// // Mono.Tools.LocalBuilder.Driver // // Author(s): // Jackson Harper (jackson@ximian.com) // Atsushi Enomoto (atsushi@ximian.com) // // (C) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Mono.Tools.LocaleBuilder { public class Driver { public static void Main (string [] args) { Driver d = new Driver (); ParseArgs (args, d); d.Run (); } private static void ParseArgs (string [] args, Driver d) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args [i] == "--lang" && i+1 < args.Length) d.Lang = args [++i]; else if (args [i] == "--locales" && i+1 < args.Length) d.Locales = args [++i]; else if (args [i] == "--header" && i + 1 < args.Length) d.HeaderFileName = args [++i]; } } private string lang; private string locales; private string header_name; private ArrayList cultures; private Hashtable langs; private Hashtable currency_types; private Hashtable regions; private XPathDocument lcids_doc; // The lang is the language that display names will be displayed in public string Lang { get { if (lang == null) lang = "en"; return lang; } set { lang = value; } } public string Locales { get { return locales; } set { locales = value; } } public string HeaderFileName { get { if (header_name == null) return "culture-info-tables.h"; return header_name; } set { header_name = value; } } public void Run () { lcids_doc = GetXPathDocument ("lcids.xml"); Regex locales_regex = null; if (Locales != null) locales_regex = new Regex (Locales); langs = new Hashtable (); cultures = new ArrayList (); regions = new Hashtable (); LookupRegions (); LookupCurrencyTypes (); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles ("locales", "*.xml")) { string fn = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (file); if (fn == "hy_AM") continue; // see bug #75499 if (locales_regex == null || locales_regex.IsMatch (fn)) { ParseLocale (fn); } } /* FIXME: This is hacky. * Since there is only langs/zh.xml while there are * two "zh" languages (CHS and CHT), there should be * different language profiles and we are not likely * to add lang/* files. So here I just clone zh-CHS * as zh-CHT */ foreach (CultureInfoEntry e in cultures) { if (e.Name == "zh-CHS") { CultureInfoEntry t = CultureInfoEntry.ShallowCopy (e); t.Language = "zh-CHT"; LookupLcids (t, true); cultures.Add (t); break; } } ArrayList regionList = new ArrayList (regions.Values); regionList.Sort (RegionComparer.Instance); int number = 0; foreach (RegionInfoEntry r in regionList) r.RegionId = number++; foreach (CultureInfoEntry e in cultures) { int lcid = int.Parse (e.Lcid.Substring (2), NumberStyles.HexNumber); int idx; int start = e.Name.IndexOf ('-') + 1; if (start == 0) continue; for (idx = start; idx < e.Name.Length; idx++) if (!Char.IsLetter (e.Name [idx])) break; if (start == idx) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Culture {0} {1} is not mappable to Region.", e.Lcid, e.Name); continue; } string name = e.Name.Substring (start, idx - start); RegionInfoEntry rm = null; foreach (RegionInfoEntry r in regions.Values) if (r.ISO2Name == name) { rm = r; break; } if (rm == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("No definition for region {0}", name); continue; } e.RegionId = rm.RegionId; } /** * Dump each table individually. Using StringBuilders * because it is easier to debug, should switch to just * writing to streams eventually. */ using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter (HeaderFileName, false, new UTF8Encoding (false, true))) { writer.NewLine = "\n"; writer.WriteLine (); writer.WriteLine ("/* This is a generated file. Do not edit. See tools/locale-builder. */"); writer.WriteLine ("#ifndef MONO_METADATA_CULTURE_INFO_TABLES"); writer.WriteLine ("#define MONO_METADATA_CULTURE_INFO_TABLES 1"); writer.WriteLine ("\n"); writer.WriteLine ("#define NUM_CULTURE_ENTRIES " + cultures.Count); writer.WriteLine ("#define NUM_REGION_ENTRIES " + regionList.Count); writer.WriteLine ("\n"); // Sort the cultures by lcid cultures.Sort (new LcidComparer ()); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); int row = 0; int count = cultures.