* Compilers for other languages Here are some other free compilers for other languages that target .NET and should work with Mono with no problem: Languages which are known to run, but we have not done a complete ran of all their regression tests to validate it: Languages we would like to have supported, with links to resources: Some experimental languages: ** Java There is a very interesting project to make a JavaVM for .NET here. Zoltan has got IKVM to work with Mono. ** PHP Sterling has code to allow PHP developers to use Mono code, in his site ** MonoLogo An implementation of Logo for Mono (and .NET) The Mono Logo compiler is hosted in the Mono CVS repository and also available on the AnonCVS mirrors. ** Mono Basic (Mono's VB.NET compiler) Work has resumed on the Mono Visual Basic compiler (currently called mbas). It is part of the standard Mono distribution, but its still an early compiler. ** Oberon This Oberon compiler is written in Oberon.NET (another self hosting compiler). The main site http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/oberon.net/ Download: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/oberon.net/download/ Examples: http://www.oberon.ethz.ch/oberon.net/examples/ ** Component Pascal The Component Pascal compiler: Home Page, you can download it ** Delta Forth The Delta Forth.NET project: Home Page and more details here. ** Tachy A subset of Scheme language called Tachy ** Python Brian Lloyd is working on linking the Python runtime with the .NET runtime. More information on the PS.NET project can be found here. ** dotLisp DotLisp is available from: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dotlisp/ * Java Script Cesar is working on Mono's implementation of JScript, the code is available on CVS on module `mcs'. * Nemerle Nemerle is a new hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform. It is available from http://www.nemerle.org. * Missing languages Here is a list of a few languages that we would like to see supported. We will try to maintain a set of links here with technical information for those interested in porting, implementing or adapting a compiler for any of these languages: * C Ideally GCC could be modified to generate CIL, but it is a big task. That would give us various compilers in one pass. LCC 4.2 has been recently released. This release adds support for compiling ANSI C programs to CIL. Note that the CIL support only works on Win32 right now, but should be easy to convert to Mono/other architectures. LCC is not an open source compiler, but it is free as long as you do not profit from selling it. * ADA A# is an ADA compiler for the CIL platform, it can be downloaded from: http://www.usafa.af.mil/dfcs/bios/mcc_html/a_sharp.html * Java Java bytecode can run directly on Mono using the IKVM java virtual machine for .NET. We have a separate page for Java.