#include "global.h" #if defined(NATIVE_THREADS) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "thread.h" #include "locks.h" #include "tables.h" #include "native.h" #include "loader.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "asmpart.h" #include "toolbox/loging.h" #include "toolbox/memory.h" #include "toolbox/avl.h" #include "mm/boehm.h" #include "nat/java_lang_Object.h" #include "nat/java_lang_Throwable.h" #include "nat/java_lang_Thread.h" #include "nat/java_lang_ThreadGroup.h" #include #include #if defined(__LINUX__) #define GC_LINUX_THREADS #include "../mm/boehm-gc/include/gc.h" #endif #include "machine-instr.h" static struct avl_table *criticaltree; static threadobject *mainthreadobj; #ifndef HAVE___THREAD pthread_key_t tkey_threadinfo; #else __thread threadobject *threadobj; #endif static pthread_mutex_t cast_mutex = PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; static pthread_mutex_t compiler_mutex = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; static pthread_mutex_t tablelock = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; void cast_lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&cast_mutex); } void cast_unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&cast_mutex); } void compiler_lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&compiler_mutex); } void compiler_unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&compiler_mutex); } void tables_lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&tablelock); } void tables_unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&tablelock); } static int criticalcompare(const void *pa, const void *pb, void *param) { const threadcritnode *na = pa; const threadcritnode *nb = pb; if (na->mcodebegin < nb->mcodebegin) return -1; if (na->mcodebegin > nb->mcodebegin) return 1; return 0; } static const threadcritnode *findcritical(u1 *mcodeptr) { struct avl_node *n = criticaltree->avl_root; const threadcritnode *m = NULL; if (!n) return NULL; for (;;) { const threadcritnode *d = n->avl_data; if (mcodeptr == d->mcodebegin) return d; if (mcodeptr < d->mcodebegin) { if (n->avl_link[0]) n = n->avl_link[0]; else return m; } else { if (n->avl_link[1]) { m = n->avl_data; n = n->avl_link[1]; } else return n->avl_data; } } } void thread_registercritical(threadcritnode *n) { avl_insert(criticaltree, n); } u1 *thread_checkcritical(u1 *mcodeptr) { const threadcritnode *n = findcritical(mcodeptr); return (n && mcodeptr < n->mcodeend && mcodeptr > n->mcodebegin) ? n->mcoderestart : NULL; } static pthread_mutex_t threadlistlock = PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; static pthread_mutex_t stopworldlock = PTHREAD_ADAPTIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; volatile int stopworldwhere; static sem_t suspend_ack; /* * where - 1 from within GC 2 class numbering */ void lock_stopworld(int where) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stopworldlock); stopworldwhere = where; } void unlock_stopworld() { stopworldwhere = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&stopworldlock); } /* Caller must hold threadlistlock */ static int cast_sendsignals(int sig, int count) { /* Count threads */ threadobject *tobj = mainthreadobj; nativethread *infoself = THREADINFO; if (count == 0) do { count++; tobj = tobj->info.next; } while (tobj != mainthreadobj); do { nativethread *info = &tobj->info; if (info != infoself) pthread_kill(info->tid, sig); tobj = tobj->info.next; } while (tobj != mainthreadobj); return count-1; } void cast_stopworld() { int count, i; lock_stopworld(2); pthread_mutex_lock(&threadlistlock); count = cast_sendsignals(GC_signum1(), 0); for (i=0; iee.lrpool); threadclass->instancesize = sizeof(threadobject); mainthreadobj = (threadobject *) builtin_new(threadclass); assert(mainthreadobj); FREE(tempthread, threadobject); initThread(&mainthreadobj->o); #if !defined(HAVE___THREAD) pthread_setspecific(tkey_threadinfo, mainthreadobj); #else threadobj = mainthreadobj; #endif mainthread = &mainthreadobj->o; initLocks(); mainthreadobj->info.next = mainthreadobj; mainthreadobj->info.prev = mainthreadobj; mainthread->name=javastring_new(utf_new_char("main")); /* Allocate and init ThreadGroup */ threadgroupclass = class_new(utf_new_char("java/lang/ThreadGroup")); class_load(threadgroupclass); class_link(threadgroupclass); mainthread->group = (java_lang_ThreadGroup *) native_new_and_init(threadgroupclass); assert(mainthread->group != 0); pthread_attr_init(&threadattr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&threadattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); } void initThread(java_lang_Thread *t) { nativethread *info = &((threadobject*) t)->info; pthread_mutex_init(&info->joinMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&info->joinCond, NULL); } static void initThreadLocks(threadobject *); static void *threadstartup(void *t) { threadobject *thread = t; nativethread *info = &thread->info; threadobject *tnext; methodinfo *method; setthreadobject(thread); pthread_mutex_lock(&threadlistlock); info->prev = mainthreadobj; info->next = tnext = mainthreadobj->info.next; mainthreadobj->info.next = t; tnext->info.prev = t; pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadlistlock); initThreadLocks(thread); /* Find the run()V method and call it */ method = class_findmethod(thread->o.header.vftbl->class, utf_new_char("run"), utf_new_char("()V")); if (!method) panic("Cannot find method \'void run ()\'"); asm_calljavafunction(method, thread, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (info->_exceptionptr) { utf_display_classname((info->_exceptionptr)->vftbl->class->name); printf("\n"); } freeLockRecordPools(thread->ee.lrpool); pthread_mutex_lock(&threadlistlock); info->next->info.prev = info->prev; info->prev->info.next = info->next; pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadlistlock); pthread_mutex_lock(&info->joinMutex); info->tid = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&info->joinMutex); pthread_cond_broadcast(&info->joinCond); return NULL; } void startThread(threadobject *t) { nativethread *info = &t->info; if (pthread_create(&info->tid, &threadattr, threadstartup, t)) panic("pthread_create failed"); } void joinAllThreads() { pthread_mutex_lock(&threadlistlock); while (mainthreadobj->info.prev != mainthreadobj) { nativethread *info = &mainthreadobj->info.prev->info; pthread_mutex_lock(&info->joinMutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadlistlock); if (info->tid) pthread_cond_wait(&info->joinCond, &info->joinMutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&info->joinMutex); pthread_mutex_lock(&threadlistlock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&threadlistlock); } bool aliveThread(java_lang_Thread *t) { return ((threadobject*) t)->info.tid != 0; } void sleepThread(s8 millis) { struct timespec tv; tv.tv_sec = millis / 1000; tv.tv_nsec = millis % 1000 * 1000000; do { } while (nanosleep(&tv, &tv) == EINTR); } void yieldThread() { sched_yield(); } static void timedCondWait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex, s8 millis) { struct timeval now; struct timespec desttime; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); desttime.tv_sec = millis / 1000; desttime.tv_nsec = millis % 1000 * 1000000; pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, &desttime); } #define NEUTRAL 0 #define LOCKED 1 #define WAITERS 2 #define BUSY 3 static void initExecutionEnvironment(ExecEnvironment *ee) { pthread_mutex_init(&ee->metaLockMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ee->metaLockCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&ee->monitorLockMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&ee->monitorLockCond, NULL); } static void initLockRecord(monitorLockRecord *r, threadobject *t) { r->owner = t; r->lockCount = 1; r->queue = NULL; } void initLocks() { initThreadLocks(mainthreadobj); } static void initThreadLocks(threadobject *thread) { int i; initExecutionEnvironment(&thread->ee); for (i=0; iee.lr[i]; initLockRecord(r, thread); r->nextFree = &thread->ee.lr[i+1]; } thread->ee.lr[i-1].nextFree = NULL; thread->ee.firstLR = &thread->ee.lr[0]; } static inline int lockState(long r) { return r & 3; } static inline void *lockRecord(long r) { return (void*) (r & ~3); } static inline long makeLockBits(void *r, long l) { return ((long) r) | l; } static lockRecordPool *allocLockRecordPool(threadobject *thread, int size) { lockRecordPool *p = mem_alloc(sizeof(lockRecordPoolHeader) + sizeof(monitorLockRecord) * size); int i; p->header.size = size; for (i=0; ilr[i], thread); p->lr[i].nextFree = &p->lr[i+1]; } p->lr[i-1].nextFree = NULL; return p; } static void freeLockRecordPools(lockRecordPool *pool) { while (pool) { lockRecordPool *n = pool->header.next; mem_free(pool, sizeof(lockRecordPoolHeader) + sizeof(monitorLockRecord) * pool->header.size); pool = n; } } static monitorLockRecord *allocLockRecord(threadobject *t) { monitorLockRecord *r = t->ee.firstLR; if (!r) { int poolsize = t->ee.lrpool ? t->ee.lrpool->header.size * 2 : INITIALLOCKRECORDS * 2; lockRecordPool *pool = allocLockRecordPool(t, poolsize); pool->header.next = t->ee.lrpool; t->ee.lrpool = pool; r = &pool->lr[0]; } t->ee.firstLR = r->nextFree; return r; } static void recycleLockRecord(threadobject *t, monitorLockRecord *r) { r->nextFree = t->ee.firstLR; t->ee.firstLR = r; } static monitorLockRecord *appendToQueue(monitorLockRecord *queue, monitorLockRecord *lr) { monitorLockRecord *queuestart = queue; if (!queue) return lr; while (queue->queue) queue = queue->queue; queue->queue = lr; return queuestart; } static monitorLockRecord *moveMyLRToFront(threadobject *t, monitorLockRecord *lr) { monitorLockRecord *pred = NULL; monitorLockRecord *firstLR = lr; while (lr->owner != t) { pred = lr; lr = lr->queue; } if (!pred) return lr; pred->queue = lr->queue; lr->queue = firstLR; lr->storedBits = firstLR->storedBits; return lr; } static long getMetaLockSlow(threadobject *t, long predBits); static void releaseMetaLockSlow(threadobject *t, long releaseBits); static long getMetaLock(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o) { long busyBits = makeLockBits(t, BUSY); long lockBits = atomic_swap(&o->monitorBits, busyBits); return lockState(lockBits) != BUSY ? lockBits : getMetaLockSlow(t, lockBits); } static long getMetaLockSlow(threadobject *t, long predBits) { long bits; threadobject *pred = lockRecord(predBits); pthread_mutex_lock(&pred->ee.metaLockMutex); if (!pred->ee.bitsForGrab) { pred->ee.succ = t; do { pthread_cond_wait(&pred->ee.metaLockCond, &pred->ee.metaLockMutex); } while (!t->ee.gotMetaLockSlow); t->ee.gotMetaLockSlow = false; bits = t->ee.metaLockBits; } else { bits = pred->ee.metaLockBits; pred->ee.bitsForGrab = false; pthread_cond_signal(&pred->ee.metaLockCond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&pred->ee.metaLockMutex); return bits; } static void releaseMetaLock(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o, long releaseBits) { long busyBits = makeLockBits(t, BUSY); long lockBits = compare_and_swap(&o->monitorBits, busyBits, releaseBits); if (lockBits != busyBits) releaseMetaLockSlow(t, releaseBits); } static void releaseMetaLockSlow(threadobject *t, long releaseBits) { pthread_mutex_lock(&t->ee.metaLockMutex); if (t->ee.succ) { assert(!t->ee.succ->ee.bitsForGrab); assert(!t->ee.bitsForGrab); assert(!t->ee.succ->ee.gotMetaLockSlow); t->ee.succ->ee.metaLockBits = releaseBits; t->ee.succ->ee.gotMetaLockSlow = true; t->ee.succ = NULL; pthread_cond_signal(&t->ee.metaLockCond); } else { t->ee.metaLockBits = releaseBits; t->ee.bitsForGrab = true; do { pthread_cond_wait(&t->ee.metaLockCond, &t->ee.metaLockMutex); } while (t->ee.bitsForGrab); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->ee.metaLockMutex); } static void monitorEnterSlow(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o, long r); void monitorEnter(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o) { long r = getMetaLock(t, o); int state = lockState(r); if (state == NEUTRAL) { monitorLockRecord *lr = allocLockRecord(t); lr->storedBits = r; releaseMetaLock(t, o, makeLockBits(lr, LOCKED)); } else if (state == LOCKED) { monitorLockRecord *ownerLR = lockRecord(r); if (ownerLR->owner == t) { ownerLR->lockCount++; releaseMetaLock(t, o, r); } else { monitorLockRecord *lr = allocLockRecord(t); ownerLR->queue = appendToQueue(ownerLR->queue, lr); monitorEnterSlow(t, o, r); } } else