/* src/vm/jit/optimizing/lsra.inc - linear scan register allocator Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 R. Grafl, A. Krall, C. Kruegel, C. Oates, R. Obermaisser, M. Platter, M. Probst, S. Ring, E. Steiner, C. Thalinger, D. Thuernbeck, P. Tomsich, C. Ullrich, J. Wenninger, Institut f. Computersprachen - TU Wien This file is part of CACAO. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "arch.h" #include "md-abi.h" #include "mm/memory.h" #include "toolbox/bitvector.h" #include "vmcore/statistics.h" #include "vmcore/options.h" #include "vmcore/method.h" #include "vm/jit/abi.h" #include "vm/jit/reg.h" #include "vm/jit/jit.h" #include "vm/jit/optimizing/graph.h" #include "vm/jit/optimizing/lifetimes.h" #include "vm/jit/optimizing/ssa.h" #include "vm/jit/optimizing/lsra.h" #ifdef LSRA_TESTLT # include "vm/resolve.h" #include "vm/builtin.h" #endif #include "toolbox/logging.h" extern const char *string_java_lang_InternalError; /* function prototypes */ void lsra_init(jitdata *); graphdata *lsra_setup(jitdata *); void lsra_main(jitdata *); #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE void lsra_dump_stack(stackptr ); void print_lifetimes(jitdata *, int *, int); void print_all_lifetimes(jitdata *); #endif void lsra_reg_setup(jitdata *,struct lsra_register *, struct lsra_register *); void lsra_calc_lifetime_length(jitdata *); void _lsra_main( jitdata *, int *, int, struct lsra_register *, int *); void lsra_expire_old_intervalls(jitdata *, struct lifetime *, struct lsra_register *); void spill_at_intervall(jitdata *, struct lifetime *); void lsra_add_active(struct lifetime *, struct lifetime **, int *); void _lsra_expire_old_intervalls(jitdata *, struct lifetime *, struct lsra_register *, struct lifetime **, int *); void _spill_at_intervall(struct lifetime *, struct lifetime **, int *); void lsra_alloc(jitdata *, int *, int, int *); int lsra_getmem(struct lifetime *, struct freemem *, int *); struct freemem *lsra_getnewmem(int *); void lsra(jitdata *jd) { methodinfo *m; codegendata *cd; registerdata *rd; lsradata *ls; graphdata *gd; #if defined(ENABLE_STATISTICS) int locals_start; int i,j; #endif #if defined(LSRA_DEBUG_CHECK) #if 0 int b_index; stackptr in,out; int ind, outd; #endif #endif m = jd->m; cd = jd->cd; rd = jd->rd; ls = jd->ls; #if defined(LSRA_DEBUG_CHECK) #if 0 b_index = 0; while (b_index < jd->basicblockcount ) { if (jd->basicblocks[b_index].flags >= BBREACHED) { in=m->basicblocks[b_index].instack; ind=m->basicblocks[b_index].indepth; for (;ind != 0;in=in->prev, ind--) { /* ARGVAR or LOCALVAR in instack is ok*/ #if defined(LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE) if (compileverbose) { if (in->varkind == ARGVAR) printf("ARGVAR in instack: \n"); if (in->varkind == LOCALVAR) printf("LOCALVAR in instack\n"); } #endif } out=m->basicblocks[b_index].outstack; outd=m->basicblocks[b_index].outdepth; for (;outd != 0;out=out->prev, outd--) { if (out->varkind == ARGVAR) { log_text("ARGVAR in outstack\n"); assert(0); } if (out->varkind == LOCALVAR) { log_text("LOCALVAR in outstack\n"); assert(0); } } } b_index++; } #endif #endif #if defined(LSRA_DEBUG_CHECK) || defined(LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE) #if defined(LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE) if (compileverbose) { printf("%s %s ",m->class->name->text, m->name->text); if (code_is_leafmethod(code)) printf("**Leafmethod**"); printf("\n"); } #endif if (strcmp(m->class->name->text,"java/lang/String")==0) if (strcmp(m->name->text,"toLowerCase")==0) #if defined(LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE) if (compileverbose) printf("12-------------------12\n"); #else { int dummy=1; dummy++; } #endif #endif lsra_init(jd); gd = lsra_setup(jd); #if defined(ENABLE_STATISTICS) /* find conflicts between locals for statistics */ if (opt_stat) { /* local Variable Lifetimes are at the end of the lifetime array and */ /* have v_index >= 0 */ for (locals_start = ls->lifetimecount-1; (locals_start >=0) && (ls->lifetime[ls->lt_used[locals_start]].v_index >= 0); locals_start--); for (i=locals_start + 1; i < ls->lifetimecount; i++) for (j=i+1; j < ls->lifetimecount; j++) if ( !((ls->lifetime[ls->lt_used[i]].i_end < ls->lifetime[ls->lt_used[j]].i_start) || (ls->lifetime[ls->lt_used[j]].i_end < ls->lifetime[ls->lt_used[i]].i_start)) ) count_locals_conflicts += 2; } #endif /* Run LSRA */ lsra_main(jd); #ifdef LSRA_TESTLT test_lifetimes( jd, gd ); #endif fflush(stdout); } void lsra_init(jitdata *jd) { lsradata *ls = jd->ls; /* Init LSRA Data Structures */ /* allocate lifetimes for all Basicblocks */ ls->v_index = -1; } graphdata *lsra_setup(jitdata *jd) { methodinfo *m; codegendata *cd; registerdata *rd; lsradata *ls; graphdata *gd; #if defined(ENABLE_LOOPS) /* Loop optimization "destroys" the basicblock array */ /* TODO: work with the basicblock list */ if (opt_loops) { log_text("lsra not possible with loop optimization\n"); exit(1); } #endif m = jd->m; cd = jd->cd; rd = jd->rd; ls = jd->ls; ssa_init(jd); /* Setup LSRA Data structures */ /* Generate the Control Flow Graph */ /* Add one for a Basic Block 0 to be inserted, so lateron */ /* with SSA Parameter initialization is handled right */ gd = graph_init(jd->basicblockcount + 1); graph_make_cfg(jd, gd); ssa(jd, gd); lt_lifeness_analysis(jd, gd); #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE if (compileverbose) { printf("Lifetimes after LifenessAnalyse: \n"); print_all_lifetimes(jd); } #endif lsra_calc_lifetime_length(jd); #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE if (compileverbose) { printf("Basicblockcount: %4i\n",ls->basicblockcount); } #endif return gd; } void lsra_reg_setup(jitdata *jd, struct lsra_register *int_reg, struct lsra_register *flt_reg ) { int i, j, iarg, farg; int int_sav_top; int flt_sav_top; bool *fltarg_used, *intarg_used; methoddesc *md; methodinfo *m; registerdata *rd; m = jd->m; rd = jd->rd; md = m->parseddesc; int_reg->nregdesc = nregdescint; flt_reg->nregdesc = nregdescfloat; if (code_is_leafmethod(code)) { /* Temp and Argumentregister can be used as saved registers */ int_reg->sav_top = INT_ARG_CNT + INT_TMP_CNT + INT_SAV_CNT; int_reg->sav_reg = DMNEW(int, int_reg->sav_top); int_reg->tmp_reg = NULL; int_reg->tmp_top = -1; flt_reg->sav_top = FLT_ARG_CNT + FLT_TMP_CNT + FLT_SAV_CNT; flt_reg->sav_reg = DMNEW(int, flt_reg->sav_top); flt_reg->tmp_reg = NULL; flt_reg->tmp_top = -1; /* additionaly precolour registers for Local Variables acting as */ /* Parameters */ farg = FLT_ARG_CNT; iarg = INT_ARG_CNT; intarg_used = DMNEW(bool, INT_ARG_CNT); for (i=0; i < INT_ARG_CNT; i++) intarg_used[i]=false; fltarg_used = DMNEW(bool, FLT_ARG_CNT); for (i=0; i < FLT_ARG_CNT; i++) fltarg_used[i]=false; int_sav_top=int_reg->sav_top; flt_sav_top=flt_reg->sav_top; for (i=0; (i < md->paramcount); i++) { if (!md->params[i].inmemory) { if (IS_INT_LNG_TYPE(md->paramtypes[i].type)) { #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(md->paramtypes[i].type)) { int_reg->sav_reg[--int_sav_top] = GET_HIGH_REG(md->params[i].regoff); intarg_used[GET_HIGH_REG(md->params[i].regoff)]=true; /*used -> don't copy later on */ int_reg->sav_reg[--int_sav_top] = GET_LOW_REG(md->params[i].regoff); intarg_used[GET_LOW_REG(md->params[i].regoff)]=true; /*used -> don't copy later on */ } else #endif { /* !IS_2_WORD_TYPE(md->paramtypes[i].type */ int_reg->sav_reg[--int_sav_top] = md->params[i].regoff; intarg_used[md->params[i].regoff]=true; /*used -> don't copy later on */ } } #if !defined(SUPPORT_PASS_FLOATARGS_IN_INTREGS) /* do not precolour float arguments if they are passed in */ /* integer registers. But these integer argument registers */ /* still be used in the method! */ else { /* IS_FLT_DBL_TYPE(md->paramtypes[i].type */ flt_reg->sav_reg[--flt_sav_top] = md->params[i].regoff; fltarg_used[md->params[i].regoff]=true; } #endif } } /* copy rest of argument registers to flt_reg->sav_reg and */ /* int_reg->sav_reg; */ for (i=0; i < INT_ARG_CNT; i++) if (!intarg_used[i]) int_reg->sav_reg[--int_sav_top]=i; for (i=0; i < FLT_ARG_CNT; i++) if (!fltarg_used[i]) flt_reg->sav_reg[--flt_sav_top]=i; /* copy temp registers to flt_reg->sav_reg and int_reg->sav_reg */ for (i=0; i < INT_TMP_CNT; i++) int_reg->sav_reg[--int_sav_top]=rd->tmpintregs[i]; for (i=0; i < FLT_TMP_CNT; i++) flt_reg->sav_reg[--flt_sav_top]=rd->tmpfltregs[i]; } else { /* non leaf method -> use Argument Registers [arg[int|flt]reguse */ /* ... [INT|FLT]_ARG_CNT[ as temp reg */ /* divide temp and saved registers */ int argintreguse, argfltreguse; /* with Locals as non SAVEDVAR, the used arg[int|flt] as in params */ /* of the method itself have to be regarded, or mismatch before */ /* block 0 with parameter copy could happen! */ argintreguse = max(rd->argintreguse, md->argintreguse); argfltreguse = max(rd->argfltreguse, md->argfltreguse); int_sav_top = int_reg->sav_top = INT_SAV_CNT; int_reg->sav_reg = DMNEW(int, int_reg->sav_top); int_reg->tmp_top = INT_TMP_CNT + max(0, (INT_ARG_CNT - argintreguse)); int_reg->tmp_reg = DMNEW(int, int_reg->tmp_top); flt_sav_top =flt_reg->sav_top = FLT_SAV_CNT; flt_reg->sav_reg = DMNEW(int, flt_reg->sav_top); flt_reg->tmp_top = FLT_TMP_CNT + max(0 , (FLT_ARG_CNT - argfltreguse)); flt_reg->tmp_reg = DMNEW(int, flt_reg->tmp_top); /* copy temp and unused argument registers to flt_reg->tmp_reg and */ /* int_reg->tmp_reg */ for (i=0; i < INT_TMP_CNT; i++) int_reg->tmp_reg[i]=rd->tmpintregs[i]; /* quick and dirty patch for the drop of rd->argxxxreg[] - but will */ /* work anyhow on i386, !! has to be made "real" for other archs */ for (j = argintreguse; j < INT_ARG_CNT; j++, i++) int_reg->tmp_reg[i]=j; for (i=0; i < FLT_TMP_CNT; i++) flt_reg->tmp_reg[i]=rd->tmpfltregs[i]; /* quick and dirty patch for the drop of rd->argxxxreg[] - but will */ /* work anyhow on i386, !! has to be made "real" for other archs */ for (j = argfltreguse; j < FLT_ARG_CNT; j++, i++) flt_reg->tmp_reg[i]=j; } /* now copy saved registers to flt_reg->sav_reg and int_reg->sav_reg */ for (i = INT_SAV_CNT-1; i >= 0; i--) int_reg->sav_reg[--int_sav_top]=rd->savintregs[i]; for (i = FLT_SAV_CNT-1; i >= 0; i--) flt_reg->sav_reg[--flt_sav_top]=rd->savfltregs[i]; /* done */ } void lsra_insertion( struct lsradata *ls, int *a, int lo, int hi) { int i,j,t,tmp; for (i=lo+1; i<=hi; i++) { j=i; t=ls->lifetime[a[j]].i_start; tmp = a[j]; while ((j>lo) && (ls->lifetime[a[j-1]].i_start > t)) { a[j]=a[j-1]; j--; } a[j]=tmp; } } void lsra_qsort( struct lsradata *ls, int *a, int lo, int hi) { int i,j,x,tmp; if (lo < hi) { if ( (lo+5)lifetime[a[(lo+hi)/2]].i_start; while (i <= j) { while (ls->lifetime[a[i]].i_start < x) i++; while (ls->lifetime[a[j]].i_start > x) j--; if (i <= j) { /* exchange a[i], a[j] */ tmp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = tmp; i++; j--; } } if (lo < j) lsra_qsort( ls, a, lo, j); if (i < hi) lsra_qsort( ls, a, i, hi); } else lsra_insertion(ls, a, lo, hi); } } void lsra_param_sort(struct lsradata *ls, int *lifetime, int lifetime_count) { int param_count; int i,j,tmp; /* count number of parameters ( .i_start == -1) */ for (param_count=0; (param_count < lifetime_count) && /* (ls->lifetime[lifetime[param_count]].i_start == -1); param_count++); */ (ls->lifetime[lifetime[param_count]].i_start == 0); param_count++); if (param_count > 0) { /* now sort the parameters by v_index */ for (i=0; i < param_count -1; i++) for (j=i+1; j < param_count; j++) if ( ls->lifetime[lifetime[i]].v_index > ls->lifetime[lifetime[j]].v_index) { /* swap */ tmp = lifetime[i]; lifetime[i]=lifetime[j]; lifetime[j]=tmp; } } } void lsra_main(jitdata *jd) { #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE int i; #endif int lsra_mem_use; int lsra_reg_use; struct lsra_register flt_reg, int_reg; methodinfo *m; registerdata *rd; lsradata *ls; ls = jd->ls; m = jd->m; rd = jd->rd; /* sort lifetimes by increasing start */ lsra_qsort( ls, ls->lt_mem, 0, ls->lt_mem_count - 1); lsra_qsort( ls, ls->lt_int, 0, ls->lt_int_count - 1); lsra_qsort( ls, ls->lt_flt, 0, ls->lt_flt_count - 1); /* sort local vars used as parameter */ lsra_param_sort( ls, ls->lt_int, ls->lt_int_count); lsra_param_sort( ls, ls->lt_flt, ls->lt_flt_count); lsra_reg_setup(jd, &int_reg, &flt_reg); #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE if (compileverbose) { printf("INTSAV REG: "); for (i=0; iactive_tmp = DMNEW( struct lifetime *, max(INT_REG_CNT, FLT_REG_CNT)); ls->active_sav = DMNEW( struct lifetime *, max(INT_REG_CNT, FLT_REG_CNT)); lsra_reg_use=INT_SAV_CNT; /* init to no saved reg used... */ _lsra_main(jd, ls->lt_int, ls->lt_int_count, &int_reg, &lsra_reg_use); if (lsra_reg_use > INT_SAV_CNT) lsra_reg_use=INT_SAV_CNT; rd->savintreguse = lsra_reg_use; lsra_reg_use = FLT_SAV_CNT; /* no saved reg used... */ _lsra_main(jd, ls->lt_flt, ls->lt_flt_count, &flt_reg, &lsra_reg_use); if (lsra_reg_use > FLT_SAV_CNT) lsra_reg_use=FLT_SAV_CNT; rd->savfltreguse=lsra_reg_use; /* rd->memuse was already set in stack.c to allocate stack space for */ /* passing arguments to called methods */ #if defined(__I386__) if (checksync && (m->flags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED)) { /* reserve 0(%esp) for Monitorenter/exit Argument on i386 */ if (rd->memuse < 1) rd->memuse = 1; } #endif lsra_mem_use = rd->memuse; /* Init with memuse from stack.c */ lsra_alloc(jd, ls->lt_mem, ls->lt_mem_count, &lsra_mem_use); lsra_alloc(jd, ls->lt_int, ls->lt_int_count, &lsra_mem_use); lsra_alloc(jd, ls->lt_flt, ls->lt_flt_count, &lsra_mem_use); rd->memuse=lsra_mem_use; #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE if (compileverbose) { printf("Int RA complete \n"); printf("Lifetimes after splitting int: \n"); print_lifetimes(jd, ls->lt_int, ls->lt_int_count); printf("Flt RA complete \n"); printf("Lifetimes after splitting flt:\n"); print_lifetimes(jd, ls->lt_flt, ls->lt_flt_count); printf("Rest RA complete \n"); printf("Lifetimes after leftt:\n"); print_lifetimes(jd, ls->lt_mem, ls->lt_mem_count); printf("jd->varcount: %i jd->vartop %i\n", jd->varcount, jd->vartop); } #endif } void lsra_alloc(jitdata *jd, int *lifet, int lifetimecount, int *mem_use) { int flags,regoff; struct lifetime *lt; struct freemem *fmem; int lt_index; #ifdef HAS_4BYTE_STACKSLOT struct freemem *fmem_2; #endif methodinfo *m; registerdata *rd; lsradata *ls; m = jd->m; rd = jd->rd; ls = jd->ls; fmem=DNEW(struct freemem); fmem->off=-1; fmem->next=NULL; #ifdef HAS_4BYTE_STACKSLOT fmem_2=DNEW(struct freemem); fmem_2->off=-1; fmem_2->next=NULL; #endif for (lt_index = 0; lt_index < lifetimecount; lt_index ++) { lt = ls->lifetime + lifet[lt_index]; #ifdef LSRA_MEMORY lt->reg=-1; #endif if (lt->regoff == -1) { flags = INMEMORY; #ifdef HAS_4BYTE_STACKSLOT if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(lt->type)) regoff = lsra_getmem(lt, fmem_2, mem_use); else #endif regoff = lsra_getmem(lt, fmem, mem_use); } else { flags = lt->savedvar; regoff = lt->regoff; } lt->regoff = regoff; VAR(lt->v_index)->vv.regoff = regoff; VAR(lt->v_index)->flags = flags; } } int lsra_getmem(struct lifetime *lt, struct freemem *fmem, int *mem_use) { struct freemem *fm, *p; /* no memmory allocated till now, or all other are still live */ if ((fmem->next == NULL) || (fmem->next->end > lt->i_start)) { /* if (1) { */ #ifdef HAS_4BYTE_STACKSLOT if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(lt->type)) if ( (*mem_use)&1 ) /* align memory location for 2 Word Types */ (*mem_use)++; fm=lsra_getnewmem(mem_use); if (IS_2_WORD_TYPE(lt->type)) /* allocate a second following Slot for 2 Word Types */ (*mem_use)++; #else fm=lsra_getnewmem(mem_use); #endif } else { /* Speicherstelle frei */ fm=fmem->next; fmem->next=fm->next; fm->next=NULL; } fm->end=lt->i_end; for (p=fmem; (p->next!=NULL) && (p->next->end < fm->end); p=p->next); fm->next=p->next; p->next=fm; return fm->off; } struct freemem *lsra_getnewmem(int *mem_use) { struct freemem *fm; fm=DNEW(struct freemem); fm->next=NULL; fm->off=*mem_use; (*mem_use)++; return fm; } void _lsra_main( jitdata *jd, int *lifet, int lifetimecount, struct lsra_register *reg, int *reg_use) { struct lifetime *lt; int lt_index; int reg_index; int regsneeded; bool temp; /* reg from temp registers (true) or saved registers (false) */ methodinfo *m; lsradata *ls; m = jd->m; ls = jd->ls; #if !defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) regsneeded = 0; #endif if ((reg->tmp_top+reg->sav_top) == 0) { /* no registers available */ for (lt_index = 0; lt_index < lifetimecount; lt_index++) ls->lifetime[lifet[lt_index]].regoff = -1; return; } ls->active_tmp_top = 0; ls->active_sav_top = 0; for (lt_index = 0; lt_index < lifetimecount; lt_index++) { lt = &(ls->lifetime[lifet[lt_index]]); #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) regsneeded = (lt->type == TYPE_LNG)?1:0; #endif lsra_expire_old_intervalls(jd, lt, reg); reg_index = -1; temp = false; #ifdef LSRA_SAVEDVAR lt->savedvar = SAVEDVAR; #endif if (lt->savedvar || code_is_leafmethod(code)) { /* use Saved Reg (in case of leafmethod all regs are saved regs) */ if (reg->sav_top > regsneeded) { #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) if (regsneeded) reg_index = PACK_REGS(reg->sav_reg[--reg->sav_top], reg->sav_reg[--reg->sav_top]); else #endif reg_index = reg->sav_reg[--reg->sav_top]; } } else { /* use Temp Reg or if none is free a Saved Reg */ if (reg->tmp_top > regsneeded) { temp = true; #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) if (regsneeded) reg_index = PACK_REGS(reg->tmp_reg[--reg->tmp_top], reg->tmp_reg[--reg->tmp_top]); else #endif reg_index = reg->tmp_reg[--reg->tmp_top]; } else if (reg->sav_top > regsneeded) { #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) if (regsneeded) reg_index = PACK_REGS(reg->sav_reg[--reg->sav_top], reg->sav_reg[--reg->sav_top]); else #endif reg_index = reg->sav_reg[--reg->sav_top]; } } if (reg_index == -1) /* no reg is available anymore... -> spill */ spill_at_intervall(jd, lt); else { lt->regoff = reg_index; if (temp) lsra_add_active(lt, ls->active_tmp, &(ls->active_tmp_top)); else { if (reg->sav_top<*reg_use) *reg_use=reg->sav_top; lsra_add_active(lt, ls->active_sav, &(ls->active_sav_top)); } } } } void lsra_add_active(struct lifetime *lt, struct lifetime **active, int *active_top) { int i, j; for(i = 0; (i < *active_top) && (active[i]->i_end < lt->i_end); i++); for(j = *active_top; j > i; j--) active[j] = active[j-1]; (*active_top)++; active[i] = lt; } void lsra_expire_old_intervalls(jitdata *jd, struct lifetime *lt, struct lsra_register *reg) { _lsra_expire_old_intervalls(jd, lt, reg, jd->ls->active_tmp, &(jd->ls->active_tmp_top)); _lsra_expire_old_intervalls(jd, lt, reg, jd->ls->active_sav, &(jd->ls->active_sav_top)); } void _lsra_expire_old_intervalls(jitdata *jd, struct lifetime *lt, struct lsra_register *reg, struct lifetime **active, int *active_top) { int i, j, k; for(i = 0; i < *active_top; i++) { if (active[i]->i_end > lt->i_start) break; /* make active[i]->reg available again */ if (code_is_leafmethod(code)) { /* leafmethod -> don't care about type -> put all again into */ /* reg->sav_reg */ #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) if (active[i]->type == TYPE_LNG) { reg->sav_reg[reg->sav_top++] = GET_LOW_REG(active[i]->reg); reg->sav_reg[reg->sav_top++] = GET_HIGH_REG(active[i]->reg); } else #endif reg->sav_reg[reg->sav_top++] = active[i]->regoff; } else { /* no leafmethod -> distinguish between temp and saved register */ #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) if (active[i]->type == TYPE_LNG) { /* no temp and saved regs are packed together, so looking at */ /* LOW_REG is sufficient */ if ( reg->nregdesc[ GET_LOW_REG(active[i]->reg)] == REG_SAV) { reg->sav_reg[reg->sav_top++] = GET_LOW_REG(active[i]->reg); reg->sav_reg[reg->sav_top++] = GET_HIGH_REG(active[i]->reg); } else { reg->tmp_reg[reg->tmp_top++] = GET_LOW_REG(active[i]->reg); reg->tmp_reg[reg->tmp_top++] = GET_HIGH_REG(active[i]->reg); } } else #endif if ( reg->nregdesc[active[i]->regoff] == REG_SAV) { reg->sav_reg[reg->sav_top++] = active[i]->regoff; } else { reg->tmp_reg[reg->tmp_top++] = active[i]->regoff; } } } /* active[0..i[ is to be removed */ /* -> move [i..*active_top[ to [0..