Ximian announced the launch of the Mono project, an effort to create an open source implementation of the .NET Development Framework. Mono includes: a compiler for the C# language, a runtime for the Common Language Infrastructure (also referred as the CLR) and a set of class libraries. The runtime can be embedded into your application. It implements of both ADO.NET and ASP.NET. You can read our rationale for this project. If you have questions about the project, please read our list of Frequently Asked Questions or contact us. The project roadmap. You might also want to Download the source for our work so far. Grab a snapshot of our current work, or browse the sources You might want to subscribe to our mono-list and mono-announce-list. There is also a forum at GotMono. Wikis: Gtk# Wiki and Mono Wiki
Mono Status
C# Compiler Self hosting on Linux
Self hosting on .NET.
JIT Linux/x86 working.
Interpreter Working:
Linux/x86, Linux/PPC, S390, StrongARM, SPARC, HPPA, SPARC v9
ASP.NET Webforms and WebServices working
Classes All assemblies compile.
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In the news
Dec 19th, 2003: Editor's Choice Award.
May 31st, 2003: CLI integration.
May 22nd, 2003: Mono 1.0 plans.
Mar 14th, 2003: Whither Mono?
Dec, 2002: The Penguin takes flight.
@item Feb 2nd, 2004: Mono 0.30 has been released Check out the Release notes for details on Mono 0.30. Or go directly to our download section @item Jan 18th, 2004: LDAP class libraries in Mono tutorial. Sunil Kumar has written an introduction to Novell.LDAP class libraries, which are part of Mono. @item Jan 13th, 2004: MonoDoc 0.9 released. A new edition of MonoDoc, the Mono Documentation Browser, has been released, available in source form from: archive/monodoc-0.9.tar.gz @item Jan 11th, 2004: Call for Stories If you have a success story about using Mono or one of the Mono components in any way, we want to hear about you. Please mail your details to miguel@ximian.com @item Jan 4th, 2004: Windows Installer for Mono 0.29 There is a Windows Installer for Mono 0.29 available now. @item Dec 21st: Mono on PowerPC Progress. Paolo reports today that the Mono JIT on the PowerPC was able to successfully run the Mono C# compiler to build its first programs. This is by no means complete (exception handling is missing, and Boehm GC seems to fail on MacOS X), this shows the excellent progress Paolo has been making. Zoltan has added support for modules to MCS (generation and consumption). @item Dec 10th: Mono Debugger 0.5 released Martin Baulig has released a new version of the Mono Debugger. @item Dec 2nd: Mono 0.29 has been released Check out the Release notes for details on Mono 0.29. This release includes the PPC JIT engine running `Hello World' and ASP.NET is considered feature-complete. @item Nov 25th: Gtk# 0.14, System.DirectoryServices Gtk# 0.14 has been released, and it is available from the Gtk# web site. Sunil has checked in the implementation of System.DirectoryServices as well as the Novell.Directory.Ldap code into Mono CVS. @item Nov 14th: Gtk# 0.13 released. Mike Kestner has announced the release of the Gtk# GUI toolkit for .NET and Mono. @item Nov 13th: Managed LDAP binding for Mono and .NET Sunil Kumar at Novell has announced the availability of a fully managed implementation of LDAP for Mono and the .NET Framework. You can obtain the library from Novell Forge's CSharpLDAP module. @item Nov 4th: Mono Roadmap announced. The Mono Roadmap and Mono Hackers Roadmap have been released. @item Oct 28th: Mono Get Together at the PDC. GTK# 0.12 Released. We will be getting together at the West Tower Lobby on Tuesday 28th at 6pm to talk about the Mono project. You have 24 hours to notify all of your friends, open source buddies and free software folks. We will bring Mono t-shirts. Mike Kestner released Gtk# 0.12 today. GTK# source tar balls and RPMs are available. A windows installer was contributed by Johannes Roith. @item Oct 26th: Last Minute Mono BOF The first in a series of undercover Mono BOFs at the PDC will take place tonight at 7pm on the Academy meeting, in room 411. Come join us to plot the evolution. @item Oct 25th: GTK# 0.11+ Windows Installer available Johannes created a Windows Installer for GTK# 0.11+ and works with Mono 0.28 for Windows. @item Oct 21st: Mono Community at Novell Forge Mono Developers that are looking for a public repository for hosting their projects can now use Novell Forge's which hosts a Mono Community. Novell Forge offers mailing lists, cvs repository, bug tracking and mailing list services and all the other services you expect. Mono will continue to be hosted in our own CVS repository, and using our anonymous CVS servers @item Oct 13th: SPARC V9, HPPA, Internationalization, GdiPlus Dick Porter has checked in our rewrite of the international substrate in Mono that uses the International Components for Unicode library from IBM. This means that we got CultureInfo support through the whole code base now. Alexandre Pigolkine has