This directory contains supporting code and tools for Mono AST checker analysis. This tool uses [CppSharp]( to read the source code of Mono into an AST. It is a work-in-progress and in development. Right now the tool is OSX-specific but should easily work on other OS's provided you compile the dependencies for your platform. Contact @tritao if you need assistance. It relies on the presence of a compile_commands.json file which is a JSON compilation database. I have provided a sample database generated by using [Bear]( on my machine. ## Building First you'll need to build the tool by running `make`. It will first clone the needed CppSharp binaries from the [CppSharpBinaries]( repository and then build the tool which should look like this: ``` mac:mono joao$ make mcs MonoChecker.cs -r:CppSharp/CppSharp.dll -r:CppSharp/CppSharp.AST.dll -r:CppSharp/CppSharp.Parser.CSharp.dll -r:CppSharp/CppSharp.Generator.dll -r:Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.8/lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.dll ``` ## Debugging For easier debugging we can generate a Xamarin Studio project by running `make gen-proj`. If everything works correctly, you should get an output like: ``` mac:aot joao$ make gen-proj CppSharp/premake5 vs2012 Building configurations... Running action 'vs2012'... Generating MonoChecker.sln... Generating MonoChecker.csproj... Generating MonoChecker.csproj.user... Done. ``` Then just load the solution in Xamarin Studio and you should be able to put breakpoints and debug the code.