Ximian announced the launch of the Mono project, an effort to create an open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework. Mono includes: a compiler for the C# language, a runtime for the Common Language Infrastructure (also referred as the CLR) and a set of class libraries. The runtime can be embedded into your application. Mono has implementations of both ADO.NET and ASP.NET as part of its distribution. You can read our rationale for this project. If you have questions about the project, please read our list of Frequently Asked Questions or contact us. You might also want to Download the source for our work so far. Grab a snapshot of our current work, or browse the sources You might want to subscribe to our mono-list and mono-announce-list You can contact the team at: mono-list@ximian.com In order to follow the process of the project and to learn more about the team members we have created the Mono Weekly News letter. Which archives can be found here.
Mono Status
C# Compiler Self hosting on Linux
Self hosting on .NET.
JIT Linux/x86 working.
Interpreter Working:
Linux/x86, Linux/PPC, S390
In progress:
Classes All assemblies compile.
RSS feed:
@item Mar 25th: Second Mono Survey
What do you think about Mono? Is your company involved with the development and deployment of web applications? Is Linux becoming an important part of your company's business application strategy? Are you considering Mono for your next project? Would you like to shape the future of Mono and the use of Linux in business critical applications? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we would like to talk with you. If interested, please email us at mbadgett@ximian.com.
@item Mar 20th: Windows.Forms and Wine. Alexandre has provided a modified version of the GC system that will work with and Mono. See the mono-winforms-list. It is now possible to run our Win32-based implementation of Windows.Forms with Mono on Linux. @item Mar 7th: Mono 0.23 A new freshly baked release of Mono is available. Release notes are here. This is mostly a bug fix release. No new features. @item Mar 5th, 2003: Mono 0.22; MonoDoc 0.2; Debugger 0.2.1: Release-o-Rama. Mono 0.22 has been released. See the release notes. This is a bug fix release. A new preview of MonoDoc 0.2, the Mono Documentation browser has been released. Martin also announced a new release of the Mono Debugger (both GUI and command line). @item Mar 3rd, 2003: The Mono Hackers Hall Of Fame welcomes Zoltan Varga The Mono Hackers Hall Of Fame continues to show our appreciation to the excellent contributors that make mono:: a successful free software project. Zoltan has contributed significantly to Mono, with bug reports and bug fixes as well as pushing the envelope of the things that can be done in and with the mono runtime: the gcc-based ngen compiler, code coverage and more recently his work with Reflection.Emit that got mono to the point of running the IKVM Java virtual machine. @item Mar 2nd, 2003: New Mono mailing list. A new mailing list for Mono Development has been created. @item Feb 27th, 2003: Mono 0.21 released Mono 0.21 has been released. This is only a bug fix release. The release notes are available. @item Feb 25th, 2003: Mono 0.20 for Windows released; New Apache module released. Packages of Mono for Windows have been released. Thanks to Daniel, Johannes and Paolo for setting this up. Daniel has released a new version of his Mono Apache module that handles ASP.NET. The code is available at here Nick has posted an update on the progress on our regression tests. We are looking for more tests, and more volunteers to write them. Also, remember to contribute to the Gtk# documentation effort, momentum is picking up! See the entry for Feb 18th for more details. @item Feb, 23rd, 2003: Mono 0.20 released; Gtk# 0.8 released. Mono 0.20 has been released. Check out the release notes for an overview of the changes. You can get it here. There are no major features in this release, mostly bug fixes and performance improvements. Gtk# 0.8 has been released Important: The contributed binaries for Windows binaries of Mono 0.20 contain a virus. Please read this if you installed the binary. @item Feb 18th, 2003: Volunteers to document Gtk# With the availability of a documentation browser, we are looking for volunteers to help us complete the documentation of the Gtk# binding for Mono. Experience with Gtk is useful, but not mandatory. We have checked in stubs, and we have instructions, and resources to how to complete this process here. Mail the mono-docs-list@ximian.com for further discussion. @item Feb 14th, 2003: OpenGL# bindings for Mono; Mono Basic updates. Mark Crichton has completed his OpenGL/GLUT bindings for Gnome. A screenshot can be seen here. The bindings are available on the Mono CVS repository on the module `glgen'. This is a straight binding to the C API. Marco has posted an update on the current state of the free VB.NET compiler for Mono. We are looking for contributors and maintainers to the JavaScript compiler as well (Janet) @item Feb 12th, 2003: New assemblies, Gtk# stub documentation, Authenticode, Polish site Mono now distributes a few new assemblies: Mono.Security.Win32 as a layer to use the crypto functionality on Win32. The Mono.Posix assembly which contains functionality for taking advantage of Unix facilities. A Mono site in Poland. Stubs for the Gtk# documentation have been checked into CVS. If you want to contribute please read this message Mono development is moving quickly: Tim and Daniel have been improving the Oracle database provider and Sebastien Pouliot has got code signing to work using Authenticode with pure open source and managed code. Plenty of new VB.NET work from Marco (compiler) and Daniel (runtime). Also Jackson has resumed work on the IL assembler and the fully managed library to generate CIL images (Sergey wrote the first Mono.PEToolkit). @item Feb 11th, 2003: Mono Weekly News, New assemblies. Mono Weekly News: Includes a new interview, software announcements and the PHP/Mono integration. @item Feb 5th, 2003: MonoDoc 0.1 A preliminary release of the Mono Documentation Browser is now availble. Release notes @item Jan, 22th, 2003: Mono wins award, OpenLink releases Virtuoso. Mono won the `Best Open Source Project' award at the Linux World Expo. A description is here Open Link has a press release about Virtuoso 3.0: the first commercial product shipping that uses Mono. @item Jan, 20th, 2003: Mono 0.19 released; Screenshots page; Gtk# 0.7 Mono 0.19 has been released. Check out the release notes for an overview of the changes. You can get it here. There are no major features in this release, mostly bug fixes and performance improvements. We have now a new section with screenshots of various Mono applications. You can see there the new released Debugger, as well as the work in progress on the documentation browser. Gtk# 0.7 has been released @item Jan, 19th, 2003: Mono Debugger released. After six month of extensive development, Martin Baulig has released the first version of the Mono debugger. The Mono debugger is written in C# and can debug both managed and unmanaged applications, support for multiple-threaded applications and should be relatively easy to port to new platforms. Details of the release are available in post. The debugger contains both Gtk# and command line interfaces. The debugging file format used in Dwarf (its already supported by our class libraries and the Mono C# compiler; To debug C applications, you need a recent GCC, or to pass the -gdwarf-2 flag to gcc). @item Jan, 17th, 2003: DB2 provider, MacOS X Christopher Bockner has contributed a DB2 System.Data client. MacOS X support on the runtime has been integrated into the distribution, and MCS works with it. Zoltan has managed to get IKVM (a Java VM for .NET) to run with Mono. The HelloWorld.class runs with the Mono runtime. @item Jan, 13th, 2003: Mono 0.18 released Mono 0.18 has been released. Check out the release notes for an overview of the changes. You can get it here. @item Jan 10th, 2003: Mono Weekly News. A new issue of the Mono Weekly News has been published. Check out the Crypto status page that Sebastien has put together. @item Jan 3rd, 2003: Glade#, Code Coverage, Apache, MBas, Debugger. Rachel has made Glade# use attributes so binding C# widgets to the designed widgets is now easier than ever. Alp has improved this to use implicit names as well. Martin's Mono debugger now has support for multi-thread debugging. Special feature: breakpoints can be defined in a per-thread basis now. Daniel López has checked in his Apache module to integrate Mono and Mono's ASP.NET support as an Apache module. Gonzalo has folded his new Mono hosting classes into this module (they are now shared between XSP and mod_mono). You can get the mod_apache from CVS (module name: mod_mono). Mono Basic improvements: Marco has added support for more statements on the grammar. Zoltan has posted his Code Coverage analysis tool for Mono. @item Dec 17th, 2002: Mono: Commercial uses. Tipic today announced their work on porting their Instant Messaging Server platform to run on Mono. Winfessor also announced the availability of their Jabber SDK to run on Mono. Also two weeks ago we mentioned OpenLink Software's announcement of their product, also using Mono. @item Dec 10th, 2002: Gtk# 0.6 released; Mono 0.17 packages for Windows and Debian. Mike Kestner announced Gtk# 0.6. This new release includes many new features and bug fixes, and is the perfect companion to the Mono 0.17 release. Johannes has contributed a Windows-ready package of Mono 0.17, and its available from our download page. Alp Toker has Debian packages @item Dec 9th, 2002: Mono 0.17 has been released Mono 0.17 has been released. Check out the release notes for a more detailed list. You can get it here. Many new features as well as plenty of bug fixes. Many new System.Data providers and a more mature System.Web (ASP.NET) which can now be hosted in any web server. A simple test web server to host asp.net has been released as well. This version also integrates Neale's s390 port. This release also includes a new exception handling system that uses the gcc exception information that vastly improves our internalcall speed (15% faster mcs compilation times). @item Dec 8th, 2002: VB.NET, Oracle Provider. Marco has got the Mono Basic compiler up to speed (support for classes, modules, expressions, object creation, method invocation, local variables, and some statements). The compiler is based on the work from Rafael Teixeira on MCS. Screenshots: in Windows doing Windows.Forms and in Linux doing VB with Gtk# (courtesy of Alp). Daniel Morgan has checked in his Oracle provider to the CVS repository as well. @item Nov 27th, 2002: Press release, tutorials, Windows Forms, ADO.NET, Magazine. The Penguin Takes Flight: an article written by Erick Schonfeld appears on the December issue of Business 2.0 magazine. OpenLink and Ximian made joint announcement on the plans of OpenLink to ship their Virtuoso server on Unix using Mono. Martin Willemoes's GNOME.NET tutorial is now available from the main Mono site. This tutorial is a collaborative effort to teach developers how to use Mono to create Mono applications using Gtk# Dennis Hayes has posted and update on the work to get Windows.Forms working on Mono. There is a new test application that people can use to test their controls. If you are interested in working on Windows.Forms, you can participate in the mono-winforms mailing list Brian Ritchie has been working on an ADO.NET data layer and an application server for Mono. Dan Morgan has checked in his Oracle provider, and Tim Coleman continues to work on the TDS implementation of the data classes. The rest of the team has been working on bug fixing in the runtime, the compiler, and the class libraries. Also, compilation speed has increased recently by performing a number of simple optimizations in the compiler. @item Nov 19th, 2002: Crypto update; Books; Gtk# Datagrid; .NET ONE Slides Sebastien has got DSA and RSA signatures working as well as RSA encryption. We now distribute Chew Keong TAN's BigInteger classes. Brian has contributed a System.Data multiplexor in Mono, it can be found in the Mono.Data assembly. The details of this new technology are here. It works in Mono and the .NET Framework. Larry O'Brien has announced the candidate book for Thinking in C#. The book is Mono-friendly. Another book that covers mono (available in German only) is here. Dan Morgan has implemented a DataGrid widget for Gtk#, you can see Windows screenshots for it here and here. Slides from the Mono developers for the .NET ONE conference are available now: A couple of other presentations from Miguel's trip to Europe are available here in Open Office file format. @item Nov 8th, 2002: Mono s390, Database work, new JIT updates. Neale Ferguson has contributed RPM packages of Mono for the Linux/s390. Tim Coleman posted an update on the improvements in the System.Data The new JIT engine can run 72 out of our 154 tests for the virtual machine, and it also got exception support this week. @item Nov 1st, 2002: TDS, Crypto, Gtk#, Winforms, bug fixes. Tim's SqlClient is now capable of communicating with the Microsoft SQL server using the TDS protocol. A screenshot showing a sample client running with Gtk# on Windows is shown here Sebastien has made all symetric ciphers functional on all supported modes; All the classes in Security.Cryptography are present and the X590 certificates are now in too. Jackson has been working on the Security classes. Many bug fixes all over the place: class libraries (Dick, Piers, Ville, Zoltan, Gonzalo, Dan, Atsushi, Nick, Phillip), compiler, runtime engine. A big thank goes for everyone who has been providing bug reports for us to track down. Gaurav has been working on multiple WebControls. Gonzalo migrated the ASP.NET engine to use POST for interaction. In the Gtk# land saw the integration of gda, gnome-db and GStreamer bindings. Windows.Forms classes now build on Linux and Windows, check out the status pages for areas of collaboration. @item Oct 24th, 2002: S390 support, XSP/ASP.NET, Win32 contributors, TDS. Today Neal Ferguson's support for the IBM S390 was checked into CVS. The XSP processor has been fully integrated into the System.Web assembly, and Gonzalo has finished the hosting interfaces in Mono. This means that it is possible to embed ASP.NET with the same APIs used in Windows, and is possible to easily embed it with Apache for example. The XSP module has now become a shell for testing the System.Web classes. We are looking for contributors that know Win32 to contribute to the Windows.Forms implementation. If you want to help write some controls using the Win32 API, get in touch with our new mono-winforms-list@ximian.com list mailing list. Tim's TDS System.Data set of classes can now talk to SQL servers using the TDS protocol (version 4.2) with connection pooling. Currently it can connect, run transactions, update/insert/delete, and read some types. A data adapter is also coming soon. @item Oct 21th, 2002: Crypto, Winforms list, Database, GConf, Debugger. Sebastien Poliot has made a lot of progress, he reports that DES and TripleDES have been fixed; Rijndael and CFB modes still have problems in some configurations and some areas that are not supported by the .NET framework. Last week we created a new mailing list to discuss the Mono Winforms implementation. Tim has started a full C# implementation of the TDS protocol and the providers, and Brian continues his work on his ODBC binding. Rachel Hestilow has also checked in a binding for GConf. This binding is unique in that it uses some features in the CLI to support complex data types, and allows the user to keep only one representation of the types instead of two (the master types is defined