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CultureInfoEntry ci = (CultureInfoEntry) cultures [i]; if (ci.DateTimeFormatEntry == null) continue; ci.DateTimeFormatEntry.AppendTableRow (builder); ci.DateTimeFormatEntry.Row = row++; if (i + 1 < count) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ('\n'); } writer.WriteLine ("static const DateTimeFormatEntry datetime_format_entries [] = {"); writer.Write (builder); writer.WriteLine ("};\n\n"); builder = new StringBuilder (); row = 0; for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { CultureInfoEntry ci = (CultureInfoEntry) cultures [i]; if (ci.NumberFormatEntry == null) continue; ci.NumberFormatEntry.AppendTableRow (builder); ci.NumberFormatEntry.Row = row++; if (i + 1 < count) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ('\n'); } writer.WriteLine ("static const NumberFormatEntry number_format_entries [] = {"); writer.Write (builder); writer.WriteLine ("};\n\n"); builder = new StringBuilder (); row = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CultureInfoEntry ci = (CultureInfoEntry) cultures [i]; ci.AppendTableRow (builder); ci.Row = row++; if (i + 1 < count) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ('\n'); } writer.WriteLine ("static const CultureInfoEntry culture_entries [] = {"); writer.Write (builder); writer.WriteLine ("};\n\n"); cultures.Sort (new NameComparer ()); // Sort based on name builder = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CultureInfoEntry ci = (CultureInfoEntry) cultures [i]; builder.Append ("\t{" + Entry.EncodeStringIdx (ci.Name.ToLower ()) + ", "); builder.Append (ci.Row + "}"); if (i + 1 < count) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ('\n'); } writer.WriteLine ("static const CultureInfoNameEntry culture_name_entries [] = {"); writer.Write (builder); writer.WriteLine ("};\n\n"); builder = new StringBuilder (); int rcount = 0; foreach (RegionInfoEntry r in regionList) { r.AppendTableRow (builder); if (++rcount != regionList.Count) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ('\n'); } writer.WriteLine ("static const RegionInfoEntry region_entries [] = {"); writer.Write (builder); writer.WriteLine ("};\n\n"); builder = new StringBuilder (); rcount = 0; foreach (RegionInfoEntry ri in regionList) { builder.Append ("\t{" + Entry.EncodeStringIdx (ri.ISO2Name) + ", "); builder.Append (ri.RegionId + "}"); if (++rcount < regionList.Count) builder.Append (','); builder.Append ('\n'); } writer.WriteLine ("static const RegionInfoNameEntry region_name_entries [] = {"); writer.Write (builder); writer.WriteLine ("};\n\n"); writer.WriteLine ("static const char locale_strings [] = {"); writer.Write (Entry.GetStrings ()); writer.WriteLine ("};\n\n"); writer.WriteLine ("#endif\n"); } } private XPathDocument GetXPathDocument (string path) { XmlTextReader xtr = null; try { xtr = new XmlTextReader (path); xtr.XmlResolver = null; return new XPathDocument (xtr); } finally { if (xtr != null) xtr.Close (); } } private string GetShortName (string lang) { return lang == "zh-CHS" ? "zh" : lang; } private bool ParseLang (string lang) { XPathDocument doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", GetShortName (lang) + ".xml")); XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); CultureInfoEntry ci = new CultureInfoEntry (); string lang_type, terr_type; // ci.Name = lang; // TODO: might need to be mapped. lang_type = nav.Evaluate ("string (ldml/identity/language/@type)").ToString (); terr_type = nav.Evaluate ("string (ldml/identity/territory/@type)").ToString (); ci.Language = (lang_type == String.Empty ? null : lang_type); ci.Territory = (terr_type == String.Empty ? null : terr_type); if (!LookupLcids (ci, true)) return false; doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", GetShortName (Lang) + ".xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); ci.DisplayName = LookupFullName (ci, nav); if (Lang == "en") { ci.EnglishName = ci.DisplayName; } else { doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", GetShortName (lang) + ".xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); ci.EnglishName = LookupFullName (ci, nav); } if (ci.Language == Lang) { ci.NativeName = ci.DisplayName; } else { doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", GetShortName (lang) + ".xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); ci.NativeName = LookupFullName (ci, nav); } // Null these out because langs dont have them ci.DateTimeFormatEntry = null; ci.NumberFormatEntry = null; langs [lang] = ci; cultures.Add (ci); return true; } private void ParseLocale (string locale) { CultureInfoEntry ci; ci = LookupCulture (locale); if (ci == null) return; if (langs [GetLanguageFixed (ci)] == null) { if (!ParseLang (GetLanguageFixed (ci))) // If we can't parse the lang we cant have the locale return; } cultures.Add (ci); } private CultureInfoEntry LookupCulture (string locale) { string path = Path.Combine ("locales", locale + ".xml"); if (!File.Exists (path)) return null; XPathDocument doc = GetXPathDocument (path); XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); CultureInfoEntry ci = new