Mono Status
C# Compiler: Self hosting on Linux and .NET
JIT: Linux/x86
PowerPC: MacOS and Linux.
S390: Linux.
Interpreter: Works for Linux/x86, Linux/PPC, S390, StrongARM, SPARC, HPPA, SPARC v9
ASP.NET Webforms and WebServices working
Classes All assemblies compile.
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In the news
Beta 1 Press Coverage May 2004: Mono Beta 1 rallies the press
Linux Planet May 3rd, 2004: And then there's Mono
DevChannel Apr 26th, 2004: What is Mono and why should you care ?
Dec 19th, 2003: Editor's Choice Award.
May 31st, 2003: CLI integration.
May 22nd, 2003: Mono 1.0 plans.
Mar 14th, 2003: Whither Mono?
Dec, 2002: The Penguin takes flight.

The Mono project is an open source effort sponsored by Novell to create a free implementation of the .NET Development Framework.

Mono includes a compiler for the C# language, a Common Language Runtime (CLR) for the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) and a set of class libraries. The runtime can be embedded into your application. It implements both ADO.NET and ASP.NET.

If you have questions about the project, read the project launch statement or visit our list of Frequently Asked Questions.

For details on the project's future direction, read the roadmap, and download the latest software version. You can also get a snapshot of our current work, or browse the source tree.

To participate in discussion and development, subscribe to our mailing lists. You can also visit the forum at GotMono or the Gtk# and Mono Wikis.

