/* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * locks.c * Manage locking system * This include the mutex's and cv's. * * Copyright (c) 1996 T. J. Wilkinson & Associates, London, UK. * * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution * of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * * Written by Tim Wilkinson , 1996. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "thread.h" #include "locks.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "tables.h" #include "native.h" #include "loader.h" #if !defined(NATIVE_THREADS) static classinfo *class_java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException; extern thread* currentThread; mutexHashEntry *mutexHashTable; int mutexHashTableSize; long mutexHashMask; mutexHashEntry *mutexOverflowTable; int mutexOverflowTableSize; mutexHashEntry *firstFreeOverflowEntry = 0; conditionHashEntry *conditionHashTable; int conditionHashTableSize; long conditionHashMask; /* * Init the tables. */ void initLocks (void) { int i; mutexHashTableSize = MUTEX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; mutexHashTable = (mutexHashEntry*)malloc(sizeof(mutexHashEntry) * mutexHashTableSize); mutexHashMask = (mutexHashTableSize - 1) << 3; for (i = 0; i < mutexHashTableSize; ++i) { mutexHashTable[i].object = 0; mutexHashTable[i].mutex.holder = 0; mutexHashTable[i].mutex.count = 0; mutexHashTable[i].mutex.muxWaiters = 0; mutexHashTable[i].conditionCount = 0; mutexHashTable[i].next = 0; } mutexOverflowTableSize = MUTEX_OVERFLOW_TABLE_SIZE; mutexOverflowTable = (mutexHashEntry*)malloc(sizeof(mutexHashEntry) * mutexOverflowTableSize); firstFreeOverflowEntry = &mutexOverflowTable[0]; for (i = 0; i < mutexOverflowTableSize; ++i) { mutexOverflowTable[i].object = 0; mutexOverflowTable[i].mutex.holder = 0; mutexOverflowTable[i].mutex.count = 0; mutexOverflowTable[i].mutex.muxWaiters = 0; mutexOverflowTable[i].conditionCount = 0; mutexOverflowTable[i].next = &mutexOverflowTable[i + 1]; } mutexOverflowTable[i - 1].next = 0; conditionHashTableSize = CONDITION_HASH_TABLE_SIZE; conditionHashTable = (conditionHashEntry*)malloc(sizeof(conditionHashEntry) * conditionHashTableSize); conditionHashMask = (conditionHashTableSize - 1) << 3; for (i = 0; i < conditionHashTableSize; ++i) { conditionHashTable[i].object = 0; conditionHashTable[i].condition.cvWaiters = 0; conditionHashTable[i].condition.mux = 0; } /* Load exception classes */ loader_load_sysclass(&class_java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException, utf_new_char("java/lang/IllegalMonitorStateException")); } /* * Reorders part of the condition hash table. Must be called after an entry has been deleted. */ void reorderConditionHashTable (int begin) { while (conditionHashTable[begin].object != 0) { int hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_VALUE(conditionHashTable[begin].object); if (hashValue != begin) { while (conditionHashTable[hashValue].object != 0) { hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_SUCCESSOR(hashValue); if (hashValue == begin) break; } if (hashValue != begin) { conditionHashTable[hashValue] = conditionHashTable[begin]; conditionHashTable[begin].object = 0; conditionHashTable[begin].condition.cvWaiters = 0; conditionHashTable[begin].condition.mux = 0; } } begin = CONDITION_HASH_SUCCESSOR(begin); } } /* * Looks up an entry in the condition hash table. */ iCv* conditionForObject (java_objectheader *object) { int hashValue; intsDisable(); hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_VALUE(object); while (conditionHashTable[hashValue].object != object && conditionHashTable[hashValue].object != 0) hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_SUCCESSOR(hashValue); if (conditionHashTable[hashValue].object == 0) { intsRestore(); return 0; } intsRestore(); return &conditionHashTable[hashValue].condition; } /* * Adds a new entry in the condition hash table and returns a pointer to the condition */ iCv* addConditionForObject (java_objectheader *object) { int hashValue; intsDisable(); hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_VALUE(object); while (conditionHashTable[hashValue].object != 0) hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_SUCCESSOR(hashValue); conditionHashTable[hashValue].object = object; intsRestore(); return &conditionHashTable[hashValue].condition; } /* * Removes an entry from the condition hash table. */ void removeConditionForObject (java_objectheader *object) { int hashValue; intsDisable(); hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_VALUE(object); while (conditionHashTable[hashValue].object != object) hashValue = CONDITION_HASH_SUCCESSOR(hashValue); conditionHashTable[hashValue].object = 0; conditionHashTable[hashValue].condition.cvWaiters = 0; conditionHashTable[hashValue].condition.mux = 0; reorderConditionHashTable(CONDITION_HASH_SUCCESSOR(hashValue)); intsRestore(); } /* * Returns the mutex entry for the specified object and increments its conditionCount. */ mutexHashEntry* conditionLockedMutexForObject (java_objectheader *object) { int hashValue; mutexHashEntry *entry; assert(object != 0); intsDisable(); hashValue = MUTEX_HASH_VALUE(object); entry = &mutexHashTable[hashValue]; if (entry->object != 0) { if (entry->mutex.count == 0 && entry->conditionCount == 0) { entry->object = 0; entry->mutex.holder = 0; entry->mutex.count = 0; entry->mutex.muxWaiters = 0; } else { while (entry->next != 0 && entry->object != object) entry = entry->next; if (entry->object != object) { entry->next = firstFreeOverflowEntry; firstFreeOverflowEntry = firstFreeOverflowEntry->next; entry = entry->next; entry->object = 0; entry->next = 0; assert(entry->conditionCount == 0); } } } if (entry->object == 0) entry->object = object; ++entry->conditionCount; intsRestore(); return entry; } /* * Wait for the condition of an object to be signalled */ void wait_cond_for_object (java_objectheader *obj, s8 time) { iCv *condition; mutexHashEntry *mutexEntry; intsDisable(); mutexEntry = conditionLockedMutexForObject(obj); condition = conditionForObject(obj); if (condition == 0) condition = addConditionForObject(obj); DBG( fprintf(stderr, "condition of %p is %p\n", obj, condition); ); internal_wait_cond(&mutexEntry->mutex, condition, time); if (condition->cvWaiters == 0 && condition->mux == 0) removeConditionForObject(obj); --mutexEntry->conditionCount; intsRestore(); } /* * Signal the condition of an object */ void signal_cond_for_object (java_objectheader *obj) { iCv *condition; intsDisable(); condition = conditionForObject(obj); if (condition == 0) condition = addConditionForObject(obj); DBG( fprintf(stderr, "condition of %p is %p\n", obj, condition); ); internal_signal_cond(condition); if (condition->cvWaiters == 0 && condition->mux == 0) removeConditionForObject(obj); intsRestore(); } /* * Broadcast the condition of an object. */ void broadcast_cond_for_object (java_objectheader *obj) { intsDisable(); internal_broadcast_cond_for_object(obj); intsRestore(); } /* * Internal: Broadcast the condition of an object. */ void internal_broadcast_cond_for_object (java_objectheader *obj) { iCv *condition; condition = conditionForObject(obj); if (condition == 0) condition = addConditionForObject(obj); internal_broadcast_cond(condition); if (condition->cvWaiters == 0 && condition->mux == 0) removeConditionForObject(obj); } /* * Lock a mutex. */ void lock_mutex (iMux *mux) { intsDisable(); internal_lock_mutex(mux); intsRestore(); } /* * Lock the mutex for an object. */ void lock_mutex_for_object (java_objectheader *obj) { intsDisable(); internal_lock_mutex_for_object(obj); intsRestore(); } /* * Unlock a mutex. */ void unlock_mutex (iMux *mux) { intsDisable(); internal_unlock_mutex(mux); intsRestore(); } /* * Unlock the mutex for an object. */ void unlock_mutex_for_object (java_objectheader *obj) { intsDisable(); internal_unlock_mutex_for_object(obj); intsRestore(); } /* * Wait on a condition variable. */ void wait_cond (iMux *mux, iCv *cond, s8 timeout) { intsDisable(); internal_wait_cond(mux, cond, timeout); intsRestore(); } /* * Signal a condition variable. */ void signal_cond (iCv *cond) { intsDisable(); internal_signal_cond(cond); intsRestore(); } /* * Broadcast a condition variable. */ void broadcast_cond (iCv *cond) { intsDisable(); internal_broadcast_cond(cond); intsRestore(); } /* * Internal: Lock a mutex. */ void internal_lock_mutex(iMux* mux) { assert(blockInts > 0); if (mux->holder == 0) { mux->holder = currentThread; mux->count = 1; DBG( fprintf(stderr, "set holder of %p to %p\n", mux, mux->holder); ) } else if (mux->holder == currentThread) { mux->count++; } else { while (mux->holder != 0) { suspendOnQThread(currentThread, &mux->muxWaiters); } mux->holder = currentThread; mux->count = 1; } } /* * Internal: Release a mutex. */ void internal_unlock_mutex(iMux* mux) { thread* tid; assert(blockInts > 0); assert(mux->holder == currentThread); mux->count--; if (mux->count == 0) { mux->holder = 0; if (mux->muxWaiters != 0) { tid = mux->muxWaiters; mux->muxWaiters = tid->next; iresumeThread(tid); } } } /* * Internal: Wait on a conditional variable. * (timeout currently ignored) */ void internal_wait_cond(iMux* mux, iCv* cv, s8 timeout) { int count; thread* tid; DBG( fprintf(stderr, "waiting on %p\n", cv); ); if (mux->holder != currentThread) { *exceptionptr = native_new_and_init(class_java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException); } assert(blockInts > 0); count = mux->count; mux->holder = 0; mux->count = 0; cv->mux = mux; /* If there's anyone waiting here, wake them up */ if (mux->muxWaiters != 0) { tid = mux->muxWaiters; mux->muxWaiters = tid->next; iresumeThread(tid); } /* Suspend, and keep suspended until I re-get the lock */ suspendOnQThread(currentThread, &cv->cvWaiters); while (mux->holder != 0) { DBG( fprintf(stderr, "woke up\n"); ); suspendOnQThread(currentThread, &mux->muxWaiters); } mux->holder = currentThread; mux->count = count; } /* * Internal: Wake one thread on a conditional variable. */ void internal_signal_cond (iCv* cv) { thread* tid; DBG( fprintf(stderr, "signalling on %p\n", cv); ); /* If 'mux' isn't set then we've never waited on this object. */ if (cv->mux == 0) { return; } if (cv->mux->holder != currentThread) { *exceptionptr = native_new_and_init(class_java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException); } assert(blockInts > 0); /* Remove one thread from cv list */ if (cv->cvWaiters != 0) { DBG( fprintf(stderr, "releasing a waiter\n"); ); tid = cv->cvWaiters; cv->cvWaiters = tid->next; /* Place it on mux list */ tid->next = cv->mux->muxWaiters; cv->mux->muxWaiters = tid; } } /* * Internal: Wake all threads on a conditional variable. */ void internal_broadcast_cond (iCv* cv) { thread** tidp; /* If 'mux' isn't set then we've never waited on this object. */ if (cv->mux == 0) { return; } if (cv->mux->holder != currentThread) { *exceptionptr = native_new_and_init(class_java_lang_IllegalMonitorStateException); } assert(blockInts > 0); /* Find the end of the cv list */ if (cv->cvWaiters) { for (tidp = &cv->cvWaiters; *tidp != 0; tidp = &(*tidp)->next) ; /* Place entire cv list on mux list */ (*tidp) = cv->mux->muxWaiters; cv->mux->muxWaiters = cv->cvWaiters; cv->cvWaiters = 0; } } #endif