* System.Windows.Forms

Currently Windows.Forms support is under development. Check Mono's Roadmap for more details on when it is going to be available.

System.Windows.Forms in Mono is implemented using System.Drawing and Wine. This allows applications that use P/Invoke to call Win32 functions or rely on event delivery through the Wndproc method to work as expected. This is the path of best compatibility.

In terms of integrating visually with the desktop, we are hoping to contribute to the Wine project a mechanism to make it use the Gtk+ themes on X11 and Cocoa on MacOS to render the widgets, and get the native look and feel on each of these platforms. * Installation

To get the Windows.Forms support working, you need:

* Contributing

The Winforms effort is being coordinated in the mono-winforms-list@ximian.com. If you are interested in helping out with this effort, subscribe to it by sending an email message to mono-winforms-list-request@ximian.com.

If you want to help, you can pick a control and start implementing it's methods. You can do this either on Windows or on Linux. Try using System.Drawing calls instead of P/Invoked Win32 calls.

If you choose a particular control to work on, send a note to the winforms list to avoid duplication of effort. * System.Drawing

For details, see the System.Drawing implementation notes section of the web site.