in CLI-land). Also Property Editors (shot) simplify the creation of user interfaces that bind their configuration to backend keys, following the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines. Martin is now on vacation, but before leaving he produced a number of documents detailing the state of the debugger. The major missing feature is full support for debugging unmanaged applications (it requires dwarf-2 handlers for types). We will do some polishing of the user interface (new shot) to expose the existing and rich functionality to the users and try to release a preview of the debugger at the same time as Mono 0.17. @item Oct 14th, 2002: Crypto, Database work, Debugger, Documentation. Brian, Daniel and Rodrigo have been busy working on the ODBC provider for Mono. Daniel posted some updates. Brian posted details about the ODBC.NET provider. Also Sebastien Pouliot has been improving the various cryptographic classes in Mono, something that we had not done in quite some time. We are looking for a way to handle big-nums. We need either a managed or unmanaged set of classes for handling large numbers, and some volunteers to expose this functionality to C# (Either as an internal assembly, or as a set of P/Invoke, Internal call wrappers). Martin has got our debugger to support adding breakpoints at file/line combos. This was more complex than generic breakpoints in routines, because these breakpoints are set on routines that probably have not been JITed just yet. Martin's focus now is on stabilizing our debugger and aim for a public release of it. We have also imported the ECMA documentation into a separate module, and with the help from Scott Bronson we will have the necessary XSLT tools to finish our native documentation browser for Mono. This together with the work from Adam will be the foundation for the Mono Documentation Tools. @item Oct 9th, 2002: Various Mono updates. Brian Ritchie, Daniel Morgan, Rodrigo Moya and Ville Palo have been working on various database providers. The MySQL has seen a lot of work, and a new ODBC provider is now on CVS and more extensive regression tests have been checked in. Dick Porter is our background hero and keeps fixing the low-level bugs in the portability layer. Now the Mono handle daemon should be a lot more robust and will no longer leave IPC regions. Gonzalo Paniagua has initiated the migration of XSP into the System.Web class libraries now that we have a complete HttpRuntime implementation. This means that you are able to embed the ASP.NET processor into any web server you want. This also includes support for the system-wide configuration file `machine.config'. Martin Baulig has been busy with the Mono Debugger, you can see how it looks here and here. Now local variables and breakpoints are supported, and we are working on the UI elements to simplify their use (as seen on the screenshot). Gtk# has seen a lot of activity specially as we start to build larger applications. Vladimir Vukicevic, Kristian Rietveld, Rachel Hestilow, Mike Kestner and Miguel de Icaza have been busy improving it. mPhoto which is a Photo management application for Mono and Gtk# is seen here. Chris Toshok the man behind LDAP in Evolution continues to work on the Mono.LDAP# implementation. Dietmar Maurer and Paolo Molaro are still busy working on our new optimized JIT/ATC engine and are making great progress. The code base has been designed to ease the implementation of more advanced compiler optimizations, and optimizations can be chosen individually so they can be tuned for a particular processor, or use profile-based information to improve the performance. @item Oct 1st, 2002: Mono 0.16 released; Debugger updates. Mono 0.16 has been released. Source and RPMs are available. The release notes are here. Martin's debugger can debug both managed and unmanaged code. Recently Martin added support for locals, parameters, and breakpoints on top of the existing infrastructure (his debugger supported instruction-level and source-code level single-stepping). @item Sep 19th, 2002: Mono Survey. Help us plan for the future of Mono by filing out the First Mono Survey @item Sep 17th, 2002: Mono Hackers Hall of Fame: Sergey Chaban The Mono Hackers Hall Of Fame continues to show our appreciation to the excellent contributors that made mono:: a successful free software project. This time the Hall of Fame welcomes Sergey Chaban. Sergey has been a long time contributor to the project, from the early work on the class libraries that were critical to Mono's origin: every time you use a Hashtable in Mono, it runs Sergey's code, to the low-level optimizations on the JIT engine and to his work on ILASM and the PEToolkit. @item Sep 16th, 2002: Documentation Tools, ILASM, Debugger, Mono LDAP, Winforms Adam Treat has started moving the documentation universe again. We have a new strategy to document our APIs (given that we have chosen not to document the code inline). This includes the use of a master reference file that will hold the entry points to document. All master files for our assemblies have been checked into CVS now. Sergey Chaban's Mono.PEToolkit and ILASM tools have been checked into CVS. Although ILASM is old and will soon be updated, we wanted to get the build issues sorted out. Martin Baulig's Mono Debugger is still on its early stages, but you can run and run step by step your C# code and C code (including the Mono runtime). Dwarf-2 is required to compile your code. The regular step, step-into, and assembly-level step and step-into are supported. And comes with a Gtk# UI. The debugger is written mostly in C# with some C glue code. Most of the work is on the engine, we will be working on making a good UI in the future. Chris Toshok of the Hungry Programmer's fame has checked in Mono.Directory.LDAP, a C# wrapper for the LDAP libraries. This is the substrate for implementing the System.DirectoryServices assembly. Andrew has also continued with some of the cryptographic classes implementation. After much public debate, we have chosen a new strategy to implement winforms. Implementing a Gtk, Qt or Aqua based version of Winforms was going to be almost as complex as implementing Wine itself. So the new strategy is to only roll out a WineLib-based implementation. @item Sep 4th, 2002: .NET One 2002 Program available The .NET ONE 2002 conference in Frankfurt is now available. Paolo will be talking about the Mono JIT and embedding the Mono runtime in your Windows and Linux applications. Mike Kestner will talk about Gtk# and the automatic binding generator used by Gtk# and Miguel will be talking about the Mono project on Monday's keynote and on the Mono C# compiler on Tuesday. @item Sep 3rd, 2002: Apache integration Sterling announced an Apache module that hosts Mono, and allows CIL code to run from within Apache, giving the module access to the Apache runtime. This uses the Mono embedding API. @item Aug 24th, 2002: Gtk# 0.4 released Shortly after Mono 0.15 was released a fresh version of Gtk# was announced. @item Aug 23rd, 2002: Mono 0.15 released Mono 0.15 has been released. Source and RPMs are available. The release notes are here @item Aug 21th, 2002: Portable.NET encodings integrated into Mono. Rhys Weatherley has contributed the Portable.NET encoders to the Mono class libraries. This is a great step towards cooperation between these projects. Thanks to Paolo for doing the merger on our side. His encoders are more complete than the iconv-based approach that mono used, which was unreliable under certain circumstances. @item Aug 20th, 2002: Remoting work, Resources, SPARC checkins, ADO.NET San Francisco: August 14th. Linux World Expo. Mark Crichton has checked in his patches to get the SPARC port on par with the PPC port. Dick has checked-in the resource reader and resource writers to the class libraries, and Dietmar checked in the C# support code for the remoting infrastructure. More work on System.Data: the LibGDA (our OleDB backend) based providers are quickly maturing, and recently they executed their first query. @item Aug 13th, 2002: MCS news, Gtk# progress, Windows.Forms, ADO.NET Martin Baulig has been fixing all the known bugs in the C# compiler and now has moved into improving the compilation speed and the generated code quality of MCS. Today we got a 50% speedup in the bootstrap of MCS going from 24 seconds to 12 seconds. Gtk# has been making a lot of progress, some interesting corner cases are now supported:, you can now create canvas items as well as using the tree widget. Here is a shot of MonoCIL. On the runtime front, focus has been on improving remoting support, exception handling, as well as completing the support for structure marshaling. Patrik is also back in action: the HttpRuntime infrastructure is rapidly improving, and Gonzalo is working into moving XSP into our main class library and providing the missing pieces to integrate with Patrik's code. Dennis and his team are working on a WineLib-based implementation of Windows Forms to guarantee that the corner cases of Windows.Forms can be handled, and we are back on track again. A lot more work on the ADO.NET and WebServices has also been checked into CVS. @item Aug 1st, 2002: Mono Hackers Hall of Fame The Mono Hackers Hall Of Fame has been started to show our appreciation to the excellent contributors that made mono:: a successful free software project. The first, deserved, entry goes to Nick Drochak, who joined us in the first days of Mono and built the testing infrastructure for the C# assemblies, fixed tons of bugs and even adventured himself in the lands of the C runtime. His work is invaluable for keeping Mono on the right track through the daily changes in the codebase. @item Looking for volunteers We are looking for volunteers to help complete various pieces of Mono and help move the project forward, we need contributions to: @item July 31st, 2002: Flow Analysis Martin has checked into CVS the data flow analysis patch for MCS, this means that we now correctly implement definite assignment in the C# language. @item Jul 31st, 2002: Most ASP.NET controls render, Gtk# structs. Gonzalo posted an update on the ASP.NET widgets that are still pending. Patrik is back, and he is working with Gonzalo to streamline the pipeline Rachel quietly committed to Gtk-Sharp support for marshaling structures (very important for Gtk#). This uses extensively the new marshaling code that Dietmar added to the runtime. Dietmar is also now sharing more code for P/Invoke using his intermediate representation. Another step to share more code, and simplify the porting and maintenance process. @item Jul 27th, 2002: NGEN tool for Mono. Zoltan announced the availability of his CIL to C compiler. This allows your Mono assemblies to be pre-compiled and optimized by GCC in your platform, increasing the speed significantly of your code. @item Jul 26th, 2002: Mono 0.13 has been released. Mono 0.13 has been released! (details here). Get your sources for the runtime and compiler and class libraries.

Alp made Debian packages and they are here. Cristophe made packages for Red Hat and they are here. And Windows packages have been contributed @item Jul 23rd, 2002: Mono Verifier, System.Web.Services, ASP.NET samples. Mono now has a verifier. It is used by the runtime, or you can invoke it manually to verify an image by using the `pedump' tool. Tim Coleman has started work on the System.Web.Services assembly (you can also track the status here on the web page). Contact him if you want to help in this assembly or with the associated web service tools. Various samples for ASP.NET have landed in CVS. @item Jul 20th, 2002: Spanish Mono Tutorial. A Spanish tutorial on using Mono is here. Also the FAQ has been translated as well. @item Jul 19th, 2002: File handle redirection, Embeddable Mono and Mono Linux compilation. Dick's code for file handle redirection is complete and has now landed on the CVS repository. The Mono runtime can now be embedded into your application (also known as "CLR hosting"). See the sample in mono/samples/embed. This allows your application to link with the Mono runtime, then your C code can call into the C#/CIL universe and back. Peter Williams and Martin contributed some Makefiles to compile all of Mono on Linux. Details are here. @item Jul 17th, 2002 The first documentary on Ximian's development team is now available online, from young director Erik Pukinskis: "Code Monkey At Work". A Tutorial on getting Mono installed from sources is now online. More progress on the ASP.NET front: user defined controls are now being rendered, as well as many of the sample programs from www.asp.net. Gonzalo's work can be found on module XSP (this implements the .aspx compiler). Sergey Chaban has got Gtk# working on Windows, you can see some screenshots: sample apps and running with a Russian charset. @item Jul 16th, 2002 Paolo today got mono to complete host itself on Linux. This means that we can now compile the `corlib' using the Mono C# compiler and the Mono runtime. Compiling the corlib was rather tricky, because the types that the compiler uses during the compilation process will come from the source code it is compiling. After a few months of work, we have finally fleshed out all the remaining bugs. Now the next step is to update the makefiles to compile with the Mono tool-chain. A recapitulation:

In the meantime, Dietmar has quietly implemented the remaining pieces of Marshalling in the Mono runtime. This is very important for the Gtk# guys to move on with their bindings. To make things more interesting, he replaced most of the architecture specific code generation for trampolines (delegates, invocations, function and p/invoke trampolines) to use CIL. This CIL is then compiled on the flight by the JIT Compiler engine. By doing this, we have reduced the burden to port the JITer to new architectures, and that our trampoline code is cross platform. @item Jul 9th, 2002 Ajay was the first to notice Mono's first birthday. In a year, we have achieved plenty: Thanks to everyone who has made Mono possible with their feedback, regression tests, their comments, their help on the mailing list, code contributions, complete classes, bug reporting, the countless hours of bug hunting. This project would not have been possible without every contribution. It has been a great year for everyone involved in the project. I think we have built a new and exciting community. Now we have a solid foundation to build on, so this next year looks even more exciting: not only because we will see more Mono applications, but we will begin using Mono as an `library' to be linked with applications that want to get scripting-like features; Gtk# is our ticket to create nice GNOME applications; And we will be developing CORBA bindings to integrate with other object systems. Also, for those interested in optimizations and tuning, this year we will get to play with more advanced optimizations and all kinds of interesting research ideas for improving Mono code generation. A special thanks to the Mono developers at Ximian for managing to survive their manager and a special thanks to our regression test marshal Nick Drochak, who has been hunting down, and fixing code in our class libraries and keeping us on track for so long. @item Jul 8th, 2002 Radek today fixed the last bugs to get Mono to self host on Linux/PowerPC. Alp Toker has released version 0.5 of Phonic, a media player for .NET. Phonic makes extensive use of Mono-developed technologies such as Gtk# and csvorbis (Ogg player ported by Mark). Hopefully we will be seeing many more exciting applications like these in the near future. Dietmar has been moving a lot of the architecture specific code in the JIT engine to our internal representation. This means that porting the JIT is simpler now, as there is less architecture-specific code to maintain. The