CultureInfoEntry (); string supp; // ci.Name = locale; // TODO: Some of these need to be mapped. // First thing we do is get the lang-territory combo, lcid, and full names ci.Language = nav.Evaluate ("string (ldml/identity/language/@type)").ToString (); ci.Territory = nav.Evaluate ("string (ldml/identity/territory/@type)").ToString (); if (!LookupLcids (ci, false)) return null; LookupNames (ci); /** * Locale generation is done in six steps, first we * read the root file which is the base invariant data * then the supplemental root data, * then the language file, the supplemental languages * file then the locale file, then the supplemental * locale file. Values in each descending file can * overwrite previous values. */ doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", "root.xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); Lookup (nav, ci); doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("supp", "root.xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); Lookup (nav, ci); doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", GetShortName (GetLanguageFixed (ci)) + ".xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); Lookup (nav, ci); supp = Path.Combine ("supp", GetLanguageFixed (ci) + ".xml"); if (File.Exists (supp)) { doc = GetXPathDocument (supp); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); Lookup (nav, ci); } doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("locales", locale + ".xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); Lookup (nav, ci); supp = Path.Combine ("supp", locale + ".xml"); if (File.Exists (supp)) { doc = GetXPathDocument (supp); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); Lookup (nav, ci); } return ci; } private void Lookup (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { LookupDateTimeInfo (nav, ci); LookupNumberInfo (nav, ci); } private string GetLanguageFixed (CultureInfoEntry ci) { // This is a hack, but without it nb-NO and nn-NO won't work. if (ci.Territory == "NO") { switch (ci.Language) { case "nb": case "nn": return "no"; } } return ci.Language; } private void LookupNames (CultureInfoEntry ci) { XPathDocument doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", GetShortName (Lang) + ".xml")); XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); ci.DisplayName = LookupFullName (ci, nav); if (Lang == "en") { ci.EnglishName = ci.DisplayName; } else { doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", "en.xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); ci.EnglishName = LookupFullName (ci, nav); } if (ci.Language == Lang) { ci.NativeName = ci.DisplayName; } else { // FIXME: We use ci.Language here. // This is nothing more than hack for nb-NO and nn-NO // where Parent of them is nn (not nb or nn). string lang = ci.Language; doc = GetXPathDocument (Path.Combine ("langs", GetShortName (lang) + ".xml")); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); ci.NativeName = LookupFullName (ci, nav); } } private void AddPattern (ArrayList al, string pattern) { if (!al.Contains (pattern)) al.Add (pattern); } private void LookupDateTimeInfo (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { /** * TODO: Does anyone have multiple calendars? */ XPathNodeIterator ni =(XPathNodeIterator) nav.Evaluate ("ldml/dates/calendars/calendar"); while (ni.MoveNext ()) { DateTimeFormatEntry df = ci.DateTimeFormatEntry; string cal_type = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("type", String.Empty); if (cal_type != String.Empty) df.CalendarType = cal_type; XPathNodeIterator ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("optionalCalendars/calendar"); int opt_cal_count = 0; while (ni2.MoveNext ()) { int type; string greg_type_str; XPathNavigator df_nav = ni2.Current; switch (df_nav.GetAttribute ("type", String.Empty)) { case "Gregorian": type = 0; break; case "Hijri": type = 0x01; break; case "ThaiBuddhist": type = 0x02; break; default: Console.WriteLine ("unknown calendar type: " + df_nav.GetAttribute ("type", String.Empty)); continue; } type <<= 24; greg_type_str = df_nav.GetAttribute ("greg_type", String.Empty); if (greg_type_str != null && greg_type_str != String.Empty) { GregorianCalendarTypes greg_type = (GregorianCalendarTypes) Enum.Parse (typeof (GregorianCalendarTypes), greg_type_str); int greg_type_int = (int) greg_type; type |= greg_type_int; } Console.WriteLine ("Setting cal type: {0:X} for {1}", type, ci.Name); ci.CalendarData [opt_cal_count++] = type; } ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("monthNames/month"); while (ni2.MoveNext ()) { if (ni2.CurrentPosition == 