* ASP.NET ASP.NET support is divided in two pieces: Both are fully functional at this point. Publicly available applications such as IBuySpy, nGallery and many others are known to work. Web Services stack is being used for commercial applications such as SourceGear's Vault. They even funded the development of our Web Services classes back in 2002. * Hosting ASP.NET Using ASP.NET System.Web.Hosting namespace classes you can make your own ASP.NET enabled server. However, if you want to take the easy path, we provide two different mechanisms for hosting ASP.NET applications: ** XSP XSP is a simple web server written in C# that can be used to run your ASP.NET applications. The code is available from our download page or from the Anonymous CVS repository (module name: xsp). A couple of classes of this new server can be reused/extended to make an apache module/cgi using mono (MonoWorkerRequest and MonoApplicationHost). This server also uses a couple of plugins distributed with Mono to support gzip HTTP transfers. There is also a set of pages, controls and web services that you can use to test the server and see how ASP.NET looks like. As XSP is written in C# and uses System.Web classes to perform its job, it also works under MS runtime. ** mod_mono This Apache module is available from our download page. The cvs module name is mod_mono. It allows apache to serve ASP.NET pages by proxying the requests to a slightly modified version of our XSP called mod-mono-server that is installed along with XSP. It does not work on Windows.
Last updated: Sat, 29 May 2004 02:53:44 GMT