---------- normal exceptions -------------------- throw new Exception(): OK throw new Exception() (from subroutines): OK NullPointerException: OK ---------- test soft inline exceptions ---------- /* thrown twice to check the inline jump code */ ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: OK ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: OK NegativeArraySizeException: OK NegativeArraySizeException: OK ClassCastException: OK ClassCastException: OK ArithmeticException (only w/ -softnull): OK ArithmeticException (only w/ -softnull): OK OutOfMemoryError: OK OutOfMemoryError: OK NullPointerException (only w/ -softnull): OK NullPointerException (only w/ -softnull): OK ---------- some asmpart exceptions -------------- NullPointerException in (PUTSTATIC): OK NullPointerException in (GETSTATIC): OK ArithmeticException (idiv): OK ArithmeticException (ldiv): OK ArithmeticException (irem): OK ArithmeticException (lrem): OK NullPointerException (aastore): OK ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (aastore): OK ArrayStoreException (aastore): OK ClassCastException (checkarraycast): OK ---------- exception related things ------------- load/link an exception class in asmpart: OK ---------- native stub exceptions --------------- NullPointerException (native): OK ---------- no OK beyond this point -------------- NullPointerException (without catch): Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at extest.main(extest.java:364)