/* * Time utility functions. * Author: Paolo Molaro () * Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc. */ #include #include #include #define MTICKS_PER_SEC 10000000 #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 #include guint32 mono_msec_ticks (void) { /* GetTickCount () is reportedly monotonic */ return GetTickCount (); } /* Returns the number of 100ns ticks from unspecified time: this should be monotonic */ gint64 mono_100ns_ticks (void) { static LARGE_INTEGER freq; LARGE_INTEGER value; if (!freq.QuadPart && !QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq)) return mono_100ns_datetime (); QueryPerformanceCounter (&value); return value.QuadPart * MTICKS_PER_SEC / freq.QuadPart; } /* * Magic number to convert FILETIME base Jan 1, 1601 to DateTime - base Jan, 1, 0001 */ #define FILETIME_ADJUST ((guint64)504911232000000000LL) /* Returns the number of 100ns ticks since 1/1/1, UTC timezone */ gint64 mono_100ns_datetime (void) { ULARGE_INTEGER ft; if (sizeof(ft) != sizeof(FILETIME)) g_assert_not_reached (); GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ((FILETIME*) &ft); return FILETIME_ADJUST + ft.QuadPart; } #else #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #endif #include static gint64 get_boot_time (void) { /* FIXME: use sysctl (kern.boottime) on OSX */ FILE *uptime = fopen ("/proc/uptime", "r"); if (uptime) { double upt; if (fscanf (uptime, "%lf", &upt) == 1) { gint64 now = mono_100ns_ticks (); fclose (uptime); return now - (gint64)(upt * MTICKS_PER_SEC); } fclose (uptime); } /* a made up uptime of 300 seconds */ return (gint64)300 * MTICKS_PER_SEC; } /* Returns the number of milliseconds from boot time: this should be monotonic */ guint32 mono_msec_ticks (void) { static gint64 boot_time = 0; gint64 now; if (!boot_time) boot_time = get_boot_time (); now = mono_100ns_ticks (); /*printf ("now: %llu (boot: %llu) ticks: %llu\n", (gint64)now, (gint64)boot_time, (gint64)(now - boot_time));*/ return (now - boot_time)/10000; } /* Returns the number of 100ns ticks from unspecified time: this should be monotonic */ gint64 mono_100ns_ticks (void) { struct timeval tv; #ifdef CLOCK_MONOTONIC struct timespec tspec; static struct timespec tspec_freq = {0}; static int can_use_clock = 0; if (!tspec_freq.tv_nsec) { can_use_clock = clock_getres (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tspec_freq) == 0; /*printf ("resolution: %lu.%lu\n", tspec_freq.tv_sec, tspec_freq.tv_nsec);*/ } if (can_use_clock) { if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tspec) == 0) { /*printf ("time: %lu.%lu\n", tspec.tv_sec, tspec.tv_nsec); */ return ((gint64)tspec.tv_sec * MTICKS_PER_SEC + tspec.tv_nsec / 100); } } #endif if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) == 0) return ((gint64)tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) * 10; return 0; } /* * Magic number to convert a time which is relative to * Jan 1, 1970 into a value which is relative to Jan 1, 0001. */ #define EPOCH_ADJUST ((guint64)62135596800LL) /* Returns the number of 100ns ticks since 1/1/1, UTC timezone */ gint64 mono_100ns_datetime (void) { struct timeval tv; if (gettimeofday (&tv, NULL) == 0) return (((gint64)tv.tv_sec + EPOCH_ADJUST) * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec) * 10; return 0; } #endif