1) df.MonthNames.Clear (); df.MonthNames.Add (ni2.Current.Value); } if (df.MonthNames.Count == 12) df.MonthNames.Add (String.Empty); ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("dayNames/day"); while (ni2.MoveNext ()) { if (ni2.CurrentPosition == 1) df.DayNames.Clear (); df.DayNames.Add (ni2.Current.Value); } ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("dayAbbr/day"); while (ni2.MoveNext ()) { if (ni2.CurrentPosition == 1) df.AbbreviatedDayNames.Clear (); df.AbbreviatedDayNames.Add (ni2.Current.Value); } ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("monthAbbr/month"); while (ni2.MoveNext ()) { if (ni2.CurrentPosition == 1) df.AbbreviatedMonthNames.Clear (); df.AbbreviatedMonthNames.Add (ni2.Current.Value); } if (df.AbbreviatedMonthNames.Count == 12) df.AbbreviatedMonthNames.Add (String.Empty); ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("dateFormats/dateFormatLength"); while (ni2.MoveNext ()) { XPathNavigator df_nav = ni2.Current; XPathNodeIterator p = df_nav.Select ("dateFormat/pattern"); string value = null; if (p.MoveNext ()) value = p.Current.Value; XPathNodeIterator ext = null; switch (df_nav.GetAttribute ("type", String.Empty)) { case "full": if (value != null) ParseFullDateFormat (df, value); break; case "long": if (value != null) df.LongDatePattern = value; ext = df_nav.Select ("extraPatterns/pattern"); if (ext.MoveNext ()) { df.LongDatePatterns.Clear (); AddPattern (df.LongDatePatterns, df.LongDatePattern); do { df.LongDatePatterns.Add (ext.Current.Value); } while (ext.MoveNext ()); } else AddPattern (df.LongDatePatterns, df.LongDatePattern); break; case "short": if (value != null) df.ShortDatePattern = value; ext = df_nav.Select ("extraPatterns/pattern"); if (ext.MoveNext ()) { df.ShortDatePatterns.Clear (); AddPattern (df.ShortDatePatterns, df.ShortDatePattern); do { df.ShortDatePatterns.Add (ext.Current.Value); } while (ext.MoveNext ()); } else AddPattern (df.ShortDatePatterns, df.ShortDatePattern); break; case "year_month": if (value != null) df.YearMonthPattern = value; break; case "month_day": if (value != null) df.MonthDayPattern = value; break; } } ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("timeFormats/timeFormatLength"); while (ni2.MoveNext ()) { XPathNavigator df_nav = ni2.Current; XPathNodeIterator p = df_nav.Select ("timeFormat/pattern"); string value = null; if (p.MoveNext ()) value = p.Current.Value; XPathNodeIterator ext = null; switch (df_nav.GetAttribute ("type", String.Empty)) { case "long": if (value != null) df.LongTimePattern = value.Replace ('a', 't'); ext = df_nav.Select ("extraPatterns/pattern"); if (ext.MoveNext ()) { df.LongTimePatterns.Clear (); AddPattern (df.LongTimePatterns, df.LongTimePattern); do { df.LongTimePatterns.Add (ext.Current.Value); } while (ext.MoveNext ()); } else AddPattern (df.LongTimePatterns, df.LongTimePattern); break; case "short": if (value != null) df.ShortTimePattern = value.Replace ('a', 't'); ext = df_nav.Select ("extraPatterns/pattern"); if (ext.MoveNext ()) { df.ShortTimePatterns.Clear (); AddPattern (df.ShortTimePatterns, df.ShortTimePattern); do { df.ShortTimePatterns.Add (ext.Current.Value); } while (ext.MoveNext ()); } else AddPattern (df.ShortTimePatterns, df.ShortTimePattern); break; } } ni2 = (XPathNodeIterator) ni.Current.Evaluate ("dateTimeFormats/dateTimeFormatLength/dateTimeFormat/pattern"); if (ni2.MoveNext ()) df.RawFullDateTimePattern = ni2.Current.ToString ();/*String.Format (ni2.Current.ToString (), df.LongTimePattern, df.LongDatePattern);*/ XPathNodeIterator am = ni.Current.SelectChildren ("am", ""); if (am.MoveNext ()) df.AMDesignator = am.Current.Value; XPathNodeIterator pm = ni.Current.SelectChildren ("pm", ""); if (pm.MoveNext ()) df.PMDesignator = pm.Current.Value; /* string am = (string) ni.Current.Evaluate ("string(am)"); string pm = (string) ni.Current.Evaluate ("string(pm)"); if (am != String.Empty) df.AMDesignator = am; if (pm != String.Empty) df.PMDesignator = pm; */ } string date_sep = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(ldml/dates/symbols/dateSeparator)"); string time_sep = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(ldml/dates/symbols/timeSeparator)"); if (date_sep != String.Empty) ci.DateTimeFormatEntry.DateSeparator = date_sep; if (time_sep != String.Empty) ci.DateTimeFormatEntry.TimeSeparator = time_sep; } private void LookupNumberInfo (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { XPathNodeIterator ni =(XPathNodeIterator) nav.Evaluate ("ldml/numbers"); while (ni.MoveNext ()) { LookupNumberSymbols (ni.Current, ci); LookupDecimalFormat (ni.Current, ci); LookupPercentFormat (ni.Current, ci); LookupCurrencyFormat (ni.Current, ci); LookupCurrencySymbol (ni.Current, ci); } } private void LookupDecimalFormat (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { string format = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(decimalFormats/" + "decimalFormatLength/decimalFormat/pattern)"); if (format == String.Empty) return; string [] part_one, part_two; string [] pos_neg = format.Split (new char [1] {';'}, 2); // Most of the patterns are common in positive and negative if (pos_neg.Length == 1) pos_neg = new string [] {pos_neg [0], pos_neg [0]}; if (pos_neg.Length == 2) { part_one = pos_neg [0].Split (new char [1] {'.'}, 2); if (part_one.Length == 1) part_one = new string [] {part_one [0], String.Empty}; if (part_one.Length == 2) { // assumed same for both positive and negative // decimal digit side ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberDecimalDigits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < part_one [1].Length; i++) { if (part_one [1][i] == '#') { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberDecimalDigits ++; } else break; } // FIXME: This should be actually done by modifying culture xml files, but too many files to be modified. if (ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberDecimalDigits > 0) ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberDecimalDigits --; // decimal grouping side part_two = part_one [0].Split (','); if (part_two.Length > 1) { int len = part_two.Length - 1; ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberGroupSizes = new int [len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { string pat = part_two [i + 1]; ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberGroupSizes [i] = pat.Length; } } else { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberGroupSizes = new int [1] { 3 }; } if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("(") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith (")")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberNegativePattern = 0; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("- ")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberNegativePattern = 2; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("-")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberNegativePattern = 1; } else if (pos_neg [1].EndsWith (" -")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberNegativePattern = 4; } else if (pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("-")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberNegativePattern = 3; } else { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberNegativePattern = 1; } } } } private void LookupPercentFormat (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { string format = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(percentFormats/" + "percentFormatLength/percentFormat/pattern)"); if (format == String.Empty) return; string [] part_one, part_two; // we don't have percentNegativePattern in CLDR so // the percentNegativePattern are just guesses if (format.StartsWith ("%")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentPositivePattern = 2; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentNegativePattern = 2; format = format.Substring (1); } else if (format.EndsWith (" %")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentPositivePattern = 0; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentNegativePattern = 0; format = format.Substring (0, format.Length - 2); } else if (format.EndsWith ("%")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentPositivePattern = 1; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentNegativePattern = 1; format = format.Substring (0, format.Length - 1); } else { ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentPositivePattern = 0; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentNegativePattern = 0; } part_one = format.Split (new char [1] {'.'