* History of remapping The Mono runtime was shipped with the .NET 1.1 library APIs, but until recently we did not have strong names or Global Assembly Cache support so our libraries did not actually encode the proper information about references. Lacking this, in the early days of Mono we hardcoded our code generator to set the values to the version of the .NET 1.0 API to allow code to move back and forth between Windows and Linux. With the deployment of the GAC to Mono we no longer distribute assemblies without version information, and they are only available through a versioned directory. To assist people in migrating their applications from the pre-Beta rollout of Mono, the runtime has a special feature to remap references to the System.* assemblies with version 3300 to version 5000 but a warning is displayed:
	Compat mode: the request from XXXX to load YYYY was remapped (http://www.go-mono.com/remap.html)
To solve this issue, use a new version of Mono to rebuild the program listed as XXXX, this will remove the warning. Alternatively, if you do not have the source, you can set the environment variable MONO_SILENT_WARNING to eliminate those messages: