#!/usr/bin/perl # src/vm/jit/verify/generate.pl - verifier generator # # Copyright (C) 1996-2005, 2006 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel, # C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring, # E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich, # J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien # # This file is part of CACAO. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. # # Contact: cacao@cacaojvm.org # # Authors: Edwin Steiner # # Changes: use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; #################### options my $opt_icmdtable; my $opt_table = 0; my $opt_stack = 0; my $opt_variables = 0; my $opt_typeinferer = 0; my $opt_debug = 0; my $opt_help = 0; my $usage = <<"END_USAGE"; Usage: $0 --icmdtable FILE { --table | --stack | --variables | --typeinferer } [--debug] Options: --icmdtable FILE read ICMD table from FILE --table print ICMD table --stack generate stackbased verifier --variables generate variablesbased verifier --typeinferer generate the type inference pass --debug generate additional debugging code Please specify exactly one of --table, --stack, --variables, or --typeinferer. END_USAGE my $result = GetOptions("icmdtable=s" => \$opt_icmdtable, "table" => \$opt_table, "stack" => \$opt_stack, "variables" => \$opt_variables, "typeinferer" => \$opt_typeinferer, "debug" => \$opt_debug, "help|h|?" => \$opt_help, ); $result or die "$0: invalid options\n"; if ($opt_help) { print $usage; exit 0; } if (!defined($opt_icmdtable) || ($opt_table + $opt_stack + $opt_variables + $opt_typeinferer != 1)) { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } #################### constants my $VERIFY_C = 'src/vm/jit/verify/icmds.c'; my $TYPECHECK_STACKBASED_INC = 'src/vm/jit/verify/typecheck-stackbased-gen.inc'; my $TYPECHECK_VARIABLESBASED_INC = 'src/vm/jit/verify/typecheck-variablesbased-gen.inc'; my $TYPECHECK_TYPEINFERER_INC = 'src/vm/jit/verify/typecheck-typeinferer-gen.inc'; my $TRACE = 1; my @basictypes = qw(A I F L D R); # XXX remove R? my %basictypes = map { $_ => 1 } @basictypes; my %slots = ( 1 => 1, 2 => 2, A => 1, I => 1, F => 1, L => 2, D => 2, R => 1, # XXX remove? ); my %cacaotypes = ( A => 'TYPE_ADR', I => 'TYPE_INT', F => 'TYPE_FLT', L => 'TYPE_LNG', D => 'TYPE_DBL', R => 'TYPE_RET', # XXX remove? ); my @superblockend = qw(END GOTO JSR RET TABLE LOOKUP); my %superblockend = map { $_ => 1 } @superblockend; my @validstages = qw( -- -S S+ ); my %validstages = map { $_ => 1 } @validstages; my @valid_tags = qw(STACKBASED VARIABLESBASED TYPEINFERER); my @default_tags = qw(STACKBASED VARIABLESBASED); my %valid_tag = map { $_ => 1 } @valid_tags; #################### global variables my @icmds; my %icmds; my %icmdtraits; my $codeline; my $codefile; #################### subs sub parse_verify_code { my ($filename, $select) = @_; my $file = IO::File->new($filename) or die "$0: could not open: $filename"; my $icmd; my $codeprops; my $ignore = 0; while (<$file>) { last if /^\s*\/\*\s*{START_OF_CODE}\s*\*\/\s*$/; } while (<$file>) { last if /^\s*\/\*\s*{END_OF_CODE}\s*\*\/\s*$/; if (/^case/) { unless (/^case \s+ (\w+) \s* : \s* ( \/\* \s* {\s* (\w+ (\s*,\s* \w+)*) \s*} \s* \*\/ )? \s* $/x) { die "$0: invalid case line: $filename:$.: $_"; } my ($n, $unused, $tags) = ($1, $2, $3 || ''); my @tags = split /\s*,\s*/, $tags; if (@tags == 1 && $tags[0] eq 'ALL') { @tags = @valid_tags; } @tags = @default_tags unless @tags; defined($icmds{$n}) or die "$0: unknown ICMD: $filename:$.: $_"; $ignore = 1; for my $tag (@tags) { $valid_tag{$tag} or die "$0: invalid tag: $filename:$.: $tag"; $ignore = 0 if $tag eq $select; } unless ($ignore) { my $code = []; $codeprops = {}; if (defined($icmd)) { $code = $icmd->{VERIFYCODE}; $codeprops = $icmd->{VERIFYCODEPROPS}; } $icmd = $icmds{$n}; $icmd->{VERIFYCODE} = $code; $icmd->{VERIFYCODELINE} = $. + 1; $icmd->{VERIFYCODEFILE} = $filename; $icmd->{VERIFYCODEPROPS} = $codeprops; } } elsif ($ignore) { if (/^\s*break\s*;\s*$/ || /^\s*goto\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { $ignore = 0; } } elsif (defined($icmd)) { if (/^\s*break\s*;\s*$/) { undef $icmd; } elsif (/^\s*goto\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*$/) { $icmd->{GOTOLABEL} = $1; undef $icmd; } else { if (/\{RESULTNOW\}/) { $codeprops->{RESULTNOW} = 1; } if (/\S/ || scalar @{$icmd->{VERIFYCODE}} != 0) { push @{$icmd->{VERIFYCODE}}, $_; } } } else { next if /^\s*$/; next if /^\s*\/\*.*\*\/\s*$/; die "$0: cannot handle code line outside case: $filename:$.: $_"; } } } sub fill { my ($str, $len) = @_; return $str . (' ' x ($len - length($str))); } sub add_flag { my ($flags, $name) = @_; if ($$flags eq '0') { $$flags = $name; } else { $$flags .= '|'.$name; } } sub trait { my ($icmd,$key,$default) = @_; $default = "\0" unless defined($default); return (defined($icmd->{$key})) ? ":$key:".($icmd->{$key}) : ":$key:$default"; } sub set_icmd_traits { my ($icmd,$key,$traits) = @_; $traits = $key . ':' . $traits; $icmd->{$key} = $traits; push @{$icmdtraits{$traits}}, $icmd; } sub post_process_icmds { my ($file) = @_; my $maxnamelen = 0; my $maxfullnamelen = 0; my $maxactionlen = 0; my $maxflagslen = 0; for my $icmdname (@icmds) { my $icmd = $icmds{$icmdname}; { my $action = $icmd->{ACTION}; my @variants = split (/\s*\|\s*/, $action); $icmd->{VARIANTS} = []; for my $v (@variants) { $v =~ /^(.*?)\s*--\s*(.*)$/ or die "invalid action: $_"; my ($in, $out) = ($1, $2); my @in; my @out; if ($in =~ /\s/) { @in = split /\s*/, $in; } else { @in = split //, $in; } if ($out =~ /\s/) { @out = split /\s*/, $out; } else { @out = split //, $out; } my $invars = scalar @in; my $outvars = scalar @out; my $var = {}; push @{$icmd->{VARIANTS}}, $var; $var->{IN} = \@in; $var->{OUT} = \@out; $icmd->{INVARS} = $invars; $icmd->{OUTVARS} = $outvars; my $inslots = 0; my $outslots = 0; for (@in) { my $slots = $slots{$_}; defined($slots) or undef $inslots, last; $inslots += $slots; } for (@out) { my $slots = $slots{$_}; defined($slots) or undef $outslots, last; $outslots += $slots; } $var->{INSLOTS} = $inslots; $var->{OUTSLOTS} = $outslots; if (defined($inslots)) { if (!defined($icmd->{MININSLOTS}) || $inslots < $icmd->{MININSLOTS}) { $icmd->{MININSLOTS} = $inslots; } if (exists $icmd->{INSLOTS}) { if ($icmd->{INSLOTS} != $inslots) { $icmd->{INSLOTS} = undef; } } else { $icmd->{INSLOTS} = $inslots; } } else { $icmd->{INSLOTS} = undef; $icmd->{MININSLOTS} = undef; } if (defined($outslots)) { if (exists $icmd->{OUTSLOTS}) { if (defined($icmd->{OUTSLOTS}) && $icmd->{OUTSLOTS} != $outslots) { $icmd->{OUTSLOTS} = undef; } } else { $icmd->{OUTSLOTS} = $outslots; } } else { $icmd->{OUTSLOTS} = undef; } if ($outvars == 0 || $outvars == 1) { my $df = $invars . '_TO_' . $outvars; if (defined($icmd->{DATAFLOW})) { if ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} =~ /^\d_TO_\d$/) { $icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq $df or die "$0: dataflow not consistent with action: " .$icmd->{FULLNAME}."\n"; } } else { $icmd->{DATAFLOW} = $df; } } if (@out == 1) { if ($basictypes{$out[0]}) { $icmd->{BASICOUTTYPE} = $out[0]; } } } $icmd->{ACTION} =~ s/\s//g; } $maxfullnamelen = length($icmdname) if length($icmdname) > $maxfullnamelen; $maxnamelen = length($icmd->{NAME}) if length($icmd->{NAME}) > $maxnamelen; $maxactionlen = length($icmd->{ACTION}) if length($icmd->{ACTION}) > $maxactionlen; my $parent; $icmd->{STAGE} = ' ' unless defined($icmd->{STAGE}); if ($icmdname =~ /^(.*)CONST$/ && defined($icmds{$1})) { $parent = $icmds{$1}; } if (!defined($icmd->{DATAFLOW}) && defined($parent)) { if ($parent->{DATAFLOW} =~ /(\d)_TO_(\d)/) { $1 >= 0 or die "$0: cannot derive data-flow: $icmdname from ".$parent->{FULLNAME}; $icmd->{DATAFLOW} = ($1-1).'_TO_'.$2; } } if (!defined($icmd->{BASICOUTTYPE}) && defined($parent)) { $icmd->{BASICOUTTYPE} = $parent->{BASICOUTTYPE}; } if (defined($icmd->{INSLOTS}) && defined($icmd->{OUTSLOTS})) { $icmd->{STACKCHANGE} = $icmd->{OUTSLOTS} - $icmd->{INSLOTS}; } my $flags = '0'; add_flag(\$flags, 'PEI') if $icmd->{MAYTHROW}; add_flag(\$flags, $icmd->{CALLS}) if $icmd->{CALLS}; $icmd->{FLAGS} = $flags; $maxflagslen = length($flags) if length($flags) > $maxflagslen; ### calculate traits for building equivalence classes of ICMDs # traits used in all cases my $commontraits = trait($icmd, 'CONTROLFLOW') . trait($icmd, 'MAYTHROW', 0) . trait($icmd, 'VERIFYCODE'); # traits that completely define the kind of dataflow my $datatraits = trait($icmd, 'DATAFLOW') . trait($icmd, 'ACTION'); # traits defining the output type my $outputtraits; if ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} =~ /^\d_TO_\d$/) { $outputtraits = trait($icmd, 'OUTVARS') . trait($icmd, 'BASICOUTTYPE'); } else { $outputtraits = $datatraits; } # traits used by the stack-based verifier my $traits = $commontraits . $datatraits; set_icmd_traits($icmd, 'STACKBASED', $traits); # traits used by the variables-based verifier $traits = $commontraits . ($opt_debug ? $datatraits : $outputtraits); set_icmd_traits($icmd, 'VARIABLESBASED', $traits); # traits used by the type inference pass $traits = $commontraits . ($opt_debug ? $datatraits : $outputtraits); set_icmd_traits($icmd, 'TYPEINFERER', $traits); } my $maxmax = 18; $maxactionlen = $maxmax if $maxactionlen > $maxmax; for my $icmdname (@icmds) { my $icmd = $icmds{$icmdname}; $icmd->{FULLNAME_FILLED} = fill($icmd->{FULLNAME}, $maxfullnamelen); $icmd->{NAME_FILLED} = fill($icmd->{NAME}, $maxnamelen); $icmd->{ACTION_FILLED} = fill("(".