@item Jun 23rd, 2004: The Mono Hackers Hall of Fame welcomes John Luke, Dan Morgan and Tim Coleman. The Mono Hackers Hall Of Fame continues to show our appreciation to the excellent contributors that make mono:: a successful free software project. John Luke, Dan Morgan and Tim Coleman are now part of the Mono Hackers Hall of Fame. @item Jun 15th, 2004: Mono Beta 3 has been released
Our third beta has been released. Packages and source code are available on our download page.
@item Jun 1st, 2004: Mono Beta 2 has been released
Mono Beta 2 has been released. See our Release Notes, or go directly to the download page.
@item May 17th, 2004: Huge press response for Mono 1.0 Beta 1 Two weeks after the release of Mono 1.0 Beta 1, we take a look at the press coverage that followed the beta release. @item May 10th, 2004: The Mono Hackers Hall of Fame welcomes Todd Berman The Mono Hackers Hall Of Fame continues to show our appreciation to the excellent contributors that make mono:: a successful free software project. Todd Berman is a steady contributor to Mono. He has worked everywhere: from the Class Libraries, to the early implementation of the GAC and most recently has lead the effort to develop, port and maintain MonoDevelop an IDE for the Mono environment. His help has been key to the development of Mono. @item May 4th, 2004: Mono Beta 1 available
Mono Beta 1 has been released. See our Release Notes, or go directly to the download page.
@item May 2nd, 2004: mDnsResponder.Net; Global Assembly Cache. Brady Anderson has released the first version of his multicast DNS responder written in C# for the Mono and .NET platforms. This is the foundation for implementing rendezvous-like functionality in your applications. The tree has started to stabilize after all the changes last week to integrate the Global Assembly Cache work that Jackson, Sebastien, Todd and all the volunteers helped us deploy. @item Apr 22nd, 2004: XSP 0.12 released. A new release of XSP is available. It fixes a bug that made Web Services unusable from client proxies. You can download it from here. @item Apr 21st, 2004: XSP 0.11 and mod_mono 0.8 released. Gonzalo has made new releases of XSP and mod_mono (The ASP.NET hosting service for Mono). Check the XSP/mod_mono Release Notes to see what is new and to obtain the source packages. @item Apr 20, 2004: S390 port; Interpreted Updated; Identity classes; System.Drawing; Mono Debugger. Neale who originally wrote the S390 interpreter support for Mono has checked into CVS his port of the S390 JIT engine. Now, if we could only have one of those in our living room. Bernie has checked into CVS a new interpreter for the Mono runtime. This new interpreter translates the CIL opcodes into a new intermediate representation. The new IL representation avoids doing costly lookups during interpretation which means that the interpreter is a lot faster now. Performance wise, the new interpreter is three times faster than the old one when doing a compiler bootstrap. Sebastien has recently completed the identity classes in the Mono Runtime, you can see more details on his blog New progress on the GDI+ front: Jordi has completed the region code; Ravindra the various brushes that we must support; Sanjay the Icon and BMP loaders (with Mark) and Vladimir has contributed various codecs and a new fresh implementation of Image.LockBits. Lluis and Atsushi in the meantime has been in charge of completing various pending items from our class libraries: basically an API audit of the things missing for the Mono 1.0 release, small but important things. Martin has replaced the old command-line language in the debugger with our home-grown "Command Line" language, a TCL-like command line language that we built for it (its a tiny .NETized Tcl-like language). The interaction process is a lot smoother than it used to be and we are focusing on the usability of the command line language to improve the debugging experience. @item Apr 02, 2004: Mono C# Compiler gets CLS support; Basic Runtime Contribution from Mainsoft. Marek Safar has been working for a few months on adding support to the C# compiler to support the various checks required by the Common Language Specification (CLS). In the past the C# compiler was unable to flag any problems related to the creation of cross-language libraries. Today with this patch the compiler will properly flag errors in CLS compliance. Tests for all of the errors have also been included on CVS. Mainsoft has contributed an implementation of their Basic runtime to the project. The runtime they wrote is written in Java and we are translating this into C# code. The code will reach CVS within the next few weeks. Mainsoft also contributed an extensive regression test suite for the Basic runtime, a port of the NIST XML tests and their own in-house developed XML tests. @item Mar 31st, 2004: Gtk# 0.18, MonoDoc 0.13, MonoDevelop 0.2 released New versions of Gtk# and MonoDoc have been released. Gtk# is available from Gtk# home page and MonoDoc 0.13 is available from our download page. Gtk# now features [ConnectBefore] attribute for hooking up signals; An automake/autoconf setup; the System.Drawing dependency has been dropped and many more docs. And MonoDevelop 0.2 has been released. @item Mar 18th, 2004: Mono 0.31 has been released We have released version 0.31 of Mono. All the new features and improvements are described in our Mono 0.31 Release Notes. You can download Mono 0.31 packages using Red Carpet, or pick the individual packages from our download page. @item Mar 15th, 2004: Async IO lands on Mono. Gonzalo has completed the implementation of Async I/O for Mono using the kernel aio_* interfaces. If your operating system supports the aio_ POSIX interface, the FileStream methods that expose asynchronous methods will use this facility instead of emulating it with threads as we have done in the past. We had this request come to us from various people in the past, and we are now looking for your help to test and debug this. @item Mar 11th, 2004: Mono JIT ported to SPARC. Zoltan Varga announced today that the SPARC port of the Mono JIT engine has been completed. Congratulations to Zoltan for this amazing development. @item Feb 26th, 2004: Agenda: Mono Meeting in Boston. The agenda for the Mono Meeting is now available: Mono Meeting Agenda @item Feb 24th, 2004: Mono Meeting in Boston. On March 5th-6th (Friday and Saturday) there will be an open-house meeting for people interested in Mono to get together with the Mono developers at the Novell offices in in Cambridge Massachusetts (directions). The whole Novell Mono team will be here (Atsushi Enomoto, Dick Porter, Duncan Mak, Erik Dasque, Gonzalo Paniagua, Jackson Harper, Jordi Mas, Lluis Sanches, Manjula, Martin Baulig, Miguel de Icaza, Mike Kestner, Paolo Molaro, Peter Bartok, Sebastien Pouliot, Sachin Kumar) and hopefully Joe Shaw, Nat Friedman, Peter Williams and Ravi Pratap will be joining us as well. Expect to see Todd Berman from MonoDevelop as well. If you are coming, please notify about it, so we can add you to the security list, and use the `open house confirmation' subject in your email. @item Feb 13, 2004: Mono 0.30.1 released We have released a small bug-fix release of Mono, the release notes are available here and you can download it from our download page. @item Feb 13, 2004: Mono Performance Optimization We have a new document that describes some common tricks to improve the performance of your Mono or .NET application. These are a summary of techniques that we employed to tune our own C# compiler. @item Feb 2nd, 2004: Mono 0.30 has been released Check out the Release notes for details on Mono 0.30. Or go directly to our download section @item Jan 18th, 2004: LDAP class libraries in Mono tutorial. Sunil Kumar has written an introduction to Novell.LDAP class libraries, which are part of Mono. @item Jan 13th, 2004: MonoDoc 0.9 released. A new edition of MonoDoc, the Mono Documentation Browser, has been released, available in source form from: archive/monodoc-0.9.tar.gz @item Jan 11th, 2004: Call for Stories If you have a success story about using Mono or one of the Mono components in any way, we want to hear about you. Please mail your details to @item Jan 4th, 2004: Windows Installer for Mono 0.29 There is a Windows Installer for Mono 0.29 available now.

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