/* src/vm/optimizing/e&scape.c Copyright (C) 2008 CACAOVM - Verein zu Foerderung der freien virtuellen Machine CACAO This file is part of CACAO. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "vm/jit/jit.h" #include "vmcore/class.h" #include "vmcore/classcache.h" #include "vm/jit/optimizing/escape.h" #include #if defined(ENABLE_ESCAPE_REASON) #define ENABLE_REASON #endif #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) #define I2(why, tov, es) escape_analysis_record_reason(e, why, iptr, tov, es); #else #define I2(why, tov, es) #endif #define I(why, to, from) I2(why, instruction_ ## to (iptr), escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_ ## from (iptr))) #define E2(why, var) I2(why, var, ESCAPE_GLOBAL) #define E(why, which) E2(why, instruction_ ## which (iptr)) typedef enum { RED = 31, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, COLOR_END } color_t; #define ENABLE_COLOR static void color_start(color_t color) { #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR) if (RED <= color && color < COLOR_END) { printf("\033[%dm", color); } #endif } static void color_end() { #if defined(ENABLE_COLOR) printf("\033[m"); fflush(stdout); #endif } static void color_printf(color_t color, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; color_start(color); va_start(ap, fmt); vprintf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); color_end(); } /*** escape_state *************************************************************/ const char *escape_state_to_string(escape_state_t escape_state) { # define str(x) case x: return #x; switch (escape_state) { str(ESCAPE_UNKNOWN) str(ESCAPE_NONE) str(ESCAPE_METHOD) str(ESCAPE_METHOD_RETURN) str(ESCAPE_GLOBAL) default: return "???"; } # undef str } /*** instruction **************************************************************/ static inline s2 instruction_get_opcode(const instruction *iptr) { if (iptr->opc == ICMD_BUILTIN) { return iptr->sx.s23.s3.bte->opcode; } else { return iptr->opc; } } static inline bool instruction_is_unresolved(const instruction *iptr) { return iptr->flags.bits & INS_FLAG_UNRESOLVED; } static inline s4 instruction_field_type(const instruction *iptr) { if (instruction_is_unresolved(iptr)) { return iptr->sx.s23.s3.uf->fieldref->parseddesc.fd->type; } else { return iptr->sx.s23.s3.fmiref->p.field->type; } } static inline s4 instruction_s1(const instruction *iptr) { return iptr->s1.varindex; } static inline s4 instruction_s2(const instruction *iptr) { return iptr->sx.s23.s2.varindex; } static inline s4 instruction_s3(const instruction *iptr) { return iptr->sx.s23.s3.varindex; } static inline s4 instruction_dst(const instruction *iptr) { return iptr->dst.varindex; } static inline s4 instruction_arg(const instruction *iptr, int arg) { return iptr->sx.s23.s2.args[arg]; } static inline bool instruction_is_class_constant(const instruction *iptr) { return iptr->flags.bits & INS_FLAG_CLASS; } static inline classinfo *instruction_classinfo(const instruction *iptr) { return iptr->sx.val.c.cls; } static inline methodinfo *instruction_local_methodinfo(const instruction *iptr) { if (instruction_is_unresolved(iptr)) { return NULL; } else { return iptr->sx.s23.s3.fmiref->p.method; } } static inline int instruction_dst_type(const instruction *iptr, jitdata *jd) { return VAROP(iptr->dst)->type; } static inline int instruction_return_type(const instruction *iptr) { return instruction_call_site(iptr)->returntype.type; } static inline s4 instruction_arg_type(const instruction *iptr, int arg) { methoddesc *md = instruction_call_site(iptr); assert(0 <= arg && arg < md->paramcount); return md->paramtypes[arg].type; } static inline int instruction_arg_count(const instruction *iptr) { return instruction_call_site(iptr)->paramcount; } /*** instruction_list ********************************************************/ typedef struct instruction_list_item { instruction *instr; struct instruction_list_item *next; } instruction_list_item_t; typedef struct { instruction_list_item_t *first; } instruction_list_t; void instruction_list_init(instruction_list_t *list) { list->first = NULL; } void instruction_list_add(instruction_list_t *list, instruction *instr) { instruction_list_item_t *item = DNEW(instruction_list_item_t); item->instr = instr; item->next = list->first; list->first = item; } #define FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION_LIST(list, it) \ for ((it) = (list)->first; (it) != NULL; (it) = (it)->next) /*** escape_analysis *********************************************************/ struct var_extra; typedef struct { jitdata *jd; instruction_list_t *allocations; instruction_list_t *getfields; instruction_list_t *monitors; instruction_list_t *returns; struct var_extra **var; unsigned adr_args_count; bool verbose; } escape_analysis_t; /*** dependency_list_item ****************************************************/ typedef struct dependency_list_item { instruction *store; struct dependency_list_item *next; } dependency_list_item_t; bool dependency_list_item_compare(const dependency_list_item_t *item, const instruction *load) { instruction *store = item->store; utf *storen; const utf *loadn; if (load->opc == ICMD_AALOAD) { if (store->opc != ICMD_AASTORE) { return false; } return true; } else { if (store->opc != ICMD_PUTFIELD) { return false; } if ( instruction_is_unresolved(store) != instruction_is_unresolved(load) ) { return false; } if (instruction_is_unresolved(store)) { storen = store->sx.s23.s3.uf->fieldref->name; loadn = load->sx.s23.s3.uf->fieldref->name; } else { storen = store->sx.s23.s3.fmiref->name; loadn = load->sx.s23.s3.fmiref->name; } /* TODO pointer equality ? */ if (storen->blength != loadn->blength) { return false; } return (strcmp(storen->text, loadn->text) == 0); } } /* TODO rename */ s4 dependency_list_item_get_dependency(const dependency_list_item_t *item) { switch (item->store->opc) { case ICMD_AASTORE: return instruction_s3(item->store); case ICMD_PUTFIELD: return instruction_s2(item->store); default: assert(0); return 0; } } /*** dependency_list *********************************************************/ typedef struct { dependency_list_item_t *first; dependency_list_item_t *last; } dependency_list_t; void dependency_list_init(dependency_list_t *dl) { dl->first = NULL; dl->last = NULL; } void dependency_list_add(dependency_list_t *dl, instruction *store) { dependency_list_item_t *item = DNEW(dependency_list_item_t); item->store = store; item->next = NULL; if (dl->first == NULL) { dl->first = item; dl->last = item; } else { dl->last->next = item; dl->last = item; } } void dependenCy_list_import(dependency_list_t *dl, dependency_list_t *other) { if (other == NULL) { return; } if (dl->first == NULL) { *dl = *other; } else { dl->last->next = other->first; dl->last = other->last; } other->first = NULL; other->last = NULL; } #define FOR_EACH_DEPENDENCY_LIST(dl, it) \ for ((it) = (dl)->first; (it) != NULL; (it) = (it)->next) /*** var_extra ***************************************************************/ #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) typedef struct reason { const char *why; instruction *iptr; struct reason *next; } reason_t; #endif typedef struct var_extra { instruction *allocation; escape_state_t escape_state; s4 representant; dependency_list_t *dependency_list; unsigned contains_arg:1; unsigned contains_only_args:1; /*signed adr_arg_num:30;*/ #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) reason_t *reasons; #endif } var_extra_t; static void var_extra_init(var_extra_t *ve) { ve->allocation = NULL; ve->escape_state = ESCAPE_NONE; ve->representant = -1; ve->dependency_list = NULL; ve->contains_arg = false; ve->contains_only_args = false; /*ve->adr_arg_num = -1;*/ #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) ve->reasons = NULL; #endif } static inline var_extra_t *var_extra_get_no_alloc(const escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { return e->var[var]; } static var_extra_t* var_extra_get(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var_extra_t *ve; assert(0 <= var && var <= e->jd->vartop); ve = var_extra_get_no_alloc(e, var); if (ve == NULL) { ve = DNEW(var_extra_t); var_extra_init(ve); e->var[var] = ve; } return ve; } static s4 var_extra_get_representant(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var_extra_t *ve; #if !defined(NDEBUG) int ctr = 0; #endif ve = var_extra_get(e, var); while (ve->representant != -1) { assert(ctr++ < 10000); var = ve->representant; ve = var_extra_get_no_alloc(e, var); assert(ve); } return var; } static escape_state_t var_extra_get_escape_state(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var_extra_t *ve; var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); ve = var_extra_get(e, var); return ve->escape_state; } static void var_extra_set_escape_state(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var, escape_state_t escape_state) { var_extra_t *ve; var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); ve = var_extra_get(e, var); ve->escape_state = escape_state; } static dependency_list_t *var_extra_get_dependency_list(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var_extra_t *ve; var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); ve = var_extra_get(e, var); if (ve->dependency_list == NULL) { ve->dependency_list = DNEW(dependency_list_t); dependency_list_init(ve->dependency_list); } return ve->dependency_list; } /*** escape_analysis *********************************************************/ static void escape_analysis_init(escape_analysis_t *e, jitdata *jd) { e->jd = jd; e->allocations = DNEW(instruction_list_t); instruction_list_init(e->allocations); e->getfields = DNEW(instruction_list_t); instruction_list_init(e->getfields); e->monitors = DNEW(instruction_list_t); instruction_list_init(e->monitors); e->returns = DNEW(instruction_list_t); instruction_list_init(e->returns); e->var = DMNEW(var_extra_t *, jd->vartop); MZERO(e->var, var_extra_t *, jd->vartop); e->adr_args_count = 0; e->verbose = 1; e->verbose = strcmp(jd->m->name->text, "") == 0; e->verbose = getenv("EV") != NULL; } #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) static void escape_analysis_record_reason(escape_analysis_t *e, const char *why, instruction *iptr, s4 var, escape_state_t es) { var_extra_t *ve; reason_t *re; if (es == ESCAPE_GLOBAL || es == ESCAPE_METHOD_RETURN) { var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); ve = var_extra_get(e, var); re = NEW(reason_t); re->why = why; re->iptr= iptr; re->next = ve->reasons; ve->reasons = re; if (e->verbose) { printf("%d escapes because %s\n", var, why); } } } #endif static void escape_analysis_set_allocation(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var, instruction *iptr) { var_extra_get(e, var)->allocation = iptr; } static instruction *escape_analysis_get_allocation(const escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var_extra_t *ve = var_extra_get_no_alloc(e, var); assert(ve != NULL); assert(ve->allocation != NULL); return ve->allocation; } static void escape_analysis_set_contains_argument(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); var_extra_get(e, var)->contains_arg = true; } static bool escape_analysis_get_contains_argument(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); return var_extra_get(e, var)->contains_arg; } static void escape_analysis_set_contains_only_arguments(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); var_extra_get(e, var)->contains_only_args = true; } static bool escape_analysis_get_contains_only_arguments(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); return var_extra_get(e, var)->contains_only_args; } /* static void escape_analysis_set_adr_arg_num(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var, s4 num) { var_extra_get(e, var)->adr_arg_num = num; } static s4 escape_analysis_get_adr_arg_num(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { return var_extra_get(e, var)->adr_arg_num; } */ static bool escape_analysis_in_same_set(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var1, s4 