$icmd->{ACTION}.")", $maxactionlen+2); $icmd->{FLAGS_FILLED} = fill($icmd->{FLAGS}, $maxflagslen); } } sub code { my $text = join '', @_; $text =~ s/\n/\n GENERATED /g; $text =~ s/^#/\n# /g; my $newlines = () = $text =~ /\n/g; print $codefile $text; $codeline += $newlines; } sub write_verify_stackbased_stackchange { my ($icmd) = @_; my $outslots = $icmd->{OUTSLOTS}; my $inslots = $icmd->{INSLOTS}; my $outtype = $icmd->{BASICOUTTYPE}; my $stackchange = $icmd->{STACKCHANGE}; my $modified = 0; if (defined($inslots) && defined($outslots)) { ### modify stack pointer and write destination type if ($stackchange != 0) { code "\tstack += ", $stackchange, ";\n"; } if (defined($icmd->{VARIANTS}) && scalar @{$icmd->{VARIANTS}} == 1) { my $var = $icmd->{VARIANTS}->[0]; if (defined($outtype)) { if ($outslots && ($inslots < $outslots || $var->{IN}->[0] ne $outtype)) { if ($outslots == 1) { code "\tstack[0].type = ", $cacaotypes{$outtype}, ";\n"; $modified = 1; } elsif ($outslots == 2) { code "\tstack[0].type = TYPE_VOID;\n"; code "\tstack[-1].type = ", $cacaotypes{$outtype}, ";\n"; $modified = 1; } } } } } return $modified; } sub write_icmd_cases { my ($icmd, $traits, $condition, $done) = @_; code "case ", $icmd->{FULLNAME}, ":\n"; my $eqgroup = $icmdtraits{$icmd->{$traits}}; my @actions = ($icmd->{ACTION}); for my $ocmd (@$eqgroup) { next unless $condition->($ocmd); if ($ocmd->{FULLNAME} ne $icmd->{FULLNAME}) { code "case ", $ocmd->{FULLNAME}, ":\n"; $done->{$ocmd->{FULLNAME}}++; unless (grep { $_ eq $ocmd->{ACTION} } @actions) { push @actions, $ocmd->{ACTION}; } } } code "\t/* ", join(", ", map { "($_)" } @actions), " */\n"; } sub write_icmd_set_props { my ($icmd) = @_; if ($icmd->{MAYTHROW}) { code "\tmaythrow = true;\n"; } if ($superblockend{$icmd->{CONTROLFLOW}}) { code "\tsuperblockend = true;\n"; } } sub write_trailer { my ($file) = @_; print $file "\n#undef GENERATED\n"; print $file "/* vim:filetype=c:\n"; print $file " */\n"; } sub get_dst_slots_and_ctype { my ($icmd, $op1) = @_; my $inslots; my $type; for my $v (@{$icmd->{VARIANTS}}) { my $intype = $v->{IN}->[0]; if (defined($inslots) && $inslots != $slots{$intype}) { die "$0: error: mixed slotsize for STORE is not supported: ".$icmd->{NAME}; } else { $inslots = $slots{$intype}; } if (defined($type) && $type ne $cacaotypes{$intype}) { $type = "$op1->type"; } else { $type = $cacaotypes{$intype}; } } return ($inslots, $type); } sub write_verify_stackbased_code { my ($file) = @_; my %done; $codefile = $file; $codeline = 1; my $codefilename = $TYPECHECK_STACKBASED_INC; print $file "#define GENERATED\n"; $codeline++; my $condition = sub { $_[0]->{STAGE} ne '--' and $_[0]->{STAGE} ne 'S+' }; for my $icmdname (@icmds) { my $icmd = $icmds{$icmdname}; next if $done{$icmdname}; next unless $condition->($icmd); $done{$icmdname}++; my $outslots = $icmd->{OUTSLOTS}; my $inslots = $icmd->{INSLOTS}; my $outtype = $icmd->{BASICOUTTYPE}; my $stackchange = $icmd->{STACKCHANGE}; my @macros; ### start instruction case, group instructions with same code code "\n"; write_icmd_cases($icmd, 'STACKBASED', $condition, \%done); ### instruction properties write_icmd_set_props($icmd); ### check stackdepth and stack types if (defined($inslots) && $inslots > 0) { code "\tCHECK_STACK_DEPTH($inslots);\n"; } elsif (!defined($inslots)) { code "\t/* variable number of inslots! */\n"; } if (defined($stackchange) && $stackchange > 0) { code "\tCHECK_STACK_SPACE(", $stackchange, ");\n"; } elsif (!defined($outslots)) { code "\t/* variable number of outslots! */\n"; } if (defined($inslots) && defined($outslots) && defined($icmd->{VARIANTS}) && scalar @{$icmd->{VARIANTS}} == 1) { my $var = $icmd->{VARIANTS}->[0]; my $depth = 1 - $inslots; my $opindex = 1; for my $in (@{$var->{IN}}) { my $ctype = $cacaotypes{$in}; my $slots = $slots{$in}; if (defined($ctype)) { code "\tCHECK_STACK_TYPE(stack[$depth], $ctype);\n"; $depth += $slots; $opindex++; } } } ### check/store local types my $prohibit_stackchange = 0; if ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'LOAD') { code "\tCHECK_LOCAL_TYPE(IPTR->s1.varindex, ".$cacaotypes{$outtype}.");\n"; if ($icmd->{VERIFYCODE}) { code "#\tdefine OP1 LOCAL_SLOT(IPTR->s1.varindex)\n"; push @macros, 'OP1'; } } elsif ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'IINC') { code "\tCHECK_LOCAL_TYPE(IPTR->s1.varindex, TYPE_INT);\n"; } elsif ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'STORE') { my ($inslots, $type) = get_dst_slots_and_ctype($icmd, 'OP1'); if ($type =~ /OP1/) { code "#\tdefine OP1 (&(stack[".(1-$inslots)."]))\n"; push @macros, 'OP1'; $prohibit_stackchange = 1; } if ($inslots == 2) { code "\tSTORE_LOCAL_2_WORD(".$type.", IPTR->dst.varindex);\n"; } else { code "\tSTORE_LOCAL(".$type.", IPTR->dst.varindex);\n"; } if ($icmd->{VERIFYCODE}) { code "#\tdefine DST LOCAL_SLOT(IPTR->dst.varindex)\n"; push @macros, 'DST'; } } ### custom verification code my $stackdone = 0; if ($icmd->{VERIFYCODE}) { if ($icmd->{VERIFYCODEPROPS}->{RESULTNOW}) { if ($prohibit_stackchange) { die "$0: prohibited stack change before custom code: ".$icmd->{NAME}; } if (write_verify_stackbased_stackchange($icmd)) { code "\t/* CAUTION: stack types changed before custom code! */\n"; } if ($stackchange) { code "\t/* CAUTION: stack pointer changed before custom code! */\n"; } $stackdone = 1; } if (defined($inslots) && defined($outslots) && defined($icmd->{VARIANTS}) && scalar @{$icmd->{VARIANTS}} == 1) { my $var = $icmd->{VARIANTS}->[0]; my $depth = 1 - $inslots; $depth -= $stackchange if $stackdone; my $opindex = 1; for my $in (@{$var->{IN}}) { my $ctype = $cacaotypes{$in}; my $slots = $slots{$in}; if (defined($ctype)) { code "#\tdefine OP$opindex (&(stack[$depth]))\n"; push @macros, "OP$opindex"; $depth += $slots; $opindex++; } } $depth = 1 - $inslots; $depth -= $stackchange if $stackdone; if ($outslots > 0) { code "#\tdefine DST (&(stack[$depth]))\n"; push @macros, "DST"; } } if (defined($inslots) && defined($outslots)) { my $min = 1 - $inslots; my $max = $outslots - $inslots; $max = 0 if ($max < 0); if ($stackdone) { $min -= $stackchange; $max -= $stackchange; } if ($min <= $max) { code "\t/* may use stack[$min] ... stack[$max] */\n"; } } code "\n"; code "#\tline ".$icmd->{VERIFYCODELINE}." \"".$icmd->{VERIFYCODEFILE}."\"\n"; code $_ for @{$icmd->{VERIFYCODE}}; code "#\tline ", $codeline+2, " \"", $codefilename, "\"\n"; code "\n"; } ### stack manipulation code if (!defined($icmd->{GOTOLABEL})) { unless ($stackdone) { write_verify_stackbased_stackchange($icmd); } code "\tbreak;\n"; } else { code "\tgoto ", $icmd->{GOTOLABEL}, ";\n"; } ### undef macros that were defined above if (@macros) { code "\n"; code "#\tundef $_\n" for @macros; } code "\n"; } write_trailer($file); } sub write_verify_variablesbased_code { my ($file,$select,$codefilename) = @_; my %done; $codefile = $file; $codeline = 1; print $file "#define GENERATED\n"; $codeline++; my $condition = sub { $_[0]->{STAGE} ne '--' and $_[0]->{STAGE} ne '-S' }; my $model_basic_types = 1; my $check_basic_types = $opt_debug; my $model_basic_local_types = $model_basic_types; my $check_basic_local_types = ($select ne 'TYPEINFERER') || $opt_debug; for my $icmdname (@icmds) { my $icmd = $icmds{$icmdname}; next if $done{$icmdname}; next unless $condition->($icmd); $done{$icmdname}++; my $outvars = $icmd->{OUTVARS}; my $invars = $icmd->{INVARS}; my $outtype = $icmd->{BASICOUTTYPE}; my @macros; ### start instruction case, group instructions with same code code "\n"; write_icmd_cases($icmd, $select, $condition, \%done); ### instruction properties write_icmd_set_props($icmd); ### check basic types (only in --debug mode) if ($check_basic_types) { if (scalar(@{$icmd->{VARIANTS}}) == 1 && defined($invars)) { my $intypes = $icmd->{VARIANTS}->[0]->{IN}; if ($invars >= 1 && defined($cacaotypes{$intypes->[0]})) { code "\tif (VAROP(IPTR->s1)->type != ".$cacaotypes{$intypes->[0]}.")\n"; code "\t\tVERIFY_ERROR(\"basic type mismatch\");\n"; } if ($invars >= 2 && defined($cacaotypes{$intypes->[1]})) { code "\tif (VAROP(IPTR->sx.s23.s2)->type != ".$cacaotypes{$intypes->[1]}.")\n"; code "\t\tVERIFY_ERROR(\"basic type mismatch\");\n"; } if ($invars >= 3 && defined($cacaotypes{$intypes->[2]})) { code "\tif (VAROP(IPTR->sx.s23.s3)->type != ".$cacaotypes{$intypes->[2]}.")\n"; code "\t\tVERIFY_ERROR(\"basic type mismatch\");\n"; } } } ### check local types if ($check_basic_local_types) { if ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'LOAD') { code "\tCHECK_LOCAL_TYPE(IPTR->s1.varindex, ".$cacaotypes{$outtype}.");\n"; } elsif ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'IINC') { code "\tCHECK_LOCAL_TYPE(IPTR->s1.varindex, TYPE_INT);\n"; } } ### store local types if ($model_basic_local_types) { if ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'STORE') { my ($inslots, $type) = get_dst_slots_and_ctype($icmd, 'VAROP(iptr->s1)'); if ($inslots == 2) { code "\tSTORE_LOCAL_2_WORD(".$type.", IPTR->dst.varindex);\n"; } else { code "\tSTORE_LOCAL(".$type.", IPTR->dst.varindex);\n"; } } } ### custom verification code my $resultdone = 0; if ($icmd->{VERIFYCODE}) { # set OP1/DST for local variables if ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'LOAD') { code "#\tdefine OP1 VAROP(IPTR->s1)\n"; push @macros, 'OP1'; } elsif ($icmd->{DATAFLOW} eq 'STORE') { code "#\tdefine DST VAROP(IPTR->dst)\n"; push @macros, 'DST'; } # model stack-action, if RESULTNOW tag was used if ($icmd->{VERIFYCODEPROPS}->{RESULTNOW}) { if ($model_basic_types && defined($outtype) && defined($outvars) && $outvars == 1) { code "\tVAROP(iptr->dst)->type = ", $cacaotypes{$outtype}, ";\n"; } $resultdone = 1; } # define OP1/DST for stack variables if (defined($invars) && $invars >= 1) { code "#\tdefine OP1 VAROP(iptr->s1)\n"; push @macros, 'OP1'; } if (defined($outvars) && $outvars == 1) { code "#\tdefine DST VAROP(iptr->dst)\n"; push @macros, 'DST'; } # insert the custom code code "\n"; code "#\tline ".$icmd->{VERIFYCODELINE}." \"".$icmd->{VERIFYCODEFILE}."