* Microsoft Hailstorm and Passport Microsoft Passport is a centralized database hosted by Microsoft that enhances the consumer experience with the Web by providing a single logon system that they can use across a number of participant web sites. As you might know by now from our extensive FAQ, the Mono project has nothing to do with Microsoft Hailstorm or Microsoft Passport. Still a lot of people have asked us our opinion on them. ** Passport Passport is important not because of it being breaktrough technologically speaking, but because the company is in a position to drive most people toward being suscribers of it. At the time of this writing passport is required to use the free mail service Hotmail to get customized support for the MSN portal, Microsoft Developers Network and according to the original announcement from Microsoft American Express and EBay will be adopting it. There is already a Large list of participating sites. There are many current users of it and Microsoft will be driving more users towards Passport as it integrates it in their upcoming release of Windows. Microsoft has also developed a toolkit to enable current web merchants to integrate their services with passport. To the end user, there is a clear benefit: they only have to log into a single network and not remember multiple passwords across sites on the internet. Companies that adopt passport will have a competition advantage over those that dont. Microsoft lists a list of benefits to companies. ** The problems of Passport There are a number of concerns that different groups have over Passport. Sometimes I have some, sometimes I do not. But overall, consumers and businesses can have better solutions. Microsoft might or might not realize this. The idea behind Passport is indeed a good one (I can start to get rid of my file that keeps track of the 30 logins and passwords or so that I use across the various services on the net myself). ** Alternatives to Microsoft Passport An alternative to Microsoft Passport needs to take the above problems into consideration. Any solution of the form `We will just have a competing offering' will not work. The system thus has to be: An implementation of this protocol could use the DNS or a DNS-like setup to distribute the information of users with the possibility of replicating and caching public information about the user. It could also just use the user e-mail address as the `key' to choose the registrar (msn.com, hotmail.com -> passport.com; aol.com -> aol.passport.com; you get the idea). The xmlStorage idea from Dave Winer could be used to store the information. A toolkit for various popular web servers could be provided, authenticated and should be open sourced (for those of you who think that a binary program would give more security and would prevent people from tampering: you are wrong. You can always use a proxy system that "behaves" like the binary, and passes information back and forth from the real program, and snoops in-transit information). Good cryptographers need to be involved in this problem to figure out the details and the possible insecure pieces of a proposal like this. ** Deploying it The implementation of such a system should be a pretty straightforward tasks once security cryptographers have designed such a beast. The major problems are: ** Passport and Mono The .NET class libraries includes a Passport class that applications might use to authenticate with Passport. Since we do not have information at this point on the exact protocol of Passport, it is not even feasible to implement it. If at some point the information is disclosed, it could be implemented. If a competing system to Passport existed, we could probably hide all the authentication information to use a number of different passport-like systems. If a user does not want to use Passport at all, he could always turn it off (or completely remove the class from the library). After all, this is free software. Currently, we are too far from the point where this is a real issue. ** Disclaimer This is just a group of personal thoughts of mine that I have placed here because I get asked this question a lot lately. The views of this page are not a statement from my employer (Ximian, Inc). Nat Friedman (Ximian's co-founder) has his own ideas on how a competing system to Passport could be designed, but I will let him post his own story. Send comments to me: Miguel de Icaza (miguel@ximian.com)