using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using CppSharp.AST; using CppSharp.AST.Extensions; using CppSharp.Parser; namespace CppSharp { /** * This tool dumps the offsets of structures used in the Mono VM needed * by the AOT compiler for cross-compiling code to target platforms * different than the host the compiler is being invoked on. * * It takes two arguments: the path to your clone of the Mono repo and * the path to the root of Android NDK. */ static class MonoAotOffsetsDumper { static string MonoDir = @""; static List Abis = new List (); static string OutputDir; static string MonodroidDir = @""; static string AndroidNdkPath = @""; static string MaccoreDir = @""; static string TargetDir = @""; static bool GenIOS; public enum TargetPlatform { Android, iOS, WatchOS, } public class Target { public Target() { Defines = new List(); Arguments = new List(); } public Target(Target target) { Platform = target.Platform; Triple = target.Triple; Build = target.Build; Defines = target.Defines; Arguments = target.Arguments; } public TargetPlatform Platform; public string Triple; public string Build; public List Defines; public List Arguments; }; public static List Targets = new List(); public static IEnumerable AndroidTargets { get { return Targets.Where ((t) => t.Platform == TargetPlatform.Android); } } public static IEnumerable DarwinTargets { get { return Targets.Where ((t) => t.Platform == TargetPlatform.iOS || t.Platform == TargetPlatform.WatchOS); } } public static IEnumerable iOSTargets { get { return Targets.Where ((t) => t.Platform == TargetPlatform.iOS); } } public static void SetupAndroidTargets() { Targets.Add (new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.Android, Triple = "i686-none-linux-android", Defines = { "TARGET_X86" } }); Targets.Add (new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.Android, Triple = "x86_64-none-linux-android", Defines = { "TARGET_AMD64" } }); Targets.Add (new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.Android, Triple = "armv5-none-linux-androideabi", Defines = { "TARGET_ARM", "ARM_FPU_VFP", "HAVE_ARMV5" } }); Targets.Add (new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.Android, Triple = "armv7-none-linux-androideabi", Defines = { "TARGET_ARM", "ARM_FPU_VFP", "HAVE_ARMV5", "HAVE_ARMV6", "HAVE_ARMV7" } }); Targets.Add (new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.Android, Triple = "aarch64-v8a-linux-android", Defines = { "TARGET_ARM64" } }); /*Targets.Add(new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.Android, Triple = "mipsel-none-linux-android", Defines = { "TARGET_MIPS", "__mips__" } });*/ foreach (var target in AndroidTargets) target.Defines.AddRange (new string[] { "PLATFORM_ANDROID", "TARGET_ANDROID", "MONO_CROSS_COMPILE", "USE_MONO_CTX" }); } public static void SetupiOSTargets() { Targets.Add(new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.iOS, Triple = "arm-apple-darwin10", Build = "target7", Defines = { "TARGET_ARM", "ARM_FPU_VFP", "HAVE_ARMV5" } }); Targets.Add(new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.iOS, Triple = "aarch64-apple-darwin10", Build = "target64", Defines = { "TARGET_ARM64" } }); foreach (var target in iOSTargets) { target.Defines.AddRange (new string[] { "PLATFORM_DARWIN", "TARGET_IOS", "TARGET_MACH", "MONO_CROSS_COMPILE", "USE_MONO_CTX", "_XOPEN_SOURCE" }); } Targets.Add(new Target { Platform = TargetPlatform.WatchOS, Triple = "armv7k-apple-darwin", Build = "targetwatch", Defines = { "TARGET_ARM", "ARM_FPU_VFP", "HAVE_ARMV5" } }); foreach (var target in DarwinTargets) { target.Defines.AddRange (new string[] { "PLATFORM_DARWIN", "TARGET_IOS", "TARGET_MACH", "MONO_CROSS_COMPILE", "USE_MONO_CTX", "_XOPEN_SOURCE" }); } } static bool GetParentSubDirectoryPath(string parent, out string subdir) { var directory = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()); while (directory != null) { var path = Path.Combine(directory.FullName, parent); if (Directory.Exists (path)) { subdir = path; return true; } directory = directory.Parent; } subdir = null; return false; } public static void Main(string[] args) { ParseCommandLineArgs(args); string monodroidDir; if (!Directory.Exists (MonodroidDir) && GetParentSubDirectoryPath ("monodroid", out monodroidDir)) { MonodroidDir = Path.Combine (monodroidDir); } if (Directory.Exists (MonodroidDir)) SetupAndroidTargets(); string maccoreDir; if (!Directory.Exists (MaccoreDir) && GetParentSubDirectoryPath ("maccore", out maccoreDir)) { MaccoreDir = Path.Combine (maccoreDir); } if (Directory.Exists(MaccoreDir) || GenIOS) SetupiOSTargets(); foreach (var target in Targets) { if (Abis.Any() && !Abis.Any (target.Triple.Contains)) continue; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Processing triple: {0}", target.Triple); var options = new DriverOptions(); var driver = new Driver(options); Setup(driver, target); driver.Setup(); BuildParseOptions(driver, target); if (!driver.ParseCode()) return; Dump(driver.Context.ASTContext, driver.Context.TargetInfo, target); } } static void BuildParseOptions(Driver driver, Target target) { foreach (var header in driver.Options.Headers) { var source = driver.Project.AddFile(header); source.Options = driver.BuildParserOptions(source); if (header.Contains ("mini")) continue; source.Options.AddDefines ("HAVE_SGEN_GC"); source.Options.AddDefines ("HAVE_MOVING_COLLECTOR"); source.Options.AddDefines("MONO_GENERATING_OFFSETS"); } } static string GetAndroidNdkPath() { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (AndroidNdkPath)) return AndroidNdkPath; // Find the Android NDK's path from Monodroid's config. var configFile = Path.Combine(MonodroidDir, "env.config"); if (!File.Exists(configFile)) throw new Exception("Expected a valid Monodroid environment config file at " + configFile); var config = File.ReadAllText(configFile); var match = Regex.Match(config, @"ANDROID_NDK_PATH\s*:=\s(.*)"); return match.Groups[1].Value.Trim(); } static void ParseCommandLineArgs(string[] args) { var showHelp = false; var options = new Mono.Options.OptionSet () { { "abi=", "ABI triple to generate", v => Abis.Add(v) }, { "o|out=", "output directory", v => OutputDir = v }, { "maccore=", "include directory", v => MaccoreDir = v }, { "monodroid=", "top monodroid directory", v => MonodroidDir = v }, { "android-ndk=", "Path to Android NDK", v => AndroidNdkPath = v }, { "targetdir=", "Path to the directory containing the mono build", v =>TargetDir = v }, { "mono=", "include directory", v => MonoDir = v }, { "gen-ios", "generate iOS offsets", v => GenIOS != null }, { "h|help", "show this message and exit", v => showHelp = v != null }, }; try { options.Parse (args); } catch (Mono.Options.OptionException e) { Console.WriteLine (e.Message); Environment.Exit(0); } if (showHelp) { // Print usage and exit. Console.WriteLine("{0} ", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName); options.WriteOptionDescriptions (Console.Out); Environment.Exit(0); } } static void Setup(Driver driver, Target target) { var options = driver.Options; options.DryRun = true; options.LibraryName = "Mono"; var parserOptions = driver.ParserOptions; parserOptions.Verbose = false; parserOptions.MicrosoftMode = false; parserOptions.AddArguments("-xc"); parserOptions.AddArguments("-std=gnu99"); parserOptions.AddDefines("CPPSHARP"); parserOptions.AddDefines("MONO_GENERATING_OFFSETS"); foreach (var define in target.Defines) parserOptions.AddDefines(define); SetupToolchainPaths(driver, target); SetupMono(driver, target); } static void SetupMono(Driver driver, Target target) { string targetBuild; switch (target.Platform) { case TargetPlatform.Android: if (TargetDir == "") { Console.Error.WriteLine ("The --targetdir= option is required when targeting android."); Environment.Exit (1); } if (MonoDir == "") { Console.Error.WriteLine ("The --mono= option is required when targeting android."); Environment.Exit (1); } if (Abis.Count != 1) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Exactly one --abi= argument is required when targeting android."); Environment.Exit (1); } targetBuild = TargetDir; break; case TargetPlatform.WatchOS: case TargetPlatform.iOS: { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (TargetDir)) { targetBuild = TargetDir; } else { string targetPath = Path.Combine (MaccoreDir, "builds"); if (!Directory.Exists (MonoDir)) MonoDir = Path.GetFullPath (Path.Combine (targetPath, "../../mono")); targetBuild = Path.Combine(targetPath, target.Build); } break; } default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); } if (!Directory.Exists(targetBuild)) throw new Exception(string.Format("Could not find the target build directory: {0}", targetBuild)); var includeDirs = new[] { targetBuild, Path.Combine(targetBuild, "eglib", "src"), MonoDir, Path.Combine(MonoDir, "mono"), Path.Combine(MonoDir, "mono", "mini"), Path.Combine(MonoDir, "eglib", "src") }; foreach (var inc in includeDirs) driver.ParserOptions.AddIncludeDirs(inc); var filesToParse = new[] { Path.Combine(MonoDir, "mono", "metadata", "metadata-cross-helpers.c"), Path.Combine(MonoDir, "mono", "mini", "mini-cross-helpers.c"), }; foreach (var file in filesToParse) driver.Options.Headers.Add(file); } static void SetupMSVC(Driver driver, string triple) { var parserOptions = driver.ParserOptions; parserOptions.Abi = Parser.AST.CppAbi.Microsoft; parserOptions.MicrosoftMode = true; var systemIncludeDirs = new[] { @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\um", @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Include\shared" }; foreach (var inc in systemIncludeDirs) parserOptions.AddSystemIncludeDirs(inc); parserOptions.AddDefines("HOST_WIN32"); } static void SetupToolchainPaths(Driver driver, Target target) { switch (target.Platform) { case TargetPlatform.Android: SetupAndroidNDK(driver, target); break; case TargetPlatform.iOS: case TargetPlatform.WatchOS: SetupXcode(driver, target); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); } } static string GetArchFromTriple(string triple) { if (triple.Contains("mips")) return "mips"; if (triple.Contains("arm64") || triple.Contains("aarch64")) return "arm64"; if (triple.Contains("arm")) return "arm"; if (triple.Contains("i686")) return "x86"; if (triple.Contains("x86_64")) return "x86_64"; throw new Exception("Unknown architecture from triple: " + triple); } static string GetXcodeToolchainPath() { var toolchains = Directory.EnumerateDirectories("/Applications", "Xcode*") .ToList(); toolchains.Sort(); var toolchainPath = toolchains.LastOrDefault(); if (toolchainPath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid Xcode SDK"); return toolchainPath; } static string GetXcodeBuiltinIncludesFolder() { var toolchainPath = GetXcodeToolchainPath(); var toolchains = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(toolchainPath, "Contents/Developer/Toolchains")).ToList(); toolchains.Sort(); toolchainPath = toolchains.LastOrDefault(); if (toolchainPath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid Xcode toolchain"); var includePaths = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(toolchainPath, "usr/lib/clang")).ToList(); var includePath = includePaths.LastOrDefault(); if (includePath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid Clang include folder"); return Path.Combine(includePath, "include"); } static string GetXcodeiOSIncludesFolder() { var toolchainPath = GetXcodeToolchainPath(); var sdkPaths = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(toolchainPath, "Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs")).ToList(); var sdkPath = sdkPaths.LastOrDefault(); if (sdkPath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid iPhone SDK"); return Path.Combine(sdkPath, "usr/include"); } static string GetXcodeWatchOSIncludesFolder() { var toolchainPath = GetXcodeToolchainPath(); var sdkPaths = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(toolchainPath, "Contents/Developer/Platforms/WatchOS.platform/Developer/SDKs")).ToList(); var sdkPath = sdkPaths.LastOrDefault(); if (sdkPath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid WatchOS SDK"); return Path.Combine(sdkPath, "usr/include"); } static void SetupXcode(Driver driver, Target target) { var parserOptions = driver.ParserOptions; var builtinsPath = GetXcodeBuiltinIncludesFolder(); string includePath; switch (target.Platform) { case TargetPlatform.iOS: includePath = GetXcodeiOSIncludesFolder(); break; case TargetPlatform.WatchOS: includePath = GetXcodeWatchOSIncludesFolder(); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); } parserOptions.AddSystemIncludeDirs(builtinsPath); parserOptions.AddSystemIncludeDirs(includePath); parserOptions.NoBuiltinIncludes = true; parserOptions.NoStandardIncludes = true; parserOptions.TargetTriple = target.Triple; } static string GetAndroidHostToolchainPath() { var androidNdkPath = GetAndroidNdkPath (); var toolchains = Directory.EnumerateDirectories( Path.Combine(androidNdkPath, "toolchains"), "llvm*").ToList(); toolchains.Sort(); var toolchainPath = toolchains.LastOrDefault(); if (toolchainPath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid NDK host toolchain"); toolchains = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(toolchainPath, "prebuilt")).ToList(); toolchains.Sort(); toolchainPath = toolchains.LastOrDefault(); if (toolchainPath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid NDK host toolchain"); return toolchainPath; } static string GetAndroidBuiltinIncludesFolder() { var toolchainPath = GetAndroidHostToolchainPath(); string clangToolchainPath = Path.Combine(toolchainPath, "lib64", "clang"); if (!Directory.Exists (clangToolchainPath)) clangToolchainPath = Path.Combine(toolchainPath, "lib", "clang"); string includePath = null; if (Directory.Exists (clangToolchainPath)) { var includePaths = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(clangToolchainPath).ToList(); includePath = includePaths.LastOrDefault(); } if (includePath == null) throw new Exception("Could not find a valid Clang include folder"); return Path.Combine(includePath, "include"); } static void SetupAndroidNDK(Driver driver, Target target) { var options = driver.Options; var parserOptions = driver.ParserOptions; var builtinsPath = GetAndroidBuiltinIncludesFolder(); parserOptions.AddSystemIncludeDirs(builtinsPath); var androidNdkRoot = GetAndroidNdkPath (); const int androidNdkApiLevel = 21; var toolchainPath = Path.Combine(androidNdkRoot, "platforms", "android-" + androidNdkApiLevel, "arch-" + GetArchFromTriple(target.Triple), "usr", "include"); parserOptions.AddSystemIncludeDirs(toolchainPath); parserOptions.NoBuiltinIncludes = true; parserOptions.NoStandardIncludes = true; parserOptions.TargetTriple = target.Triple; } static uint GetTypeAlign(ParserTargetInfo target, ParserIntType type) { switch (type) { case ParserIntType.SignedChar: case ParserIntType.UnsignedChar: return target.CharAlign; case ParserIntType.SignedShort: case ParserIntType.UnsignedShort: return target.ShortAlign; case ParserIntType.SignedInt: case ParserIntType.UnsignedInt: return target.IntAlign; case ParserIntType.SignedLong: case ParserIntType.UnsignedLong: return target.LongAlign; case ParserIntType.SignedLongLong: case ParserIntType.UnsignedLongLong: return target.LongLongAlign; default: throw new Exception("Type has no alignment"); } } static uint GetTypeSize(ParserTargetInfo target, ParserIntType type) { switch (type) { case ParserIntType.SignedChar: case ParserIntType.UnsignedChar: return target.CharWidth; case ParserIntType.SignedShort: case ParserIntType.UnsignedShort: return target.ShortWidth; case ParserIntType.SignedInt: case ParserIntType.UnsignedInt: return target.IntWidth; case ParserIntType.SignedLong: case ParserIntType.UnsignedLong: return target.LongWidth; case ParserIntType.SignedLongLong: case ParserIntType.UnsignedLongLong: return target.LongLongWidth; default: throw new Exception("Type has no size"); } } static string GetTargetPlatformDefine(TargetPlatform target) { switch (target) { case TargetPlatform.Android: return "TARGET_ANDROID"; case TargetPlatform.iOS: return "TARGET_IOS"; case TargetPlatform.WatchOS: return "TARGET_WATCHOS"; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); } } static void Dump(ASTContext ctx, ParserTargetInfo targetInfo, Target target) { var targetFile = target.Triple; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (OutputDir)) targetFile = Path.Combine (OutputDir, targetFile); targetFile += ".h"; using (var writer = new StreamWriter(targetFile)) //using (var writer = Console.Out) { writer.WriteLine("#ifndef USED_CROSS_COMPILER_OFFSETS"); writer.WriteLine("#ifdef {0}", target.Defines[0]); writer.WriteLine ("#ifdef {0}", GetTargetPlatformDefine (target.Platform)); writer.WriteLine("#ifndef HAVE_BOEHM_GC"); writer.WriteLine("#define HAS_CROSS_COMPILER_OFFSETS"); writer.WriteLine("#if defined (USE_CROSS_COMPILE_OFFSETS) || defined (MONO_CROSS_COMPILE)"); writer.WriteLine("#if !defined (DISABLE_METADATA_OFFSETS)"); writer.WriteLine("#define