var2) { return var_extra_get_representant(e, var1) == var_extra_get_representant(e, var2); } static void escape_analysis_ensure_state(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var, escape_state_t escape_state) { var_extra_t *ve; dependency_list_item_t *it; var = var_extra_get_representant(e, var); ve = var_extra_get(e, var); if (ve->escape_state < escape_state) { if (e->verbose) { printf( "escape state of %d %s => %s\n", var, escape_state_to_string(ve->escape_state), escape_state_to_string(escape_state) ); } ve->escape_state = escape_state; if (ve->dependency_list != NULL) { FOR_EACH_DEPENDENCY_LIST(ve->dependency_list, it) { if (e->verbose) { printf("propagating to %s@%d\n", icmd_table[it->store->opc].name, it->store->line); } escape_analysis_ensure_state( e, dependency_list_item_get_dependency(it), escape_state ); { instruction *iptr = NULL; I2("propagated by dependency", dependency_list_item_get_dependency(it), escape_state); } } } } } static escape_state_t escape_analysis_get_state(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { return var_extra_get_escape_state(e, var); } static classinfo *escape_analysis_classinfo_in_var(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var) { instruction *iptr = escape_analysis_get_allocation(e, var); if (iptr == NULL) { return NULL; } if (! instruction_is_class_constant(iptr)) { return NULL; } if (instruction_dst(iptr) != var) { return NULL; } if (instruction_is_unresolved(iptr)) { return NULL; } return instruction_classinfo(iptr); } static void escape_analysis_merge(escape_analysis_t *e, s4 var1, s4 var2) { var_extra_t *ve1, *ve2; dependency_list_item_t *itd; bool has_become_arg; var1 = var_extra_get_representant(e, var1); var2 = var_extra_get_representant(e, var2); /* Don't merge the same escape sets. */ if (var1 == var2) { return; } if (e->verbose) printf("Merging (%d,%d)\n", var1, var2); ve1 = var_extra_get(e, var1); ve2 = var_extra_get(e, var2); /* Adjust escape state to maximal escape state. */ escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, var1, ve2->escape_state); escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, var2, ve1->escape_state); /* Representant of var1 becomes the representant of var2. */ ve2->representant = var1; /* Adjust is_arg to logical or. */ has_become_arg = ve1->contains_arg != ve2->contains_arg; ve1->contains_arg = ve1->contains_arg || ve2->contains_arg; if (e->verbose && has_become_arg) printf("(%d,%d) has become arg.\n", var1, var2); /* Merge list of dependencies. */ if (ve1->dependency_list == NULL) { ve1->dependency_list = ve2->dependency_list; } else { dependenCy_list_import(ve1->dependency_list, ve2->dependency_list); } /* If one of the merged values is an argument but the other not, all dependencies of the newly created value escape globally. */ if (has_become_arg && ve1->dependency_list != NULL) { FOR_EACH_DEPENDENCY_LIST(ve1->dependency_list, itd) { escape_analysis_ensure_state( e, dependency_list_item_get_dependency(itd), ESCAPE_GLOBAL ); { instruction *iptr = NULL; E2("has become arg", dependency_list_item_get_dependency(itd)); } } } /* Adjust contains_only_args to logical and. */ ve1->contains_only_args = ve1->contains_only_args && ve2->contains_only_args; /* Adjust address argument number contained in this var. */ /* if (ve1->adr_arg_num != ve2->adr_arg_num) { ve1->adr_arg_num = -1; } */ #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) if (ve1->reasons) { reason_t *re = ve1->reasons; while (re->next != NULL) { re = re->next; } re->next = ve2->reasons; } else { ve1->reasons = ve2->reasons; } #endif } static void escape_analysis_add_dependency(escape_analysis_t *e, instruction *store) { s4 obj = instruction_s1(store); dependency_list_t *dl = var_extra_get_dependency_list(e, obj); assert(store->opc == ICMD_PUTFIELD || store->opc == ICMD_AASTORE); dependency_list_add(dl, store); if (e->verbose) { printf("dependency_list_add: %d.dependency_list.add( { ", obj); show_icmd(e->jd, store, 0, 3); printf(" } )\n"); } } static void escape_analysis_process_instruction(escape_analysis_t *e, instruction *iptr) { jitdata *jd = e->jd; classinfo *c; s4 count; u1 *paramescape; unsigned i; instruction **iarg; methodinfo *mi; escape_state_t es; const char *why; if (e->verbose) { color_start(CYAN); printf("%d: ", iptr->line); show_icmd(e->jd, iptr, 0, 3); color_end(); printf("\n"); } switch (instruction_get_opcode(iptr)) { case ICMD_ACONST: escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_NONE); break; case ICMD_NEW: c = escape_analysis_classinfo_in_var(e, instruction_arg(iptr, 0)); escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); if (c == NULL) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("unresolved class", dst) } else if (c->finalizer != NULL) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("finalizer", dst) } else { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_NONE); } instruction_list_add(e->allocations, iptr); break; case ICMD_MONITORENTER: case ICMD_MONITOREXIT: instruction_list_add(e->monitors, iptr); break; case ICMD_NEWARRAY: case ICMD_ANEWARRAY: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); instruction_list_add(e->allocations, iptr); E("untracked array", dst) break; case ICMD_PUTSTATIC: if (instruction_field_type(iptr) == TYPE_ADR) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("putstatic", s1) } break; case ICMD_PUTFIELD: if (instruction_field_type(iptr) == TYPE_ADR) { if (escape_analysis_get_contains_argument(e, instruction_s1(iptr))) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s2(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); /* If s1 is currently not an argument, but can contain one later because of a phi function, the merge function takes care to make all dependencies escape globally. */ E("putfield into argument", s2) } else { I("putfield inherit", s2, s1); escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s2(iptr), escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr))); escape_analysis_add_dependency(e, iptr); } } break; case ICMD_AASTORE: if (escape_analysis_get_contains_argument(e, instruction_s1(iptr))) { if (e->verbose) printf("Contains argument.\n"); escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s3(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("aastore into argument", s3) } else { if (e->verbose) printf("Contains no argument.\n"); I("aastore", s3, s1) escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s3(iptr), escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr))); escape_analysis_add_dependency(e, iptr); } break; case ICMD_GETSTATIC: if (instruction_field_type(iptr) == TYPE_ADR) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("loaded from static var", dst) escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); } break; case ICMD_GETFIELD: if (instruction_field_type(iptr) == TYPE_ADR) { if (escape_analysis_get_contains_argument(e, instruction_s1(iptr))) { /* Fields loaded from arguments escape globally. x = arg.foo; x.bar = y; => y escapes globally. */ escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("loaded from arg", dst) } else { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_NONE); } escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); instruction_list_add(e->getfields, iptr); } break; case ICMD_ARRAYLENGTH: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD); break; case ICMD_AALOAD: if (escape_analysis_get_contains_argument(e, instruction_s1(iptr))) { /* If store into argument, escapes globally. See ICMD_GETFIELD. */ escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("aaload from argument", dst) } else { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_NONE); } escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); instruction_list_add(e->getfields, iptr); break; case ICMD_IF_ACMPEQ: case ICMD_IF_ACMPNE: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD); escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s2(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD); break; case