* Software Availability The Virtual Execution System is available in package `mono'. Currently this contains a metadata library and the disassembler. Please reffer to our Runtime description for more details on this part of the project. The code for the C# compiler as well as the language error test suite and the class library are in the `mcs' package, we will move this later into `mono' itself. In order to make mcs and the class libraries you will need the GNU make tools. These may be obtained for the Windows environment from cygwin.com. You will also need to get GLIB, from: ftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/v1.2/glib-1.2.10.tar.gz ** Sources We provide both packaged and tested tarballs (those are known to compile and pass `make distcheck') as well as daily snapshots done at 10pm Boston Time *** Snapshots The daily snapshots are available here. These snapshots are done every day at 10pm EST (Boston Time). They are not guaranteed to build, but most of the time they should. They should give you a window to see what we are up to. You might also want to track our development using the mono-cvs-list mailing list. *** Released and tested packages ** Installing the software To install and work on the compiler and the class libraries, follow these instructions: To compile the mono runtime on windows: To compile the mono runtime on Unix: ** CVS We are trying to figure out where to put our CVS repository. We are debating between the GNOME CVS or SourceForge. Watch this spot.