inliner, constant folder and constant propagation are also done at the architecture independent layer. Gonzalo is now running the sample ASP.NET applications on Linux with the Mono runtime. It still needs polishing though, and help with the various ASP.NET controls would be appreciated. The ASP.NET community seems more poor than the PHP community, we need to have a few open source controls to do things dynamic rendering (libart+gdk-pixbuf again can do most of the work), charts and components like the kind of thing you see in the PHP universe: to bring nice GPL code to the masses of Windows developers, lure them into the world of Linux. Dick has also got us the new Process implementation that implements the Win32 semantics. Now only redirection is missing. @item Jul 3rd, 2002 Listen to Paolo Molaro do a talk on Mono at the WebIT conference in Padova, Italy this coming friday. Details are here You can also see a trip report from the Gnome in the South trip: here Miguel will be doing a couple of talks at the O'Reilly conference about Mono: status update, progress and developing applications with it. Details are here and here @item Jun 30, 2002 Martin Baulig fixed the remaining bugs that prevented MCS to compile our corlib. The compilation was tricky because of the way MCS bootstraps the compile (internally mcs uses the types that are being defined at that point to perform compares). Martin and Paolo have been working hard on fixing the remaining issues. Currently 102 test pass and 15 fail with our resulting corlib. Jesus' SoapFormatter classes are now in CVS. I have been redoing the type lookup system for MCS. The interesting bit is that I did most of this work on an airplane using MCS itself. Which is a good test that the compiler is now a good development tool. Duncan, Mike and Rachel have been hard at work with Gtk#, now there are bindings for the GtkHTML widget (the one used by Evolution's composer). And Rachel also got the beginning of GNOME bindings, that should simplify application development. A big thanks goes to Dennis Hayes for getting the Windows.Forms work together, and committing so many stubs for Windows.Forms. @item Jun 25, 2002 I am updating the Mono site from the UNESCO offices in Uruguay, the South-America trip to promote free software is going very well. Many news in Mono-land this week so far: Mike Kestner got bindings for GtkHTML last night for Gtk#, this is using GtkHTML 2.0. On Monday Piers Haken contributed the core to support XPath in Mono: most of the w3c spec is implemented (modulo a few pending bits). Dick checked in his implementation of the Process classes: process forking and waiting support committed, with some functions to query status. This was complex as we had to emulate the Win32 environment, but this is another step to be fully compatible. This means for example that any process can check on the status of any other process (without the parent/child relationship) Of course, those interested in only the Unix semantics can always P/Invoke the Unix calls. @item Jun 24, 2002 Duncan has written a few sample Gtk# demo applications (screen shot, another) Rachel also got the beginning of Gnome bindings (screenshot). She also got some documentation up now. @item Jun 22, 2002 Mono's ASP.NET has rendered its first page on Linux for the first time (Gonzalo and Paolo). Also, we are getting close to self hosting. Paolo posted a list of pending issues which are now very small. Steam is picking up in Gtk# as the bindings become more complete and small applications are starting to emerge. Gtk# now compiles completely on Linux. This uses a lot of the XML libraries, which is nice to see. @item Jun 20, 2002 Gonzalo has got the Mono ASP.NET implementation can now render all Html Controls, and 21 out of the 26 Web Controls. Session tracking is next. Look in xsp/test for a collection of tests that render with Mono. Ajay has been very busy improving and extending the XmlSerialization code. All fields had to be re-ordered to match the Microsoft implementation. @item Jun 19, 2002 You can now download a fresh tarball of the libraries and the MCS compiler daily from Alp Toker's website. New libgc RPMS for Redhat 7.3 are available on Richard Torkar's site. @item Jun 10, 2002 Ajay announced today that the reading code for XmlSchemas is almost complete. @item Jun 7, 2002 Mono 0.12 is out! More classes! More working code! Better compiler! Faster runtime! Less bugs! You can get it Here (quick links: runtime and compiler/classes). @item Jun 3rd, 2002 CodeDOM implementation from Daniel Stodden has got C# output support. @item May 31, 2002 Gonzalo got the Mono XSP page parser to render its first ASP.NET .aspx file today without using MS System.Web.Hosting classes. It is currently on its infancy. But very good news, now we need to upgrade our System.Web runtime to run natively on Linux. Sergey's code for architecture and size-specific CPBLK has been checked into CVS. Paolo has checked the configuration code for Mono (to map PInvoke dlls to other libraries). ADO support: Daniel has checked in a modified version of the MySQL data provider from Brad. And Rodrigo started the OleDB using LibGDA. @item May 27, 2002 An RSS feed is now available for the Mono news. I find it surprising that there are so many tools that process this data. Binaries for Windows are now location independent, do not require Cygwin and come with a Wizard. @item May 26, 2002 Daniel Morgan checked in his Sql# Cli tool into the System.Data class library. @item May 24, 2002 Ajay has checked in a major update to the System.Xml.Schema namespace. Gonzalo moved XSP along this week: Added support for templates, columns inside DataGrid, HTML comments, code render and data binding tags, style properties in style tags, ListItem inside list controls, float and double properties. @item May 22, 2002 MonoLogo runs on the Mono runtime. This screenshot shows MonoLogo running Gtk#. @item May 21, 2002 Martin has improved the debugging infrastructure in Mono, now it is possible to get line number information on stack traces. @item May 20, 2002 XSP our ASP.NET .aspx page parser is now available on the AnonCVS servers. This is part of the ASP.NET support in Mono. Gonzalo is the developer on charge of it. Many updates to the ADO.NET implementation from Dan, Tim and Rodrigo. Radek got the Mono C# compiler running on Linux/PPC and compiling most of our regression test suite. Lawrence has been working really hard in fixing, improving and polishing the underlying network infrastructure. The Rafael and Chris have committed the beginning of the VisualBasic.NET runtime support to CVS. Jesus has contributed the beginning of the SoapFormatter @item May 9, 2002 Linear register allocator has been deployed in the Mono JIT engine. Read about it @item May 5, 2002 We are able to retrieve simple data from the database using our ADO.NET like functionality. Only string and integer data types are supported right now but more are in the works. You can find more information at The Mono ADO-NET Page Thanks goes to Chris, Daniel, Duncan, Gonzalo, Miguel, Rodrigo, Tim, and others for these bits. @item May 4th, 2002 Rodrigo Moya announced new LibGDA: LibGDA is an ADO-like library for Unix systems. This one removes all the CORBA and GConf dependencies, which should make it easier to use and compile. This is another milestone for our ADO.NET implementation plans We have a little surprise for everyone tracking the news on Tuesday ;-) @item May 2nd, 2002 Mark Crichton csvorbis port (C# port of Vorbis player) and Richard Hestilow's MonoLogo compiler are now on the CVS, and you can get them from AnonCVS. Dick implemented inter-process sharing of handles as well as simplifying the implementation of WaitForMultipleObjects, now we have a `handles' subsystem in Mono. This is needed to fully emulate the handle behavior that Win32 exposes, and that the .NET API expose to applications. News from the Gtk# front: Menu support, Mike tells the story @item May 1st, 2002 Daily packages for Debian are available here @item Apr 26, 2002 Binary packages of Mono 0.11 are available for Windows (Thanks to Johannes Roith) and for Linux (thanks to BaseLabs). @item Apr 24, 2002 Mono 0.11 is out! Mostly performance improvements, bug fixes and more classes are included. A new version of the runtime, compiler and class libraries has been packaged for your download pleasure. Binaries are included. The Release Notes are available. You can get it Here (quick links: runtime and compiler/classes). @item Apr 23, 2002 SharpDevelop 0.88a is out! Congratulations to the developers behind SharpDevelop for their new release. @item Apr 20, 2002 Some updates from the hacking lines: The web: Patrik Torstensson last week contributed the http runtime support and started work on thread pools. This is part of the ASP.NET support. Docs: John Barnette, John Sohn and Adam Treat have been hacking on MonoDoc. ADO.NET: Daniel Morgan and Rodrigo Moya have been working on the ADO.NET support, and got the first signs of life this week (we can connect, insert rows; do transactions: commit/rollback; SQL errors and exceptions work). Check mono-patches for all the goodies. Optimizations: A number of optimizations in the runtime made the compiler twice as fast this week: Early this week Patrik started the string rewrite in the runtime. Today Dietmar finished the constructors and deployed the new layout. Paolo got the JIT engine to generate profiles, which were in turn used to find hot spots in Reflection, which he improved. Daniel Lewis (of Regex fame) noticed the performance issues with our current array layout, and contributed a new array representation. At the same time Dietmar started the the JIT inline code and implemented constant propagation. These two optimizations together are very powerful. Bug fixing: And of course everyone has been helping out with the bug fixing (Duncan, Gonzalo, Jonathan, Miguel, Nick, Ravi, Sergey) @item Apr 18, 2002 Dietmar's inlining for the JIT engine just landed into CVS. This is only a first cut and more improvements will come later. Patrik, Paolo, Dietmar and Gonzalo have been busy optimizing our class libraries and runtime engine to become faster. Many changes on CVS as well. @item Apr 11, 2002 Gtk# 0.1 "ButtonHook" has been released Binaries for the Mono Regression Test Suite are available for people porting the Mono Runtime to new platforms. @item Apr 6, 2002 Advanced .NET Remoting from Ingo Rammer is now available. Ingo helped us to implement the proxy support and the book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in remoting. @item Apr 5, 2002 Transparent proxy support has been finished, congrats to Dietmar. Our JIT engine on CVS contains the implementation. This should enable people to test the remoting framework on Mono. @item Mar 28, 2002 Debugging information is now generated by the compiler thanks to Martin's work. The resulting dwarf file can be used to single step C# code in GDB. A document will be shortly published with the details. @item Mar 27, 2002 Mono 0.10 is out! The self hosting release of Mono has been released. A new version of the runtime, compiler and class libraries has been packaged for your download pleasure. Binaries are included. The Release Notes are available. You can get it Here (quick links: runtime and compiler/classes). @item Mar 26, 2002 Paolo finally fixed the last bug in the JITer that stopped us from using it to run the Mono C# compiler. Goodies are on CVS. Gtk# runs Hello World. Mike posted some details. @item Mar 19, 2002 Martin has been working on our debugging infrastructure, both on the JIT side of things (adding dward support) as well as on the class libraries (so that MCS can start generating debugging information). Jason and Kral keep working on the System.Xml namespace, allowing Mike to move more to self-hosting his Gtk# code. The System.Web classes are now part of the build (and they are also part of the class status now). Ajay contributed a large chunk of code to the System.Xml.Schema namespace Dan (of regex fame) has been working on internal calls support: moving more code from the old monowrapper to become internal calls. Paolo and Dietmar are working steadily on our runtime environment, fixing bugs, adding missing features and allowing us to run the compiler on Linux. Remember to post your bug reports. The nice class status on the right is brought to you by endless hacking hours from Piers and Nick. These status report pages have been helping us track down various mistakes in our classes (very useful, check it out for yourself) @item Mar 12, 2002 At midnight, in Italy, Paolo got the Mono C# compiler to self host on Linux, the last bug has been squashed to self hostingness. We have now a fully self hosting compiler in Linux. A release will follow up shortly. @item Mar 9, 2002 Updated the class status, now it is possible to use the right-side menu to browse a specific assembly. @item Mar 7, 2002 MCS compiles on Linux! Today Paolo got the MCS compiler compiling itself on Linux completely for the first time! The resulting image still contains some errors, but the whole compiler process goes now. Later in the day and a couple of small optimizations and bug fixes, the compile speed was improved in 400% We are very close to have a complete self hosting environment now. Mono is temporarily using the Bohem GC garbage collector while we deploy the more advanced ORP one. @item Mar 5, 2002 The CVS repository can be browsed Jason has got an incredible amount of work on the Xml classes during the weekend, and Gaurav is very close to have the complete System.Web.UI.WebControls namespace implemented. Martin and Duco have been killing bugs by using the recently revamped regression test suite. Piers has updated our class status page again, with even more information available. The C# compiler has full constant folding implemented now and Ravi killed bugs of bugs in the Mono Bug List @item Mar 1, 2002 RPMs of Mono 0.9 are available at mono.baselabs.com @item Feb 28, 2002 Christophe has setup his First Steps in Mono web site, which shows you a step-by-step process on getting Mono running on your system. RPMs of Mono 0.9 are available at mono.baselabs.org @item Feb 27, 2002 New class status engine that provides detailed information about missing functionality in our class libraries. Nick built the cormissing tool and Piers did the XSLT and DHTML magic. More compiler progress on Linux: our support runtime now enables the compiler to compile `MIS' on Linux (MIS being Dick's Mono sample HTTP server ;-) @item Feb 26, 2002 Paolo posted a list of ways you can help if you do not have Windows right now. Sergey followed up with his suggestions. @item Feb 25, 2002 StrongARM port from Sergey Chaban has been checked into CVS. @item Feb 24, 2002 SPARC: 44 out of 74 tests pass now (Jeff) Power PC: delegates are working now (Radek) @item Feb 22, 2002 Mono 0.9 has been released! A new version of the runtime, compiler and class libraries has been packaged for your download pleasure. The Release Notes You can get it Here (quick links: runtime and compiler/classes). @item Feb 21, 2002 Paolo got our compiler natively to compile 117 of our tests. Self hosting is closer every day. Unsafe support is finished in the C# compiler. @item Feb 20, 2002 Gaurav got DataGrid and DataGridItemCollection done. C# compiler: Unsafe support is mostly complete (only stackalloc is missing). New easy to run scripts for compiling Mono on Unix and Windows is available. We can now easily compile Mono on Windows and Linux. If you had trouble before, use the above scripts which will get the setup right for you. There are now three machines that can provide AnonCVS, just use anoncvs.go-mono.com as the hostname for your CVSROOT and you will get one of the machines. @item Feb 19, 2002 Do you want to see what Mono Looks