*active_top-i[ */ for(k = 0, j = i; (j < *active_top); k++,j++) active[k] = active[j]; (*active_top) -= i; } void spill_at_intervall(jitdata *jd, struct lifetime *lt ) { lsradata *ls; ls = jd->ls; if (lt->savedvar || code_is_leafmethod(code)) { _spill_at_intervall(lt, ls->active_sav, &(ls->active_sav_top)); } else { _spill_at_intervall(lt, ls->active_tmp, &(ls->active_tmp_top)); if (lt->regoff == -1) { /* kein tmp mehr frei gewesen */ _spill_at_intervall(lt, ls->active_sav, &(ls->active_sav_top)); } } } void _spill_at_intervall(struct lifetime *lt, struct lifetime **active, int *active_top) { int i, j; #if 0 #ifdef USAGE_COUNT int u_min, i_min; #endif /* USAGE_COUNT */ #endif /* 0 */ if (*active_top == 0) { lt->regoff = -1; return; } i = *active_top - 1; #ifdef USAGE_COUNT #if 0 /* find intervall which ends later or equal than than lt and has the */ /* lowest usagecount lower than lt */ i_min = -1; u_min = lt->usagecount; for (; (i >= 0) && (active[i]->i_end >= lt->i_end); i--) { if (active[i]->usagecount < u_min) { u_min = active[i]->usagecount; i_min = i; } } if (i_min != -1) { i = i_min; #endif /* 0 */ if ((active[i]->i_end >= lt->i_end) && (active[i]->usagecount < lt->usagecount)) { #else /* USAGE_COUNT */ /* get last intervall from active */ if (active[i]->i_end > lt->i_end) { #endif /* USAGE_COUNT */ #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) /* Don't spill between one and two word int types */ if ((active[i]->type == TYPE_LNG) != (lt->type == TYPE_LNG)) return; #endif lt->regoff = active[i]->regoff; active[i]->regoff = -1; (*active_top)--; for (j = i; j < *active_top; j++) active[j] = active[j + 1]; lsra_add_active(lt, active, active_top); } else { lt->regoff = -1; } } void lsra_calc_lifetime_length(jitdata *jd) { struct lifetime *lt; int i, lt_index; int lifetimecount; int *icount_block, icount; int flags; /* 0 INMEMORY -> ls->lt_mem */ /* 1 INTREG -> ls->lt_int */ /* 2 FLTREG -> ls->lt_flt */ lsradata *ls; ls = jd->ls; icount_block = DMNEW(int, ls->basicblockcount); icount_block[0] = icount = 0 /* + ls->max_vars_with_indices + 1 */; for (i=1; i < ls->basicblockcount; i++) { if (ls->sorted[i-1] != -1) icount += ls->basicblocks[ls->sorted[i-1]]->icount + 1 + ls->varcount_with_indices; if (ls->sorted[i] != -1) icount_block[i] = icount; } #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE if (compileverbose) { printf("icount_block: "); for (i=0; i < ls->basicblockcount; i++) printf("(%3i-%3i) ",i, icount_block[i]); printf("\n"); } #endif lifetimecount = 0; for(lt_index = 0 ;lt_index < ls->lifetimecount; lt_index++) { if ( ls->lifetime[lt_index].type != -1) { /* used lifetime */ /* remember lt_index in lt_sorted */ ls->lt_used[lifetimecount ++] = lt_index; lt = &(ls->lifetime[lt_index]); /* compute lt->bb_first_def, i_first_def, bb_last_use and */ /* i_last_use */ _LSRA_ASSERT(lt->def != NULL); /* _LSRA_ASSERT(lt->use != NULL);*/ if (lt->use == NULL) lt->use = lt->def; #if defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) /* prevent conflicts between lifetimes of type long by increasing */ /* the lifetime by one instruction */ /* i.e.