// // C# implementation of a handful of shell steps // this is used to automate the buidl in Windows // using System; using System.Text; using System.IO; class Prepare { delegate void filt (StreamReader sr, StreamWriter sw); static void Filter (string inpath, string outpath, filt filter) { using (var ins = new StreamReader (inpath)){ using (var outs = new StreamWriter (outpath)){ filter (ins, outs); } } } static void Main (string [] args) { string bdir = args.Length == 0 ? "../../../mcs" : args [0]; if (!Directory.Exists (Path.Combine(bdir, "class"))){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("The directory {0} does not contain class at {1}", Path.GetFullPath (bdir), Environment.CurrentDirectory); Environment.Exit (1); } switch (args [1]){ case "xml": Filter (bdir + "/class/System.XML/System.Xml.XPath/Parser.jay", bdir + "/class/System.XML/Mono.Xml.Xsl/PatternParser.jay", (i, o) => o.Write (i.ReadToEnd ().Replace ("%start Expr", "%start Pattern"))); break; case "core": Filter (bdir + "/build/common/Consts.cs.in", bdir + "/build/common/Consts.cs", (i, o) => o.Write (i.ReadToEnd ().Replace ("@MONO_VERSION@", "2.5.0"))); break; default: Console.Error.WriteLine ("Unknonw option to prepare.exe {0}", args [1]); Environment.Exit (1); break; } } }