USED_CROSS_COMPILER_OFFSETS"); DumpAligns(writer, targetInfo); DumpSizes(writer, targetInfo); DumpMetadataOffsets(writer, ctx, target); writer.WriteLine("#endif //disable metadata check"); DumpJITOffsets(writer, ctx); writer.WriteLine("#endif //cross compiler checks"); writer.WriteLine("#endif //gc check"); writer.WriteLine("#endif //os check"); writer.WriteLine("#endif //arch check"); writer.WriteLine("#endif //USED_CROSS_COMPILER_OFFSETS check"); } Console.WriteLine("Generated offsets file: {0}", targetFile); } static void DumpAligns(TextWriter writer, ParserTargetInfo target) { var aligns = new[] { new { Name = "gint8", Align = target.CharAlign}, new { Name = "gint16", Align = target.ShortAlign}, new { Name = "gint32", Align = target.IntAlign}, new { Name = "gint64", Align = GetTypeAlign(target, target.Int64Type)}, new { Name = "float", Align = target.FloatAlign}, new { Name = "double", Align = target.DoubleAlign}, new { Name = "gpointer", Align = GetTypeAlign(target, target.IntPtrType)}, }; // Write the alignment info for the basic types. foreach (var align in aligns) writer.WriteLine("DECL_ALIGN2({0},{1})", align.Name, align.Align / 8); } static void DumpSizes(TextWriter writer, ParserTargetInfo target) { var sizes = new[] { new { Name = "gint8", Size = target.CharWidth}, new { Name = "gint16", Size = target.ShortWidth}, new { Name = "gint32", Size = target.IntWidth}, new { Name = "gint64", Size = GetTypeSize(target, target.Int64Type)}, new { Name = "float", Size = target.FloatWidth}, new { Name = "double", Size = target.DoubleWidth}, new { Name = "gpointer", Size = GetTypeSize(target, target.IntPtrType)}, }; // Write the size info for the basic types. foreach (var size in sizes) writer.WriteLine("DECL_SIZE2({0},{1})", size.Name, size.Size / 8); } static Class GetClassFromTypedef(ITypedDecl typedef) { var type = typedef.Type.Desugar() as TagType; if (type == null) return null; var @class = type.Declaration as Class; return @class.IsIncomplete ? (@class.CompleteDeclaration as Class) : @class; } static void DumpClasses(TextWriter writer, ASTContext ctx, IEnumerable types, bool optional = false) { foreach (var @struct in types) { var @class = ctx.FindCompleteClass(@struct); if (@class == null) @class = ctx.FindCompleteClass("_" + @struct); if (@class == null) { var typedef = ctx.FindTypedef(@struct).FirstOrDefault( decl => !decl.IsIncomplete); if (typedef != null) @class = GetClassFromTypedef(typedef); } if (@class == null && optional) continue; if (@class == null) throw new Exception("Expected to find struct definition for " + @struct); DumpStruct(writer, @class); } } static void DumpMetadataOffsets(TextWriter writer, ASTContext ctx, Target target) { var types = new List { "MonoObject", "MonoObjectHandlePayload", "MonoClass", "MonoVTable", "MonoDelegate", "MonoInternalThread", "MonoMulticastDelegate", "MonoTransparentProxy", "MonoRealProxy", "MonoRemoteClass", "MonoArray", "MonoArrayBounds", "MonoSafeHandle", "MonoHandleRef", "MonoComInteropProxy", "MonoString", "MonoException", "MonoTypedRef", "MonoThreadsSync", "SgenThreadInfo", "SgenClientThreadInfo" }; DumpClasses(writer, ctx, types); } static void DumpJITOffsets(TextWriter writer, ASTContext ctx) { writer.WriteLine("#ifndef DISABLE_JIT_OFFSETS"); writer.WriteLine("#define USED_CROSS_COMPILER_OFFSETS"); var types = new[] { "MonoLMF", "MonoMethodRuntimeGenericContext", "MonoJitTlsData", "MonoGSharedVtMethodRuntimeInfo", "MonoContinuation", "MonoContext", "MonoDelegateTrampInfo", }; DumpClasses(writer, ctx, types); var optionalTypes = new[] { "GSharedVtCallInfo", "SeqPointInfo", "DynCallArgs", "MonoLMFTramp", "InterpMethodArguments", }; DumpClasses(writer, ctx, optionalTypes, optional: true); writer.WriteLine("#endif //disable jit check"); } static void DumpStruct(TextWriter writer, Class @class) { var name = @class.Name; if (name.StartsWith ("_", StringComparison.Ordinal)) name = name.Substring (1); foreach (var field in @class.Fields) { if (field.IsBitField) continue; if (name == "SgenThreadInfo" && field.Name == "regs") continue; var layout = @class.Layout.Fields.First(f => f.FieldPtr == field.OriginalPtr); writer.WriteLine("DECL_OFFSET2({0},{1},{2})", name, field.Name, layout.Offset); } } } }