}, 2); if (part_one.Length == 2) { // assumed same for both positive and negative // decimal digit side ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentDecimalDigits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < part_one [1].Length; i++) { if (part_one [1][i] == '#') ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentDecimalDigits++; else break; } } if (part_one.Length > 0) { // percent grouping side part_two = part_one [0].Split (','); if (part_two.Length > 1) { int len = part_two.Length - 1; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentGroupSizes = new int [len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { string pat = part_two [i + 1]; if (pat [pat.Length -1] == '0') ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentDecimalDigits = pat.Length - 1; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentGroupSizes [i] = pat.Length; } } else { ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentGroupSizes = new int [1] { 3 }; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentDecimalDigits = 2; } } } private void LookupCurrencyFormat (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { string format = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(currencyFormats/" + "currencyFormatLength/currencyFormat/pattern)"); if (format == String.Empty) return; string [] part_one, part_two; string [] pos_neg = format.Split (new char [1] {';'}, 2); // Most of the patterns are common in positive and negative if (pos_neg.Length == 1) pos_neg = new string [] {pos_neg [0], pos_neg [0]}; if (pos_neg.Length == 2) { part_one = pos_neg [0].Split (new char [1] {'.'}, 2); if (part_one.Length == 1) part_one = new string [] {part_one [0], String.Empty}; if (part_one.Length == 2) { // assumed same for both positive and negative // decimal digit side ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyDecimalDigits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < part_one [1].Length; i++) { if (part_one [1][i] == '0') ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyDecimalDigits++; else break; } // decimal grouping side part_two = part_one [0].Split (','); if (part_two.Length > 1) { int len = part_two.Length - 1; ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyGroupSizes = new int [len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { string pat = part_two [i + 1]; ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyGroupSizes [i] = pat.Length; } } else { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyGroupSizes = new int [1] { 3 }; } if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("(\u00a4 ") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith (")")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 14; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("(\u00a4") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith (")")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 0; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4 ") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("-")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 11; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("-")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 3; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("(") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith (" \u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 15; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("(") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("\u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 4; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("-") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith (" \u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 8; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("-") && pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("\u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 5; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("-\u00a4 ")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 9; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("-\u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 1; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4 -")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 12; } else if (pos_neg [1].StartsWith ("\u00a4-")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 2; } else if (pos_neg [1].EndsWith (" \u00a4-")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 10; } else if (pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("\u00a4-")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 7; } else if (pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("- \u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 13; } else if (pos_neg [1].EndsWith ("-\u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 6; } else { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyNegativePattern = 0; } if (pos_neg [0].StartsWith ("\u00a4 ")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyPositivePattern = 2; } else if (pos_neg [0].StartsWith ("\u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyPositivePattern = 0; } else if (pos_neg [0].EndsWith (" \u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyPositivePattern = 3; } else if (pos_neg [0].EndsWith ("\u00a4")) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyPositivePattern = 1; } else { ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyPositivePattern = 0; } } } } private void LookupNumberSymbols (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { string dec = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/decimal)"); string group = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/group)"); string percent = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/percentSign)"); string positive = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/plusSign)"); string negative = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/minusSign)"); string per_mille = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/perMille)"); string infinity = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/infinity)"); string nan = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(symbols/nan)"); if (dec != String.Empty) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberDecimalSeparator = dec; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentDecimalSeparator = dec; ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyDecimalSeparator = dec; } if (group != String.Empty) { ci.NumberFormatEntry.NumberGroupSeparator = group; ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentGroupSeparator = group; ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencyGroupSeparator = group; } if (percent != String.Empty) ci.NumberFormatEntry.PercentSymbol = percent; if (positive != String.Empty) ci.NumberFormatEntry.PositiveSign = positive; if (negative != String.Empty) ci.NumberFormatEntry.NegativeSign = negative; if (per_mille != String.Empty) ci.NumberFormatEntry.PerMilleSymbol = per_mille; if (infinity != String.Empty) ci.NumberFormatEntry.PositiveInfinitySymbol = infinity; if (nan != String.Empty) ci.NumberFormatEntry.NaNSymbol = nan; } private void LookupCurrencySymbol (XPathNavigator nav, CultureInfoEntry ci) { string type = currency_types [ci.Territory] as string; if (type == null) { Console.WriteLine ("no currency type for: " + ci.Territory); return; } string cur = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string(currencies/currency [@type='" + type + "']/symbol)"); if (cur != String.Empty) ci.NumberFormatEntry.CurrencySymbol = cur; } private bool LookupLcids (CultureInfoEntry ci, bool lang) { XPathNavigator nav = lcids_doc.CreateNavigator (); string name = ci.Name; // Language name does not always consist of locale name. // (for zh-* it must be either zh-CHS or zh-CHT) string langName = GetLanguageFixed (ci); // if (ci.Territory != null) // name += "-" + ci.Territory; XPathNodeIterator ni =(XPathNodeIterator) nav.Evaluate ("lcids/lcid[@name='" + (lang ? langName : name) + "']"); if (!ni.MoveNext ()) { Console.WriteLine ("no lcid found for: {0} ({1}/{2})", name, ci.Language, ci.Territory); string file; if (ci.Territory != null) { file = Path.Combine ("locales", ci.Language + "_" + ci.Territory + ".xml"); Console.WriteLine ("deleting file: " + file); File.Delete (file); } return false; } string id = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("id", String.Empty); string parent = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("parent", String.Empty); string specific = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("specific", String.Empty); string iso2 = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("iso2", String.Empty); string iso3 = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("iso3", String.Empty); string win = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("win", String.Empty); string icu = ni.Current.GetAttribute ("icu_name", String.Empty); // lcids are in 0x format ci.Lcid = id; ci.ParentLcid = parent; ci.SpecificLcid = specific; ci.ISO2Lang = iso2; ci.ISO3Lang = iso3; ci.Win3Lang = win; ci.IcuName = icu; ci.TextInfoEntry = new TextInfoEntry (int.Parse (id.Substring (2), NumberStyles.HexNumber), GetXPathDocument ("textinfo.xml")); return true; } private string LookupFullName (CultureInfoEntry ci, XPathNavigator nav) { string pre = "ldml/localeDisplayNames/"; string ret; // FIXME: We use ci.Language here. // This is nothing more than hack for nb-NO or nn-NO // where Parent of them is nn (not nb or nn). ret = (string) nav.Evaluate ("string("+ pre + "languages/language[@type='" + GetShortName (ci.Language) + "'])"); if (ci.Territory == null) return ret; ret += " (" + (string) nav.Evaluate ("string("+ pre + "territories/territory[@type='" + ci.Territory + "'])") + ")"; return ret; } private void LookupRegions () { XPathDocument