* Resources There are a number of resources available for those of you who want to contribute to the Mono project. Here are a few links. If you want to send suggestions for links, address them to web-mono@ximian.com. ** Microsoft .NET The Microsoft.NET site. The Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 can be downloaded here New methods that are not documented in 1.0, are documented here The changes between .NET 1.0 and .NET 1.1 are available here ** IRC Various Mono contributors get together on channel #mono on irc.gnome.org ** Mono related sites. The Mono Tutorial: GNOME.NET Tutorial and other useful tutorials (Gtk#, Glade#, Embeded, etc) (in Spanish) at The Mono Hispano site. Sergey's web page on Mono resources: http://mono.eurosoft.od.ua Got Dot Net: Got Dot Net MonoMail: http://sourceforge.net/projects/monomail/ Zip classes: Mike's port to .NET: NZipLib .NET Security: A nice overview paper on the .NET security architecture. ** Development Tools A tool to compare two assemblies: ** Presentations Currently the O'Reilly presentation on Mono is available. Arturo Espinosa has given a talk on Mono in Mexico and made spanish slides ** ECMA Documentation. You can get the documentation for the ECMA specs from: Older copies of the standard are available here: These contain specifications for the assembler, the metadata, byte codes supported by the CLI virtual machine, the C# language and the core class libraries. For details on the .NET class libraries, you can visit the Microsoft's Developer Network: You can also get this information if you install the Beta2 release of the .NET Framework. ** Discussion Groups. ** Other .NET related projects There are a number of related projects to Mono:
  • Development tools
  • Class Libraries
  • Programming languages:
  • Other projects
  • ** GNOME Documentation Documentation on GNOME, and the GNOME APIs is available from the developer site at GNOME: ** Assembly Language Manuals online ** Win32