checked-in the new implementation of System.Drawing. We have now dropped the old implementation with multiple-backends that we had, and replaced it with an implementation that P/Invokes into GDI+. A GDI+ implementation on top of Cairo is used on Unix systems. This step vastly simplifies the development and maintenance of System.Drawing. There are plenty of updates to Mono as well, we encourage you to read the Monologue to keep an eye on recent developments. Bernie Solomon just checked in 64-bit support for SPARC v9 and HPPA into the Mono runtime. This also improves the SPARC-32 support. @item Oct 6th: Linux s390 Mono packages available. Neale Ferguson has contributed Mono packages for the Linux/s390. You can get them from the download page. @item Oct 5th: Monologue aggregates Mono Blogs You can now read an aggregated view of the blogs maintained by Mono developers in Monologue. Monologue is available as an HTML page or as an RSS feed. @item Oct 2nd: Windows packages, MonoDoc 0.7 Windows packages for Mono 0.28 are now available from our download page. A new version of MonoDoc has been released. The new version is available here @item Oct 1st: Mono 0.28 has been released. Check out the Release notes for details on Mono 0.28. This release marks the completion of the SourceGear project to add web services functionality to Mono and improve its reliability. @item Sep 30th: Mono Kick Start book available The Mono Kick Start book is now available in English. Originally available only in German. The book technical review was done by Dietmar Maurer JIT architect at the Mono team. @item Sep 26th, 2003: DiaCanvas# 0.1 released, Gtk# 0.11 released. Mike Kestner has released a new version of Gtk#. Martin has also released his binding to DiaCanvas for C#. @item Sep 16th, 2003: WineLib, Authenticode, Generics, Xslt updates, Wsdl compiler, WSE. WineLib: Vladimir has added new libraries to the Wine process, which we will soon bring into our packages: the various Windows common dialogs can now be used (screenshots: here, here, here and here. Johannes has patches to have Wine track the Gtk theme, screenshot here (link got broken). Security: New authenticode support from Sebastien has been checked into CVS. Xslt: Plenty of conformance updates to the managed implementation of Xslt, as well as breaking the libxslt speed barrier. Our managed implementation is now faster than the C-based libxslt that we used before. Generics: Work continues on generics support, feel free to try it out. The compiler is currently on a separate directory until we stability it (gmcs) and you need to compile the class libraries with the `generics' profile to try it out. Sample generic programs are included in the CVS module. Wsdl: We now have Wsdl support in Mono: a wsdl compiler command line tool, and support on ASP.NET to generate the wsdl file from an .asmx file. AOT: Many robustness updates to the ahead-of-time compiler and a new locking and threading system that avoids having "big locks" around the mono kernel, and moves to a fine-grained locking system. The design includes a lattice to avoid deadlocks. Dogfooding: We are now running Mono's ASP.NET on go-mono.com to find problems. It is currently hosting our Monodoc documentation. The Apache module version and the XSP version. WSE: The Web Services Enhancements season has begun. The Microsoft.Web.Services namespace and classes are now checked into CVS. @item Sep 1st, 2003: Ice for Mono; XmlSerializer generators; Monodoc progress. Ice: Vladimir has checked into CVS (Module ginzu) an implementation of ZeroC's ICE protocol. It is implemented using Remoting. If you were looking for an efficient binary protocol to use with Remoting, this is it. ICE is simpler to use than CORBA, and was created by people who were deeply involved in CORBA and wanted to fix its problems (you can see a list of differences). XmlSerializer: Lluis has checked in a new technology for use in our XmlSerializer: the XmlSerializer code generator. Currently our XmlSerializer generates a description of instructions for serializing data, these instructions are later interpreted while using it: Reflection is used to pull all the data. The code generator is the first step into turning the Serializer from an intepreter into a compiler and improving the performance of it. Currently was used internally to implement the WSDL serializer, in the future it will just be part of the standard serialization process. MonoDoc: New providers! Thanks to Jon Jagger for providing us with his master XML files for the C# specification we now have integrated the C# spec into Monodoc. Another provider is the Error provider: now we include all the C# compiler errors in the help system. Alp has contributed various user interface improvement, and updated our list widget for key navigation; Ben made the matches window more useful and Joshua has helped us clean up the ECMA provider even more. @item Aug 14th, 2003: Mono 0.26 has been released A new version of Mono is available, the