* Writing performant .NET and Mono applications The following document contains a few hints on how to improve the performance of your Mono/.NET applications. These are just guidelines, and you should still profile your code to find the actual performance problems in your application. It is never a smart idea to make a change with the hopes of improving the performance of your code without first measuring. In general, these guidelines should serve as ideas to help you figure out `how can I make this method run faster'. It is up to you to figure out, `Which method is running slowly.' ** Using the Mono profiler So, how does one measure what method are running slowly? A profiler helps with this task. Mono includes a profiler that is built into the runtime system. You can invoke this profiler on your program by running with the --profile flag.
	mono --profile program.exe
The above will instruct Mono to instrument your application for profiling. The default Mono profiler will record the time spent on a routine, the number of times the routine called, the memory consumed by each method broken down by invoker, and the total amount of memory consumed. It does this by asking the JIT to insert a call to the profiler every time a method is entered or left. The profiler times the amount of time elapsed between the beginning and the end of the call. The profiler is also notified of allocations. When the program has finished executing, the profiler prints the data in human readable format. It looks like:
Total time spent compiling 227 methods (sec): 0.07154
Slowest method to compile (sec): 0.01893: System.Console::.cctor()
Time(ms) Count   P/call(ms) Method name
  91.681       1   91.681   .DebugOne::Main()
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
           1  100 % .DebugOne::Main(object,intptr,intptr)
Total number of calls: 3741
Allocation profiler
Total mem Method
     406 KB .DebugOne::Main()
         406 KB     1000 System.Int32[]                                  
  Callers (with count) that contribute at least for 1%:
           1  100 % .DebugOne::Main(object,intptr,intptr)
Total memory allocated: 448 KB
At the top, it shows each method that is called. The data is sorted by the total time that the program spent within the method. Then it shows how many times the method was called, and the average time per call. Below this, it shows the top callers of the method. This is very useful data. If you find, for example, that the method Data::Computate () takes a very long time to run, you can look to see if any of the calls can be avoided. Two warnings must be given about the method data. First, the profiler has an overhead associated with it. As such, a high number of calls to a method may show up as comsuming lots of time, when in reality they do not consume much time at all. If you see a method that has a very high number of calls, you may be able to ignore it. However, do consider removing calls if possible, as that will sometimes help performance. This problem is often seen with the use of built in collection types. Secondly, due to the nature of the profiler, recursive calls have extermely large times (because the profiler double counts when the method calls itself). One easy way to see this problem is that if a method is shown as taking more time than the Main method, it is very likely recursive, and causing this problem. Below the method data, allocation data is shown. This shows how much memory each method allocates. The number beside the method is the total amount of memory. Below that, it is broken down into types. Then, the caller data is given. This data is again useful when you want to figure out how to eliminate calls. You might want to keep a close eye on the memory consumption and on the method invocation counts. A lot of the performance gains in MCS for example came from reducing its memory usage, as opposed to changes in the execution path. ** Memory Management in the .NET/Mono world. Since Mono and .NET offer automatic garbage collection, the programmer is freed from having to track and dispose the objects it consumes (except for IDispose-like classes). This is a great productivity gain, but if you create thousands of objects, that will make the garbage collector do more work, and it might slow down your application. Remember, each time you allocate an object, the GC is forced to find space for the object. Each object has an 8 byte overhead (4 to tell what type it is, then 4 for a sync block). If the GC finds that it is running out of room, it will scan every object for pointers, looking for unreferenced objects. If you allocate extra objects, the GC then must take the effort to free the objects. Mono uses the Boehm GC, which is a conservative collector, and this might lead to some memory fragmentation and unlike generational GC systems, it has to scan the entire allocated memory pool. *** Boxing The .NET framework provides a rich hierchy of object types. Each object not only has value information, but also type information associated with it. This type information makes many types of programs easier to write. It also has a cost associated with it. The type information takes up space. In order to reduce the cost of type information, almost every Object Oriented language has the concept of `primitatives'. They usually map to types such as integers and bools. These types do not have any type information associated with them. However, the language also must be able to treat primitatives as first class datums -- in the class with objects. Languages handle this issue in different ways. Some choose to make a special class for each primative, and force the user to do an operation such as:
// This is Java
list.add (new Integer (1));
System.out.println (list.get (1).intValue ());
The C# design team was not satisfied with this type of construct. They added a notion of `boxing' to the language. Boxing preforms the same thing as Java's new Integer (1). The user is not forced to write the extra code. However, behind the scenes the same thing is being done by the runtime. Each time a primative is cast to an object, a new object is allocated. You must be careful when casting a primative to an object. Note that because it is an implicit conversion, you will not see it in your code. For example, boxing is happening here:
ArrayList foo = new ArrayList ();
foo.Add (1);
In high performance code, this operation can be very costly. *** Using structs instead of classes for small objects For small objects, you might want to consider using value types (structs) instead of object (classes). However, you must be careful that you do not use the struct as an object, in that case it will actually be more costly. As a rule of thumb, only use structs if you have a small number of fields (totaling less than 32 bytes), and need to pass the item `by value'. You should not box the object. *** Assisting the Garbage Collector Although the Garbage Collector will do the right thing in terms of releasing and finalizing objects on time, you can assist the garbage collector by clearing the fields that points to objects. This means that some objects might be elegible for collection earlier than they would, this can help reduce the memory consumption and reduce the work that the GC has to do. ** foreach The foreach C# statement handles various kinds of different constructs (about seven different code patterns are generated). Typically foreach generates more efficient code than loops constructed manually, and also ensures that objects which implement IDispose are properly released. But foreach sometimes might generate code that under stress performs badly. Foreach performs badly when its used in tight loops, and its use leads to the creation of many enumerators. Although technically obtaining an enumerator for some objects like ArrayList is more efficient than using the ArrayList indexer, the pressure introduced due to the extra memory requirements and the demands on the garbage collector make it more inneficient. There is no straight-forward rule on when to use foreach, and when to use a manual loop. The best thing to do is to always use foreach, and only when profile shows a problem, replace foreach with for loops.