* ADO.NET ** Data Access in Mono ** Bugs and Feature Requests ** ADO.NET Data Providers

Mono has many ADO.NET Data Providers to get you connected:

Providers which we do not have, but we would like to have. Currently, some of these databases are supported via the ODBC or OLE DB providers.

External Projects that have created ADO.NET Providers that work on Mono:

** Tools

Some tools that can be used for ADO.NET and other technologies (ASP.NET, XML, etc).

Tools we would like to have, but they have not been created yet:

** Extra Classes in Mono ADO.NET

An ADO.NET Provider Factory was created by Brian Ritchie. The Provider Factory is a way to dynamically create connections, commands, parameters, and data adapters based on configuration information. ** Current Status

Various ADO.NET Providers have been created at various stages of development including: Firebird/Interbase, IBM DB2 Universal Database, MySQL, ODBC, OLE DB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Lite, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, and TDS Generic. See their respective web page for more information.

Data Relations via DataRelation, DataRelationCollection, and other classes have not been implemented

Constraints need lots of work

XML Schema Definition tool xsd.exe that is included in the .NET Framework has not been created for Mono

TypeDataSetGenerator needs to be stubbed and implemented.

DataSet, DataAdaptor, DataTable, DataRelation, DataRow, DataColumn, DataColumnCollection, DataRowCollection, and others need more work. There are many classes that are just stubs and need to be implemented. Ville Palo has been doing much testing here.

XML support in System.Data needs work. This involves working on the classes: DataSet, XmlDataDocument, and the method ExecuteXmlReader() that exists in a provider's class that implements IDbCommand, and others. Stuart Caborn has started the XML support in a DataSet. Tim Coleman started XML support in the ExecuteXmlReader() in a SqlCommand. Ville Palo has been heavily modifying DataSet, XmlDataDocument, and other classes for reading and writing XML. XML Serialization support in DataSet needs to be implemented.

Integration with ASP.NET has been created. Data binding of a DataTable in a DataSet to a System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGrid works. Data binding of other types works too.

Database Access from ASP.NET:

Integration with Windows.Forms has not been started, such as, data binding to a System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid. This may involve implementing many classes in System.Windows.Forms and System.Data.

Integration with GTK# has not been started, such as, data binding to a GtkTreeView. This may involve creating new classes to go between the glist data model and the ADO.NET data model. Mike Kestner or Rachel Hestilov would be the best people to ask for help on GTK#.

Integration with QT# has not been started. Any information on how this can be done is appreciated. Marcus would be the best person to ask about QT#.

Building System.Data

The System.Data.dll gets built with the rest of the class library. To compile the System.Data.dll assembly separately, you need: On Unix

On Windows ** Testing