetNode *s,  methodinfo *m)
-       methSetNode *s1 = s;
-       if (!inMethSet(s,m)) {
-               s1 = NEW(methSetNode);
-               s1->nextmethRef= s;
-               s1->methRef = m;
-               s1->lastptrIntoClassSet2 = NULL;
-               if (s == NULL)
-                       s1->index = 1;
-               else
-                       s1->index = s->index+1; 
-               s1->monoPoly = MONO; 
-       }
-       return s1;
-methSet *add2MethSet(methSet *sm,  methodinfo *m)
-       methSetNode *snew;
-       methSetNode *s;
-       if (sm == NULL) {
-               sm = createMethSet();
-       }
-       s = sm->head;
-       if (!inMethSet(s,m)) {
-               snew = NEW(methSetNode);
-               if (sm->head == NULL) {
-                       sm->head  = snew;
-                       sm->pos   = snew;
-                       snew->index = 1;
-               }        
-               else {
-                       sm->tail->nextmethRef  = snew;
-                       sm->length++;
-                       snew->index = sm->length;
-       }
-               snew->monoPoly = MONO; 
-               snew->nextmethRef= NULL;
-               snew->methRef = m;
-               snew->lastptrIntoClassSet2 = NULL; /* ????? */
-               sm->tail = snew;
-       }
-       return sm;
-methSet *createMethSet( )
-       methSet *s;
-       s = NEW(methSet);
-       s->head = NULL;
-       s->tail = NULL;
-       s->pos  = NULL;
-       s->length = 0;
-       return s;
-/*-- classinfo XTA set fns  */
-int inSet(classSetNode *s, classinfo *c)
-       classSetNode* i;
-       for (i = s; i != NULL; i = i->nextClass) {
-               if (i->classType == c) {
-                       return  ((i->index) + 1); /* true = found */
-               }
-       }
-       return (int)0;
-classSetNode *addElement(classSetNode *s,  classinfo *c)
-       classSetNode *s1 = s;
-       if (!inSet(s,c)) {
-               s1 = NEW(classSetNode);
-               s1->nextClass= s;
-               s1->classType = c;
-               if (s == NULL)
-                       s1->index = 1;
-               else
-                       s1->index = s->index+1; 
-       }
-       return s1;
-classSet *add2ClassSet(classSet *sc,  classinfo *c)
-       classSetNode *s1;
-       classSetNode *s;
-       if (sc == NULL) {
-               sc = createClassSet();
-       }
-       s = sc->head;
-       if (!inSet(s,c)) {
-               s1 = NEW(classSetNode);
-               if (sc->head == NULL) {
-                       sc->head  = s1;
-                       sc->pos   = s1;
-                       s1->index = 1;
-               }        
-               else {
-                       sc->tail->nextClass  = s1;
-                       sc->length++;
-                       s1->index = sc->length;
-       } 
-               s1->classType = c;
-               s1->nextClass= NULL;
-               sc->tail  = s1;
-       }
-       return sc;
-classSet *createClassSet()
-       classSet *s;
-       s = NEW(classSet);
-       s->head = NULL;
-       s->tail = NULL;
-       s->pos  = NULL;
-       s->length = 0;
-       return s;
-/* Returns:                                                   */
-/*    -1  c is a subclass   of an existing set element        */
-/*     0  c class type cone does not overlap any set element  */
-/*     1  c is a superclass of an existing set element        */
-int inRange(classSetNode *s, classinfo *c)
-       classSetNode* i;
-       int rc = 0;
-       for (i = s; i != NULL; i = i->nextClass) {
-               classinfo *cs = i->classType;
-               LAZYLOADING(c)  /* ??? is c reallz needed ???*/
-               if (cs->vftbl->baseval <= c->vftbl->baseval) {
-                       if (c->vftbl->baseval <= (cs->vftbl->baseval+cs->vftbl->diffval)) {
-                               rc = -1;  /* subtype */
-                       }
-               }
-               else {
-                       if (cs->vftbl->baseval < (c->vftbl->baseval+c->vftbl->diffval)) {
-                               i->classType = c;   /* replace element with its new super */
-                               rc  = 1; /* super */
-                       }
-               }
-    }
-       return rc;
-/* adds class if not subtype of an existing set element       */
-/* if "new" class is super class of an existing element       */
-/* then replace the existing element with the "new" class     */
-classSetNode *addClassCone(classSetNode *s,  classinfo *c)
-       classSetNode *s1 = s;
-       if (inRange(s,c) == 0) {
-               /* not in set nor cone of an existing element so add */
-               s1 = NEW(classSetNode);
-               s1->nextClass= s;
-               s1->classType = c;
-               if (s == NULL)
-                       s1->index = 1;
-               else
-                       s1->index = s->index+1; 
-       }
-       return s1;
-/* intersect the subtypes of class t with class set s         */
-classSetNode * intersectSubtypesWithSet(classinfo *t, classSetNode *s) {
-       classSetNode *s1 = NULL;
-       classSetNode *c;