doc = GetXPathDocument ("supplementalData.xml"); XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); XPathNodeIterator ni = nav.Select ("supplementalData/currencyData/region"); while (ni.MoveNext ()) { string territory = (string) ni.Current.GetAttribute ("iso3166", String.Empty); string currency = (string) ni.Current.Evaluate ("string(currency/@iso4217)"); RegionInfoEntry region = new RegionInfoEntry (); region.ISO2Name = territory.ToUpper (); region.ISOCurrencySymbol = currency; regions [territory] = region; } doc = GetXPathDocument ("langs/en.xml"); nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); ni = nav.Select ("/ldml/localeDisplayNames/territories/territory"); while (ni.MoveNext ()) { RegionInfoEntry r = (RegionInfoEntry) regions [ni.Current.GetAttribute ("type", "")]; if (r == null) continue; r.EnglishName = ni.Current.Value; } Hashtable curNames = new Hashtable (); ni = nav.Select ("/ldml/numbers/currencies/currency"); while (ni.MoveNext ()) curNames [ni.Current.GetAttribute ("type", "")] = ni.Current.Evaluate ("string (displayName)"); foreach (RegionInfoEntry r in regions.Values) r.CurrencyEnglishName = (string) curNames [r.ISOCurrencySymbol]; } private void LookupCurrencyTypes () { XPathDocument doc = GetXPathDocument ("supplementalData.xml"); XPathNavigator nav = doc.CreateNavigator (); currency_types = new Hashtable (); XPathNodeIterator ni =(XPathNodeIterator) nav.Evaluate ("supplementalData/currencyData/region"); while (ni.MoveNext ()) { string territory = (string) ni.Current.GetAttribute ("iso3166", String.Empty); string currency = (string) ni.Current.Evaluate ("string(currency/@iso4217)"); currency_types [territory] = currency; } } static string control_chars = "eghmsftz"; // HACK: We are trying to build year_month and month_day patterns from the full pattern. private void ParseFullDateFormat (DateTimeFormatEntry df, string full) { string month_day = String.Empty; string year_month = String.Empty; bool in_month_data = false; bool in_year_data = false; int day_start = 0, day_end = 0; int month_start = 0, month_end = 0; int year_start = 0, year_end = 0; bool inquote = false; for (int i = 0; i < full.Length; i++) { char c = full [i]; if (!inquote && c == 'M') { month_day += c; year_month += c; in_year_data = true; in_month_data = true; if (month_start == 0) month_start = i; month_end = i; year_end = year_month.Length; } else if (!inquote && Char.ToLower (c) == 'd') { month_day += c; in_month_data = true; in_year_data = false; if (day_start == 0) day_start = i; day_end = i; } else if (!inquote && Char.ToLower (c) == 'y') { year_month += c; in_year_data = true; in_month_data = false; if (year_start == 0) year_start = i; year_end = i; } else if (!inquote && control_chars.IndexOf (Char.ToLower (c)) >= 0) { in_year_data = false; in_month_data = false; } else if (in_year_data || in_month_data) { if (in_month_data) month_day += c; if (in_year_data) year_month += c; } if (c == '\'') { inquote = !inquote; } } if (month_day != String.Empty) { //month_day = month_day.Substring (0, month_end); df.MonthDayPattern = TrimPattern (month_day); } if (year_month != String.Empty) { //year_month = year_month.Substring (0, year_end); df.YearMonthPattern = TrimPattern (year_month); } } string TrimPattern (string p) { int idx = 0; p = p.Trim ().TrimEnd (','); idx = p.LastIndexOf ("' de '"); // spanish dates if (idx > 0) p = p.Substring (0, idx); idx = p.LastIndexOf ("' ta '"); // finnish if (idx > 0) p = p.Substring (0, idx); idx = p.LastIndexOf ("'ren'"); // euskara if (idx > 0) p = p.Replace ("'ren'", "").Trim (); idx = p.LastIndexOf ("'a'"); // estonian if (idx > 0) p = p.Substring (0, idx); return p.Replace ("'ta '", "'ta'"); // finnish } private class LcidComparer : IComparer { public int Compare (object a, object b) { CultureInfoEntry aa = (CultureInfoEntry) a; CultureInfoEntry bb = (CultureInfoEntry) b; return aa.Lcid.CompareTo (bb.Lcid); } } private class NameComparer : IComparer { public int Compare (object a, object b) { CultureInfoEntry aa = (CultureInfoEntry) a; CultureInfoEntry bb = (CultureInfoEntry) b; return String.CompareOrdinal(aa.Name.ToLower (), bb.Name.ToLower ()); } } class RegionComparer : IComparer { public static RegionComparer Instance = new RegionComparer (); public int Compare (object o1, object o2) { RegionInfoEntry r1 = (RegionInfoEntry) o1; RegionInfoEntry r2 = (RegionInfoEntry) o2; return String.CompareOrdinal ( r1.ISO2Name, r2.ISO2Name); } } class RegionLCIDMap { public RegionLCIDMap (int lcid, int regionId) { LCID = lcid; RegionId = regionId; } public int LCID; public int RegionId; } } }