ICMD_IFNULL: case ICMD_IFNONNULL: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD); break; case ICMD_CHECKNULL: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD); escape_analysis_merge(e, instruction_s1(iptr), instruction_dst(iptr)); break; case ICMD_CHECKCAST: escape_analysis_merge(e, instruction_s1(iptr), instruction_dst(iptr)); escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD); escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); break; case ICMD_INSTANCEOF: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD); break; case ICMD_INVOKESPECIAL: case ICMD_INVOKEVIRTUAL: case ICMD_INVOKEINTERFACE: case ICMD_INVOKESTATIC: count = instruction_arg_count(iptr); mi = instruction_local_methodinfo(iptr); paramescape = NULL; why = "???"; if (mi != NULL) { /* If the method could be resolved, it already is. */ paramescape = mi->paramescape; if (e->verbose) { if (paramescape) { printf("Paramescape for callee available.\n"); } } if (paramescape) why = "Available param escape"; if (paramescape == NULL) { if (e->verbose) { printf("BC escape analyzing callee.\n"); } why = "BC param escape"; bc_escape_analysis_perform(mi); paramescape = mi->paramescape; } } else { if (e->verbose) { printf("Unresolved callee.\n"); } why = "Unresolved callee"; } if (iptr->opc == ICMD_INVOKEVIRTUAL || iptr->opc == ICMD_INVOKEINTERFACE) { if (mi != NULL && !escape_is_monomorphic(e->jd->m, mi)) { if (e->verbose) { printf("Not monomorphic.\n"); } why = "Polymorphic"; paramescape = NULL; } } /* Set the escape state of the return value. This is: global if we down have information of the callee, or the callee supplied escape state. */ if (instruction_return_type(iptr) == TYPE_ADR) { if (paramescape == NULL) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E(why, dst); } else { es = escape_state_from_u1(paramescape[-1]); I2(why, instruction_dst(iptr), es) escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), es); } escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); } for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (instruction_arg_type(iptr, i) == TYPE_ADR) { if (paramescape == NULL) { escape_analysis_ensure_state( e, instruction_arg(iptr, i), ESCAPE_GLOBAL ); E2(why, instruction_arg(iptr, i)); } else if (escape_state_from_u1(*paramescape) <= ESCAPE_METHOD) { es = escape_state_from_u1(*paramescape); if (es < ESCAPE_METHOD) { es = ESCAPE_METHOD; } I2(why, instruction_arg(iptr, i), es); escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_arg(iptr, i), es); if (*paramescape & 0x80) { /* Parameter can be returned from method. This creates an alias to the retur value. If the return value escapes, the ES of the parameter needs to be adjusted. */ escape_analysis_merge(e, instruction_arg(iptr, i), instruction_dst(iptr)); I2("return alias", instruction_arg(iptr, i), instruction_dst(iptr)); } } else { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_arg(iptr, i), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E2(why, instruction_arg(iptr, i)); } if (paramescape != NULL) { ++paramescape; } } } break; case ICMD_ATHROW: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("throw", s1) break; case ICMD_ARETURN: /* If we return only arguments, the return value escapes only the method. ESCAPE_METHOD for now, and check later, if a different value than an argument is possibly returned. */ escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_METHOD_RETURN); E("return", s1) instruction_list_add(e->returns, iptr); break; case ICMD_ALOAD: case ICMD_ASTORE: case ICMD_MOVE: case ICMD_COPY: if (instruction_dst_type(iptr, jd) == TYPE_ADR) { escape_analysis_merge(e, instruction_s1(iptr), instruction_dst(iptr)); escape_analysis_set_allocation(e, instruction_dst(iptr), iptr); } break; case ICMD_PHI: for ( iarg = iptr->sx.s23.s2.iargs; iarg != iptr->sx.s23.s2.iargs + iptr->s1.argcount; ++iarg ) { escape_analysis_merge(e, instruction_dst(iptr), instruction_dst(*iarg)); } break; case ICMD_GETEXCEPTION: escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr), ESCAPE_NONE); break; } } static void escape_analysis_process_instructions(escape_analysis_t *e) { basicblock *bptr; instruction *iptr; FOR_EACH_BASICBLOCK(e->jd, bptr) { if (e->verbose) { color_printf(CYAN, "=== BB %d ===\n", bptr->nr); } for (iptr = bptr->phis; iptr != bptr->phis + bptr->phicount; ++iptr) { escape_analysis_process_instruction(e, iptr); } FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION(bptr, iptr) { escape_analysis_process_instruction(e, iptr); } } } static void escape_analysis_post_process_returns(escape_analysis_t *e) { instruction_list_item_t *iti; instruction *iptr; if (e->verbose) printf("Post processing returns:\n"); FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION_LIST(e->getfields, iti) { iptr = iti->instr; if (! escape_analysis_get_contains_only_arguments(e, instruction_s1(iptr))) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr), ESCAPE_GLOBAL); E("return of not argument", s1) } } } static void escape_analysis_post_process_getfields(escape_analysis_t *e) { instruction_list_item_t *iti; dependency_list_item_t *itd; instruction *iptr; dependency_list_t *dl; if (e->verbose) printf("Post processing getfields:\n"); FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION_LIST(e->getfields, iti) { iptr = iti->instr; /* Get the object the field/element is loaded from. */ dl = var_extra_get_dependency_list(e, instruction_s1(iptr)); /* Adjust escape state of all objects in the dependency list, referenced via the field of this getfield/arraystore. */ if (dl != NULL) { FOR_EACH_DEPENDENCY_LIST(dl, itd) { if (dependency_list_item_compare(itd, iptr)) { /* Fields match. Adjust escape state. */ escape_analysis_ensure_state( e, dependency_list_item_get_dependency(itd), escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr)) ); I2("post process getfield", dependency_list_item_get_dependency(itd), escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr))); } } } } } static void escape_analysis_mark_monitors(escape_analysis_t *e) { instruction_list_item_t *iti; instruction *iptr; FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION_LIST(e->monitors, iti) { iptr = iti->instr; /* TODO if argument does not escape, mark. */ if (escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_arg(iptr, 0)) != ESCAPE_GLOBAL) { if (e->verbose) { printf("Monitor on thread local object!\n"); } } } } static void escape_analysis_mark_allocations(escape_analysis_t *e) { instruction_list_item_t *iti; instruction *iptr; escape_state_t es; FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION_LIST(e->allocations, iti) { iptr = iti->instr; es = escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr)); #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) if (instruction_get_opcode(iptr) == ICMD_NEW) { var_extra_t *ve; iptr->sx.s23.s3.bte = builtintable_get_internal(BUILTIN_escape_reason_new); ve = var_extra_get(e, var_extra_get_representant(e, instruction_dst(iptr))); iptr->escape_reasons = ve->reasons; if (es < ESCAPE_METHOD_RETURN) { assert(!ve->reasons); reason_t *r = NEW(reason_t); r->why = "No escape\n"; r->iptr = NULL; r->next = NULL; iptr->escape_reasons = r; } else { assert(iptr->escape_reasons); } } #endif /* if (instruction_get_opcode(iptr) == ICMD_NEW) { es = escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_dst(iptr)); if (es < ESCAPE_METHOD_RETURN) { iptr->sx.s23.s3.bte = builtintable_get_internal(BUILTIN_tlh_new); e->jd->code->flags |= CODE_FLAG_TLH; } } */ } } static void escape_analysis_process_arguments(escape_analysis_t *e) { s4 p; s4 t; s4 l; s4 varindex; methoddesc *md; md = e->jd->m->parseddesc; for (p = 0, l = 0; p < md->paramcount; ++p) { t = md->paramtypes[p].type; varindex = e->jd->local_map[l * 5 + t]; if (t == TYPE_ADR) { if (varindex != UNUSED) { escape_analysis_ensure_state(e, varindex, ESCAPE_NONE); escape_analysis_set_contains_argument(e, varindex); escape_analysis_set_contains_only_arguments(e, varindex); /*escape_analysis_set_adr_arg_num(e, varindex, e->adr_args_count);*/ } e->adr_args_count += 1; } l += IS_2_WORD_TYPE(t) ? 