(ri/rj) ... */ /* (rk/rl) ICMD_LNEG */ /* with i==l and/or j==k */ /* to resolve this during codegeneration a temporary register */ /* would be needed */ if (lt->type == TYPE_LNG) lt->i_last_use++; #endif /* distribute lifetimes to lt_int, lt_flt and lt_mem */ lt->regoff = -1; switch (lt->type) { case TYPE_LNG: #if defined(HAS_4BYTE_STACKSLOT) && !defined(SUPPORT_COMBINE_INTEGER_REGISTERS) flags = 0; #else flags = 1; #endif break; case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_ADR: flags=1; break; case TYPE_DBL: case TYPE_FLT: #if defined(__I386__) /* * for i386 put all floats in memory */ flags=0; break; #endif flags=2; break; default: { log_text("Unknown Type\n"); exit(1); } } switch (flags) { case 0: /* lt_used[lt_used_index] -> lt_rest */ ls->lt_mem[ ls->lt_mem_count++ ] = lt_index; break; case 1: /* l->lifetimes -> lt_int */ ls->lt_int[ ls->lt_int_count++ ] = lt_index; break; case 2: /* l->lifetimes -> lt_flt */ ls->lt_flt[ ls->lt_flt_count++ ] = lt_index; break; } if (lt->bb_first_def < -1) { printf("--------- Warning: variable not defined!------------------vi: %i start: %i end: %i\n", lt->v_index, lt->i_start, lt->i_end); lt->bb_first_def = 0; lt->i_first_def = 0; } lt->i_start = icount_block[lt->bb_first_def] + lt->i_first_def; if (lt->bb_last_use == -1) { /* unused Vars are not regarded by lifeness_analysis! */ _LSRA_ASSERT(lt->def != NULL) _LSRA_ASSERT(lt->def->next == NULL) if (compileverbose) { printf("--------- Warning: variable not used! ---------"); printf("vi: %i start: %i end: %i\n", lt->v_index, lt->i_start, lt->i_end); } lt->bb_last_use = lt->bb_first_def; lt->i_last_use = lt->i_first_def; } lt->i_end = icount_block[lt->bb_last_use] + lt->i_last_use; if (lt->i_start < 0) printf("------- Error: Lt %3i Vi %4i invalid!\n",lt_index, lt->v_index); if (lt->i_start > lt->i_end) printf("--------- Warning: last use before first def! vi: %i start: %i end: %i\n", lt->v_index, lt->i_start, lt->i_end); #ifdef USAGE_PER_INSTR lt->usagecount = lt->usagecount / ( lt->i_end - lt->i_start + 1); #endif } } ls->lifetimecount = lifetimecount; } #ifdef LSRA_DEBUG_VERBOSE void print_lifetimes(jitdata *jd, int *lt, int lifetimecount) { struct lifetime *n; int lt_index; lsradata *ls; registerdata *rd; rd = jd->rd; ls = jd->ls; for (lt_index = 0; lt_index < lifetimecount; lt_index++) { n = ls->lifetime + lt[lt_index]; printf("i_Start: %3i(%3i,%3i) i_stop: %3i(%3i,%3i) reg: %3i VI: %3i type: %3i flags: %3i usage: %3li ltflags: %xi \n",n->i_start, ls->sorted[n->bb_first_def], n->i_first_def,n->i_end, ls->sorted[n->bb_last_use], n->i_last_use,n->regoff,n->v_index,n->type,n->flags, n->usagecount, n->flags); } printf( "%3i Lifetimes printed \n",lt_index); } void print_all_lifetimes(jitdata *jd) { struct lifetime *n; int lt_index; lsradata *ls; registerdata *rd; rd = jd->rd; ls = jd->ls; for (lt_index = 0; lt_index < ls->lifetimecount; lt_index++) { n = &(ls->lifetime[lt_index]); if (n->type != -1) { printf("i_Start: %3i(%3i,%3i) i_stop: %3i(%3i,%3i) VI: %3i type: %3i flags: %3i usage: %3li ltflags: %xi \n",n->i_start, ls->sorted[n->bb_first_def], n->i_first_def,n->i_end, ls->sorted[n->bb_last_use], n->i_last_use,n->v_index,n->type,n->flags, n->usagecount, n->flags); } } printf( "%3i Lifetimes printed \n",lt_index); } #endif /* * These are local overrides for various environment variables in Emacs. * Please do not remove this and leave it at the end of the file, where * Emacs will automagically detect them. * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Local variables: * mode: c * indent-tabs-mode: t * c-basic-offset: 4 * tab-width: 4 * End: */