-       /* for each s class */
-       for (c=s; c != NULL; c = c->nextClass) {
-               vftbl_t *t_cl_vt;
-               vftbl_t *c_cl_vt;
-               LAZYLOADING(c->classType)
-               LAZYLOADING(t)
-               t_cl_vt = t->vftbl;
-               c_cl_vt = c->classType->vftbl;
-               /* if s class is in the t Class range */
-               if (  (t_cl_vt->baseval <=  c_cl_vt->baseval)
-                         && (c_cl_vt->baseval <= (t_cl_vt->baseval+t_cl_vt->diffval)) ) {
-                       /*    add s class to return class set */
-                       s1 = addElement(s1,c->classType);
-               }
-       }
-       return s1;
-int sizeOfSet(classSetNode *s) {
-       /*** need to update */
-       int cnt=0;
-       classSetNode * i;
-       for (i=s; i != NULL; i = i->nextClass) cnt++;
-       return cnt;
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)  
-int printSet(classSetNode *s)
-       classSetNode* i;
-       int cnt=0;
-       if (s == NULL) {
-               printf("Set of types: <");
-               printf("\t\tEmpty Set\n");
-       } else {
-               printf("<%i>Set of types: ",s->index);
-               for (i = s; i != NULL; i = i->nextClass) {
-               printf("\t#%i: ",cnt);
-                       if (i->classType == NULL)  {
-                               printf("NULL CLASS");
-                               fflush(stdout);
-                       } else {
-                               utf_display(i->classType->name);
-                               fflush(stdout); 
-                               printf("<b%i/d%i> ",i->classType->vftbl->baseval,i->classType->vftbl->diffval); 
-                               fflush(stdout);
-                       }
-                       cnt++;
-               }
-               printf(">\n");
-       }
-       return cnt;
-int printClassSet(classSet *sc)
-       if (sc == NULL) {
-               printf("Class Set not yet created\n");
-               return 0;
-       } else 
-               return (printSet(sc->head));
-int printMethSet(methSetNode *s)
-       methSetNode* i;
-       int cnt=0;
-       if (s == NULL) {
-               printf("Set of Methods: "); fflush(stdout);
-               printf("\t\tEmpty Set\n"); fflush(stdout);
-               }
-       else    {
-               printf("<%i>Set of Methods: ",s->index);fflush(stdout); 
-               for (i=s; i != NULL; i = i->nextmethRef) {
-               printf("\t#%i: ",cnt);
-                       /* class.method */
-                       utf_display(i->methRef->class->name);
-                       printf(".");
-                       method_println(i->methRef);
-                       /* lastptr <class> */
-                       printf("\t<");
-                       if (i->lastptrIntoClassSet2 != NULL)
-                               utf_display(i->lastptrIntoClassSet2->classType->name);
-                       printf(">\n");
-                       cnt++;
-               }
-               printf("\n");
-       }
-       return cnt;
-int printMethodSet(methSet *sm) {
-       if (sm == NULL) {
-               printf("Method Set not yet created\n");fflush(stdout);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       else    {
-               if (sm->head == NULL) {
-                       printf("Set of Methods: "); fflush(stdout);
-                       printf("\t\tEmpty Set\n"); fflush(stdout);
-                       return 0;
-                       }
-               else
-                       return (printMethSet(sm->head));
-               }
-int printFldSet(fldSetNode *s)
-       fldSetNode* i;
-       int cnt=0;
-       if (s == NULL) {
-               printf("Set of Fields: ");
-               printf("\tEmpty Set\n");
-       }
-       else    {
-               printf("<%i>Set of Fields: ",s->index);
-               for (i=s; i != NULL; i = i->nextfldRef) {
-               printf("\t#%i: ",cnt);
-                       printf("(%ir/%iw)",i->writePUT,i->readGET);
-                       field_println(i->fldRef);
-                       cnt++;
-               }
-               printf("\n");
-       }
-       return cnt;
-int printFieldSet(fldSet *sf) {
-       if (sf == NULL) {
-               printf("Field Set not yet created\n");
-               return 0;
-       }
-       else
-               return (printFldSet(sf->head));
-/*void destroy_set */
-#endif /* !defined(NDEBUG) */
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */
diff --git a/src/vm/jit/inline/sets.h b/src/vm/jit/inline/sets.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bfdd242..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-/* vm/jit/sets.h -
-   Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel,
-   C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring,
-   E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich,
-   J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien
-   This file is part of CACAO.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
-   your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.
