* Resources There are a number of resources available for those of you who want to contribute to the Mono project. Here are a few links. If you want to send suggestions for links, address them to web-mono@ximian.com. ** Mono related sites. Sergey's web page on Mono resources: http://mono.eurosoft.od.ua Got Dot Net: Got Dot Net ** Presentations Currently the O'Reilly presentation on Mono is available. Arturo Espinosa has given a talk on Mono in Mexico and made spanish slides ** ECMA Documentation. You can get the documentation for the ECMA specs from a number of sites: These contain specifications for the assembler, the metadata, byte codes supported by the CLI virtual machine, the C# language and the core class libraries. For details on the .NET class libraries, you can visit the Microsoft's Developer Network: You can also get this information if you install the Beta2 release of the .NET Framework. ** Mailing Lists There are a number of mailing lists for Mono ** Discussion Groups. ** Other .NET related projects There are a number of related projects to Mono: ** GNOME Documentation Documnetation on GNOME, and the GNOME APIs is available from the developer site at GNOME: