/* src/vm/linker.c - class linker functions Copyright (C) 1996-2005 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel, C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring, E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich, J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien This file is part of CACAO. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Contact: cacao@complang.tuwien.ac.at Authors: Reinhard Grafl Changes: Andreas Krall Roman Obermaiser Mark Probst Edwin Steiner Christian Thalinger $Id: linker.c 3685 2005-11-16 13:28:59Z twisti $ */ #include #include "config.h" #include "vm/types.h" #include "mm/memory.h" #include "native/native.h" #include "vm/builtin.h" #include "vm/class.h" #include "vm/classcache.h" #include "vm/exceptions.h" #include "vm/loader.h" #include "vm/options.h" #include "vm/resolve.h" #include "vm/statistics.h" #include "vm/stringlocal.h" #include "vm/jit/codegen.inc.h" /* global variables ***********************************************************/ static s4 interfaceindex; /* sequential numbering of interfaces */ static s4 classvalue; /* primitivetype_table ********************************************************* Structure for primitive classes: contains the class for wrapping the primitive type, the primitive class, the name of the class for wrapping, the one character type signature and the name of the primitive class. CAUTION: Don't change the order of the types. This table is indexed by the ARRAYTYPE_ constants (except ARRAYTYPE_OBJECT). *******************************************************************************/ primitivetypeinfo primitivetype_table[PRIMITIVETYPE_COUNT] = { { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Integer", 'I', "int" , "[I", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Long", 'J', "long" , "[J", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Float", 'F', "float" , "[F", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Double", 'D', "double" , "[D", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 , NULL , NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Byte", 'B', "byte" , "[B", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Character", 'C', "char" , "[C", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Short", 'S', "short" , "[S", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Boolean", 'Z', "boolean" , "[Z", NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 , NULL , NULL, NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL, "java/lang/Void", 'V', "void" , NULL, NULL, NULL } }; /* private functions **********************************************************/ static bool link_primitivetype_table(void); static classinfo *link_class_intern(classinfo *c); static arraydescriptor *link_array(classinfo *c); static void linker_compute_class_values(classinfo *c); static void linker_compute_subclasses(classinfo *c); static void linker_addinterface(classinfo *c, classinfo *ic); static s4 class_highestinterface(classinfo *c); /* linker_init ***************************************************************** Initializes the linker subsystem. *******************************************************************************/ bool linker_init(void) { /* reset interface index */ interfaceindex = 0; /* link important system classes */ if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Object)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_String)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Cloneable)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_io_Serializable)) return false; /* link classes for wrapping primitive types */ if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Void)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Boolean)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Byte)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Character)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Short)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Integer)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Long)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Float)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Double)) return false; /* load some other important classes */ if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Class)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_ClassLoader)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_SecurityManager)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_System)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_Thread)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_ThreadGroup)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_VMThread)) return false; /* some classes which may be used more often */ if (!link_class(class_java_lang_StackTraceElement)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_reflect_Constructor)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_reflect_Field)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_lang_reflect_Method)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_security_PrivilegedAction)) return false; if (!link_class(class_java_util_Vector)) return false; if (!link_class(arrayclass_java_lang_Object)) return false; /* create pseudo classes used by the typechecker */ /* pseudo class for Arraystubs (extends java.lang.Object) */ pseudo_class_Arraystub = class_create_classinfo(utf_new_char("$ARRAYSTUB$")); pseudo_class_Arraystub->loaded = true; pseudo_class_Arraystub->super.cls = class_java_lang_Object; pseudo_class_Arraystub->interfacescount = 2; pseudo_class_Arraystub->interfaces = MNEW(classref_or_classinfo, 2); pseudo_class_Arraystub->interfaces[0].cls = class_java_lang_Cloneable; pseudo_class_Arraystub->interfaces[1].cls = class_java_io_Serializable; if (!classcache_store_unique(pseudo_class_Arraystub)) { log_text("could not cache pseudo_class_Arraystub"); assert(0); } if (!link_class(pseudo_class_Arraystub)) return false; /* pseudo class representing the null type */ pseudo_class_Null = class_create_classinfo(utf_new_char("$NULL$")); pseudo_class_Null->loaded = true; pseudo_class_Null->super.cls = class_java_lang_Object; if (!classcache_store_unique(pseudo_class_Null)) { log_text("could not cache pseudo_class_Null"); assert(0); } if (!link_class(pseudo_class_Null)) return false; /* pseudo class representing new uninitialized objects */ pseudo_class_New = class_create_classinfo(utf_new_char("$NEW$")); pseudo_class_New->loaded = true; pseudo_class_New->linked = true; /* XXX is this allright? */ pseudo_class_New->super.cls = class_java_lang_Object; if (!classcache_store_unique(pseudo_class_New)) { log_text("could not cache pseudo_class_New"); assert(0); } /* create classes representing primitive types */ if (!link_primitivetype_table()) return false; /* Correct vftbl-entries (retarded loading and linking of class */ /* java/lang/String). */ stringtable_update(); return true; } /* link_primitivetype_table **************************************************** Create classes representing primitive types. *******************************************************************************/ static bool link_primitivetype_table(void) { classinfo *c; utf *u; s4 i; for (i = 0; i < PRIMITIVETYPE_COUNT; i++) { /* skip dummies */ if (!primitivetype_table[i].name) continue; /* create primitive class */ c = class_create_classinfo(utf_new_char(primitivetype_table[i].name)); c->flags = ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_FINAL | ACC_ABSTRACT; c->classUsed = NOTUSED; /* not used initially CO-RT */ c->impldBy = NULL; /* prevent loader from loading primitive class */ c->loaded = true; /* INFO: don't put primitive classes into the classcache */ if (!link_class(c)) return false; primitivetype_table[i].class_primitive = c; /* create class for wrapping the primitive type */ u = utf_new_char(primitivetype_table[i].wrapname); if (!(c = load_class_bootstrap(u))) return false; primitivetype_table[i].class_wrap = c; primitivetype_table[i].class_wrap->classUsed = NOTUSED; /* not used initially CO-RT */ primitivetype_table[i].class_wrap->impldBy = NULL; /* create the primitive array class */ if (primitivetype_table[i].arrayname) { u = utf_new_char(primitivetype_table[i].arrayname); c = class_create_classinfo(u); c = load_newly_created_array(c, NULL); if (c == NULL) return false; primitivetype_table[i].arrayclass = c; assert(c->loaded); if (!c->linked) if (!link_class(c)) return false; primitivetype_table[i].arrayvftbl = c->vftbl; } } return true; } /* link_class ****************************************************************** Wrapper function for link_class_intern to ease monitor enter/exit and exception handling. *******************************************************************************/ classinfo *link_class(classinfo *c) { classinfo *r; if (!c) { *exceptionptr = new_nullpointerexception(); return NULL; } #if defined(USE_THREADS) /* enter a monitor on the class */ builtin_monitorenter((java_objectheader *) c); #endif /* maybe the class is already linked */ if (c->linked) { #if defined(USE_THREADS) builtin_monitorexit((java_objectheader *) c); #endif return c; } #if defined(STATISTICS) /* measure time */ if (getcompilingtime) compilingtime_stop(); if (getloadingtime) loadingtime_start(); #endif /* call the internal function */ r = link_class_intern(c); /* if return value is NULL, we had a problem and the class is not linked */ if (!r) c->linked = false; #if defined(STATISTICS) /* measure time */ if (getloadingtime) loadingtime_stop(); if (getcompilingtime) compilingtime_start(); #endif #if defined(USE_THREADS) /* leave the monitor */ builtin_monitorexit((java_objectheader *) c); #endif return r; } /* link_class_intern *********************************************************** Tries to link a class. The function calculates the length in bytes that an instance of this class requires as well as the VTBL for methods and interface methods. *******************************************************************************/ static classinfo *link_class_intern(classinfo *c) { classinfo *super; /* super class */ classinfo *tc; /* temporary class variable */ s4 supervftbllength; /* vftbllegnth of super class */ s4 vftbllength; /* vftbllength of current class */ s4 interfacetablelength; /* interface table length */ vftbl_t *v; /* vftbl of current class */ s4 i,j; /* interface/method/field counter */ arraydescriptor *arraydesc; /* descriptor for array classes */ /* maybe the class is already linked */ if (c->linked) return c; if (linkverbose) log_message_class("Linking class: ", c); /* the class must be loaded */ if (!c->loaded) throw_cacao_exception_exit(string_java_lang_InternalError, "Trying to link unloaded class"); /* cache the self-reference of this class */ /* we do this for cases where the defining loader of the class */ /* has not yet been recorded as an initiating loader for the class */ /* this is needed so subsequent code can assume that self-refs */ /* will always resolve lazily */ /* No need to do it for the bootloader - it is always registered */ /* as initiating loader for the classes it loads. */ if (c->classloader) classcache_store(c->classloader,c,false); /* ok, this class is somewhat linked */ c->linked = true; arraydesc = NULL; /* check interfaces */ for (i = 0; i < c->interfacescount; i++) { /* resolve this super interface */ if (!resolve_classref_or_classinfo(NULL, c->interfaces[i], resolveEager, true, false, &tc)) return NULL; c->interfaces[i].cls = tc; /* detect circularity */ if (tc == c) { *exceptionptr = new_exception_utfmessage(string_java_lang_ClassCircularityError, c->name); return NULL; } assert(tc->loaded); if (!(tc->flags & ACC_INTERFACE)) { *exceptionptr = new_exception_message(string_java_lang_IncompatibleClassChangeError, "Implementing class"); return NULL; } if (!tc->linked) if (!link_class(tc)) return NULL; } /* check super class */ super = NULL; if (c->super.any == NULL) { /* class java.lang.Object */ c->index = 0; c->classUsed = USED; /* Object class is always used CO-RT*/ c->impldBy = NULL; c->instancesize = sizeof(java_objectheader); vftbllength = supervftbllength = 0; c->finalizer = NULL; } else { /* resolve super class */ if (!resolve_classref_or_classinfo(NULL, c->super, resolveEager, true, false, &super)) return NULL; c->super.cls = super; /* detect circularity */ if (super == c) { *exceptionptr = new_exception_utfmessage(string_java_lang_ClassCircularityError, c->name); return NULL; } assert(super->loaded); if (super->flags & ACC_INTERFACE) { /* java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: class a has interface java.lang.Cloneable as super class */ log_text("Interface specified as super class"); assert(0); } /* Don't allow extending final classes */ if (super->flags & ACC_FINAL) { *exceptionptr = new_exception_message(string_java_lang_VerifyError, "Cannot inherit from final class"); return NULL; } if (!super->linked) if (!link_class(super)) return NULL; /* handle array classes */ if (c->name->text[0] == '[') if (!(arraydesc = link_array(c))) return NULL; if (c->flags & ACC_INTERFACE) c->index = interfaceindex++; else c->index = super->index + 1; c->instancesize = super->instancesize; vftbllength = supervftbllength = super->vftbl->vftbllength; c->finalizer = super->finalizer; } /* compute vftbl length */ for (i = 0; i < c->methodscount; i++) { methodinfo *m = &(c->methods[i]); if (!(m->flags & ACC_STATIC)) { /* is instance method */ tc = super; while (tc) { s4 j; for (j = 0; j < tc->methodscount; j++) { if (method_canoverwrite(m, &(tc->methods[j]))) { if (tc->methods[j].flags & ACC_PRIVATE) goto notfoundvftblindex; if (tc->methods[j].flags & ACC_FINAL) { /* class a overrides final method . */ *exceptionptr = new_exception(string_java_lang_VerifyError); return NULL; } m->vftblindex = tc->methods[j].vftblindex; goto foundvftblindex; } } tc = tc->super.cls; } notfoundvftblindex: m->vftblindex = (vftbllength++); foundvftblindex: ; } } /* check interfaces of ABSTRACT class for unimplemented methods */ if (c->flags & ACC_ABSTRACT) { classinfo *ic; methodinfo *im; s4 abstractmethodscount; s4 j; s4 k; abstractmethodscount = 0; for (i = 0; i < c->interfacescount; i++) { ic = c->interfaces[i].cls; for (j = 0; j < ic->methodscount; j++) { im = &(ic->methods[j]); /* skip `' and `' */ if (im->name == utf_clinit || im->name == utf_init) continue; tc = c; while (tc) { for (k = 0; k < tc->methodscount; k++) { if (method_canoverwrite(im, &(tc->methods[k]))) goto noabstractmethod; } tc = tc->super.cls; } abstractmethodscount++; noabstractmethod: ; } } if (abstractmethodscount > 0) { methodinfo *am; /* reallocate methods memory */ c->methods = MREALLOC(c->methods, methodinfo, c->methodscount, c->methodscount + abstractmethodscount); for (i = 0; i < c->interfacescount; i++) { ic = c->interfaces[i].cls; for (j = 0; j < ic->methodscount; j++) { im = &(ic->methods[j]); /* skip `' and `' */ if (im->name == utf_clinit || im->name == utf_init) continue; tc = c; while (tc) { for (k = 0; k < tc->methodscount; k++) { if (method_canoverwrite(im, &(tc->methods[k]))) goto noabstractmethod2; } tc = tc->super.cls; } am = &(c->methods[c->methodscount]); c->methodscount++; MCOPY(am, im, methodinfo, 1); am->vftblindex = (vftbllength++); am->class = c; noabstractmethod2: ; } } } } #if defined(STATISTICS) if (opt_stat) count_vftbl_len += sizeof(vftbl_t) + (sizeof(methodptr) * (vftbllength - 1)); #endif /* compute interfacetable length */ interfacetablelength = 0; tc = c; while (tc) { for (i = 0; i < tc->interfacescount; i++) { s4 h = class_highestinterface(tc->interfaces[i].cls) + 1; if (h > interfacetablelength) interfacetablelength = h; } tc = tc->super.cls; } /* allocate virtual function table */ v = (vftbl_t *) mem_alloc(sizeof(vftbl_t) + sizeof(methodptr) * (vftbllength - 1) + sizeof(methodptr*) * (interfacetablelength - (interfacetablelength > 0))); v = (vftbl_t *) (((methodptr *) v) + (interfacetablelength - 1) * (interfacetablelength > 1)); c->header.vftbl = c->vftbl = v; v->class = c; v->vftbllength = vftbllength; v->interfacetablelength = interfacetablelength; v->arraydesc = arraydesc; /* store interface index in vftbl */ if (c->flags & ACC_INTERFACE) v->baseval = -(c->index); /* copy virtual function table of super class */ for (i = 0; i < supervftbllength; i++) v->table[i] = super->vftbl->table[i]; /* add method stubs into virtual function table */ for (i = 0; i < c->methodscount; i++) { methodinfo *m = &(c->methods[i]); /* Methods in ABSTRACT classes from interfaces maybe already have a */ /* stubroutine. */ if (!m->stubroutine) m->stubroutine = createcompilerstub(m); if (!(m->flags & ACC_STATIC)) v->table[m->vftblindex] = (methodptr) (ptrint) m->stubroutine; } /* compute instance size and offset of each field */ for (i = 0; i < c->fieldscount; i++) { s4 dsize; fieldinfo *f = &(c->fields[i]); if (!(f->flags & ACC_STATIC)) { dsize = desc_typesize(f->descriptor); c->instancesize = ALIGN(c->instancesize, dsize); f->offset = c->instancesize; c->instancesize += dsize; } } /* initialize interfacetable and interfacevftbllength */ v->interfacevftbllength = MNEW(s4, interfacetablelength); #if defined(STATISTICS) if (opt_stat) count_vftbl_len += (4 + sizeof(s4)) * v->interfacetablelength; #endif for (i = 0; i < interfacetablelength; i++) { v->interfacevftbllength[i] = 0; v->interfacetable[-i] = NULL; } /* add interfaces */ for (tc = c; tc != NULL; tc = tc->super.cls) for (i = 0; i < tc->interfacescount; i++) linker_addinterface(c, tc->interfaces[i].cls); /* add finalizer method (not for java.lang.Object) */ if (super) { methodinfo *fi; fi = class_findmethod(c, utf_finalize, utf_void__void); if (fi) if (!(fi->flags & ACC_STATIC)) c->finalizer = fi; } /* resolve exception class references */ for (i = 0; i < c->methodscount; i++) { methodinfo *m = &(c->methods[i]); for (j = 0; j < m->exceptiontablelength; j++) { if (!m->exceptiontable[j].catchtype.any) continue; if (!resolve_classref_or_classinfo(NULL, m->exceptiontable[j].catchtype, resolveEager, true, false, &(m->exceptiontable[j].catchtype.cls))) return NULL; } } /* final tasks */ linker_compute_subclasses(c); if (linkverbose) log_message_class("Linking done class: ", c); /* just return c to show that we didn't had a problem */ return c; } /* link_array ****************************************************************** This function is called by link_class to create the arraydescriptor for an array class. This function returns NULL if the array cannot be linked because the component type has not been linked yet. *******************************************************************************/ static arraydescriptor *link_array(classinfo *c) { classinfo *comp; s4 namelen; arraydescriptor *desc; vftbl_t *compvftbl; utf *u; comp = NULL; namelen = c->name->blength; /* Check the component type */ switch (c->name->text[1]) { case '[': /* c is an array of arrays. */ u = utf_new(c->name->text + 1, namelen - 1); if (!(comp = load_class_from_classloader(u, c->classloader))) return NULL; break; case 'L': /* c is an array of objects. */ u = utf_new(c->name->text + 2, namelen - 3); if (!(comp = load_class_from_classloader(u, c->classloader))) return NULL; break; } /* If the component type has not been linked, link it now */ assert(!comp || comp->loaded); if (comp && !comp->linked) { if (!link_class(comp)) return NULL; } /* Allocate the arraydescriptor */ desc = NEW(arraydescriptor); if (comp) { /* c is an array of references */ desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_OBJECT; desc->componentsize = sizeof(void*); desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_objectarray, data); compvftbl = comp->vftbl; if (!compvftbl) { log_text("Component class has no vftbl"); assert(0); } desc->componentvftbl = compvftbl; if (compvftbl->arraydesc) { desc->elementvftbl = compvftbl->arraydesc->elementvftbl; if (compvftbl->arraydesc->dimension >= 255) { log_text("Creating array of dimension >255"); assert(0); } desc->dimension = compvftbl->arraydesc->dimension + 1; desc->elementtype = compvftbl->arraydesc->elementtype; } else { desc->elementvftbl = compvftbl; desc->dimension = 1; desc->elementtype = ARRAYTYPE_OBJECT; } } else { /* c is an array of a primitive type */ switch (c->name->text[1]) { case 'Z': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_BOOLEAN; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_booleanarray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(u1); break; case 'B': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_BYTE; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_bytearray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(u1); break; case 'C': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_CHAR; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_chararray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(u2); break; case 'D': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_DOUBLE; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_doublearray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(double); break; case 'F': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_FLOAT; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_floatarray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(float); break; case 'I': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_INT; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_intarray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(s4); break; case 'J': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_LONG; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_longarray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(s8); break; case 'S': desc->arraytype = ARRAYTYPE_SHORT; desc->dataoffset = OFFSET(java_shortarray,data); desc->componentsize = sizeof(s2); break; default: *exceptionptr = new_noclassdeffounderror(c->name); return NULL; } desc->componentvftbl = NULL; desc->elementvftbl = NULL; desc->dimension = 1; desc->elementtype = desc->arraytype; } return desc; } /* linker_compute_subclasses *************************************************** XXX *******************************************************************************/ static void linker_compute_subclasses(classinfo *c) { #if defined(USE_THREADS) #if defined(NATIVE_THREADS) compiler_lock(); #else intsDisable(); #endif #endif if (!(c->flags & ACC_INTERFACE)) { c->nextsub = 0; c->sub = 0; } if (!(c->flags & ACC_INTERFACE) && (c->super.any != NULL)) { c->nextsub = c->super.cls->sub; c->super.cls->sub = c; } classvalue = 0; /* compute class values */ linker_compute_class_values(class_java_lang_Object); #if defined(USE_THREADS) #if defined(NATIVE_THREADS) compiler_unlock(); #else intsRestore(); #endif #endif } /* linker_compute_class_values ************************************************* XXX *******************************************************************************/ static void linker_compute_class_values(classinfo *c) { classinfo *subs; c->vftbl->baseval = ++classvalue; subs = c->sub; while (subs) { linker_compute_class_values(subs); subs = subs->nextsub; } c->vftbl->diffval = classvalue - c->vftbl->baseval; } /* linker_addinterface ********************************************************* Is needed by link_class for adding a VTBL to a class. All interfaces implemented by ic are added as well. *******************************************************************************/ static void linker_addinterface(classinfo *c, classinfo *ic) { s4 j, m; s4 i = ic->index; vftbl_t *v = c->vftbl; if (i >= v->interfacetablelength) { log_text("Inernal error: interfacetable overflow"); assert(0); } if (v->interfacetable[-i]) return; if (ic->methodscount == 0) { /* fake entry needed for subtype test */ v->interfacevftbllength[i] = 1; v->interfacetable[-i] = MNEW(methodptr, 1); v->interfacetable[-i][0] = NULL; } else { v->interfacevftbllength[i] = ic->methodscount; v->interfacetable[-i] = MNEW(methodptr, ic->methodscount); #if defined(STATISTICS) if (opt_stat) count_vftbl_len += sizeof(methodptr) * (ic->methodscount + (ic->methodscount == 0)); #endif for (j = 0; j < ic->methodscount; j++) { classinfo *sc = c; while (sc) { for (m = 0; m < sc->methodscount; m++) { methodinfo *mi = &(sc->methods[m]); if (method_canoverwrite(mi, &(ic->methods[j]))) { v->interfacetable[-i][j] = v->table[mi->vftblindex]; goto foundmethod; } } sc = sc->super.cls; } foundmethod: ; } } for (j = 0; j < ic->interfacescount; j++) linker_addinterface(c, ic->interfaces[j].cls); } /* class_highestinterface ****************************************************** Used by the function link_class to determine the amount of memory needed for the interface table. *******************************************************************************/ static s4 class_highestinterface(classinfo *c) { s4 h; s4 h2; s4 i; /* check for ACC_INTERFACE bit already done in link_class_intern */ h = c->index; for (i = 0; i < c->interfacescount; i++) { h2 = class_highestinterface(c->interfaces[i].cls); if (h2 > h) h = h2; } return h; } /* * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs. * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where * Emacs will automagically detect them. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local variables: * mode: c * indent-tabs-mode: t * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * End: */