if (state == WAITERS) { monitorLockRecord *lr = allocLockRecord(t); monitorLockRecord *firstWaiterLR = lockRecord(r); lr->queue = firstWaiterLR; lr->storedBits = firstWaiterLR->storedBits; releaseMetaLock(t, o, makeLockBits(lr, LOCKED)); } } static void monitorEnterSlow(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o, long r) { monitorLockRecord *lr; while (lockState(r) == LOCKED) { pthread_mutex_lock(&t->ee.monitorLockMutex); releaseMetaLock(t, o, r); pthread_cond_wait(&t->ee.monitorLockCond, &t->ee.monitorLockMutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->ee.monitorLockMutex); r = getMetaLock(t, o); } assert(lockState(r) == WAITERS); lr = moveMyLRToFront(t, lockRecord(r)); releaseMetaLock(t, o, makeLockBits(lr, LOCKED)); } static void monitorExitSlow(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o, monitorLockRecord *lr); void monitorExit(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o) { long r = getMetaLock(t, o); monitorLockRecord *ownerLR = lockRecord(r); int state = lockState(r); if (state == LOCKED && ownerLR->owner == t) { assert(ownerLR->lockCount >= 1); if (ownerLR->lockCount == 1) { if (ownerLR->queue == NULL) { assert(lockState(ownerLR->storedBits) == NEUTRAL); releaseMetaLock(t, o, ownerLR->storedBits); } else { ownerLR->queue->storedBits = ownerLR->storedBits; monitorExitSlow(t, o, ownerLR->queue); ownerLR->queue = NULL; } recycleLockRecord(t, ownerLR); } else { ownerLR->lockCount--; releaseMetaLock(t, o, r); } } else { releaseMetaLock(t, o, r); panic("Illegal monitor exception"); } } static threadobject *wakeupEE(monitorLockRecord *lr) { while (lr->queue && lr->queue->owner->ee.isWaitingForNotify) lr = lr->queue; return lr->owner; } static void monitorExitSlow(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o, monitorLockRecord *lr) { threadobject *wakeEE = wakeupEE(lr); if (wakeEE) { pthread_mutex_lock(&wakeEE->ee.monitorLockMutex); releaseMetaLock(t, o, makeLockBits(lr, WAITERS)); pthread_cond_signal(&wakeEE->ee.monitorLockCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&wakeEE->ee.monitorLockMutex); } else { releaseMetaLock(t, o, makeLockBits(lr, WAITERS)); } } void monitorWait(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o, s8 millis) { long r = getMetaLock(t, o); monitorLockRecord *ownerLR = lockRecord(r); int state = lockState(r); if (state == LOCKED && ownerLR->owner == t) { pthread_mutex_lock(&t->ee.monitorLockMutex); t->ee.isWaitingForNotify = true; monitorExitSlow(t, o, ownerLR); if (millis == -1) pthread_cond_wait(&t->ee.monitorLockCond, &t->ee.monitorLockMutex); else timedCondWait(&t->ee.monitorLockCond, &t->ee.monitorLockMutex, millis); t->ee.isWaitingForNotify = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&t->ee.monitorLockMutex); r = getMetaLock(t, o); monitorEnterSlow(t, o, r); } else { releaseMetaLock(t, o, r); panic("Illegal monitor exception"); } } static void notifyOneOrAll(threadobject *t, java_objectheader *o, bool one) { long r = getMetaLock(t, o); monitorLockRecord *ownerLR = lockRecord(r); int state = lockState(r); if (state == LOCKED && ownerLR->owner == t) { monitorLockRecord *q = ownerLR->queue; while (q) { if (q->owner->ee.isWaitingForNotify) { q->owner->ee.isWaitingForNotify = false; if (one) break; } q = q->queue; } releaseMetaLock(t, o, r); } else { releaseMetaLock(t, o, r); panic("Illegal monitor exception"); } } void wait_cond_for_object(java_objectheader *o, s8 time) { threadobject *t = (threadobject*) THREADOBJECT; monitorWait(t, o, time); } void signal_cond_for_object(java_objectheader *o) { threadobject *t = (threadobject*) THREADOBJECT; notifyOneOrAll(t, o, true); } void broadcast_cond_for_object(java_objectheader *o) { threadobject *t = (threadobject*) THREADOBJECT; notifyOneOrAll(t, o, false); } #endif /* * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs. * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where * Emacs will automagically detect them. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local variables: * mode: c * indent-tabs-mode: t * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * End: */