2 : 1; } } static void escape_analysis_export_arguments(escape_analysis_t *e) { s4 p; s4 t; s4 l; s4 varindex; methoddesc *md; u1 *paramescape; instruction_list_item_t *iti; instruction *iptr; escape_state_t es, re; int ret_val_is_adr; md = e->jd->m->parseddesc; ret_val_is_adr = (md->returntype.type == TYPE_ADR) ? 1 : 0; paramescape = MNEW(u1, e->adr_args_count + ret_val_is_adr); e->jd->m->paramescape = paramescape + ret_val_is_adr; for (p = 0, l = 0; p < md->paramcount; ++p) { t = md->paramtypes[p].type; varindex = e->jd->local_map[l * 5 + t]; if (t == TYPE_ADR) { if (varindex == UNUSED) { *paramescape = (u1)ESCAPE_NONE; } else { es = escape_analysis_get_state(e, varindex); if (es == ESCAPE_METHOD_RETURN) { *paramescape = escape_state_to_u1(ESCAPE_METHOD) | 0x80; if (e->verbose) { printf("non-escaping adr parameter returned: %d\n", p); } } else { *paramescape = escape_state_to_u1(es); } } paramescape += 1; } l += IS_2_WORD_TYPE(t) ? 2 : 1; } if (ret_val_is_adr) { /* Calculate escape state of return value as maximum escape state of all values returned. */ re = ESCAPE_NONE; FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION_LIST(e->returns, iti) { iptr = iti->instr; es = escape_analysis_get_state(e, instruction_s1(iptr)); if (es > re) { re = es; } } e->jd->m->paramescape[-1] = escape_state_to_u1(re); } } #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) void print_escape_reasons() { reason_t *re = THREADOBJECT->escape_reasons; fprintf(stderr, "DYN_REASON"); for (; re; re = re->next) { fprintf(stderr,":%s", re->why); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } void set_escape_reasons(void *vp) { THREADOBJECT->escape_reasons = vp; } #endif static void escape_analysis_display(escape_analysis_t *e) { instruction_list_item_t *iti; var_extra_t *ve; instruction *iptr; FOR_EACH_INSTRUCTION_LIST(e->allocations, iti) { iptr = iti->instr; ve = var_extra_get(e, var_extra_get_representant(e, instruction_dst(iptr))); show_icmd(e->jd, iptr-1, 0, 3); printf("\n"); show_icmd(e->jd, iptr, 0, 3); printf("\n"); printf( "%s@%d: --%s-- %d\n\n", icmd_table[iptr->opc].name, iptr->line, escape_state_to_string(ve->escape_state), ve->representant ); #if defined(ENABLE_REASON) { reason_t *re; for (re = ve->reasons; re; re = re->next) { printf("ESCAPE_REASON: %s\n", re->why); } } #endif } } void escape_analysis_perform(jitdata *jd) { escape_analysis_t *e; jd->m->flags |= ACC_METHOD_EA; e = DNEW(escape_analysis_t); escape_analysis_init(e, jd); if (e->verbose) color_printf(RED, "\n\n==== %s/%s ====\n\n", e->jd->m->clazz->name->text, e->jd->m->name->text); escape_analysis_process_arguments(e); escape_analysis_process_instructions(e); escape_analysis_post_process_getfields(e); escape_analysis_post_process_returns(e); escape_analysis_export_arguments(e); if (e->verbose) escape_analysis_display(e); if (e->verbose) { int i, j, r; for (i = 0; i < jd->vartop; ++i) { r = var_extra_get_representant(e, i); if (i == r) { printf("EES of %d: ", i); for (j = 0; j < jd->vartop; ++j) { if (var_extra_get_representant(e, j) == r) { printf("%d, ", j); } } printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); } escape_analysis_mark_allocations(e); escape_analysis_mark_monitors(e); jd->m->flags &= ~ACC_METHOD_EA; } void escape_analysis_escape_check(void *vp) { } /*** monomorphic *************************************************************/ bool escape_is_monomorphic(methodinfo *caller, methodinfo *callee) { /* Non-speculative case */ if (callee->flags & (ACC_STATIC | ACC_FINAL | ACC_PRIVATE)) { return true; } if ( (callee->flags & (ACC_METHOD_MONOMORPHIC | ACC_METHOD_IMPLEMENTED| ACC_ABSTRACT)) == (ACC_METHOD_MONOMORPHIC | ACC_METHOD_IMPLEMENTED) ) { /* Mark that we have used the information about monomorphy. */ callee->flags |= ACC_METHOD_MONOMORPHY_USED; /* We assume the callee is monomorphic. */ method_add_assumption_monomorphic(caller, callee); return true; } return false; }