* Software Availability The Virtual Execution System is available in package `mono'. Currently this contains a metadata library and the disassembler. Please refer to our Runtime description for more details on this part of the project. The code for the C# compiler as well as the language error test suite and the class library are in the `mcs' package, we will move this later into `mono' itself. In order to make mcs and the class libraries you will need a computer running Windows with the GNU make tools from the Cygwin environment, Microsoft's .NET Framework SDK, GLIB 1.3 and pkg-config. *** Sources Stay up to date on the Mono team's development using the mono-cvs-list mailing list. New packaged versions of the Mono C# compiler and Mono runtime are now available. The latest version is 0.8. For up to date sources, it is recommended that you use the Mono source code from either the nightly snapshots or the Anonymous CVS. The nightly snapshots are done every night at 10pm EST (Boston Time). The nightly snapshots are not guaranteed to build, but most of the time they should. They should give you a window to see what we are up to. You can download the GNU make tools and the Cygwin environment from www.cygwin.com. You can download Microsoft's .NET Framework SDK from msdn.microsoft.com/downloads. There are scripts to help build mono for both Unix and Windows. Get mono-build.sh for Unix, or mono-build-w32.sh for Windows. These scripts automate the installation of GLIB and pkgconfig (building from source on Unix, and using binary packages provided by the GIMP for Windows project on Windows.) To use the script, follow these simple steps: The script requires wget on either platform, and building the software requires make, gcc, automake, autoconf, and libtool. You should install these packages from your distribution or with the cygwin installer. The script will download required packages from www.go-mono.com and do a cvs checkout of mono in the current directory. The cvs server chosen defaults to anonymous cvs; set your CVSROOT environment variable before running the script to select a particular cvs server. ** Building the software manually *** Download the required software. *** Install Cygwin and the GNU build tools, Microsoft's .NET Framework SDK and the precompiled GLIB 1.3 and pkg-config libraries. *** On Windows, to install and work on the compiler and the class libraries: *** On Windows, to compile the mono runtime: *** On Unix, to compile the mono runtime: *** Notes on compiling GLIB 1.3 and pkg-config from source: *** Very old releases.