\"\n"; code $_ for @{$icmd->{VERIFYCODE}}; code "#\tline ", $codeline+2, " \"", $codefilename, "\"\n"; code "\n"; } ### result code if (!defined($icmd->{GOTOLABEL})) { unless ($resultdone) { if ($model_basic_types && defined($outtype) && defined($outvars) && $outvars == 1) { code "\tVAROP(iptr->dst)->type = ", $cacaotypes{$outtype}, ";\n"; } } code "\tbreak;\n"; } else { code "\tgoto ", $icmd->{GOTOLABEL}, ";\n"; } ### undef macros that were defined above if (@macros) { code "\n"; code "#\tundef $_\n" for @macros; } code "\n"; } write_trailer($file); } sub write_icmd_table { my ($file) = @_; for my $icmdname (@icmds) { my $icmd = $icmds{$icmdname}; printf $file "/*%3d*/ {", $icmd->{OPCODE}; print $file 'N("', $icmd->{NAME_FILLED}, '") '; defined($icmd->{DATAFLOW}) or print STDERR "$0: warning: undefined data-flow: $icmdname\n"; printf $file "DF_%-7s", $icmd->{DATAFLOW} || '0_TO_0'; print $file ", "; printf $file "CF_%-6s", $icmd->{CONTROLFLOW} || 'NORMAL'; print $file ", "; my $flags = $icmd->{FLAGS_FILLED}; print $file $flags; print $file " /* "; my $stage = $icmd->{STAGE} || ' '; print $file $stage; print $file ' '; print $file "", $icmd->{ACTION_FILLED}, ""; print $file " */}"; print $file "," unless $icmdname eq $icmds[-1]; print $file "\n"; } print $file "\n"; } sub parse_icmd_table { my ($filename) = (@_); my $file; $file = IO::File->new($filename) or die "$0: could not open file: $filename: $!\n"; while (<$file>) { next if /^\s*$/; my $line = $_; # check if it looks like a table line next unless /^ \s* \/\* \s* (\d+) \s* \*\/ \s* (.*) $/x; my ($opc) = ($1); $_ = $2; # look at this monster! ;) if (/^ \{ \s* N\( \s* \" (\w+) \s* \" \) # ICMD name --> $1 \s* DF_(\w+) \s* , # data-flow --> $2 \s* CF_(\w+) \s* , # control flow --> $3 \s* ([^\/]*?) # the rest (flags) --> $4 \s* \/\* \s* (\S+)? # stage --> $5 \s* \( ([^)]*) \) # stack action --> $6 \s* \*\/ \s* \} \s* ,? # closing brace and comma \s* (\/\* .* \*\/)? # optional comment \s* $/x) { my ($name, $df, $cf, $rest, $stage, $action) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6); my $fn = 'ICMD_' . $name; push @icmds, $fn; my $icmd = { FULLNAME => $fn, NAME => $name, OPCODE => $opc, DATAFLOW => $df, CONTROLFLOW => $cf, ACTION => $action, }; if ($stage) { $validstages{$stage} || die "$0: invalid stage: $filename:$.: $stage\n"; $icmd->{STAGE} = $stage; } my @flags = split /\s*\|\s*/, $rest; for my $f (@flags) { $icmd->{MAYTHROW} = 1 if $f eq 'PEI'; $icmd->{CALLS} = $f if $f =~ /^(.*_)?CALLS$/; } $icmds{$fn} = $icmd; } else { die "$0: invalid ICMD table line: $filename:$.: $line"; } } close $file; } #################### main program parse_icmd_table($opt_icmdtable); if ($opt_stack) { parse_verify_code($VERIFY_C, 'STACKBASED'); post_process_icmds(); my $outfile = IO::File->new(">$TYPECHECK_STACKBASED_INC") or die "$0: could not create: $TYPECHECK_STACKBASED_INC"; write_verify_stackbased_code($outfile); close $outfile; } elsif ($opt_variables) { parse_verify_code($VERIFY_C, 'VARIABLESBASED'); post_process_icmds(); my $outfile = IO::File->new(">$TYPECHECK_VARIABLESBASED_INC") or die "$0: could not create: $TYPECHECK_VARIABLESBASED_INC"; write_verify_variablesbased_code($outfile, 'VARIABLESBASED', $TYPECHECK_VARIABLESBASED_INC); close $outfile; } elsif ($opt_typeinferer) { parse_verify_code($VERIFY_C, 'TYPEINFERER'); post_process_icmds(); my $outfile = IO::File->new(">$TYPECHECK_TYPEINFERER_INC") or die "$0: could not create: $TYPECHECK_TYPEINFERER_INC"; write_verify_variablesbased_code($outfile, 'TYPEINFERER', $TYPECHECK_TYPEINFERER_INC); close $outfile; } elsif ($opt_table) { post_process_icmds(); write_icmd_table(\*STDOUT); }