new features include: Cairo support, Remoting.Corba support, as well as a managed XSLT implementation. Existing features have been improved vastly: better Windows.Forms, runtime, faster compiler, web services, better compliance to the spec and more. Check out the Release notes for details. @item Aug 9th, 2003: Python for .NET Preview 2 available; Mono Documentation site up. Brian Lloyd has announced the availability of his Python binding to .NET. This works with .NET and Mono. For more information about it, see Brian's site at http://zope.org/Members/Brian/PythonNet/ We have uploaded the current Mono Documentation (core libraries and Gtk#) to http://mono.ximian.com:8080. The site is running the ASP.NET edition of MonoDoc 0.6 on XSP. @item Aug 6th, 2003: Winforms samples Timothy Parez is coordinating the effort to create sample programs that exercise the various Windows.Forms controls. We are using this as graphical regression test suite for the Mono implementation. The screenshots of the various widgets, together with the source code is available on the WineSamples page on the Mono Wiki. A new cvs module called `winforms' has been created that contains the source code for the samples. To run the samples, you can install the WineLib packages available from our download page. @item Aug 5th, 2003: New Apache Module architecture: 1.3 and 2.x supported Gonzalo rearchitected our Apache module for hosting Mono and ASP.NET. The previous incarnation hosted a Mono runtime on each Apache process, which lead to a slow setup for webforms. The new setup uses a shared mono process for all the incoming requests. Daniel later improved up the new architecture and added dual support, so now in addition to Apache 2.x, we support Apache 1.3 with the same codebase. The new code is available on CVS, on module `mod_mono', and now requires an XSP installation to be available. @item Aug 4th, 2003: Ximian acquired by Novell. Today Novell acquired Ximian. The press release is available here. Mono and Gnome form an integral part of the Novell strategy. @item Jul 30th, 2003: Remoting.CORBA, Managed XSLT. Today Lluis announced that Mono CVS contains all the fixes to run Remoting.CORBA: both client and server channels work; We are interested in people testing it with other ORBs. Ben checked-in today his managed implementation of Xslt that we mentioned on Jul 19th; This uncovered various limitations on the XPath implementation, which Piers has swifly removed. Monodoc, NUnit and our Corcompare work with it. Since this is implementation is not completed yet, we still support the libxslt-based version by default. For more details on how to try the new XSLT implementation, see Ben's post @item Jul 27th, 2003: Wine packages and Daily Snapshots MonoWine packages (used to run System.Windows.Forms) software are now available from our (download page). You can track the progress on our Wiki page. We're now building daily snapshots of Mono. They come in three distinct flavors: The daily builds are availble here: http://go-mono.com/daily If you find that the builds are broken, please notify Duncan. @item Jul 19th, 2003: Recent developments Since Mono has matured, we have limited the news on the site to major accomplishments that are finished, but this week, it is worth devoting some time to talk about some of the work-in-progress projects that are progressing. Jackson has added support to the IL assembler for generics as well as to the PEAPI library, and it has assembled its first generic program. Support for handling images with generics has been on our file format reader for a while, but the JIT engine is still incomplete. On the XSLT world, Atsushi and Ben continue to make big improvements. Ben recently got the prototype managed XSLT implementation to run its first stylesheet. Although currently Mono uses libxslt to implement the System.Xml.Xsl namespace, to have a fully .NET compliant implementation we will need a managed version, and this is the beginning of it. Lluis recently posted an update on the state of WSDL in Mono. Now that the web services runtime is ready, the WSDL compiler becomes more important as a development tool. Atsushi continues his work on the DTD validating reader in System.Xml, as well as improving our XML Schema support. @item Jul 14th, 2003: New build system; IPV6 support. Peter Williams has contributed a new build system that addresses many of the annoyance we had with our previous build system. He has worked on this for a few weeks, and Gonzalo helped test it and get it into CVS. We no longer have the historical dual build system: make for Unix and nant for Windows. This system also offers the opportunity to compile our class libraries with different profiles (.NET 1.0, .NET 1.1 and the various ECMA subsets). Peter explains the new build system here Jerome's IPV6 code has been checked into CVS; With Peter's new build system, we will be able to expose it (as part of the NET_1_1 build).

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