-   Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org
-   Authors: Carolyn Oates
-   $Id: sets.h 4357 2006-01-22 23:33:38Z twisti $
-#ifndef _SET_H
-#define _SET_H
-typedef struct methSet      methSet;
-typedef struct methSetNode  methSetNode;
-typedef struct fldSet       fldSet;
-typedef struct fldSetNode   fldSetNode;
-typedef struct classSet     classSet;
-typedef struct classSetNode classSetNode;
-#include "vm/global.h"
-#include "vm/method.h"
-#include "vm/field.h"
-/*------------ Method /Class Used Markers -------------------------------*/                 
-/* Class flags =
-   USED all methods and fields are available; 
-   PARTUSED = specific methods (static, <init>, <clinit>, inherited def used, special) used, 
-             but not instanciated
-   NOTUSED = nothing used in class - not needed 
-/* Method Flags =
-   USED = method definition is used
-   PARTUSED = method definition will be used if class instanciated
-   NOTUSED  = method defintion never used
-#define USED      2
-#define PARTUSED  1
-#define MARKED    1
-#define NOTUSED   0
-#define SYSCALL   -1 /* XTA initialization ??? should it be used for RTA for main ??? */
-#define MONO      0
-#define MONO1    1 /* potential poly that is really mono */
-#define POLY      2
-/*-- flds used by a method set fns */
-struct fldSet {
-       fldSetNode *head;
-       fldSetNode *tail;
-       fldSetNode *pos;
-       s4 length;
-struct fldSetNode {
-       fieldinfo *fldRef;
-       fldSetNode *nextfldRef;
-       bool writePUT;
-       bool readGET;
-       classSetNode *lastptrPUT; 
-       classSetNode *lastptrGET; 
-       s2 index;
-fldSetNode     *inFldSet       (fldSetNode *, fieldinfo *);
-fldSetNode     *addFldRef      (fldSetNode *, fieldinfo *);
-fldSet                 *add2FldSet     (fldSet *,     fieldinfo *, bool, bool);
-fldSet                 *createFldSet   (void);
-int             printFldSet    (fldSetNode *);
-int             printFieldSet  (fldSet *);
-/*-- methodinfo call set fns */
-struct methSet {
-       methSetNode *head;
-       methSetNode *tail;
-       methSetNode *pos;
-       s4 length;
-struct methSetNode {
-       methodinfo   *methRef;
-       methSetNode  *nextmethRef;
-       classSetNode *lastptrIntoClassSet2;
-       s2            index;
-       s4            monoPoly;
-int             inMethSet      (methSetNode *, methodinfo *);
-methSetNode    *addMethRef     (methSetNode *, methodinfo *);
-methSet        *add2MethSet    (methSet     *, methodinfo *);
-methSet        *createMethSet  (void);
-int             printMethSet   (methSetNode *);
-int             printMethodSet (methSet *);
-/*-- classinfo XTA set fns  */
-struct classSet {
-       classSetNode *head;
-       classSetNode *tail;
-       classSetNode *pos;
-       s4 length;
-struct classSetNode {
-       classinfo *classType;
-       classSetNode *nextClass;
-       s2 index;
-int             inSet          (classSetNode *,        classinfo *);
-classSetNode   *addElement     (classSetNode *,        classinfo *);
-classSet       *add2ClassSet   (classSet *,            classinfo *);
-classSet       *createClassSet (void);
-int             inRange        (classSetNode *,        classinfo *);
-classSetNode   *addClassCone   (classSetNode *,        classinfo *);
-classSetNode   *intersectSubtypesWithSet(classinfo *,  classSetNode *); 
-int             sizeOfSet      (classSetNode *s);
-int             setSize        (classSetNode *);
-int             printSet       (classSetNode *);
-int             printClassSet  (classSet *);
-/**classSetNode        *copyClassSet   (classSetNode *);  **/
-#endif /* _SETS_H */
- * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs.
- * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where
- * Emacs will automagically detect them.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c
- * indent-tabs-mode: t
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * tab-width: 4
- * End:
- */