/* src/vm/zip.c - ZIP file handling for bootstrap classloader Copyright (C) 1996-2005 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel, C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring, E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich, J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien This file is part of CACAO. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Contact: cacao@complang.tuwien.ac.at Authors: Christian Thalinger Changes: $Id: zip.c 4022 2006-01-01 16:31:40Z twisti $ */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "vm/types.h" #include "mm/memory.h" #include "vm/global.h" #include "vm/hashtable.h" #include "vm/suck.h" #include "vm/utf8.h" #include "vm/zip.h" /* start size for classes hashtable *******************************************/ #define HASHTABLE_CLASSES_SIZE (1 << 10) /* info taken from: http://www.pkware.com/business_and_developers/developer/popups/appnote.txt */ /* all signatures in the ZIP file have a length of 4 bytes ********************/ #define SIGNATURE_LENGTH 4 /* Local file header *********************************************************** local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50) version needed to extract 2 bytes general purpose bit flag 2 bytes compression method 2 bytes last mod file time 2 bytes last mod file date 2 bytes crc-32 4 bytes compressed size 4 bytes uncompressed size 4 bytes file name length 2 bytes extra field length 2 bytes file name (variable size) extra field (variable size) *******************************************************************************/ #define LFH_HEADER_SIZE 30 #define LFH_SIGNATURE 0x04034b50 #define LFH_FILE_NAME_LENGTH 26 #define LFH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH 28 typedef struct lfh lfh; struct lfh { u2 compressionmethod; u4 compressedsize; u4 uncompressedsize; u2 filenamelength; u2 extrafieldlength; }; /* Central directory structure ************************************************* [file header 1] . . . [file header n] [digital signature] File header: central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50) version made by 2 bytes version needed to extract 2 bytes general purpose bit flag 2 bytes compression method 2 bytes last mod file time 2 bytes last mod file date 2 bytes crc-32 4 bytes compressed size 4 bytes uncompressed size 4 bytes file name length 2 bytes extra field length 2 bytes file comment length 2 bytes disk number start 2 bytes internal file attributes 2 bytes external file attributes 4 bytes relative offset of local header 4 bytes file name (variable size) extra field (variable size) file comment (variable size) Digital signature: header signature 4 bytes (0x05054b50) size of data 2 bytes signature data (variable size) *******************************************************************************/ #define CDSFH_HEADER_SIZE 46 #define CDSFH_SIGNATURE 0x02014b50 #define CDSFH_COMPRESSION_METHOD 10 #define CDSFH_COMPRESSED_SIZE 20 #define CDSFH_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE 24 #define CDSFH_FILE_NAME_LENGTH 28 #define CDSFH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH 30 #define CDSFH_FILE_COMMENT_LENGTH 32 #define CDSFH_RELATIVE_OFFSET 42 #define CDSFH_FILENAME 46 typedef struct cdsfh cdsfh; struct cdsfh { u2 compressionmethod; u4 compressedsize; u4 uncompressedsize; u2 filenamelength; u2 extrafieldlength; u2 filecommentlength; u4 relativeoffset; }; /* End of central directory record ********************************************* end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50) number of this disk 2 bytes number of the disk with the start of the central directory 2 bytes total number of entries in the central directory on this disk 2 bytes total number of entries in the central directory 2 bytes size of the central directory 4 bytes offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number 4 bytes .ZIP file comment length 2 bytes .ZIP file comment (variable size) *******************************************************************************/ #define EOCDR_SIGNATURE 0x06054b50 #define EOCDR_ENTRIES 10 #define EOCDR_OFFSET 16 typedef struct eocdr eocdr; struct eocdr { u2 entries; u4 offset; }; /* zip_open ******************************************************************** XXX *******************************************************************************/ hashtable *zip_open(char *path) { hashtable *ht; hashtable_zipfile_entry *htzfe; int fd; u1 lfh_signature[SIGNATURE_LENGTH]; off_t len; u1 *filep; s4 i; u1 *p; eocdr eocdr; cdsfh cdsfh; const char *filename; const char *classext; utf *u; u4 key; /* hashkey computed from utf-text */ u4 slot; /* slot in hashtable */ /* first of all, open the file */ if ((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1) return NULL; /* check for signature in first local file header */ if (read(fd, lfh_signature, SIGNATURE_LENGTH) != SIGNATURE_LENGTH) return NULL; if (SUCK_LE_U4(lfh_signature) != LFH_SIGNATURE) return NULL; /* get the file length */ if ((len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1) return NULL; /* we better mmap the file */ filep = mmap(0, len, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); /* some older compilers, like DEC OSF cc, don't like comparisons on void* types */ if ((ptrint) filep == (ptrint) MAP_FAILED) return NULL; /* find end of central directory record */ for (p = filep + len; p >= filep; p--) if (SUCK_LE_U4(p) == EOCDR_SIGNATURE) break; /* get number of entries in central directory */ eocdr.entries = SUCK_LE_U2(p + EOCDR_ENTRIES); eocdr.offset = SUCK_LE_U4(p + EOCDR_OFFSET); /* create hashtable for filenames */ ht = NEW(hashtable); hashtable_create(ht, HASHTABLE_CLASSES_SIZE); /* add all file entries into the hashtable */ for (i = 0, p = filep + eocdr.offset; i < eocdr.entries; i++) { /* check file header signature */ if (SUCK_LE_U4(p) != CDSFH_SIGNATURE) return NULL; /* we found an entry */ cdsfh.compressionmethod = SUCK_LE_U2(p + CDSFH_COMPRESSION_METHOD); cdsfh.compressedsize = SUCK_LE_U4(p + CDSFH_COMPRESSED_SIZE); cdsfh.uncompressedsize = SUCK_LE_U4(p + CDSFH_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE); cdsfh.filenamelength = SUCK_LE_U2(p + CDSFH_FILE_NAME_LENGTH); cdsfh.extrafieldlength = SUCK_LE_U2(p + CDSFH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH); cdsfh.filecommentlength = SUCK_LE_U2(p + CDSFH_FILE_COMMENT_LENGTH); cdsfh.relativeoffset = SUCK_LE_U4(p + CDSFH_RELATIVE_OFFSET); /* create utf8 string of filename, strip .class from classes */ filename = (const char *) (p + CDSFH_FILENAME); classext = filename + cdsfh.filenamelength - strlen(".class"); if (strncmp(classext, ".class", strlen(".class")) == 0) u = utf_new(filename, cdsfh.filenamelength - strlen(".class")); else u = utf_new(filename, cdsfh.filenamelength); /* insert class into hashtable */ htzfe = NEW(hashtable_zipfile_entry); htzfe->filename = u; htzfe->compressionmethod = cdsfh.compressionmethod; htzfe->compressedsize = cdsfh.compressedsize; htzfe->uncompressedsize = cdsfh.uncompressedsize; htzfe->data = filep + cdsfh.relativeoffset; /* get hashtable slot */ key = utf_hashkey(u->text, u->blength); slot = key & (ht->size - 1); /* insert into external chain */ htzfe->hashlink = ht->ptr[slot]; /* insert hashtable zipfile entry */ ht->ptr[slot] = htzfe; ht->entries++; /* move to next central directory structure file header */ p = p + CDSFH_HEADER_SIZE + cdsfh.filenamelength + cdsfh.extrafieldlength + cdsfh.filecommentlength; } /* return pointer to hashtable */ return ht; } /* zip_find ******************************************************************** XXX *******************************************************************************/ hashtable_zipfile_entry *zip_find(list_classpath_entry *lce, utf *u) { hashtable *ht; u4 key; /* hashkey computed from utf-text */ u4 slot; /* slot in hashtable */ hashtable_zipfile_entry *htzfe; /* hashtable element */ /* get classes hashtable from the classpath entry */ ht = lce->htclasses; /* get the hashtable slot of the name searched */ key = utf_hashkey(u->text, u->blength); slot = key & (ht->size - 1); htzfe = ht->ptr[slot]; /* search external hash chain for utf-symbol */ while (htzfe) { if (htzfe->filename == u) return htzfe; /* next element in external chain */ htzfe = htzfe->hashlink; } /* file not found in this archive */ return NULL; } /* zip_get ******************************************************************** XXX *******************************************************************************/ classbuffer *zip_get(list_classpath_entry *lce, classinfo *c) { hashtable_zipfile_entry *htzfe; lfh lfh; u1 *indata; u1 *outdata; z_stream zs; int err; classbuffer *cb; /* try to find the class in the current archive */ if ((htzfe = zip_find(lce, c->name)) == NULL) return NULL; /* read stuff from local file header */ lfh.filenamelength = SUCK_LE_U2(htzfe->data + LFH_FILE_NAME_LENGTH); lfh.extrafieldlength = SUCK_LE_U2(htzfe->data + LFH_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH); indata = htzfe->data + LFH_HEADER_SIZE + lfh.filenamelength + lfh.extrafieldlength; /* allocate buffer for uncompressed data */ outdata = MNEW(u1, htzfe->uncompressedsize); /* how is the file stored? */ switch (htzfe->compressionmethod) { case Z_DEFLATED: /* fill z_stream structure */ zs.next_in = indata; zs.avail_in = htzfe->compressedsize; zs.next_out = outdata; zs.avail_out = htzfe->uncompressedsize; zs.zalloc = Z_NULL; zs.zfree = Z_NULL; zs.opaque = Z_NULL; /* initialize this inflate run */ if (inflateInit2(&zs, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK) assert(0); /* decompress the file into buffer */ err = inflate(&zs, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); if ((err != Z_STREAM_END) && (err != Z_OK)) assert(0); /* finish this inflate run */ if (inflateEnd(&zs) != Z_OK) assert(0); break; case 0: /* uncompressed file, just copy the data */ MCOPY(outdata, indata, u1, htzfe->compressedsize); break; default: assert(0); } /* allocate classbuffer */ cb = NEW(classbuffer); cb->class = c; cb->size = htzfe->uncompressedsize; cb->data = outdata; cb->pos = outdata; cb->path = lce->path; /* return the filled classbuffer structure */ return cb; } /* * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs. * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where * Emacs will automagically detect them. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local variables: * mode: c * indent-tabs-mode: t * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * End: */