Like? @item Feb 18, 2002 Application Domains now support the two LoaderOptimization modes: share code or do not share code, and you can control this with the --share-code command line option. Paolo has now 100+ test cases run on Linux now with our class libraries. PowerPC and SPARC ports are moving along (Radek and Jeff) @item Feb 13, 2002 Excellent news since the 11th, here is a quick rundown: AppDomains have been deployed (Dietmar). Socket work is done (Dick). Corlib compiled with no refs to mscorlib (Dan). New comprehensive tests for corlib bits (David). Nick is driving the regression test suite efforts and class library completeness. New System.Data work (Chris). Bug fixes (Paolo, Duncan, Ravi, Miguel) Miguel is off to the FOSDEM conference in Brussels. @item Feb 11, 2002 Mono 0.8 has been released! A new version of the runtime, compiler and class libraries has been packaged for your download pleasure. You can get it Here (quick links: runtime and compiler/classes) @item Feb 11, 2002 We would like to welcome all the new developers that have joined the project in the last couple of days. The classes are rapidly moving. An explanation of the relationship between GNOME and Mono. Nick is still leading our test suite platform. I can not stress how important it is to have a good regression test suite for our platform, as buggy class libraries are what are stopping the compiler from running completely on Linux. We are of course psyched to see Mono run on non-Linux systems. Work is moving on native code generation for StrongARM, PowerPC, and SPARC as well as porting Mono to other systems. There are a couple of debates on the Mono list on implementing a set of web server classes for enabling ASP.NET on Mono. Paolo also posted a list of pending tasks to enable the compiler to run on Linux @item Feb 10, 2002 Mike Kestner has posted an Update on his Gtk# activities. @item Feb 4, 2002 Adam has done Qt bindings for .NET. Adam is cool. @item Jan 29, 2002 Dan Lewis has contributed a major missing set of classes to Mono: System.Text.RegularExpressions. This is a fully .NET compatible implementation of the .NET regular expressions, fully Unicode aware. This contribution is very appreciated, as implementing this was not entirely trivial (supporting Unicode, plus a regex engine which is a super set of the Perl regex engine). @item Jan 28, 2002 The Mono contributors have relicensed the Class Libraries under the terms of the MIT X11 license. This license is an Open Source license, and is used by other projects (most notably, the XFree86 project). The runtime (JIT, metadata library, interpreter) remains under the LGPL and the C# compiler remains under the GPL. Our Press Release Press coverage: CNet, Wired, InfoWorld, NewsForge. @item Jan 23, 2002 New mailing list: mono-patches@ximian.com. This mailing list will receive automatically the patches that are submitted to the Mono CVS to any of its modules. This allows anyone who wants to participate in the peer-review of the code submitted to CVS to receive patches on e-mail. It should also expose to everyone the changes that are being done by the team every day. @item Jan 21, 2002 Dick has got a simple web server running with Mono (`MIS: Mono Internet Server') that is mostly used to test our IO layer, a screenshot Paolo and Dietmar are busy making our runtime self sufficient on non-Windows platforms. C# compiler front: A lot of focus in the past weeks after the C# became self hosting has been in making the compiler a useful tool for development: improve error handling, provide better error reports, fixing all known bugs, and finally profiling of the compiler has begun. @item Jan 8, 2002 Our compiler has been self-supporting since January 3rd. In the meantime, we have been busy working on making it run on Linux. Today Paolo got more work done on Reflection.Emit and the compiler compiled `console.cs' (a sample Mono program) on Linux. @item Jan 4, 2002 Dietmar landed the Unicode support patch. Class libraries and runtimes are now fully Unicode aware. The details are here Last minute breaking news: Paolo got our compiler in Linux to compile fib.cs, patches are coming tomorrow once we have ChangeLog entries. @item Jan 4, 2002 Mike Kestner posted an update on Gtk# New year, new direction. Gtk# will be our foundation on which we will be implementing System.Windows.Forms. @item Jan 3, 2002 Mono C# compiler becomes self-sufficient. We can now continue development of the compiler with itself. Work on the class libraries is still underway for having a full self hosting system. We hope to achieve our goal of self-hosting on Linux before the end of the month. Join the fun by downloading either tonight's snapshot or getting your sources from our Anonymous CVS server. @item Dec 28, 2001 After a lot of work, the C# compiler can compile itself. There are still errors in the generated image, but they are being fixed quickly. We will soon have the first non-Microsoft C# implementation! @item Dec 18, 2001 JIT: More work on our IO abstraction layer (Dick). JIT: exception handling for unmanaged code (Dietmar) System.Reflection: Support for PropertyInfo and PropertyBuilder as well as the various queries for MethodBase. C#: Pre-processor; Rewrite of MemberLookup which fixed many of the outstanding issues. More bug fixing allows it to compile more programs. @item Dec 14, 2001 Dietmar has improved the register allocation and now Mono performs two to three times as fast as it did yesterday. Amazing. The compiler keeps moving along, explicit interface implementation is there. @item Dec 11, 2001 The JIT engine can now run all the compiler regression tests as well as assorted other programs, many more opcodes added recently. Currently the JIT engine uses a very simplistic register allocator (just enough to allow us to focus on feature completeness) and that will be the next major task to improve performance and reduce spills and reloads. On the C# compiler front: language features are now pretty much complete. The big missing tasks are unsafe code support, visibility, explicit interface implementation plus static flow analysis. There are many small bugs that need to be addressed. You can get your copy of the latest Mono More work is also required on fixing the foundation class libraries, it is easy to find spots now since Nick got the `make test' going. @item Dec 1, 2001 AnonCVS access to Mono is here (updated every hour). Thanks to HispaLinux and Jesus Climent for helping to set this up. @item Nov 30, 2001 All tests from the mono runtime work with the JIT engine now (Dietmar). Recursive enumeration definition in the C# compiler are working now (Ravi). More work on the Web classes (Gaurav). @item Nov 28, 2001 JIT land: Paolo got GDB support into the JIT engine while Dietmar added exceptions support to it. The C# compiler supports all array initializations now, and the switch statement as well as fixing many existing bugs. Many new more tests. Nick keeps working on improving our class library test suite. Dick has almost completed the Mono IO layer. @item Nov 16, 2001
Mike Kestner has posted an update on Gtk# development.
@item Nov 14, 2001
Paolo today got the Mono C# compiler running on Linux. It compiles a sample program and then the sample program is executed. Mutator unary operators (++ and --) in the compiler are fully functional, they used to only work on variables, and now they are complete. To sum things up: The Mono C# compiler is written in C# and uses the .NET classes to get its work done. To make this work on Linux work has to happen in various fronts: At the same time, Dietmar is working on the JIT engine which will replace our interpreter in production.
@item Nov 12, 2001
Dietmar got value types working on the JIT engine. Sean has got assembly loading in the runtime (required for NUnit). More progress on enumerations and attributes from Ravi. Nick keeps working on improving our class libraries.
@item Nov 8, 2001
Enumerations, array access and attributes for the C# compiler are into the CVS now. Full array support is not complete, but moving along.
@item Nov 5, 2001
Dietmar's new set of patches to the JIT have 20 out of 33 tests running now.
@item Nov 4, 2001
Mike Kestner, main Gtk# contributor has posted a very interesting update on his work on Gtk#. Ravi committed the initial support for Attributes in the compiler. Many HTML Controls from Leen checked into CVS. Paolo checked in his new System.Reflection and System.Reflection.Emit implementations. He has been working steadily on this huge task for a few weeks now. This is the foundation for the Mono C# compiler, and hence a very important piece of the puzzle.
@item Nov 3, 2001
Many clean ups have been going into the class library by Nick Drochak. Mega patch from Dietmar: he committed the flow analysis code for the JITer. A lot of work has been going into the WebControls by Gaurav (4 new controls plus improved and bug fixed base classes).
@item Nov 1, 2001
Ravi committed the caller-side method selection of methods with variable length arguments. Now he depends on Miguel finishing the array handling support.
@item Oct 27, 2001
Lots of classes for System.Web from Gaurav were committed this morning. Some large recent developments: The Decimal implementation from Martin Weindel has been partially integrated (we need to put the internalcalls in place now and compile and link the decimal code). Derek Holden committed recently the IntegerFormatter code into the CVS, so we got a pretty comprehensive integer formatting engine that we can finally use all over the place. Compiler got support for lock as well as assorted bug fixes. Ravi is still working on array support (and then we can optimize foreach for the array case). Dietmar is busy working on flow analysis on the JITer, the previous mechanism of generating the forest was wrong. Paolo has been a busy bee reworking the System.Reflection.Emit support code, and we should have some pretty nice stuff next week. Dick on the other hand is still working on the WaitOne/WaitAll emulation code. WaitAll is like select on steroids: it can wait for different kinds of objects: files, mutexes, events and a couple of others. Mike Kestner is busy working on Gtk# which is now using the .defs files to quickly wrap the API.
@item Oct 18, 2001
Reworking expressions to support cleanly indexers and properties. 11 days until Evolution 1.0 ships. Ximian users around the world rejoice with recent C# compiler progress.
@item Oct 17, 2001
Delegate support has been checked into the compiler (definition and invocation); break/continue implemented.
@item Oct 15, 2001
JIT engine supports many of the object constructs now (object creation, vtable setup, interface table setup). The C# compiler now has almost full property support (only missing bit are pre-post increment/decrement operations), delegates are now created (still missing delegate invocation). try/catch/finally is also supported in the compiler now. System.Decimal implementation is in, as well as many crypto classes.
@item Oct 5, 2001
Sergey has released his first version of the ilasm assembler written in C#. You can get it from his web page: http://mono.eurosoft.od.ua. The plan is to integrate ildasm into the Mono CVS soon. This component should in theory also be reusable for SharpDevelop eventually.
@item Oct 4, 2001
Our System.Reflection.Emit implementation created its first executable today. This means that a very simple .NET program that was compiled on Windows was able to generate a .NET program while running on Linux using the Mono runtime. The various piece of the puzzle are starting to get together: the compiler can compile simple programs now and we are basically focusing on completeness now.
@item Sep 28, 2001
Sharp Develop 0.80 was released today.
@item Sep 26, 2001
More progress: more opcodes are working (Paolo); The compiler runs up to a point in Mint (Paolo); operator overloading works (both unary and binary) all over the place (Miguel); Completed decimal type conversions (Miguel); New build system in place based on Ant (Sean and Sergey); Refactored and documented the internals of the JIT engine (Dietmar); StatementExpressions handled correctly (Miguel).
@item Sep 21, 2001
A couple of news-worthy items: Dick got the initial thread support into mint; Paolo implemented many new opcodes; Dietmar got long operations and mul/div working on the JITer; Ravi rewrote the Method selector for expressions to be conformant; Miguel got i++ working. All in tonight's snapshot
@item Sep 19, 2001
Paolo has written a section on Porting Mono to other architectures.
@item Sep 18, 2001
Mono 0.7 has been released (runtime engine, class libraries and C# compiler). Check the Mono 0.7 announcement for details
@item Sep 17, 2001
Mike Kestner's Gtk# (Gtk-sharp) was checked into the CVS repository. Gtk# can run a simple hello world application. The binding is nice, as it maps Gtk+ signals to delegates in C#. You can see the Gtk# Hello World program here Gtk-sharp should be available on the next snapshot set.
@item Sep 10, 2001
Dietmar checked in his CIL tree/forest regeneration and most importantly, the x86 instruction selector burg grammar.
@item Sep 5, 2001
The MCS compiler can compile the sample Hello World application and generate a Windows/CIL executable that runs! This executable runs with the Mono Interpreter of course (see August 28)
@item Sep 4, 2001
Dietmar checked into CVS the `monoburg' architecture independent instruction selector for the JIT engine.
@item Aug 28, 2001
.NET Hello World is working under Mono! The latest snapshots will let you run it. Hello World consists of 1821 CIL instructions, performs 66 subroutine calls and loads 12 classes from the corlib.dll Good work Mono team!
@item Aug 23, 2001
Lloyd Dupont has announced his OpenGL bindings for C#, they are available here: http://csgl.sourceforge.net
@item Aug 22, 2001
New version of the Mono Runtime, Compiler and Classes has been released. Check the 0.6 announcement.
@item Aug 20, 2001
A new Compilation service has been made available by Derek to allow people without access to the .NET SDK
@item Aug 3, 2001
Daily snapshots of mcs and mono are now available, they will run every night at 10pm Boston time.
@item Jul 29, 2001
Mono Runtime 0.5 has been released. Check the release notes
@item Jul 25, 2001
The slides for my presentation at O'Reilly Open Source Software Convention
@item Jul 22, 2001
Another release of the class libraries is out, check the MCS 22-July Release Notes. You can get the new class libraries from here
@item Jul 19, 2001
Another release of the class libraries is out, check the MCS 19-July Release Notes. You can get the new class libraries from here
@item Jul 17, 2001
Another release of the class libraries is out, check the MCS 17-July Release Notes. You can get the new class libraries from here Do not forget to check out the updated FAQ. Got Sean's new Class Status web pages up. These are a lot better than mine, and we are now keeping better track of contributors.
@item Jul 15, 2001
Another release of Mono is out, check the Mono 0.4 Release Notes. Get it here.
@item Jul 14, 2001
A new release of the runtime, compiler and classes has been made. Get it here
@item Jul 12, 2001
I keep getting questions about my opinion on Passport, even when Mono has nothing to do with it. I finally wrote something.
@item Jul 9, 2001
Project launched.
@item O'Reilly
Brian posted a story on O'Reilly Network .NET